Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Anxiety and Panic Attacks - What it is and How it Manifests

By Mike Bond
I purposely kept this article back, until we'd learned more about how to combat Anxiety and Panic Attacks. To have written this first could have quite understandably been met with the re-action;
"Well, so what? What now? All this sounds very frightening. What do we do if we suffer one of these attacks?"
By explaining it now, we've learned how to handle these horrors and may now sit back and see what used to cause our misery. It isn't too surprising to learn that Panic Attacks are caused by high Anxiety. Well, that's fine, but what's Anxiety?
It's one of the most basic of human emotions, a most unpleasant sensation, but not dangerous by itself. The last two words are important. 'By itself.'
There is this awful temptation to try to defeat Anxiety by drinking, or worse still, taking legal or illegal drugs.
It is true that properly prescribed medications can help a lot, in the short term especially, but of course there's the awful risk of dependency. Alcohol and illegal drugs are a whole different matter. If you're suffering Anxiety and you awake with a hangover, what you considered to be a problem the day before, is now a monumental event. At worst, thoughts of suicide may well be prevalent, so the caveat to all this is three words; don't self medicate. The definition of anxiety is as follows:
A state of apprehension or fear resulting from the anticipation of a real or imagined threat, event or situation.
Unless there's something pretty exceptional about us, we all become anxious sometime in our lives, whether or not we suffer from a condition of Anxiety. In a perfectly balanced mind, one not affected by the symptoms, the person may receive bad and/or upsetting news and become anxious. This is perfectly normal. With a person of this nature, he or she will experience initial anxiety, then worry to a greater of lesser extent, depending on the trigger.
The person who suffers the condition on a regular basis, probably with occasional Panic Attacks thrown in, will be terrified by the experience and suffer symptoms such as blurred vision, dizziness, tingling and feelings of breathlessness.
When people don't understand these sensations, hence the timing of this article, they think either that they're ill or that a serious mental condition has overtaken them. The feeling of loss of control grips them and they become really frightened.
Could one of the root causes of Panic Attacks be the fight or flight response, and is there a connection between this and the sensations you experience during and after an attack?
We'll answer these questions a bit later.
Mike Bond coming back to basics in this article, explaining in part exactly what Anxiety is. Far more may be learned on his Website, Panattack, and make certain you grab your copy of the Free Mini Course which has helped so many people just by itself

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stress And Dreams - How They Are Related

Nightmares are often seen by people under a lot of stress. Although it is not very clear whether stress is the reason for people to see nightmares or nightmares are one of the reasons for people to feel stress, but it is very clear that stress and dreams are interrelated.

Dreams are basically a part of the human subconscious, so there is enough possibility that these dreams act as the subconscious part of a person which helps him understand what is happening in him. Many people do not accept the fact that they are affected by stress disorders but in turn their mind denies this fact by making them dream about the same thoughts that bothers them.

They are many findings which show that stress causes nightmares. But this completely depends upon a person's mind fluctuations. People who are prone to stress disorder may often try to find out the source of their stress in their dreams, but some see dreams that helps them to get along with this disorder without any further complications. But apart from all this, there are other people who dream about stress which end up in horrifying nightmares. That is why people think that stress and dreams are connected.

In order to find out whether stress and dreams are inter connected a group students conducted a test about a subject for which they where going to have an exam in a few days. For this, the students were divided into two groups. Information was passed on to the first group that they will have a difficult exam. But for the second group no information was given. The result of this test was, the first group to whom the information about the difficult exam was passed had undergone stress by thinking about the difficulty they have to face all through the exam thereby making them dream about their failure in the exam which in turn gave them a few restless nights. Where as the second group to whom no information was given, did not show any symptoms of stress. The end result of this test was that the stress symptoms stopped the students from seeing positive dreams of exam and made them see the worry some exam which they have to face.

The test which was done for stress and dreams connection can also be a little inconclusive. The stress what the students faced may be due to some other case which was accompanied by the problematic situation. But in both ways it ends up in same conclusion that stress and dreams are interconnected as the stress factor stops a person from seeing positive dreams.

The Inter relation of stress and dreams was always a fascinating topic for all researchers. This is so because all studies and tests they have conducted till now have not shown any solid proof for the fact that stress symptoms make a person see nightmares and stops them from enjoying a beautiful dream.

Cancer Issues - Managing The Associated Stress

Stress is a likely occurrence for families facing cancer. It is helpful to know some practical ways to alleviate stress, or avoid it all together. Some of the most basic methods are; alter the source of stress, avoid the stress, or accept it by building up your resistance.
To Alter Stress: Change the thing that is causing stress. If it is a time crunch, rearrange your schedule; drop some task or errand that isn't crucial. If it is a specific incident or pending event, write it down on a sheet of paper. Be sure that you just write down one thing at a time, and then list some ways you could handle it: Be creative and think of many ways, even the silly or absurd. Then pick one thing from your list, and do it. Taking action will alter and lessen stress-feeling as if your hands are tied will increase stress. For example, you feel a lot of stress after the doctor informs you that an additional treatment is required:
1) Research the treatment; read up on it, and if you have more questions, call and ask the doctor.
2) Talk to your professional coach or counselor about how you feel and what you need to do next.
3) Vow to avoid jumping to conclusions. Instead, wait and see how the treatment turns out.
4) Sing a song or recite a poem to your dog or cat (or yourself) about how you are feeling. Read aloud from a favorite book that you find comforting.
To Avoid Stress: Walk away or leave the setting you find stressful, or avoid it from the start. You may go on a short drive or a trip for a day or more, ask people not to call you, go to a movie, etc. Knowing your limits helps-if something is past your limit, say no. Think of what your limits are for time, energy, money, the ability to remain happy or cheer people up. If you have used all of these resources for the day, week or month, draw the line. You can replenish your vitality by taking a reprieve from having to give to others continually. You can delegate; someone else will make the appointment, pick up the food, and so on.
To Accept Stress by Building Resistance to it: Prepare for any crisis that may occur, by conditioning yourself to accept stress if or when it occurs. Prepare yourself physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.
  • Physically - by eating healthy foods, exercising, proper sleep, & simple relaxation. Just as your body needs exercise, it also needs relaxation.
  • Mentally - by clarifying priorities and goals. Make plans monthly, weekly, daily. Implement plans by writing small tasks in your calendar that reflect your plan. Live by that calendar: If tonight is your dine out club, take your cell phone or give the number where you will be, and go have fun. If you planned to enroll this semester at school, keep your plan. Your calendar is your foundation for mental health. Since you have a life, as reflected in your calendar, disappointing or stressful events will affect you, but not nearly as much as if you had no life of your own. The calendar points your way to the future that you have chosen.
  • Socially - by asking for support from extended family, friends, your community and social groups to which you belong.
  • Spiritually - by prayer, fellowship, meditation.
Remember, stress is not reality. Stress is how your mind reacts to the reality around it. For instance, when you receive a message from the doctor asking you to call, your automatic response may be stress, but you can pause-choose to remain neutral, and check back with the doctor. If the news is disappointing, you can once again become stressed or listen to your Higher Power-realize that stress will make it worse for all concerned. The news is beyond your control-but how you react to the news is absolutely within your control.

Stress and Anxiety – There’s No Separating Them!

You hear it all the time – probably from nearly every person that you know – “I’m SO stressed out!” Pressures are all around us in this world today. These pressures cause stress and anxiety, and we are often ill-equipped and unprepared to deal with those stressors that trigger anxiety and other feelings that can make us sick. Literally, sick.
The statistics are staggering. One in every eight Americans between the ages of 18-54 suffers from an anxiety disorder of some type. This totals over 19 million people! Research conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health has shown that anxiety disorders are the number one mental health problem among American women and are second only to alcohol and drug abuse by men.
Women suffer from anxiety almost twice as much as men. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in America, surpassing even depression in numbers and anxiety is the most common mental health issue facing adults over 65 years of age. Anxiety disorders cost the U.S. over $40 billion annually in health care and unemployment. To make matters worse, anxiety sufferers see an average of five doctors before being successfully diagnosed.
Unfortunately, stress and anxiety go hand in hand. In fact, one of the major symptoms of stress is anxiety. And stress accounts for 80 percent of all illnesses either directly or indirectly.
In fact, stress is more dangerous than we thought. It’s pretty well known that it can raise your blood pressure, thus increasing the likelihood of a stroke in the distant future, but recently a health insurance brochure claimed that 90 percent of visits to a primary care physician were stress-related disorders.
Health Psychology magazine reports that chronic stress can interfere with the normal function of the body's immune system. And studies have proven that stressed individuals have an increased vulnerability to catching an illness and are more susceptible to allergic, autoimmune, and cardiovascular diseases.

Most doctors agree that with chronic stress, the functions of the body that are nonessential to survival, such as the digestive and immune systems, shut down. "This is why people get sick," he says. "There are also many occurrences of psychosomatic illness, an illness with an emotional or psychological side to it."

Furthermore, stress often “pushes” people to respond in unhealthy ways such as smoking, drinking to much alcohol, eating poorly, or becoming physically inactive. This damages the body in addition to the wear and tear of the stress itself.
Stress is a part of daily life. It’s how we react to stress that makes all the difference in maintaining our health and well-being. Pressures occur throughout life and those pressures cause stress. You need to realize that you will never completely get rid of stress in your life, but you can learn coping techniques that allow you to live life to it’s fullest rather than allowing the stress and anxiety to control you.
Panic Away teaches you natural methods to control and defeat panic and anxiety attacks forever. Your life becomes your own once again and you’re freed, not from stress, but from having the stress induced panic attacks rule your life and prevent you from doing the things you used to enjoy.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Nobody Plans For Failure

By Ariadne Roxas
"Failure is not an option." Assorted characters in countless action movies.
Q: "I've always tried to teach you two things. First, never let them see you bleed."
James Bond: "And the second?"
Q: "Always have an escape plan."
The incomparable Desmond Llewelyn, as Q, in The World Is Not Enough, 1999.
Movies are an excellent source of memorable quotes, as well as providing bountiful fodder for the imagination. Admit it, we imagine ourselves as heroes all the time. Saving the day, living the high life, triumphing over incredible's great. And it can set us up for disappointment.
Imagination is vital in injecting passion and power into any life, but sometimes, relying too much on its positive side can leave you with too-high expectations, which just makes for a longer fall. (Insert timely slogan here: " I'm not a pessimist, I'm a REALIST.")
Think about it. In all your wildest imaginings and most earnest visualization exercises, did you every really see yourself failing? Of course you'd have back-ups and alternates up the wazoo, but did you ever hit the wall of Dammit-this-CAN'T-be-happening and just -- stop?
If you have, congratulations. Scenarios like this force you to be a better planner. If you haven't, you better take off the rose-colored eyeglasses so you can see the writing on the wall.
"No plan survives the enemy." Attributed to Carl Von Clausewitz and quoted by other various military personnel in history.
That's why you need to practice your planning skills as well as your visualization and imagination exercises. That's because you always have to have alternates, not just in case, but to guide you as things change.
The current world-wide economic crisis is enough to show all of us that things change. Even the experts couldn't have predicted that the changes in employment numbers and business practices would be like this. So it's not enough to dream bright dreams and wait for things to get better. Hoping for the best is good, preparing to deal with the worst is better, and working to carry out your plans is best.
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Key Ways to Prevent Occurrences of Teenage Depression

By Kinjal S Shah
You have always been amazed at the energy level of your child who used to be bubbling with joy but the early years of teenage have just reversed the trend and suddenly you find your teen withdrawn, moody, irritable and violent. You will be surprised to know that a number of teens go through a depressed phase in their lives and some come out of it unscathed while others need help to look back at life in a positive manner. In certain extreme cases of depression you might need to put your teen on medication.
Depression in teens could manifest itself through different channels. It could lead to problems at school and home, drug abuse, violent behaviour, eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia and suicidal tendencies. So how can you as a parent help your teen get out of this troubled phase?
Below are some of tips to deal with these behavioural issues.
As a parent it is very important that you don't start playing the blame game. You will only end up going in circles if you indulge in it. So how does one start the topic? First and foremost you need to talk with your teen in a non-judgmental way. There are chances that your teen may refuse to talk with you or if they do talk deny that they are depressed.
You need to be patient, persistent and loving while communicating. You can let them know the specific signs you have noticed that point to depressed state of mind. If they continue to deny it you can directly name the symptoms like violent behaviour and eating disorders. Do not be critical or sarcastic while mentioning these signs.
Most teenagers in their depressed state have low self esteem and self confidence is at its lowest. They don't feel good about their appearance, bodies, clothes and just about every other aspect of life. As a parent it is very important that you communicate in a way, which restores self-confidence, and self-esteem and they start believing in their abilities once again.
Encourage your teen to open up and offer support in an unconditional way. Do not start lecturing about right and wrong and tell them that you are there for them and willing to provide any sort of help they require. You might be tempted to ask a lot of questions but hold on to them as you might end up scaring.
The initial attempts may be met with resistance and they might deny any sort of wrong doing as far as drugs and violent behaviour is concerned. You will need to explain to them that there are disastrous consequences to drug abuse and violence in a gentle but direct way.
You will need to acknowledge the pain that they are going through even though it might appear silly and irrational to you. As an adult we tend to see things differently but you need to look at their problems through their perspective in order to provide long lasting solutions.
Accept the fact that it will take time and enormous amount of love and understanding to help you teen overcome this phase of life.
In the book "Solving Teenage Problems", the causes and symptoms of teenage behaviour problems have been described in detail. The book also gives different tips to deal with teenage behavioural issues. Finally the book provides different models to prepare for better relationship with your teenager.
The author is a successful marketing executive in a large consumer good company and a mother of two boys. She has had a rough ride in the past two years and has successfully saved her family from the brink of disaster by working on her parenting techniques. She has recently built a website and also written a book "Solving Teenage Problems", which can be accessed on

Can Psychotherapy Help With Depression?

By Bradley Stuart
Can psychotherapy really help with depression?
I agree that it takes more than just 'Sucking it up' but I disagree that depression is a mental illness.
I was diagnosed with depression and bi-polar disorder.
I was suffering such severe anxiety that I often wouldn't leave my room or answer my phone for days.
But I think these days we're getting it the wrong way round and trying to 'cure' this problem by treating symptomatic responses.
As Don Tolman says
'if you want to find out about disease and death then study disease and death but if you're interested in health and well being then study health and well being'
In other words what we focus on grows. We need to be constantly vigilant of our focus.
What changed my life was when i realized that it was not that I AM depressed, it was that I was BEING depressed. It takes a lot of effort to be depressed.
It does and anyone that has DONE depression knows that fleeting joyful moments need to be quickly replaced with negativity in order to keep up the illusion of depression.
For me the meanings that I assigned to the circumstances of my life created a feeling of depression. This feeling of depression left me in inaction.
This inaction created more of the same circumstances in my life and reinforced the original meaning that I created. It was a viscous circle. Medicine will not break this cycle just poison and numb our bodies to the symptomatic responses and not allow us to objectively view our circumstances and move forward.
So for all those who ARE depressed I have one question 'Beyond that, what ARE you that is so much more?'
Bradley Stuart is a life coach renowned for his program The Shift based on Da Vinci's 7 Principles of Living. For amazing breakthroughs in your Finances, Health and Relationships head to

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Information on Stress Exhaustion

Stress Exhaustion is a combination of physical and emotional exhaustion which is the result of prolonged high stress situations. Combined with lack of rest, stress exhaustion can be highly debilitating. People who suffer from stress exhaustion feel overwhelmed by the events around them. Many also experience feelings of frustration and helplessness. If not addressed, stress exhaustion can lead to additional health problems.

Depression is a state of mind which is characterized by a negative sense of inadequacy and a visual lack of activity. It is a mental state in which the effecting person experiences sad feelings of gloom and downturn in mood, which may be relatively transitory and may be due to something complex. The common behaviour includes feelings of sadness, despair, low self-esteem, low self-reproach and discouragement.

Stress applies to any condition that harm the body or the mind. In simple words, it is the condition that results when person-environment transactions lead the individual to perceive a discrepancy, whether real or not, between the demands of a situation and the resources of the person’s biological, psychological or social systems. Every one can get stress whether he is a student or a worker etc.
If you are stressed, you may also be more exposed to risk factors for diseases. For example, smokers may smoke more if they are stressed, and people who drink alcohol to relieve stress may become dependent on it. In the long term this will push up your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, and of developing certain cancers. Overall, if you are under long-term stress you are at greater risk of developing disease or dying prematurely.

They also found evidence suggesting that these stress-learning performance relationships were partially mediated by exhaustion and motivation to learn. Both forms of stress were positively related to exhaustion, and exhaustion was negatively related to learning performance. Hindrance stress was negatively related to motivation to learn, challenge stress was positively related to motivation to learn, and motivation to learn was positively related to learning performance. Implications with respect to theory and practice are discussed.

Sudden Severe Loss In this situation, the individual has experienced a sudden, perhaps surprising severe loss. This loss may be the death of a loved one, loss of a job, loss of friendship, or other grief process. In this type of depression, the patient can clearly identify what is creating the depressed mood.

High levels of stress affect the whole hormonal system, especially the thyroid and adrenal glands. Symptoms of adrenal exhaustion include fatigue, muscle weakness, low metabolism and difficulty resisting flus and colds. Other effects range from headaches and depression to increased environmental sensitivities.

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an emotional illness that develops as a result of a terribly frightening, life-threatening, or otherwise highly unsafe experience. PTSD sufferers re-experience the traumatic event or events in some way, tend to avoid places, people, or other things that remind them of the event (avoidance), and are exquisitely sensitive to normal life experiences (hyperarousal).

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that affects people who have gone through a major traumatic (shocking) event. PTSD is characterized by repeated thoughts about the ordeal, a dulling of emotions, an increased tendency to become excited and aroused, and, sometimes, dramatic personality changes.

How Can I Control Stress?

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Stress is a major contributor to many maladies that inflict us humans. Day after day we drudge on worrying about every imaginable thing some so trivial that it’s just plain stupid.
Humans are the only earthly animal that has such a problem.(as far as we know!) Other animals go about go about their business undaunted of stressful situations. We are seemingly addicted to stress. Stress has literally taken over our lives. It is as if we fuel our bodies on a daily basis with stress. Seems ridiculous doesn’t it, but you know exactly what I’m talking about, we thrive on everyday stress. Well if we thrive on it why eliminate it; what’s the point? The point is stress is a killer, it’s out to get you, throw you to the ground and stomp all over you.
Stress is a killer
Talk to any doctor and they will tell you unequivocally that stress damages the body immeasurably in countless ways. Stress is the silent killer that infiltrates and then does its damage overtime. Okay you know you are stressful and you don’t like it one bit but how in the world can we eliminate something that is so much of our life? You don’t eliminate stress you control stress. A certain amount of stress is actually good for you, it produces a sense of urgency, a motivation, a driving force. Stress can be compared to an adrenaline rush in as much they both create a burst of energy a sense of urgency. The trick is to harness stress so it works for you not against you.
What is Stress?
Stress is negative energy (worry), bottled up inside with no where to go. Most stress is self-induced. We are a fast paced society, continually trying to go faster. For example, if a speed limit is set at 55-mph invariably most drivers will push the limit and go at least 10-mph faster. It is our nature to push the limit. We are driven to exceed, succeed, and proceed. Unfortunately stress is a part of our everyday lives so we need to deal with it.
Controlling Stress
People make things more difficult then need be. Life needn’t be complicated. Simple is better. Uncomplicate your life.
Set a rule of priorities for your day to day life. Make these priorities realistic, simple, uncomplicated. Know your limitations don’t over extend abilities.
Here are some things that can help you reduce stress.
1. Start your day earlier then you normally would. Allow yourself plenty of time to get ready for work.
2.Eat a sensible breakfast allowing enough time to actually relax and enjoy breakfast.
3.Don’t watch the doom and gloom news while eating breakfast start the day on a positive note.
4.Allow a lot of time to comfortably get to work and if your driving listen to some good music and drive within the speed limit.
5.Limit your caffeine intake to one cup of coffee in the morning and 3 cups total for the day.
6.Avoid refined sugar foods such as doughnuts, processed cereals, pop tarts etc.
7.Don’t drink any soft drinks for are loaded with sugar.
8.Stop with all the competition with co-workers do your job to the best of your ability and good things will happen.
9.Be happy for others who succeed in their endeavors.
10.Drink plenty of clean unpolluted spring water. Water naturally detoxifies the body.
11.If possible take a short nap. I personally nap half an hour after my half-hour lunch.
12.Set realistic goals. Too many people try to accomplish too much too quickly. Most good things worth striving for require a lot of nurturing.
13.Stop worrying about things that are out of your control. 90% of everyday concerns are about stuff you can’t do a wit to change.
14.If a particularly stressful moment or situation occurs take a deep breath (or many) reflect on a pleasant memory and then proceed slowly, deliberately, maintaining control.
15.Set time aside everyday for ‘family talk’ where family members can express their thoughts, problems and communicate one to another. This is a solid ‘stress buster’.
16.Eat nutrious foods high in vitamins and minerals low in calories. Good food delivers optimum health thus reducing stress.
17.Live within your means don’t buy things you know you can’t afford.
18. Only use credit cards for emergencies and plan on paying dept in full each month.
19.Don’t try to keep up with what others have, (I.e. neighbors, family, and friends.) be happy for them, don’t resent what they have.
20. Ground your life in faith, family, and friends. Express your love for the important people in your life openly, let them know how you feel about them without any expectations.
21. Laugh often, smile alot.
22Exercise moderately at least 3 times a week.
23.Sleep a sound 8 hours every night this alone will reduce stress dramatically.
24.Finally accept the fact that life is unpredictable and we all will be thrown a curve ball now and then that may flatten us for a time. Find solace in your faith and know that things will get better and always think highly of yourself.
Stress can be controlled however you must take it seriously and make a plan of action. The silent killer is lurking just below the surface and it wants to destroy you. re you up for the challenge?

Gary Kenneth Archer - About the Author:
Gary Kenneth Archer is a natural health advocate dedicated to the naturalist lifestyle,
web designer,webmaster,professional woodworker,author and frequent contributer to
Natural Health Products

Friday, April 23, 2010

Managing Stress From Work

Stress. What stress? Sometimes we can get so stressed out that we don’t even notice it ourselves. It becomes part of the daily grind; and who has time for it anyway…you’ve got things to do, right? This may be true but if you do not mange your stress properly it will begin to manage you. Major sources of stress are related to work activities. Issues with competency, uncertainty, and communication can cause us to stress out daily at work and spill over into the home. Control is a factor that is greatly attributed to job stress. People with a great deal of responsibilities without a lot of control over decisions are the most at risk for stress related illnesses like heart failure. Communication problems thicken the pot and cause even more tension. Feeling a little unappreciated lately. If you do not feel supported by coworkers or management it may make resolving issues more difficult, causing even more stress. You may be new and uncertain of your responsibilities or there are too many recurring deadlines. Alright, more and more stress on the job.

Reducing some of this stress will benefit you and your employer. Meeting regularly with your manager or supervisor to discuss problem at least once a year to discuss performance and other issues that affect you on the job may help. Good time management skills and leaving your job at the office and don’t give up any of your free time to catch up on work if you don’t have to. Ahhh…a little relief. Know when to quit. If you are truly unhappy with your job think about changing careers and spend time researching other possibilities. Do the researches before you quit and find a less stressful job. Ahhhhhhhh…even more relief. Engage in much more physical activity to reduce stress and get fit so you are at least more equipped to handle stressors. Ahhhhhhhhh… it is relaxing even more. And last but not least take a vacation if needed and recharge by doing something that you really enjoy. Vacation! Ultimate relaxation achieved.

All might not play out exactly like the description just mentioned. The point here is to find ways to relax yourself. Ultimately there is no one to take better care of you than you. If you find that you are experiencing more tension than you can handle take immediate action to resolve whatever it is that is causing you so much stress and work on eliminating or decreasing them. So instead of letting the root of the problem continue unabated while you frantically try to get rid of the stress it creates, you should get to the root and eliminate whatever it is that is making you stressed. Even if it means changing your lifestyle dramatically, or quitting your job and living cheaply for a few months, it is worth it in the end since stress can be such a harmful thing. You can try talking to your employer to see if it would be possible to have a more relaxed work day. Tell him or her about your health issues that are resulting from stress.
Unless you are one of those individuals who thrive in a high pressure environment and positive results are evident in your health and performance there may be a big need for change. Stress can be the single cause of depression, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and reek havoc on your family or behavior. Don’t allow the advances in technology to separate you from your family and friends. Disconnect from cell phones and the internet and separate your time from the employers’ time. Begin to enjoy the time you spend alone or with family and friends, enjoy that long book, take that weekend get

Learn How To Manage Your Own Stress

As we've said before, stress is a part of life. There's no getting away from it. In fact, some stress is good stress. You may not believe that, but sometimes stress can motivate us to do things we may not normally do in a relaxed state. Stress can make us brave enough to go forward when normally we might hesitate.

We have to be resilient in order to effectively cope with stress and help it enhance our life instead of control it. How do you get strong and resilient? By learning how to take control of your stress and make it work FOR you instead of AGAINST you.

Recognizing stress symptoms can be a positive influence in that we're compelled to take action - and the sooner the better. It's not always easy to discern why you have the stress in each situation but some of the more common events that trigger those emotions are the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion, or a new relationship. We experience stress as we readjust our lives. Your body is asking for your help when you feel these stress symptoms.

We're going to give you many suggestions in this chapter. Not all of them will work for you, but we're willing to bet that some of them will.

There are three major approaches to manage stress. The first is the action-oriented approach. In this method, the problems that cause stress are identified and necessary changes are made for a stress free life.

The next approach is emotionally oriented and in it, the person overcomes stress by giving a different color to the experience that caused stress. The situation, which causes stress, is seen humorously or from a different angle.

I especially advocate this approach to stress management. Sometimes if you don't laugh at a situation, you'll cry - uncontrollably. That's no solution. So learn to see the humor instead of the doom.

The third way is acceptance-oriented approach. This approach focuses on surviving the stress caused due to some problem in the past.

The first stress management tip is to understand the root cause of your stress. No one understands your problem better than you do. A few minutes spend to recognize your true feelings can completely change the situation.

During this process, identify what triggered the stress. If someone close to your heart is nearby share it with the person. If you are overstressed and feel you are going to collapse, take a deep breath and count till ten. This pumps extra oxygen into your system and rejuvenates the entire body.

When under severe stress meditate for a moment and pull out of the current situation for a little while. Stand up from your current position and walk. Stretch yourself. Soon you will find that the stress has lessened.

This is because you have relaxed now and relaxation is the best medicine for stress. Smiling is yet another way of stress management. If you are at the work place, just stand up and smile at your colleague in the far corner. You will see a change in your mood. Learn some simple yoga or mediation techniques.

You can also invent your own stress management tips. The basic idea is to identify the cause of stress and to pull out from it for a moment and then deal with it. Taking a short walk and looking at objects in nature is another stress reliever. Drinking a glass of water or playing small games are simple stress management techniques. The whole idea is change the focus of attention and when you return to the problem, it does not look as monstrous as you felt before.

How Dealing With Stress Made Me Feel Better

It doesn't matter where you came from, if you are a guy or a girl, or if your white, brown, black, or purple, stress affects you just the same.

Even with excessive amounts of stress all over in our society, not many people know why we get stressed out or how to deal with it. We need to understand somethings about the common causes of stress.

How Does Stress Begin?

If you take a survey of a handful of stressed out people and ask them what they think has caused their stress, their answers would probably include work, money, and family.
Quite interestingly, these are also among the things that people consider to be the most important parts of their life. So how can these things be both good and bad at the same time?

The thing is that stress doesn't really result from bad things. For example, a tired mother can become stressed over her children only because they run around too much and refuse to sit still. In fact, it is usually the situations that cause stress and not the person, thing or place itself.

Negative Thoughts Result in Stressful Situations

Peoples association between their negative feelings and the situation at hand cause stress. These negative feelings include fear, anxiousness, and anger.

For some reason, people are more drawn towards negative rather than positive feelings. For instance, if you have been ever teased as fat in high school, didn't you suddenly have a penchant for dieting, even if you were only a size 6 at the time?
This is because your mind has latched on to the negative image of you being fat, despite the physical evidence that this is not really true. You can deal with stress by doing the exact opposite. Contrary to giving your mind negative ideas, why not think about positive thoughts instead?

It is impossible to avoid stress. So instead learn to focus on the positives in life. You will need to implement techniques to help cope with stress.

How to Prevent the Side Effects of Stress

Stress is not only psychologically damaging it can also affect your physical health like giving you conditions such as a heart attack, respiratory illnesses, impotence, and a poor metabolism. Those are not all just the most common. To avoid stress, and cope with it. Here are a few techniques you should take on immediately.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Constantly motivate yourself.
  • Sleep a minimum of 8 hours a night.
  • Have a balanced diet.
  • Do not over-exert your body.
  • When you feel ill. Don't ignore it!
  • Spend some time relaxing.
  • Implement a mental workout.
  • Meditate.
  • Listen to soft or classical music in times of stress.
  • Make sure you're organized.
  • Simplify your life.
Overall the techniques here the most important is to stay calm, cool, and collected. The more you freak out the more you'll lose focus and the more stressed you'll be.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How to Cope With Stress

Stress is a problem for everybody. Can you really think of any person in this world, who is living without stress? The rich or the poor. That rich man you may think is living without stress is really facing serious stress. I know you may be asking what will be stress to a rich man? Stress is in everybody's diction. The poor, the rich, newborn, and even a newly formed zygote that is yet to enter the world of stress.

I consider stress in our present world as a global epidemic. Immediately a child is born, he or she enters into the world with stress. Is is a fallacy for one to say that he or she can live with out stess. Stress is part and parcel of our live. We can not really hide away from stress; neither can we run away from stress. The only thing we can do about stess is to reduce the degree of stess we a exposed to.

What is Stress? Stress is the reactions of the body to forces of a deleterious nature, infections, and various abnormal states that tend to disturb its homeostasis. It is the body's response to change in the environment. Stress is the outcome of the tears and wears we are subjected to in the process of performing our daily routines or work.

According to Canadian doctor, Hans Selye "Since stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand, everybody is always under some degree of stress". Who is an an exception to this definintion of stress. Hans selye coined to word stress as it is currently used.

Since we cannot hide away from stress, the best cure for it is to reduce it by managing it properly.

How we can cope with stress?

1. Adaptation: One way we can cope with stess is through adaptation. Adaptation to stress involves modifiying our daily activities to aid in the reduction of stess. For example, I live in a city overcrowded. For me to reach to my school i have to some times spend not less that three hours on traffic jams. How do i cope with this daily stress of traffic jam. I have no option than to start getting up from bed as early as possible so as to avoid the usual traffic jam expereinced in my city.

Few years ago, a friend of mine, who was my neighbour have to pack out from our area to an area nearer to his office, just because of the traffic jam he usually experience. But guess what happen. It was like falling from a fry pan to fire. The stess he is currently exposed to is like doubled. Just a few distace from his house is a Churh and a factory that operates round the clock. He is now face with the stress of noise from this church and factory both day and night. So since we can't run away from stess, we have to try and adapt to it.

Now does it mean that he have to look for another house to be free from this current noise stess? No. The best thing he have to do is to try and adapt to this noise. Just like my current neigbour, who plays his cd to the highest volume has being disturbing me. I don't have to look for another house, rather I try to adapt to living with noise. How have I adapted to this noise pollution. I make sure that my doors and windows are always closed. This will not really eliminate the stress but will reduce it.

2 Excercise: This is a good way to manage stress. Excercie is very good for the mind and body. How does excercise help in the treatment of stress? excercise will help us to use up extra sugars and fats released into our blood when we are under stess. Even if you don't like excercise, take it as a medication for stess. It must'nt be a strenous excercise. Excercise which one can do ranges from walking, skiping, dancing running, playing foot ball, tennis etc. Just try and find excercise that you like and enjoy.

3 Rest and Sleep: The work of most indivituals don't allow them to have adequate and enough rest and sleep today. Rest and sleep shoulb be viewed as a medication for stess. Every individual should have a minimum of 8hours of sleep daily. When a doctor prescribe bed rest for you, try and take it serious. But I will advise that you should not wait for a doctor to prescribe bed rest for you be you consider it worthy of having one. Not having enough sleep is stress itself and will make it diffcult for and individual to cope with other stress.

Victor Ezeaku - About the Author:
From the Author of
Stress: Very
Important Mechanism for Survival

You Can Reduce The Stress In Your Life

You may hear people say things like, "I am so stressed!" or "I am stress out!" and sometimes it seems like the term is thrown about indiscriminately. The truth is that stress is a major problem in our society. As life has become faster and debts have become deeper, pressures have increased and people are becoming more stressed. However, literally millions of people, in the United States alone, suffer from stress.

To put it into perspective, it is estimated that $300 billion, or $7.500 per employee, is spent each year in the U.S. on compensation claims that are stress related as well as absenteeism, reduced productivity, medical expenses and employee turnover. In fact, direct medical expenses are approximately 50% higher for employees who report stress. Stress is a serious condition that can drag you down and attack you in any number of ways. It can wreck your job and it can wreck your life.

Causes of Stress
The causes of stress are as numerous and as varied as the people who suffer from it. Job pressure, debt, major changes in your life can all create stress. There is really no set cause for everyone, it is more about each individual's perceptions of events and how they react to various things in their environment. When someone perceives something as a threat they can become stressed. This may be a physical threat, financial or wellbeing and this goes hand in hand with two other causes of stress which are fear and uncertainty.

There are many things that can happen in our daily lives that can create stress. The death of a loved one, health problems, divorce, marriage, new baby, and the ups and downs of raising kids can all contribute to your level of stress. People who are victims of crime, have sexual problems or who have substance abuse issues can all experience stress. Changing schools, jobs or moving to a new house or town can also be stressful. It just depends on the person because what causes stress in one person may not cause stress in someone else. What is more important is being able to recognize the symptoms of stress.

Symptoms of Stress
Stress attacks literally every part of your body. It can cause you to have memory problems, be confused and impede your ability to concentrate. It can also cause you to be moody, restless and even angry. Depression is a symptom of stress as well as a risk of stress, as is anxiety and anxiety disorders. It can cause you to over eat or under eat, cause insomnia or fatigue where you feel that you need to sleep all the time. You can get headaches, back aches, muscle tension and pain, digestive problems, chest pain, high blood pressure, skin problems and decreased sex drive. The list is extensive, but many health problems can be traced to stress in some way or another. But it is important that you are able to recognize the symptoms of stress because the dangers of stress can be devastating.

Dangers of Stress
There are some serious health problems that have been linked to stress. Recent research indicates that approximately two thirds to 90 percent of all illness is stress related. These are some of the more prevalent health problems that are linked to stress:
+ Heart Attack
+ Substance Abuse
+ Hypertension/High Blood Pressure
+ Ulcers
+ Stroke
+ IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
+ Cancer
+ Memory Loss
+ Diabetes
+ Autoimmune Disease
+ Depression
+ Insomnia
+ Obesity
+ Thyroid Problems
+ Eating Disorders
+ Sexual Dysfunction

Stress Reduction Techniques

There are ways to manage stress and reduce it, thereby reducing your risks of certain health conditions.

1. Maintain a Healthy Diet - A healthy diet that includes fresh vegetables, fruits, grains and lean meats can do wonders for your body's ability to handle stress. Avoid the commercially processed foods and canned foods, they are high in sodium and have additives that are not conducive to overall good health.
2. Get Plenty of Rest - Sleep allows your body to rest and recharge so you need to get as much sleep as your body needs. This may mean eight hours for some people, more for others and even less for some people. Listen to your body to determine how much sleep you need, then do it.
3. Take a Break - Don't push yourself. If you get tired or frustrated, take a break. Go for a walk, go outside, at least walk away. This is particularly important if you are on a job, especially if it is a high pressure job. Learn to take a break now and then. Burnout causes great stress.
4. Don't Try to do it All - Don't try to take on everything, learn to delegate. There is nothing wrong with not being able to handle everything. You should not expect to do it so don't put that kind of pressure on yourself. You may need to learn how to say no now and then, but you will feel better in the long run.
5. Take a Class - Enroll in a yoga class. Yoga can help you focus, find balance, be peaceful and relax. It is a great stress reliever.
6. Expand your Mind - Take a class in something that interests you. If you are having trouble with debt, take a class in debt management. The empowerment that you can gain from learning how to manage a source of your stress is a wonderful feeling.
7. Say No to Drugs, Alcohol and Cigarettes - Drugs and alcohol can only start you on a vicious circle that will ultimately destroy you. While many people claim that cigarettes calm them, nicotine is actually a stimulant and it exacerbates your stress as well as depletes your health with upper respiratory problems and other illnesses. An unhealthy body does not cope well with stress.
8. Get some Exercise - Regular exercise can do wonders for your stress level. Take a walk, lift weights, whatever makes you feel better. The important thing is to get moving.
9. Talk to Someone - Sometimes just talking to someone can make you feel better. If you don't have anyone close to you to talk to, talk to a therapist or counselor. If you go to church, you may have access to counseling through your church. There are many options for counseling.
10. Believe in Something - Studies have shown that people who have some sort of faith or belief, whether it is Buddhist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith, have lower stress levels. But most of all, have faith in yourself.

Kevin Sinclair - About the Author:
Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for self improvement and personal growth and development.

To Stress Or Not To Stress!

Stress. It's that six-letter word that manages to track us down and leave us with either a pounding headache or a glazed look in our eyes as we stare with absent abandon at the television screen. Stress can strike all age groups at the most unexpected times. Some people thrive on stress and others crumple at the smallest obstacle in their path. There's a happy medium to be found and ways of dealing with stress are as varied as the types of stress out there. You're certainly familiar with work stress. That's probably the most common reason for stress in the first place. But did you know that there is also relationship stress and child rearing stress?

Stress affects our body in many different ways. Just because you don't work on Wall Street doesn't mean you can't also suffer from stress in the home. Many mothers suffer from the daily stress of raising children and making sure that their kids stay on track. Does that make their stress any different from that experienced by a stockbroker? What about the stress caused by the need to pay bills with money you don't have? Stress is stress, no two ways about it. But stress caused by different factors can affect the body in different ways. Stress from a high pace job may result in ulcers while stress caused by daily child rearing activities can result in a pounding headache.

A certain amount of stress is actually good for us. It keeps us adaptable and on our toes, and prepares us to cope with unexpected events. Successfully dealing with stress can improve our health and self esteem. Stress is our body's way of reacting to pressures or responsibilities that may seem overwhelming. A first day on the job may be a huge stress for many people, while others thrive in the new experience and challenge. Stress is often capable of laying us low or causing depression if not addressed in a timely fashion. For some, stress is a part of daily living. At its most basic level, stress is our ancestral way of dealing with danger. We react to stress in a 'fight or flight' response, and for the most part, it's merely dealing with new situations in a calm, rational manner. For some, stress initiates an accelerated heartbeat, sweaty palms and trembling hands. Those symptoms are caused by adrenaline being pumped into your bloodstream. Even if the situation isn't dangerous, glucose and fatty acids are also increased, in order to provide our body with adequate levels of energy just in case we need to make a quick escape.

Most stressful situations, at least those encountered on a daily basis, won't require a dash to escape, even though you may want to. Finding ways to deal with stress in your own way, one that works for you, is the key to managing stress before symptoms start to affect your health. Too much stress is bad for you, so it's up to you to determine how best to relieve your stress so you can enjoy your life.

The next time you encounter stress, stop. Find a place where you can be alone (whether it's your cubicle, the water cooler, in your car or in the bathroom). Just find a place, shut your eyes and breathe in deeply. Listen to your body. Feel the physical sensations as your breath moves in and out. Focus your attention inward. Try to relax. Every breath you take in can relax another muscle, another joint, another cell membrane. Spend a few moments in stillness. When you open your eyes, you will be surprised at how refreshed you will feel.

Linda Woods - About the Author:
Linda Woods is a freelance writer and radio talk show host with a focus on healing, self-help and empowerment. Get all the latest information about stress at Be sure to check out our stress pages

Monday, April 19, 2010

10 Ways To Use Relaxation Techniques To Manage Your Relationship Stress

Relationship stress can be really hard and stresssful, especially when you are going through a tough in your life. Managing relationship stress can be difficult if you don't know how to relax. It can have some adverse effect on your health, your career and your social life if you don't manage the relationship stress properly. Fortunately, there are some relaxation techniques that can be used to reduce the stress and give your mind some peace. Here are 10 ways to use relaxation techniques to manage your relationship stress.
1. When you feel extremely stressed or you just had an argument, then go to a room alone and sit down on a sofa or a chair. Sit in an upright position. Then try relaxing your muscles, starting from your feet and moving upwards. When you are stressed your body starts producing chemicals that make our muscles tense. When you relax your muscles you send a signal to the brain that the situation is better now and there is no need for the intense stress.
2. Concentrate on something else rather than the reason that is causing the stress. Although it might seem hard to concentrate on something else when you have relationship problem but you won't succeed unless you try. Using step 1 relaxation technique will help you concentrate on relaxing your muscles rather than the stress.
3. Learn to use your hobbies as your solace. There comes a time in relationships when you just want to get away from your partner for a little while and spend some time on your own. It is important to have some hobbies that can do in your spare time which help you to relax.
4. Yoga is one of the best relaxation techniques today. It helps improve your health and teaches you many methods that you can use in your day to day life to feel better. If your partner is interested then both of you can join yoga classes together and learn the techniques to reduce the stress.
5. Relationships often get to a point when you feel like that there is nothing left in the relationship but fights and arguments. At such times there is very good way to reduce the stress and build your confidence in the relationship. All you have to do is close your eyes and think of the wonderful times you had with your partner. This will help your mind relax and will give you a reason to try to improve your relationship.
6. Aroma therapy is another popular technique used these days by many to reduce stress. Essential oils are used to alter the mood of a person in this therapy. You and your partner can do this together and once both of you are in a good and calm mood you can discuss many things that are difficult to discuss when stressed out.
7. You may have overlooked it all these years but one of the most effective techniques to reduce stress is touch therapy. If you are both stressed out due to some reason, then a simple touch from your loved one can create a lot of difference. Just holding hand with your partner sends a signal to the brain to reduce the stress. If not your partner, then a hug from your kids or parents can do the trick.
8. Breathing techniques are becoming more and more popular these days. They only take about five minutes to perform but can have a very good effect in stress reduction.
9. There are a lot of therapies available in the market that can be used to learn new ways to reduce stress. Mediation is one of those techniques that will always be popular because of its effectiveness. It teaches you to control your thoughts and help achieve a positive attitude towards life.
10. Exercises and healthy food are probably the most underrated stress reduction techniques. They help in many ways to reduce stress. If you can spare some time to run, jog, or swim everyday then you will see the difference yourself. Endurance training is also very effective. Healthy food is extremely important to maintain your health during stressful times.
Relaxation techniques might not find you the exact way to stop your relationship stress altogether, but they will help you reduce the stress that affects your physical and mental functioning. If you are able to reduce the stress and take control over your mind then you will be able to stop your relationship stress once and for all.

How To Deal With Your Stress Right Now

These days the one word stress can mean so many things to different people. We are constantly bombarded with all kinds of stress whether it be work stress, financial stress, school stress, poor health or relationship stress.
It almost seems impossible having to constantly juggle all your problems and issues by yourself on a day to day basis. Sometimes, you just want to scream for help because it can be so frustrating and overwhelming dealing with life's pressures and expectations.
It is so important to manage your stress the right way or it may lead to anxiety and even depression if not tackled early. You need to learn stress relief techniques to help combat your stress and anxiety positively.
So How Can I Deal With My Stress Effectively?.....
There are so many stress relief and stress management techniques that you can use to reduce and manage your stress effectively now. Here are 7 stress relief techniques that you can use now.
1. Think Positively. Our mind is the most important tool that we have when it comes to dealing with stress on a day to day basis. So it is key to focus our mind to be positive and optimistic all the time with positive words and affirmations. This will not only improve your confidence and morale, but this will improve your overall state of mind.
2. Laugh Out Loud. Laughing is the best medicine when life seems to weigh you down with unexpected life events and toils. Just remembering something funny at work or at home will relieve your mind.
3. Be Organised. Being able to prioritize your daily tasks or activities in terms of it importance will help to decrease your stress when they arise. Try not to leave things to the last minute this will only cause you stress and frustration.
4. Communicate. Expressing your thoughts and your emotions will help your overcome your stress, by telling your friends or family problems that you are dealing with. You will be able to handle your stress in a healthier way.
5. Learn to relax. There are so many things that you can do to relax and unwind when you are stressed like take a bath, listen to music, dance and go out your friends.
6. Accept Problems as they come will help you deal with pressure head on. Trying to avoid your issues will only make things worse in the long term. Learning how to deal with problems when they arise will help you to cope better.
7. Excercise. Doing physical activities like sports or going to the gym will improve your mind and body. This is a great stress relief technique.
Stress management can be achieved by regular stress relief and stress management tools. By applying these techniques to life, this will help you live a happier stress free lifestyle.
Stress Relief - About the Author:
To find out more free information on how to reduce and manage your stress more positively join Everything About Stress Relief Newsletter today. Claim your FREE report The Stress Relief Strategy now

Acute Stress Disorder - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Acute stress disorder (ASD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by a cluster of dissociative and anxiety symptoms occurring within one month of a traumatic event. (Dissociation is a psychological reaction to trauma in which the mind tries to cope by "sealing off" some features of the trauma from conscious awareness). Acute stress disorder develops within one month after an individual experiences or sees an event that involved a threat or actual death, serious injury or another kind of physical violation to the individual or others, and responded to this event with strong feelings of fear, helplessness or horror. Psychiatric trauma, or emotional harm, is essentially a normal response to an extreme event. It involves the creation of emotional memories about the distressful event that are stored in structures deep within the brain. In general, it is believed that the more direct the exposure to the traumatic event, the higher the risk for emotional harm.

Acute stress disorder is caused by exposure to trauma, which is defined as a stressor that causes intense fear and, usually, involves threats to life or serious injury to oneself or others. Examples are rape, mugging, combat, natural disasters. Symptoms of stress disorder include a combining of one or more dissociative and anxiety symptoms with the avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event. Dissociative symptoms include emotional detachment, temporary loss of memory, depersonalization, and derealization. A person may be described as having acute stress disorder if other mental disorders or medical conditions do not provide a better explanation for the person's symptoms. Anxiety symptoms connected with acute stress disorder include irritability, physical restlessness, sleep problems, inability to concentrate, and being easily startled.

Causes of Acute Stress Disorder

1.Airplane crashes.

2.Terrorist bombings.

3.Inner-city violence.

4.Hit or harmed by someone in your family.

5.Domestic abuse.



8.Physical or sexual assault.

Symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder

There are four main types of Acute Stress Disorder symptoms. First is Re-experiencing the trauma: flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive memories and exaggerated emotional and physical reactions to triggers that remind the person of the trauma. Second is Emotional numbing: feeling detached, lack of emotions (especially positive ones), loss of interest in activities. Third is Avoidance: avoiding activities, people, or places that remind the person of the trauma and last is increased arousal: difficulty sleeping and concentrating, irritability, hypervigilance (being on guard), and exaggerated startle response. First, symptoms can be produced by re-experiencing the trauma, whereby the individual can have distressing recollections of the trauma. For example, the person may relive the experience as terrible dreams or nightmares or as daytime flashbacks of the event.

The second way that symptoms are produced is by persistent avoidance. The avoidance refers to the person's efforts to avoid trauma-related thoughts or feelings and activities or situations that may trigger memories of the trauma. This so-called psychogenic (emotionally caused) amnesia (loss of memory) for the event can lead to a variety of reactions. The third way that symptoms are produced is by an increased state of arousal of the affected person. These arousal symptoms include sleep disturbances, irritability, outbursts of anger, difficulty concentrating, increased vigilance, and an exaggerated startle response when shocked.

Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder

1.Cognitive behavioral therapy is the treatment that has met with the most success in combating ASD. It has two main components: First, it aims to change cognitions, patterns of thought surrounding the traumatic incident. Second, it tries to change behaviors in anxiety-provoking situations.

2,Psychological debriefing and anxiety management groups are two other types of therapy that have been examined for the treatment of ASD. Psychological debriefing involves an intense therapeutic invention immediately after the trauma, so that traumatized individuals can "talk it all out."

3.anxiety management groups, people share coping strategies and learn to combat stress together. However, both types of therapy have proven to be largely ineffectual for the treatment of ASD.

4.Drug treatment is aimed at relieving fear and anxiety and restoring normal sleep patterns. Tricyclic antidepressants, such as Tofranil and Elavil, or SSRIs such as Prozac or Zoloft, are helpful.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Harmful Effects of Stress to Health

By Quinn Lambert
No matter where you go, you will likely find people who feel that they are under too much stress as a result of the pace of modern-day life. Our days seem to blur together, and we feel that we have no time to sit down and think about things.
This burden of stress is actually quite harmful to our overall health. Being under too much stress can lead to a host of health problems, including heart disease and hypertension.
To reduce this stress and the health risks that it imposes, we should learn to relax in the face of stress rather than be intimidated by it. Relaxation is an important aspect of both mental and physical health.
It doesn't seem that we'll ever get away from stress completely. Some people have actually learned to accept their stress and channel it into more positive outlets. Stress can actually be a great motivator for us to continue working at improving our own lives.
Of course, most people haven't learned to deal with their stress this effectively. It simply builds and builds until they're frustrated by their perceived inability to control it. Similarly, these kinds of people generally prefer to take the easy route, preferring to have things handed to them rather than rising to meet a challenge and enjoying the reward.
I firmly believe that stress can actually be used in a positive way by inspiring us to improve our lives and ourselves. It serves as a motivator by reminding us that we can't just take it easy; we have to continue working towards our goals.
Remember that heavy stress still poses health risks. We cannot take the stress out our lives permanently, so we should try to discover ways to face it.
We all face stress from many different sources. Instead of running from our stress, we should attempt to make the best of it.
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