Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Successfully Treating Panic Disorder In Children

by Yuval Harpaz

Photo: panicattacksdisorder.org

 1 in 75 adults in America suffer with Panic Disorder at some time in their lives. There aren't any definite statistics on the number of children that suffer from this disorder, but it would seem that if it's escalating with adults, then it will escalate with children, too. Now, there are several useful and successful ways to accomplish treatment for children in such condition.Children can suffer exactly the same symptoms as adults; difficulty breathing, feeling as though they are drowning or "can't get enough air", tingling or "pins and needles" in fingers or toes, shaking, sweating, trembling, chest pains and almost paralyzing terror are symptoms that have been reported in both adults and children suffering from the condition.Help is out there. A specialty centre at Boston University offers an intensive therapy course with visits at a later time for follow up in order to finish the treatment and make sure that the symptoms don't return.Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, or PCIT, teaches the parents and children how to recognize the very first sign of Panic Disorder, and how to work through this together. They are both taught the necessary skills to limit and break away from the symptoms all around.Where certain phobias can be pointed out that are triggers for Panic Disorder, these phobias can be treated with a multitude of intensive programs focusing on the specific phobia, understanding it and making it less threatening and less likely induce Panic Attacks.It is crucial for both parent and child to understand that in these therapies, it may be pertinent to place the child in a stressful situation, in order to create the situation in a supervised environment, that cause the child to have a Panic Attack. Only by acknowledging it can the reason it happens be understood and treated properly.Of paramount importance is the recognition that the child is not making these attacks up. Panic Disorder affects children with the same intensity as it affects adults. To recognize and accept the need for treatment is the first big step to achieving a cure.But there is an aid. Parents and their children need not to handle these concerns by themselves any more. A lot of information can be found on the internet especially on Panic Attacks treatment and a local Institute for kids like in Boston. In such places children can find a way to get rid of their condition in an effective therapy.Anytime there are medical or psychological conditions to deal with, it is best to talk to your family doctor about the situation. Those who think they have a phobia without a cause should talk to their doctors before enrolling in any treatment programs. Please talk to your family doctor, and they can put you in the hands of a specialist in the area that you need.

About the Author:
Learn more about Panic Attack's Release. Visit www.stressfreeport.com where you can find out all about how to Start Reducing Stress NOW and what it can do for you.

1 comment:

  1. nice blog. give me more information about panic disorder.
