Friday, December 31, 2010

Who's In Your Circle Of Success?

 By Dennis Marshall


Do you ever pay attention to the people that you hand with? Do you ever feel that they may just be rubbing off on you in a strong way?
Hopefully they are but that can be a good thing and it can also be a bad thing
Yesterday (Nov 17th) was the greatest single day of my flipping houses career. The night before, my friend and mentor and I were on the Freedomsoft webinar. It was great as usual but at the end, it got even better.
At the end, they announced the winner of the H2 Hummer giveaway and guess who they said won. Yes! My buddy Chris won. The way I was jumping for joy, you would have thought I won.
Well that same night, Chris told me on the phone like "Dennis. We gotta get up early and make some moves". We actually went to Starbucks to get some stuff done.
Its great being surround by like minded people. You should try it sometime. Well guess who was there when we showed up?
Mr Preston Ely himself. The marketing genius behind Freedomsoft and even the brains behind the whole software, Any Proper, was there too.
There we were sitting next to these guys and they didn't know that Chris had won. Well I leaned over to Chris and I told him "Im finna boss this" (thats how they talk. Talk about mirror neurons at work)
I leaned over to Preston and asked him if a copy of Freedomsoft came with the Hummer. He silently said yes and then asked if I won. I told him that Chris won and the rest is history.
My Point of this story
I woke up as usual, but a lot earlier (thanks to Chris), prayed to God thanking him for letting me see another sun rise, did my exercises and affirmations and out the door I went; about 3 hours earlier than I usually leave.
Long story short...
Being that I'm in a circle of success, I ended up with the most powerful tool for real estate investing since the introduction of MLS and I got it 100% FREE.
We both have the same mindset; We want great achievements in life and realize that its not easy getting to the top but well worth it.
We've been through ups and boy have we been through some downs but when I tell you the sun shines on a dogs FOREHEAD one day. You thought I was going to say something else didn't you? LOL
What you should know
The company you keep play a HUGE role and where you will end up in life. That saying about the apples is not just a group of words that sound good together. Their so true.
As humans, we imitate the people that are around us because of some simple things called mirror neurons.
So I have to end with this question.
Who do you want to imitate?
PAY attention to who's in your CIRCLE OF SUCCESS because it may COST YOU more than you think.
Please feel free to check out my website at for other material like this and material also pertaining to real estate for new and up and coming real estate investors.

How to Move From Thinking to Action

 By Liv Miyagawa


Some people are great at thinking and making up plans of what they want to do, but less good at getting these brilliant projects done. You may have a mental list of all the things that you want to get done or think that you should get done, but you tend to put them off until later (and later never happens). Thinking is great, but thinking is even greater when it is combined with action.
Here are some tips for how you can move from thinking to taking action:
  • Make it fun. Play music at the same time, or make the activity into a game. Making it fun can be especially useful if the thing that you want to get done is rather boring. Get somebody else to do the task with you because everything usually becomes easier when you have company. If there are more than one of you, you can also turn the task into a fun competition.
  • Make it into a challenge. If your task is to weed the garden you could for example give yourself one point per square meter that you finish, and try to collect as many points as possible. Compete against yourself and try to break your personal record in number of points per hour!
  • Decide what you will do after you have completed the task. Once you are done you deserve to do something nice as a reward. Eat an ice cream, take a nap, go for a refreshing walk or do something else that will keep you motivated to get the task done as quickly as possible.
  • Think about why you want to get the task done. If you are procrastinating, the problem might be that you lack motivation to do the task you want to get started on. You may have forgotten why it is that you want to get it done. Write a list of all the reasons to why you want this task done. Once you start thinking about these reasons you might notice your motivation rushing back.
  • Tell somebody that you will do it. If you are accountable to somebody there is a much higher chance that you will get your task done. Call your friend and tell him/her that you WILL do X today. You will feel embarrassed if you then fail to do it. If you dare to take this one step further, tell your friend to call you back later to check whether you have completed the task or not. You can even tell him/her to punish you in some way if you fail to do the task. You could for example make the agreement that if you have not completed your task by tomorrow morning you will take your friend out for dinner.
  • Write a "to do"-list and cross out the items on it as you complete them. This is great if you have several different tasks to do or if your task involves several different steps. When you have a clear list and you cross out the things that you have already done you will see your progress more clearly and this will motivate you to keep going.
  • Set a time limit for working on the task. If you need to do something that may take a very long time and this makes you feel so daunted that you do not even want to start, you can set a certain time for working on it. You could for example decide to work for one hour. Put a timer so that you know when the time is up. Stay focused and do as much as you can within that hour.
Getting things done makes you feel competent, efficient and it helps you to raise your self-esteem. Not getting things done, on the other hand, makes you feel bad about yourself and this is not good for your self-esteem.
Liv Miyagawa - The Self-Esteem Coach
Self-Esteem Coach Liv Miyagawa helps adults who want high self-esteem. She can help you to raise your self-esteem to become happier, more energetic and less stressed. Liv Miyagawa can fill you with motivation and inspiration. Apart from through personal self-esteem coaching, Liv Miyagawa can help you to raise your self-esteem through group coaching, self-esteem distance courses, home study materials and other self-esteem resources. She is also the author of The Self-Esteem Toolbox, a book full of self-esteem exercises to boost your self-esteem. Build higher self-esteem

Do the Little Things Right

 By David Lindemann


Do the little things right and so many things go right, like the big things. Here is a story about a guy who made the little things right and made something happiness that many didn't think could happen.
Alan Mulally is now the president and CEO of Ford Motor Company. When he was hired from Boeing he was top executive there, but was turned down to be the CEO at Boeing. Ford offered him the job as CEO and president and he took it, even thought Ford was considered one of the big three to go out of business.
When Alan started his new job at Ford he took some time to look at the inner workings of Ford. After some time he called a meeting of his top managers and told them to give a report on the status of their area of responsibility.
Alan started the meeting by asking some questions, like why do we have so many wiring harnesses for the same car platform. He also brought up many others things that he thought needed to be addressed. It is not important that you know what a wiring harness is or a car platform, but it important to know he saw a lot of waste.
As you might imagine the first meeting was a lengthy one. What came out of the first meeting is that each manager was accountable to keep the organization fully informed of the progress of their group.
The little things mean a lot to Alan and it didn't take long for the management team to understand that. You as a manager had to keep the organization up to date on your team's progress and if it wasn't doing will you had do let everyone know. If you didn't then Alan had the whole Ford management team help you get on track.
Ford went from looking like a loser to being the most admired car manufacture in the United States.
Next time I'll give some of the little things that Alan did to turn Ford into a power house in the automobile business. What Alan taught Ford can help you do the little things right so the big things can happens.
Happiness with health and wealth to you.
David has a new book out " Happiness In Eight Stpes" you can read about it on
go to: I have a new book out called " Happiness In Eight Steps" You can read about it on
Go to:

Monday, December 27, 2010

Anti Anxiety Techniques - Free Trick To Stop Anxiety

By: Deborah Percy

Anti anxiety techniques,or dirty little tricks I like to call them. Did you know that anxiety attacks are actually brought on by you, you give them strength through fear? So what if I could tell you what you needed to do to stop them, what if you understood what you actually do to in courage them, then you could work out how to fix them? Here's an example below on how to take control over panic attacks.

Anti anxiety techniques, trick to help stop anxiety!

1. Observe Every move an attack makes.

As soon as panic arrive no matter where you are just take a moment out to observe it, do not try to avoid it, or stop the body sensations.

2. Embrace panic head on.

Except all the sensations as they erupt through your body, observe the experience, do not even think about labeling it a good, or a bad attack. Just let it happen.

3. Be demanding.

When the attack hits its peak ask for more, demand it to give you every thing it has. Be confidence, believe you will survive the ordeal.

4. Have trust in your self.

Trust that you are safe and nothing is going to happen to you. Keep repeating this process, do not back off from the fear head straight into it. Get use to the fear so you know what to expect.

There You Have it, always remember one thing, the difference between some one who has found a cure for panic attacks, and someone who is still suffering from them is this, the one who is cured is no longer afraid of FEAR.

About the Author:
For more information follow through to  anti anxiety techniques anti anxiety techniques. Learning how anxiety manipulate the mind is your best defence you have .anti anxiety techniques work don't underestimate them.
Visit for FREE tricks and tips.

Child Anxiety Treatment - Tips For Concerned Parents

By: Chris Mollo

Every parent wants their child to grow up happy and healthy. However, there is a pressing problem which has been the subject of hot debate in recent years. It's childhood anxiety disorder.

Many people don't believe that children can have anxiety problems. This is because the symptoms can sometimes be difficult to spot, or they may be misdiagnosed and mistaken for something else.

Children can demonstrate their anxiety in a number of ways, and most commonly they'll act out or misbehave. The child doesn't understand what they are feeling, and so they act out in the only way they know how. They do this to get the attention of their parents. It's their way of asking for help.

There are several types of childhood anxiety disorder, but the most common are:

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

This type of childhood anxiety disorder is marked by excessive worrying, usually over trivial or unimportant things. Children between the ages of 6-11 are often afflicted the most and GAD in children is commonly brought on by events like the first day of school or other important extracurricular activities. Some of the symptoms of GAD in children are:

-Poor concentration
-Destructive behavior

Panic attacks can occur frequently with this type of disorder and phobias of animals, people, and heights as well as fear of the dark are also common.

2. Separation Anxiety Disorder

This is usually triggered because a child has gotten too attached to its parents in the first 12 months to 4 years of life. It's normal for symptoms of SAD to appear up until 4 years old, but then they should subside. If they continue beyond this point, it could be an indicator of separation anxiety disorder. Some symptoms are:

-Refuses to go anywhere without a parent, especially school
-Physically "clings" or hangs onto parents
-Becomes homesick
-Asks to sleep with parents every night
-Has nightmares or dreams of being separated from parents

When symptoms are noticed, it's extremely important that the child be treated immediately. If this is ignored, it may impede the child's development and the child may not become a well adjusted adult.

Some of the most common treatments for child anxiety disorder are:

1. Drugs - Drugs such as anti-depressants and beta blockers have been successful in child anxiety treatment.

2. Psychologists or Psychiatrists - Child psychologists and psychiatrists are trained professionals and have had great success in treating child anxiety disorder. Medical professionals can help you to notice symptoms and alert you to unhealthy behaviors.

3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - This is a psychotherapeutic approach that focuses on problems concerning dysfunctional emotions, behaviors and cognitions. It works by modifying the negative emotions. In some cases, treatment is applied through the gradual exposure of the feared stimulus, reducing the anxiety it causes the child.

There are many treatments for child anxiety disorders, and one of the newest and most successful treatments focuses on parents treating their children at home through interaction and understanding, avoiding drugs and therapy.

About the Author:
Is your child suffering from anxiety? If so, you may be able to help your child right in your own home. To learn about a powerful and effective method that can help your child overcome anxiety, visit: The Anxiety Free Child Program.

When To Worry About Worry

One of the ways in which the government attracts our attention is by having a series of steps to move from no reason to panic to run for your life! The classic example of this is the Homeland Securitys Advisory System. This moves from a Low Green, through a Guarded Blue, an Elevated Yellow, a High Orange to a Severe Red. For those of you who have lost interest, we are currently at yellow when we walk around the streets of our cities, but orange the moment we take to the air. The same thing recently happened with swine flu that was rapidly renamed the H1N1 flu to avoid the sale of pork dropping through the floor. The World Health Organization ratchets up the warning through eight phases, taking us from, Its mainly just the birds and animals dying, to Now humans are dying too through Its a pandemic to two phases where we gradually get back to business as usual. In case you were sleeping, we are currently still at the pandemic level of alert even though not many are dying. Actually, when you think about it, this sounds a bit hard-hearted but, in a regular flue season, thousands die. We have apparently been lucky the H1N1 outbreak proved mild.

Putting this another way, it was the intention of the DHS to worry us. If we are vigilant, we may identify unusual behavior in those around us and help prevent a terrorist attack. Equally, the WHO wanted us to take the threat of the flu seriously and protect ourselves by wearing a mask, washing our hands frequently, and so on. People only modify their behavior if you give them a reason to change. To that extent, some worry or anxiety about terrorism or the flu is entirely rational. But it can become irrational where, if the news headline is that ten people have just died of flu in Indonesia, you break out in a sweat, your heart races, your stomach churns and your bowels threaten to open. This is not in any way to suggest we should not be sad if people die in foreign countries. But to showing an overreaction suggests generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The latest research estimate is that about 5% of the US population suffers GAD. Except there will be a range of behavior from background worry to disordered anxiety, and where people fit into the range is likely to change from day to day and their diagnosis will depend on when a doctor sees them.

Unfortunately, we live in stressful times and when the media have hour-by-hour bulletins bringing you the latest frightening accounts of illness and deaths, people are bound to be worried. Sadly, bad news is highlighted. Hope is ignored. When you buy xanax, it helps you to stop seeing the world in black-and-white terms. Life goes on. With counseling and therapy to help challenge the more extreme reactions to perceived threats, people can get back to a more balanced view of the world and its dangers. Perhaps with the help of the cheaper generic xanax, you can switch channels and watch more comedies. Taking a break from the troubles of the world eases your mind.

About the Author:
With people around the world thanking him for his professional approach of discussing the topic, Vasia is a frequent writer for and is happy to share his vision with you there.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Measure of Your Emotional Strength

 By Irabor Akimien Mark


It is not because things are bad that you are sad; you are sad that is why things are bad. Take the control away from circumstances and put it on yourself. It is all about you. Some people would say, "Oh sure, when everything is working fine, I will be happy". You cannot afford to wait until then, because things may not become better at all. Take control of your feelings and emotions.
If your joy withers, everything else around your life dries up. Everything follows your emotions. "The joy of the Lord is your strength". The more joyful you are, the stronger you are. The less joyful you are, the weaker you are. It affects every area of life.
Follow how this passage addresses the issue. "Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything, therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness and in need of everything; and He will put a yoke of iron on your neck until He has destroyed you".
Is that not terrible? Negative emotions attract poverty and repel prosperity. This text explains one of the causes of poverty. Blessings are reversed when there is no joy. The text says that God l Himself will send those enemies and even takes the poverty to a new degree: "in nakedness and in need of everything.
The secret therefore is to get excited, get enthusiastic about life, take control of your emotions to your own advantage. That is why we cannot wait until circumstances change before we get excited. Our destiny is tied to our joy. We have to take control of our emotions because the state of our emotion determines the state of everything else around our life.
That you lost a job is no excuse for sadness. That things are not working is not good reason to sorrow. There is an exciting passage you should make your personal confession when things seem to look down. "Though the fig tree may not blossom nor fruit be on the wines... yet I will rejoice in the LORD GOD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD GOD is my strength; He will make my feet like deer's feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills".
You must not lose your joy, choose to be joyful. That takes the control of your emotions away from situation and circumstances and puts it within the realm of your control. We only experience frustrations in life when we try to control the things that we cannot control.
As far as emotions are concerned, they are within our control. Take advantage and take control.
Do not give any situation or anybody the permission to make you frustrated and sad. Negative emotions attract problems and repel miracles.
Irabor Mark is a chief science technologist.
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Is It Possible To Read Minds? Are Women More Adept?

 By Mike Bond


The broad question was; 'Is it possible to read minds?' That was twenty years ago, and the researchers are still hard at it! By the way, this has nothing to do with the C.I.A. or the Russians. These tests were carried out at the University of Texas at Arlington.
However, the next question they thought was obvious. 'Are women more adept than men at interpreting other people's thoughts and feelings?' This was based, of course, on the stereotype of the 'woman's intuition.' But try as they might, the researchers could find no basis in fact for this at all. They carried out seven studies, but found that the differences between the sexes were negligible.
They tried it in studies of opposite sex strangers, same sex strangers, all male versus all female groups; every possible combination they could think of. They even tried the tests in North Carolina and New Zealand, of all places. But no. There proved to be no difference.
By this time, they'd started to conclude that this business of 'woman's intuition' was purely a myth. However, they carried out three more studies at Arlington and to their amazement, the women showed up far better than the men. So they had seven studies, one after the other, showing no difference, then three more showing a large difference in favour of the women. What was happening?
A graduate student was detailed to find out why. It turned out that in the first seven tests, it hadn't been made clear to the subjects that their empathic ability was being tested. Then they tried three more tests, but this time they made it perfectly clear that their empathic abilities were being assessed. This had a very direct effect on the women.
They knew that they were supposed to have this female intuition, and the results improved considerably. Then the researchers checked their findings. They undertook the 'old' method, where they didn't tell the subjects anything about the empathic tests and indeed the gender difference was negligible.
Then a study using the 'new' procedure, and in this one, the subjects were asked for self-ratings of empathic accuracy. The gender difference made itself apparent once more. In other words, it was possible for the researchers to 'turn off' the gender difference by simply not telling the subjects about their empathic tests.
On the other hand, they could turn the switch back on, as it were, but making the empathic test perfectly clear. So the findings suggested that while, under normal circumstances, the average woman has no more empathic ability than the average man, once her motivation is heightened, then she exceeds the man's ability quite considerably.
So it follows that it's up to the woman to keep herself 'switched on' at all times that she's going to require her empathy. We strongly recommend you switch yourself on and travel over to Mike Bond's website, The Hypnosis Attraction. There, you'll find everything you can possibly need for improving your mind with programmes like stopping smoking, losing weight, plans for success, etc

Avoid Being Self Conscious

 By Colin Burton


Self-consciousness implies being unduly aware of oneself to the extent that you become awkward and uneasy in the presence of others. You feel that everyone is staring at you and observing your appearance, clothes, and mannerisms. You feel their comments are directed towards you and they are criticizing your movements and everything else regarding you. In some cases, people refer to this as egotistical from a negative point of view.
Your ego makes you believe that all conversations and observations are focused on you which may be the furthest thing in the minds of the people. Most people are concerned about themselves that they lose focus on other people and those that do notice you are simply being attentive and focused on your concerns.
Being self-conscious can lead to awkward and embarrassing situations if you are not careful. You might blurt some statements due to your discomfort only to realize too late that there was no cause for being ill at ease. You might take offense on some innocent remark thinking that it was directed towards you.
Overcoming your self-consciousness is a major step in gaining self-confidence and self-esteem in yourself. Look internally at your strengths and weaknesses. Recognize and exhibit the strengths you have while correcting and remediating your weaknesses. Do not feel embarrassed or shy about your weaknesses. Everybody has a weakness and you are no exception. Be aware of your weakness and exert efforts to correct the weakness. You might have certain defects that are not curable.
This does not make you any less of a person. In fact, learn to live with the defects and make sure it does not hinder you in achieving your goals and objectives. Some people attribute their failures to lack of skills and talents due to hereditary or physical deficiencies. This is a negative and defeatist outlook, giving up before even trying. The successful people will look at their deficiencies as opportunities to excel in other ways and a challenge to overcome their weaknesses.
Do not believe you are inferior to other people. Some people may be endowed with exceptional talents and skills but this does not mean you are a lesser person than them. Be proud of your accomplishments. Take charge and face your fears. Identify whatever makes you fear social interaction and be firm and resolute in overcoming the fears. You may come to realize that the fears might be internal in your thoughts and are of your own perception.
Other people may look at you with admiration and respect but you might not see it clearly because of your obsession on being self-conscious. Do not allow self-consciousness to muddle your mind. Be focused and aware of your surroundings and the people interacting with you. Show you are in control of your actions. Do not be overwhelmed or intimidated by other people. Some people enjoy being boisterous and rowdy. Accept their mannerisms but do not become affected by their actions. Conduct your social interactions objectively and professionally. Exude an aura of self-confidence and self-esteem. Anticipate situations and prepare in advance.
People will recognize your value and respect you once you start exhibiting more self-confidence in your stature and disposition. Be positive and attentive to the concerns of others.
Colin Burton strives to help others improve their lives through the supply of good informative self-improvement information. FREE download copy of Think And Grow Rich at

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Guide to Getting What You Want

By Frank R Godinez


Millions of people suffer from low self-esteem to the point where it adversely affects their relationships, work prospects, body image and quality of life. According to research, these are people who are always eager to put their own needs to make other people happy. They are also their own worst critics and are constantly worried about what people will say about them. If you realize that you're suffering from such a negative self-image, follow the suggestions below to change your life.
Have no regrets
Chances are that every single person has some regrets in his life; it may be turning down a lucrative job, not taking the opportunity to study further or even choosing the wrong business partner. If you allow it, constantly having regrets can cause such unhappiness that'll weigh you down and obstruct you from finding any joy in life. Try, instead, to focus on what you can do to change your situation so that you're no longer preoccupied with thoughts of how 'useless' you think you are. For instance, imagine that you've always dreamed of being a published author. Five years ago, you completed a manuscript and sent it out to agents and publishers. Only, all of them rejected the manuscript. Instead of having regrets about making your submission in the first place, look at the reasons why your manuscript was rejected. You might find that some of them will help you improve it when you rewrite the manuscript.
Attitude rehab
Look around you and you'll see that successful people have great attitudes and are very positive in nature. As such, if you'd like to change the direction that your life is taking, adopt such a positive attitude as well. Here are some ways to help you do this:
1. Increase your quota of fun - this means making sure that 75 percent of your life is entertaining and enjoyable.
2. Make a fool of yourself - while you may think this is ridiculous, it's actually the best thing you can do because it makes you human to others and helps you to take life less seriously.
3. Admitting ignorance - saying "I don't know" is an attitude eye-opener because it releases you from having to pretend that you're in the know all the time.
4. Starting again - people don't like to start anything all over again because they feel that since they've failed once, they're a complete failure. This is simply not true. When you start again, you're accepting that, from this moment on, you and your life are going to be different and you'll feel exhilarated immediately.

How to Stop Being Easily Offended in a Stressful Relationship

 By Evelyn Roberts Brooks


If "easily hurt" is a phrase that describes you, then you've got a chance to remove a lot of stress from your life by learning how to have a thicker hide to shield you from the pain.
When our feelings are easily hurt, and we often find ourselves upset by what other people say and do, it's tempting to put all the blame on them. However, in many, if not all, relationships an impartial referee could observe you and return a scorecard splitting the guilt almost evenly between you and your spouse or significant other.
Why is that? Because in a relationship, even when one person is controlling and angry all the time, the reactions that the other person gives in response help perpetuate the unhealthy cycle. He yells and then you cry and try to defend yourself. Or she rants and then you give her a cold shoulder as punishment. Neither of these reactions shake up the relationship the way it needs because they simply feed the pattern of retaliation and misunderstandings.
But you can learn to stop taking everything personally. It requires building your self-esteem by doing esteemable acts.
Here are some ways to get a thicker skin:
• When your partner in this stressed relationship says something that you find hurtful, do not respond in your old way. Shrug and say, "Well, you may be right." And leave the room to end the discussion instead of hanging around and waiting for a comeback
• Spend time with supportive friends now and then instead of being so focused on this relationship
• Let go of the idea that every remark has to hurt -- simply let them fly past you instead of allowing them to hit your heart
• Stop waiting to catch your mate saying something to hurt or upset you -- keep busy with your own goals and interests
• Practice a few phrases to say in response to the really mean comments, such as saying "I really don't accept that remark" or "That really hurt my feelings and I'd appreciate if you don't talk to me that way" -- learn to stand up for yourself politely and stop being a doormat
• Put your energy into other projects, and practice positive affirmations to strengthen your inner core
As you practice releasing another person's remarks and behavior instead of taking everything personally, you will also discover that your stress level naturally starts to drop. Without all that stress sapping your emotions, you will have the energy to explore additional solutions for your relationship.
Learn more about positive thinking and how to have healthier relationships in "Forget Your Troubles: Enjoy Your Life Today" -- get Instant Access to the ebook at
I'm an Amazon bestselling author of personal growth books - "Forget Your Troubles: Enjoy Your Life Today" and "Get Happy Today: Your Path to Lifelong Happiness" - and I'm a motivational speaker, novelist and screenwriter. Visit my blog on stress reduction, happiness and healthy relationships at

10 Tips For Conquering Your Fears

 By: Cari Vollmer


Have you ever had a fear that kept you from living life fully? Perhaps this fear has stopped you from having MORE fun or experiencing GREATER success. Yes? You're not alone. I have too.

The fear I conquered in the story below may not be my biggest fear but with a little reflection I saw how it really stopped me from enjoying my family and life to the fullest. It also taught me a valuable lesson of how taking steps to overcome my fear resulted in increased self confidence.

At the end of my story, I’ll give you tips for conquering your own fears.

A few weekends ago my husband and I took our daughter Kasie, and my nephew Zach, to a water park. We all love the water and were having a blast until my hubby and the kids took off for --- the water slides.

As they enthusiastically ran to the slides I slowed wayyyy down. In fact, I stopped, found a chair and proceeded to organize our belongings. As I settled into a lawn chair I saw Kasie and Zach whoosh down their side-by-side slides and plunge, feet first, into the cool water. They quickly resurfaced, sputtering and laughing and ready for more.

As Zach jumped out of the pool to run back up the stairs he looked at me laughing and said, “Cari’s being a wimp.” He was right. I was.

You see, even though I love the water I’ve always been afraid of --- water slides.

On this particular day however, the kid pressure was too great. I decided it was the time and place to conquer my old fear. As I hurried to the steps my chest tightened and my breathing became very shallow. Each step I took to reach the top of the slide made me feel anxious, awkward and scared to death.

I focused my attention on the cute and fearless little girl in front of me. I motivated myself by repeating the mantra, "if she can do it, I can do it". As we reached the top of the slide, I watched in amazement as she sprang from the last step to a lying down, torpedo style position in one fell swoop. As soon as the little girl shot out of sight it was my turn.

The time had come – it was now or never. Copying the little girl before me, I laid down on the slide feet first torpedo style and as I did I heard the words: Don’t fight it, just let yourself go.

As I whooshed down the slide I reminded myself I was OK, to keep breathing and to relax. As I let my body go it seemed to understand what was expected of it. It conformed to the twists and turns of the slide and only seemed to tighten in response to my fearful thoughts. Soon, I could see the end of the ride was near and as I flew off the end of the slide into the waiting water, I knew I conquered my fear!

WOW! I did it! I went down a water slide. It was a blast! My husband told me later, as I was coming down, he could hear me screaming and laughing. All I could remember was feeling gripped by fear, exhilaration and pure joy as my body whirled down the watery, slippery path.

Now, I felt ready for more. Once wasn’t enough. The second time up the stairs was much easier and I took my position at the top of the slide with much more confidence. The ride down the second time was even more fun because now I knew the curves and the bumps. I navigated the challenge with a bit more grace. I felt proud of myself for taking action and for doing something I thought I would never do.

What’s your "water slide"? I bet you have one, or many. We all do. What fear, if you conquered it, would allow you to have a bit more fun, experience greater success, or live life a bit more fully?

Some fears feel bigger to conquer than others. My water slide fear may not seem like the biggest fear one could have, but having it caused me to isolate myself from the rest of my family and kept me from having MORE fun, joy and exhilaration in my life.

Conquering your fears, one by one, builds confidence and increases your quality of life. Don't let your fears hold you back from living the life you wish you were living.

10 Tips For Conquering Your Fears:

1. Recognize a fear is present

2. Declare you are going to conquer the fear

3. Expect to feel anxious, awkward and scared

4. Consider copying a style you like until you find your own style

5. Focus your attention

6. Motivate yourself with affirmations

7. Step into the fear with abandon

8. Let go and have fun! Remind yourself to keep breathing.

9. Pat yourself on the back when it’s over

10. Notice how much easier it gets

When you have time, take a personal inventory of the fears keeping you from living the life you want. Then make a commitment and challenge yourself to face and conquer one them that's been holding you back. Use the tips above to guide your way. To get started, see if any common fears from the list below fit you:

Admitting mistakes or wrong-doings Adventure Being inadequate/not good enough Doing something you’ve never done before Expressing yourself Failure Healing emotional wounds Health concerns Money/finances Never having enough Public speaking Promoting yourself Saying “NO” Sharing your feelings Taking a risk, such as starting a business or changing careers Traveling.

Cari Vollmer, personal growth expert, is the founder of and For practical life strategies and success tips, sign up for’s FREE e-zine, LivingOnTrack, at
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Towards Or Against Your Desires?"

 By: John Halderman


Are you moving towards or against what you want?

Every action you take supports something, some result.

The question is - are you taking the actions that support the results you would rather have in your life?

If not, are they supporting something opposite of what you want or are they neutral? Either way they are not supporting your desires.

If you have all the same thousands of thoughts tomorrow as you did yesterday -- you will be the same as yesterday.

Us humans have the type of brains that we have for a reason, so that we can change our lives. We don't need to keep doing and living the same over and over.

To get anywhere, a group of small steps put together in the same direction lead you to your destination. But if your thoughts and behaviors do not lead down the path of your desire, where are you going? You will at least be delayed by the inconsistency of your actions or even halt any progress all together.

There is always a reaction to every action, everything you think and do leads to something. Is it what you want or not? What you live with now is the result of previous thoughts and actions.

Everything is perpetuated when you continue to take the same actions.

So, desiring something different is great, but you need to adjust your thinking and your actions in order for anything to be different.

In order to see and live something different, you must gradually take more action towards what you want and less against. You will always be supporting something, which will it be?

The way to begin change is to take a look at what you are doing each day and make appropriate adjustments that support your desires. If you leave this up to, 'when I think about it', you will soon forget about it.

To succeed, set up a small system to interact with on a daily basis, something you can schedule and plan into your day, something you will be more likely to get into a routine with, something to interact with, utilizing more of your senses.

Take the time to think about what you did and what you thought about, at the end of each day.

With this you begin to see that you have a choice over your thoughts and actions rather than continuing to let everything be automatic.

Write your discoveries down and analyze them - do they help move you towards or against the life you want?

You can do this at the end of the day just before going to bed or first thing in the morning. Do what works for you. If you find you can't remember enough in the morning, better do it at night.

Don't let frustration with failure to immediately change get you to stop your efforts. At first you might automatically revert back to how you have done it before, as this is your habit. And habits want to remain as they are. You must be persistent.

At first you may not even notice that you have not changed your action until when you sit down to analyze the day. After as while you will begin to notice during the day whether you have reverted back or stayed on track. At some point you will catch yourself as you are doing what you don't want to do, and then you become aware just before you do it, enabling yourself to choose to do it differently.

Stick with it. Small daily adjustments in how you think and act can lead to huge changes in your life if you persist. Failure never meant stop, it means - try again!

Changing your life to be how you envision usually does not happen with one large event; rather it is the compilation of small changes you make in your thinking and action.

Remember action - reaction? Doing something towards change once in a while will give you once in awhile results.

Start with something small and not very emotionally charged and you will find that your small successes will lead to more confidence and determination enabling you to increase your personal power over your habits.

Personal growth is your responsibility - you decide to go towards or against what you really want each day.

John Halderman, writes and speaks with intent on helping you get effective results with your personal growth. For self-improvement tools, tips and resources for living a satisfying life get the "Effective Personal Development Newsletter" and a bonus report
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What Your Anxiety Symptoms Are Really Telling You?

 By: John Halderman


Are you suffering from the gnawing nagging feeling of overwhelming unsettled emotional discomfort? Is it effecting your self-esteem and motivation?

Most are familiar with the general anxiety disorders that can be triggered by fears, impending doom, obsessive-compulsive, post-traumatic stress and more. But what about other not so obvious things that raise apprehension and uneasiness that you can't explain?

What is at the root of your anxiety symptom? It may be buried deeply in your subconscious, but most likely you are just not currently aware of the cause. There are many possible things that can be the source of the disharmony leading to undesirable emotional feelings. What do you feel that you can't cope with? Does it relate to the general condition of your life?

What if you are feeling anxious because deep inside you know that you are not thinking and acting in ways that support your core self? You may not even be consciously aware of what is truly important to you, but your incongruent behavior is causing internal friction that your emotions are responding to. Not being aware of why you feel the way you do supports the anxiety, you feel powerless and unsure. But why are you uncertain?

It is normally based on your perception and subsequent interpretation of something. There can be some subtle things that are the cause of stress and anxiety.

Here are 5 places to look for some possible root causes of your anxiety symptom:

1) Personal integrity is compromised -- Are some of your thoughts and behavior not in alignment with your most important values? This situation can be tough to detect until you look for it, as you may not be clearly aware of your deep values. If there is a conflict between your behavior and your deepest core values you will feel emotionally unsettled. Your thoughts and actions must be congruent with your deepest values in order to feel harmonious.

2) Less than honest interactions -- Are you less than honest and forthright in your interactions with others? If you are living even small lies you may be fooling some of the people some of the time, but never yourself. Deep within, you know what's going on and your inner self will let you know when something is not right. However, if you are not aware of your inner thoughts and feelings you may not be sure what your anxious feelings are based on.

3) Cheating Your Potential -- Are you not utilizing all of your potential? Do you make excuses for not using all your potential? Are you full of reasons and justifications in an attempt to feel right about your less than full effort? You know this inside; you can't cheat yourself and get away with it. When you are consciously not aware of it you can feel out of control without knowing why. Not utilizing your full potential can be stressful and anxiety symptoms will come from your feeling not in control.

4) Stuck in the Procrastination trap -- You know that you are not getting done what you want to get done and what you are capable of doing, but can't seem to do anything about it. Also you become unsure that you can do anything about it since you have not been able to up to this point. When you get stuck in this cycle the frustration with yourself can turn into anxiety, as you don't know what is behind it, plus worrying whether you can ever change it.

5) Fearing your future without knowing why -- This relates to the first four items, in that if any of the above conditions are present you can easily feel unsure of your future. Facing the future with self confidence requires that you be well grounded in who you are and in touch with your potential. Not being secure and feeling unsure whether you can do anything about it is stressful and can lead to anxiety.

Stress and anxiety can go hand in hand as you are continuously aware of your feelings of uncertainty and the resulting fears. It can even be the cause of depression if the situation seems like it's hopeless.

The key is to root out these base causes of your emotional feelings, reassess them and change your perception to better align with the life you want.

Anxiety symptoms are red flags your inner referee is throwing up to notify you that something is not right, out of balance. If you let it go, just like a physical ailment, it gets worse and becomes more and more established. These self-concepts originated from some perceived need to protect or satisfy in some way. Since you are feeling unsettled, they are likely no longer supporting your best interest. Your inner self is making you aware of an opportunity to change for the better.

To discover what the sources of your stress and anxiety are and what were the benefits, ask yourself some probing questions to peel open your thoughts. Once your thoughts are revealed, then reassess and establish a new perception and interpretation of the situation or idea.

Start with a blank tablet and a pen or pencil. Get yourself calm and relaxed. Write the first question at the top, then without thinking write what ever thoughts come up without analyzing or judging -- just write. For example --

~Why am I feeling this way?

~What is my biggest fear in life?

~What is the worse that could happen regarding this fear?

~Why do I fear this?

~How can I think differently about this that will better serve me today?

~What am I most uncertain about today?

~Why am I uncertain about this?

~What benefit do or did I get from thinking this way?

~Do I need to continue thinking this way?

~What can I learn from this?

~What is a better way of looking at this?

Asking questions of yourself may not be easy at first, as your mind is not accustomed to thinking in this fashion. But with diligence, you will learn to allow your thinking to open up revealing much more about yourself than you were previously aware of, but it's there.

Also useful method to help to reveal your inner thoughts is to meditate on it. Meditation helps to calm and quiet the surface chatter that keeps you distracted and separated from your inner thoughts, allowing for their rediscovery.

Another beneficial self-improvement activity is to clarify, establish and define a solid foundation for yourself. Just as a tall building cannot be stable without a strong foundation, neither can a successful life. You can solidify your place in the universe, discover your purpose, align with intention, and establish a vision and a personal mission. You can clarify your core values, your potential, your strengths and how you will support your purpose.

With establishing a solid foundation for yourself you will elevate your self-concept, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-motivation --it's how to relieve stress, anxiety and depression. You will be able to grow and change without excessive fear, doubt and worry.

Continuous self-improvement with a positive attitude leads to happiness, positive thinking and unlimited possibility.

John Halderman Design A Life System Stop collecting unused information! Discover why books don't help your life success -- leaving you stuck with a false sense of improvement! Time to DO something! Fill the VOID between information and dynamic results. Kick your life into high gear with free "Effective Personal Development" Newsletter and 40-page free report revealing secrets to daily growth and change.
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What is fear in a nutshell?

 By: Pauline Houle


I will address the difficulty that many human beings face when fear is the main emotion that is in charge of their life. Why are some persons caught in the midst of their fears while others appear to have none?

In My Beauty & My Beast, Mind, Body and PMS, I have written profusely about fears. Mainly, what I am going to do here, is simplify and look at the different phases of fear and explain it in four steps.

We all have this Primal, instinctual fear after we are born that if no one took care of us, we would die within hours at best.

Then, we have what is called the Initial Fear when we start something or attempt a new action for the first time. Our old brain has a split second fear happening in all of us. We sometimes will stop breathing for a second or two until we realize that we can do this, and at least allow sufficient practice time to become better and comfortable at it.

To continue, if we do not conquer and master this initial fear but rather let it control us, it becomes a Jailor Fear that handicaps our movements, our thoughts and behavior. We might as well become afraid of everything as it happens to some people. They then become jailed by their fears; growing and expanding their life becomes impossible.

Last, we all have what Tony Robbins calls a Counselor Fear which we should respect as being a guide telling us to do or not to do something; it is a guide of higher knowledge; it is not a proof that we are lacking fear, it is a guiding courage that lets us know we have to conquer the initial fear.

How to heal those fears?

Some paths are there for you to explore; I encourage you to dig deep and find out what you are afraid about and whom are you insecure with. How does it influence your whole life? Some events from your childhood will be at the core of these fears and sometimes it will simply be your family education. If I had followed my mother's fears, I would have done nothing I was called for.

You owe it to yourself to do some cleanup otherwise you become the puppet of your fears! And further more, you continue being the slave and possibly teach your children to be afraid, hence reproducing more of the same.

I encourage you to really seek help if you need to do so for it is often times very difficult to dig by ourselves for fear of losing our life. But remember, that is just a fear. "Fear is like a scarecrow; when the birds land on it, nothing happens."

Pauline Houle is Therapist with 20 years experience. She has a background in Social Work and Psychodynamic trainings that really make a difference in people's lives. She has a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Studies, which has been a great help in keeping her focused on the big picture of PMS and what women need to know in order to heal it. Contact: Pauline Houle: 514-277-6097 or 518-563-6834 http://www.paulinehoule.com
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to Create an Opportunity for Yourself Easily

 By Billy Harvey


Some of us believe that people are born "lucky" in life. Others believe that you create your own luck in business as you go along. Which of these two schools of thought do you belong to?
Have you noticed how some people are luckier than others in the opportunities they land for themselves? Does it seem to you, those lucky ones always seem to land on their feet? - every time! Even more interestingly, when they do get setbacks (everyone does) they seem to bounce back and get back on track quicker than most.
Some people in business have the knack of being in the right place at the right time. These people usually make a success of things because they know how to create opportunities for themselves. Those who do, have several strengths in common with each other.
Here are some of them - they are people who are:.
• Open minded
• Optimistic in life
• Positive thinkers
• Likely see problems as temporary setbacks rather brick walls
• Enthusiastic
• Courageous
• Determined
Here is an exercise to help you create an opportunity for yourself.
Which of the above qualities do you possess? What other winning qualities do you have? You may benefit from input from others who know and believe in you. Write down as many as you can, the more the better! You will feel more positive about yourself, and if you don't you are underestimating yourself, so do yourself a favour and get your pen busy now!
Would you like to be able to attract an opportunity that could make a significant difference to your life?
Here are some tips on how you can make this happen:
• Never dismiss an offer or introduction before you truly understand what you might be turning away. You could be giving that opportunity to someone else. What is the point of that?
• Practice regular exercises to keep your intuition sharp. That means you are better equipped to know a good opportunity when you see or hear of one.
• Understand that those who "get on in life" consider opportunities even when they are already very busy. They are never too busy to keep new chances in the pipeline to their business.
• Move in the right circles. Speak with like- minded individuals and learn what is currently on offer.
• Keep your banker in your bigger picture - banks and lenders are inspired by those with initiative. They are more likely to support you with a new opportunity when it presents itself if you already have them on board in your way of thinking. It demonstrates initiative and creativity. They admire that.
• When assessing an opportunity to see if it is right for you - do not judge its potential on other peoples past results. You could be much more successful than they were at doing the same thing.
• Research, research, research.
"Nothing in this world is as powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo
Take time to think about how ready you are to consider any new opportunity that comes your way. Will you ignore it so that the opposition in business benefits instead? Or will you take time to fully understand the opportunity you might be rejecting before doing so.
Be an opportunist today. You have everything to gain!
Thanks For Reading
What to do now:
To get off to a great start, get your FREE copy of "27 Ways Successful People Avoid Failure and Disappointment in Their Lives" (normally £27.00) - go here: Executive Coach
To read my personal development blog - go here: Emotional Intelligence Coaching

Seven Stress Strategies

 By Linda Winterton


Do you feel like our world moves faster and faster every day?
Have you ever woken up in the night with tightness in your chest or realizing that you've been clenching your teeth?
Are there times during the day when you believe that just one more thing going wrong might send you over the edge?
These are but a few signs of stress overload and rest assured you aren't alone. The statistics are overwhelming in themselves and over 80% of all visits to doctors are in one way or another related to stress. These might include high blood pressure, sudden weight increase/decrease, chest pains, or even signs of depression.
Below are the seven stress strategies to calm down, cheer up and stay strong.
  1. Reflect on the good things that you already have in your life. Hold an Attitude of Gratitude. Simplify your life rather than complicate it with 'things' that you don't need.
  2. When you feel stressed out or overwhelmed STOP whatever you are doing, and remember to breathe. When we are under stress our breathing is usually very shallow and less oxygen is available to the brain and organs, causing that tight feeling in the chest and abdomen. Breathe deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Even a few deep breaths will help to relax you so that you can relax and refocus.
  3. If you have recently lost a loved one or can't be with people that are close to you, acknowledge your feelings of sadness, grief or loss. Allow yourself to experience whatever emotions come up and accept it as part of the healing that you need to experience.
  4. Spend some time in nature (even if it's cold). Maintain a healthy exercise routine. There is plenty of information available about the powerful effect of endorphins on people's mental and emotional outlook.
  5. Stay centered and in the present - do not let any emotional stuff from the past (or worries about the future) rob you of your joy today. As Eckhart Tolle says, "Now is all there is".
  6. Reserve some quiet time for yourself no matter how busy your schedule. Allow time for rest. You deserve it!
  7. Play some quiet, relaxing (but uplifting) music. You might be amazed how a beautiful peace from Strauss or Vivaldi can lift the spirits. Not your style...many of the music classified as New Age is specially designed to promote positive feelings. Experiment and find something that resonates with you and discover for yourself how such a simple thing can shift your mood.
Here's a bonus tip to help you get the most enjoyment of the holiday season.
Set aside any family differences and allow everyone a peaceful life. Be the first to practice forgiveness and patience. You may be pleasantly surprised, at how others react to you.
Linda Winterton is a Health and Wellness coach as well as a Certified Hypnotist. She has recently expanded her practice in Midland, Ontario, Canada and is now available for tele-coaching/counseling via phone and Skype. Her specialty is assisting female professionals and solopreneurs to believe in themselves and live to their full potential.
You can follow Linda on Twitter.

Are Feelings and Emotions The Same Or Different?

 By Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD


The terms 'Feelings' and 'Emotions' are often used interchangeably. However, they are as different as night and day. Emotions are the feelings that were never processed, so as to let go and move on. These stuffed/stored feelings are then triggered or your buttons are pushed; thus, you experience an emotional hook to a past experience that is re-experienced - similar to an instant replay.
The button pushing accompanied by an emotional re-action, act one - scene two, act four hundred -scene one thousand or act one thousand - scene two get the point. When that right or wrong situation rears its ugly head, you automatically go into the defense mode and prove your Self right. Or in the extreme emotional state of the conflict you will acquiesce and make your Self wrong about something or another - and play martyr.
This emotional re-action is the button pushing scenario that keeps you anchored in the past, on the defensive to prove your Self something or another. Most people state that someone hurt his/her feelings. No! He/she did not hurt your feelings. Your stored feelings from yesteryear were triggered and your irrational emotions spring into gear. You are on the alert - guarding against the stored feelings, which are triggered. How does this transpire?
Your stored feelings (hook or hooks) to the past are triggered easily. When you are affected by the immense pressure on your emotional and physical body, you are forced by these emotional upheavals to process them.
Whether you are aware of what is transpiring or not, you are destined to repeat these cycles of emotional instability. No Fun!! Therefore, it is not your feelings that are hurt. You are triggered by the emotional hooks to your unresolved issues. You are hurting your Self by your reactionary emotional attachment to the stored feelings of past experiences. Experiences that you may have long forgotten, yet, the emotional hooks are alive and well waiting to be triggered so that you can process them once and for all, so that you are free to live authentically.
Indeed, you are hurting your Self by your reactionary emotional attachments to past experiences. How are these emotional reactions working for you? You can stop this pattern.
Your stored feelings are connected to your left brain. The left brain is where the analytical and logical functioning is managed. Not so great! When you are only using your left brain, which is connected to your male, right, manifesting side, the emotional Self re-creates the traumas and dramas on regular cycles of emotional upheavals. These upheavals may appear different, but, when you get down to the nitty-gritty, these emotional upheavals usually have interconnected relationships to previous experiences. Hence, the repeated emotional patterns triggered in your left brain are re-created through your male manifesting side. Good grief!!
However, when you connect to your feelings within your heart, you do not need to go into reenactments of the past. You can stay in the moment by feeling out the situation, the event and the relationships in the present moment. Feeling is heart based - versus head based as the stored feelings are triggered and the emotions rise. Feeling is heart based. Stored feelings are head based. You can not make an emotional connection unless it is a repeated dysfunctional relationship to someone or some situation.
You feel connection. You can not emotion love. You feel love. Your female left created side and your male right manifesting side are in alignment when you are feeling from your heart! You are connected to life with feeling and through feeling from your heart.
What you rationalize in your computer brain/head are the unreasonable reasons to react and emotionally repeat patterns, relationships and situations. When you feel from your heart, you know without doubt what is best for you and your life. Emotions are great excuses for excusing your Self. Feelings are real, deep and empowering. When you feel from your heart, you are centered in Self. When you are emotional you are functioning from old stored unprocessed feelings - a huge difference!
Feelings and emotions are worlds apart. Emotions keep you separate from your Self. Feelings keep you connected to your Self. You are a part of something greater than your emotions can ever achieve. Emotions are repeated dysfunctional stored feelings from the past living in your present moment, when you are emotionally triggered.
Feelings are the expression from your heart living in the moment and being authentically alive. Is there a difference between emotions and feelings? Don't think your answer. Feel your answer. What do you feel? Make a choice and sense the difference.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's thoughts and feelings.

Monday, December 20, 2010

How Anxiety and Discomfort Contribute to Growth

 By: Laurie Hayes


"You will either step forward into growth, or you will step back into safety." - Abraham Maslow

If I asked you what your number one goal is, what would it be?

If you said you wanted to make $100,000 this year and I asked you to set the bar higher at $500,000 would you start squirming in your chair? Would your tie feel a little tighter than usual or would your palms become sweaty?

One of the biggest obstacles to succeeding in business or achieving what you want in life is setting the bar too low. Most people don't like feeling uncomfortable and as soon as they're required to step it up a notch, self-doubt creeps in, turns into fear, and they back away.

In order to reach your goals, there must be discomfort, otherwise you will just stay where you've always been. When you come up with a new, big idea, it will not be in harmony with your existing way of thinking and will create a conflict in your internal vibration.

Your mind/body will move into a foreign vibration and if you don't understand what's causing it, it will create fear and you'll want to stop it. We naturally reject uncomfortable feelings.

Can you recall a time in the past when you were terrified to try something new, but after you did, realized there was nothing to be afraid of? Once you create an experience, it becomes a part of who you are and is no longer an unknown to be feared.

Where you are today is a result of past conditioning and as new ideas seep into your unconscious, they create anxiety and discomfort. People who live unfulfilling lives refuse to move through these feelings and create new experiences.

They choose to stay where they are.

To go to a higher level, you need to change your conditioning and that means accepting experiences that make you uncomfortable.

Every single one of us was born with the ability to choose and when we are faced with uncomfortable feelings, we can either choose to back away from them or move through them and grow.

The most important thing to understand is your feelings are a guidepost. When you feel anxious or uncomfortable, you are sitting on the cusp of a higher, more rewarding existence.

If you were to ask any public speaker how she can be so confident, she'll tell you the first time she spoke in front of a group, she didn't think anyone could hear above her knees knocking or that she had to have her fingers pried off of the stall door of the ladies washroom.

If you were to ask any successful salesperson how he makes such an impressive income, he'll tell you he received so many "no's" in his early attempts to sell, he considered packing his bags and joining the priesthood.

What sets the successful apart from the mediocre is the willingness to move through the fear and discomfort and create experiences to build on.

Once you move through the anxiety and create a new experience, it becomes a part of your subconscious (a part of who you are) and the disharmony in your vibration falls away.

The fear dissipates and you elevate yourself to the next level of growth.

Today I ask you to review the goals you've set for yourself and determine if they're big enough to take you out of your comfort zone. If they're set to give you only more of the same, is that really what you want?

Think big. Believe you can have anything you want. And let your feelings guide you. Move through the discomfort and you will find yourself living the life many others only dream of.

Laurie Hayes, founder and director of The HBB Source, helps individuals transition from employee to home-based entrepreneur. Subscribe to her FREE e-zine for valuable tips and resources designed to create business success, at
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Fighting Anxiety and Insomnia Together

 By: Clive Jenkins


Restlessness, irritation, and exhaustion are among the things that those suffering from both Anxiety and Insomnia have to deal with daily. The two together can make the fight to sleep well at night and have energetic well balanced days seem to be impossible. This article explores how the 2 conditions can work together to make the fight even harder.

Insomnia Defined

When it comes to sleep disorders, Insomnia often is the first to come to mind. Often caused by stress from the many areas of life (relationships, finances, future outlook; both at work and at home), though it can also result from medication prescribed by physicians for other conditions and anxiety as well.

Anxiety and Insomnia together can be a constant battle of one condition triggering the other. Panic attacks and anxiety can bring levels of stress that can make insomnia 24/7. On the other hand, bad focus and outright exhaustion can cause anxiety attacks in a big way. Anxiety and insomnia definitely can amount to a double whammy.

Anxiety and Insomnia Treatment

Without treatment focused on both anxiety and insomnia, the medicine prescribed may actually contribute to the problems as well. It's wise to make sure your physician is aware of the big picture, if you are consulting them.

With good knowledge of the big picture a physician has many choices in treatment now that should work much better with anxiety, insomnia, and other conditions as well. The key is that they have all the diagnosis to treat it all without triggering other conditions that may co-exist.

When in treatment for anxiety and insomnia, don't expect everything to change overnight. It may take weeks or even months, though follow all directions precisely. One area of importance is the medicines that may be given. And it's a situation where attentive medical monitoring is very wise. When in treatment, be sure to keep your doctor informed of any changes at all.

The medicines prescribed for anxiety and insomnia often have the potential for dependency, and may come with the threat of overdose. At the same time, other than the right amounts, may also make anxiety and insomnia worse. It's of the utmost importance to follow the doctor's instructions to the word; and if there is more than one doctor, be sure each knows of the others treatment. Always keep them informed.

Alternatives for Anxiety and Insomnia

Today more than ever, a mix of old time remedies, new ideas, and other experiences have led to many things coming to market on nearly anything. Treatment of anxiety and insomnia is no exception. While it's very important to do research ahead of time, and very wise to consult expert advice, you should definitely consider all options. Many of these remedies are natural and have the potential to work better.

They aren't limited to things you can take either. Along with numerous ingestible products there are many other things out there that can work with the whole mind, body, and spirit. Take care and time dealing with your anxiety and insomnia and you may indeed find many things better in other areas of your life too. Count on it.

Do you suffer from Insomnia? Perhaps you'd like to know more about the definition of Insomnia !. Clive Jenkins recommends the Insomnia Cure Website which can be found here: Checkout the site now for specialist Insomnia tips, help and advice.
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