Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Best and the Youngest Singer is Only 3

 by crystyignat2


Talent is not the only thing that makes her as a ‘wonder child’. Cleopatra Stratan is THE precocious child that drew the attention of Guinness Book, she is the child who, at the age of 3, is the star of a clip and at the same time she is the only singer who got three important awards from the world famous TV channel MTV at the age of 3.

Young Cleopatra is the daughter of a Romanian singer, Pavel Stratan, who said that he had originally wrote the songs now sang by his child for himself. It seems that Cleopatra follows her father in his career and she is even one step ahead of her parent. In December 2006 she has already sold 150,000 units of her first album “At the Age of 3” (released on the 1st of August 2006) which includes hits such as “Mama” (Mother) and “Ghita”.
On the 10th of May 2007 Cleopatra won three prizes at Romanian Music Awards organized by MTV Romania in Sibiu. “Ghita” - which is the song best known and favourite with the Romanian public - won three awards of which the most important are Best Song and Best New Artist. She is actually the first artist ever to perform live on a stage in front of a large audience at the age of 3. The representatives of Guinness Book expressed their intention to include her in the next edition of the famous publication under the label “the youngest singer ever to perform live in front of an audience for two hours and the youngest singer who recorded an album”.

Last summer Cleopatra was offered 10,000 euros for a live performance in Bacau, the largest sum of money paid for a live show in Romania yet. On the Christmas Day 2006 a new record was smashed – Cleopatra was paid 10,000 euros for one single song sung in front of a large audience in Piatra Neamt, Romania. The entire sum was then donated to the poor in a TV show.
Moreover on the 18th of April 2007, Cleopatra officially made her debut in Japan, with the English version of her well known maxi-single and album “Ghit,a(”. The CD contains the songs written by her father and one variant in English of her success.

Some might think the youngest successful Romanian singer will get lost in the tough world of the showbiz but I am sure that we will definitely hear about Cleopatra Stratan in the years to come. I even dare to call her a small Mozart, a little genius, who will have something to say in this domain in the years to come.

Tips To


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