Saturday, October 16, 2010

Helping Your Children Learn to Self Motivate

by: Sean


As you grow older, you might look back upon your life with a sense of regret for things you did not do or things you did not know.  While you can understand that it was all a part of the learning process, you still want to pass along some of your mistakes to your children in order to help them make the most of their lives.  One of the best ways you can help your child develop and grow is to teach them how to motivate themselves - without your input.  Not only will this benefit you as a parent, but your children will be able to apply these lessons to the rest of their life.

Why Motivation Should Start Young

What most parents do when they are raising their children is to create boundaries in which they can safely learn to grow and make decisions.  While this is the right thing to do when a child is very young, as they grow older, these boundaries can cause them to be limited in their experience of the world - and of making mistakes.  Lessons learned from these mistakes are invaluable, but without being given the opportunity to fail, your child will not learn to succeed.

Motivating themselves should start when children are still given strict boundaries.  By learning the reasons behind doing things, they can begin to see why it's important to complete certain tasks.  This will instill in them a strong sense of self worth because they know they are making a difference, but it will also allow the child to learn responsibility for handling chores and other activities.

The more the child is put into these sorts of situations, the more they will be able to begin these tasks on their own.  By knowing that their actions will have value for others as well as for themselves, they will be motivated to complete the things they need to do.

Teaching Motivation

Children are already learning more than you can possibly imagine.  Each new experience is something that is new and wondrous, but without a context, the importance may also be easily lost.  There are several ways you can begin to teach motivation without seeming like you're condemning the child's age:

-    Be interactive with your children - Explain to them why you do things and why they are asked to do things.  Listen to their concerns and address their concerns as well.

-    Encourage your children to ask questions - This fosters self-confidence and importance in their lives.

-    Reward children for self motivating - Whether they've done an extra chore without your asking or they've simply begun to reduce their dependence on you, make sure to reward this to let them know they're on the right track.

Children who are self motivated will grow up to be strong students and people.  Instead of constantly looking for someone else to do the job for them, they will be looking for ways to make things happen in their own lives.  Wouldn't this make them and you proud?
About Author: Sean Rasmussen blogs about motivation and personal development. You can find his blog reviews on Do You Digg It! Read the latest entertainment review about Amy Webers Blog at DoYouDiggIt!
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