Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Treating Anxiety Disorders Without Medication

By: Christoffer X Altesino

Today, the number of anxiety treatments available is many. For treating anxiety disorders without medication, the most commonly used therapies are-

a) Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
b) Breathing power/control techniques
c) Relaxation therapy
d) Exercise
e) Caffeine reduction
f) Complementary therapies, and
g) Medication

The foremost remedies for fighting back anxiety are to use education as well as information concerning anxiety disordersare.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
CBT has some basic principles to use for healing anxiety. One of those principles holds that human beings usually develop negative and surrendering thinking patterns that amount to emotional distresses like anxiety and/or depression. This can be coupled with maladaptive and unhealthy behavior.

CBT is usually executed by professional therapists (like a counselor, psychologist, or a psychiatrist). Usually, CBT involves some successive sessions that take place over some weeks/months. Studies found that in terms of effectiveness CBT is no less effective than conventional medications. It also costs less and produces longer lasting results.

Breathing control therapies
There are lots of patients who hyperventilate when they feel anxious. Such things amount to strong feelings of anxiousness that are coupled with symptoms of wooziness or tingling. Do you have any idea about the impacts or benefits of controlled breathing rates?

Take for instance the case when the rate kept under the range of 8 to 12 breaths each minute. If however this breathing is kept in a smooth and light way, there are high chances that this'll cut short your panic or acute anxiety. Well, that's basics of this technique; applications may involve more and sophisticated operations.

Relaxation therapy
Relaxation therapies involve a number of techniques that are molded to assist patients in reaching a fully relaxed state through controlled breathing, progressive resting of muscles and meditation. Progressive resting of muscle can involve tensing, which is followed by relaxation of your body muscles (working at a time with 1 muscle group). In due course, relaxation provides you with a visible reduction in your anxiety/tension level.


As you can presume, exercise involves working out in a precise routine and order. Nevertheless, even most common forms of exercise are helpful for treating anxiety disorders without medication, since they get the body to release endorphins and other chemicals making you feel better-off and calmer.

Caffeine reduction

Caffeine is one of the most commonly used stimulants that increase your body's adrenaline secretions. So at times cutting back from high consumption of caffeine can help you out.

For treating anxiety disorders without medication, all these remedies are prescribed and executed by therapists.

Article Source:
About the Author:
Read my blog about panic anxiety disorders. I also share my how to stop panic attacks reviews.

1 comment:

  1. This would definitely relate to my latest blog post: Anyone for a perimenopausal cocktail? - dark rum with a hot estrogen blend. What are your views on acupunture?

    Lauren a.k.a. lauresal
    Think Spin
