Thursday, November 18, 2010

Get Overview on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

 by alien82


The national Institute of mental health states that post traumatic stress disorder is one of the five most recognized types of mental disorders. PTSD was originally identified as a post war syndrome due to the number of returning military veterans having this condition.

It's interesting that many mental health care professionals consider stress disorder, an illness, condition or disorder at all. It seems that if a person who had experienced a very disturbing, unsettling or emotional event was NOT affected by it, they should be considered the one with a mental disorder.

Post traumatic stress is associated with experiencing a potentially life-threatening situation, either directly or by proxy. A good example of this is the collective traumatic stress experienced by the United States Just after the World Trade Center Bombing. The people inside the buildings were naturally affected. PTSD however, expanded out and affected not only the whole city of New York, but many people throughout the country

Stress disorder can be characterized as an emotional roller coaster. The fear and shell shock feeling a just going through a significant life threatening event can be devastating. These events may include being directly in a physically dangerous situation, such as a fire, automobile accident is or even natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane.

Other situations such as physical assault, rape, mugging, threats in your life, along with personal property assault such as thefts and breaking into your home can all lead to posttraumatic stress.

Moving on with your life is very difficult while under the influence of traumatic stress. This is made even more difficult as many who suffer from PTSD may not have directly experienced the emotional situation. Simply watching the devastation of a natural event such as a hurricane can loosen the emotional tethers for many. The realization that situations happen that have The possibility of affecting your survival or that of your loved ones can be difficult to balance against the rarity of the situation.

There are several treatment methods used to help control posttraumatic stress. Most PTSD sufferers regained their emotional equilibrium over time. Some however, may need ongoing cognitive therapy, counseling and even medication to continue to be able to complete life's daily routines.

Although far from being just a condition limited to returning war veterans, posttraumatic stress disorder is a growing problem in our modern-day world. If you suspect that a loved one is suffering from PTSD, get professional psychological help.

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