Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Agoraphobia Treatment

By: beonform

Whenever agoraphobia is the topic of discussion, the question what agoraphobia treatment is best, eventually comes up? But in truth its very difficult to say. Its a little bit like asking which pop group is best? The old saying one mans meat is another mans poison is true for agoraphobia treatment in more ways than one! Its really a matter of preference and one of weighing up the odds.

Medication is a prime example, some people find Anti-anxiety agents, such as Ativan helpful in controlling their symptoms, while others hate the thought of taking any form of medication, it really is horses for courses.

Not everyone gets on with counselling either, spending hours reliving traumatic life events, over and over is particularly stressful to many people and progress is often slow if any is made at all. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is another area of agoraphobia treatment that has its supporters and detractors, with many people complaining about the lengthy treatment duration
and achievement of only a desensitising rather than complete removal of the agoraphobia.

Of all the difficulties experienced by people seeking agoraphobia treatment, perhaps the most serious is the difficulty in receiving treatment at home. There are very few opportunities for this either privately or through the public health system and this one hurdle often represents the biggest single challenge faced by agoraphobia sufferers.

One company offering home visits is BeOnForm, who use effective modern methods, far removed from traditional CBT or counseling. The fact that their therapy is conducted at the clients home, is totally non invasive and free from any type of medication, makes them almost unique in agoraphobia treatment.

This modern approach to agoraphobia treatment uses a combination of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to tackle the root causes of agoraphobia in a fast efficient manner.

Whilst this doesnt work for everyone, their success rate is in the order of 95% a far cry from traditional medicines meager achievements. Little wonder then, that many people believe that this modern private healthcare, delivered at home, represents the best agoraphobia treatment option available.

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About the Author:
modern approach to

agoraphobia treatment
uses a combination of
Thought Field
(TFT) and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to tackle the root
causes of agoraphobia in a fast efficient

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