Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Passive Vs Active Creativity



Each day you may wake up and write in your journal, practice yoga, meditate, or create something visual. In other words, you may have a consistent routine of creative momentum that brings you joy.
But where does this daily practice lead? You feel energized and creative; ready to begin your day, yet something seems amiss. How can these creative activities lead you to a new awakening? What are you yearning for that you would like to see brought to life?
It is at these times that we need to begin to formulate goals. To see a bigger or greater project based on our daily creative routines. It is vital and important to create each day. Now becomes the time to shift the mind-set.
There seems to be a necessary play between what may be called Passive versus Active creative work. The enjoyment of creating each day as part of your routine is necessary. Creating with a goal supports your need to actively participate in your life's purpose.
What is the main creative outlet in your life that you wish to "solidify"? How can you work each day towards your project goal?
Below is a list of steps that will support you in creating goals for your project journey:
1. Set aside time each day to do your "work".
2. Be proactive-you have a dream to create this project so set the stage for yourself and get to it.
3. When fears arise, practice affirmations, get supportive friends and share your thoughts, let the negative thoughts pass and get right back in there.
4. If a break is necessary, give it a time limit and get back to your task.
5. Set your goals into reasonable chunks of time.
6. Begin to look at venues that would be good to share your work.
Take a look now at marketing, preparing to share your work, shows, and presentations. This can be worked on in tandem, but is a necessary part of all creative work. How will you share it with others? Visualize what this will look like to you. Be thinking of your audience. Who would be most interested? The greater picture is to present, perform, and share your work.
Perhaps you have always been about the process of your creativity, but the wheels keep spinning. The performance (the presentation of your work) is a chance to use the spinning wheels to propel your artistic work straight up with the power of intention.
Where are you on your creative journey? Take the time to reflect on your own work and goals and share your brilliance.
Arts Consultant and Creativity Coach Susan Loughrin helps people find the joy and creativity in everyday life. With the Inner~Creative~Voice Newsletter, she brings inspiration through creativity activities and ideas that can be implemented every day. If you are ready to learn how to bring creativity and wonder into your daily life, visit today and get your free Creativity Gift Pack.
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Monday, July 18, 2011

Regret Is Unnecessary - We Are the Sum of Our Experiences



To be upset, and hold a grudge, or harbor a regret about something that occurred in out lives 10, 20, 30, or ever two minutes ago is an absolutely pointless waste of time and valuable energy.
We are who we are, plain and simple, because of all of the things that we have done, the choices we have made and not made, and the experiences that we have had throughout our lives!
I smoked a joint when I was 15, ok, so what? Yes, that decision led me down a different path than I might have ended up on had I not had made that choice, but had I not, I would most certainly not be me.
Yes, I had ADHD and was asked to leave my primary school in the 7th grade, and attend a "special" school for three years to fill in the gaps in my learning.
Again, so what, a. nobody cares, b. would never know if I didn't tell them, and c. it worked! That experience DID repair my educational deficiencies, allowing me to go on and graduate high school with my class, and then move on to both attend and graduate college as well!
Would I be ANYTHING like the person I am today, without that experience?
I hardly think so.
Yes, I made many, many very poorly thought out and stupid decisions in my life, and I made some very good ones as well.
Still ALL of these decisions, good and bad coalesced into making me the unique and extremely well rounded person that I am today, with the unique abilities that I currently have to help others through insight into myself.
I was a Buddhist for 6 months in college, a Christian for a week, and an Orthodox Jew, with a huge brown beard, side locks on my head, and a completely black and white wardrobe for around a year and a half!
But do I still hold to any of these philosophies?
Yes, and no, and somewhat.
The point is that I am utterly the sum of every experience that I have ever had in my life, every decision that I have ever made, every concept I have ever learned, and every lesson forgotten.
We choose to be who we are today, yes, certainly.
But that choice is not made out of some void of ignorance or lack of perception.
We are who we are, because we have been who we have been, and you know what, that is what makes each of us a unique human being each with our own set of unique gifts to offer the world!
Enjoy who you have become, and are becoming. Enjoy Life!
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where Does Inner Confidence Come From?



When I was a teenager I was painfully shy, even with people who were "acquaintances". If the teacher called on me to read or respond to a question, I would blush.
A few weeks ago I was privileged to conduct a very elegant, high profile wedding. Years ago it would have terrified me. However, after 400 weddings, I know who I am as a wedding minister, and I know what I can do. Rather than focus in on the circumstances, I focused upon what I knew, and probably appeared to be supremely confident. No one will ever know if I really was that confident, or if I just knew how to combine experience and acting.
Reaching the heights of confidence requires a mountain of failures. And, it requires a particular mindset. That mindset realizes that other people aren't thinking about us hardly at all.. they are too busy thinking about themselves to be concerned about us.
I have the same confidence whether in a small study group (as teacher) or with a large group of uneducated workers or in a huge crowd of wealthy, famous people.. they are all the same. And, all are worthy of respect. It is an interesting thing.. when we really respect other people, they usually figure it out pretty quickly without us telling them. It is probably why I find acceptance wherever I go. (Actually, my lack of confidence and easy embarrassment as a child and teen made it difficult for people to accept me, because I was too busy being concerned about my own embarrassment.)
What is that definition of humility? The acceptance and practice of the importance of other people.
Oh...what is the difference between confidence and arrogance? If you can produce results, and know it, that is confidence. If you have to toot a brass horn about what you supposedly can do, that is arrogance. Actually, arrogance is an attitude of superiority toward other people, and it is opposite of humility.
Do you know why I am confident in my abilities? Because I know why I do what I do.. it is to help other people achieve their goals. Therefore, I dress and behave according to my part, and do my best to make a success for others. I only have one Boss, and He is always watching me. For some strange reason He loves my heart.
It is like my Dad taught me how to treat possessions. He said, if it belongs to you, treat it like it belongs to God. And, if it belongs to someone else, treat it like it belongs to God. It is a great attitude toward a job, other people, and the most precious relationships which God places in our lives. And, when we apply our talents the right way for the right reason, we have every reason to be confident... because we love God and other people.
Dan Jenkins is an ordained minister, Entrepreneur, Internet businessman and author. His wedding website, is found at
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