Saturday, September 11, 2010

Choosing to Be Better Than Before

by: Sean


You have a choice when you wake up each morning - you can choose to be happy or you can choose to not be happy.  Too often, we think this choice is out of our hands, that because of outside influences, we can't possibly be as happy as we want to be.  But in truth, you have a choice.  Now, whether you make the choice which is going to be positive for you; that is an entirely different prospect to consider.  Learning that you have the choice is the first step.

Making the Best Call

Two of the words you need to strike out of your vocabulary right now are 'right' and 'wrong.'  There are no right or wrong decisions, only the one that's best for you.  For example, you could choose to call in sick to work because you don't feel well or you could choose to go in.  Your employer might think it's a poor decision because they need you, but if you're the one who is sick, it's the right decision for you.  Realizing that there are no bad decisions is going to help you make the best choice you can. 

How do you know if you're making the best call?  First of all, put a friend in your shoes.  If that friend came to you and told you about their decision, how would you feel about it?  Would you tell them to think harder about it or would you tell them to go for it?  Try to consider what you would tell others first because that's often how you should be reacting to your own decision making - but very often we think that our decisions are somehow less important, less worth an honest reaction.

Here are some other questions to ask yourself:

-    How do I feel as I make this decision?  Am I happy or disappointed?  How does my body feel as a result?

-    Have I thoroughly researched the options I have?, Instead of rushing into your decision, make sure you fully understand the options you have.  Some work better than others.

Recognizing Your Consequences

The actual ramifications of your decision are something you need to keep in mind when making any decision.  Though you might want to simply accomplish something, what are you getting in return?  For example, if you want to go back to school, consider not only the degree, but also the road to getting that degree.  You will need to study, spend time away from your family, etc.  If the end result is valuable enough to you, you may feel the sacrifice is warranted.  If you begin to question your decision because of the consequences you will need to face, perhaps you need to make another choice.

Making choices is a part of being a human.  We have the free will to decide whether or not we want certain things in our lives or not.  And while it might seem like everyone else has any opinion (and often they do), our only decision boils down to one thing - what you decide works out best for you.

About Author: Sean Rasmussen is a full time internet marketer and is the accredited author of a Motivational Mastery eBook. He is a graduate of his mentor Jamie McIntyre and 21st Century Academy.  His main topics are gratitude, identity, motivation and success.

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