Tuesday, January 4, 2011

3 Personality Traits Most Successful Entrepreneurs Possess

 By: Tj Philpott

Photo: businessalone.com

When looking at many successful entrepreneurs most people see someone who seemingly through luck and/or good fortune was able to capitalize on a great idea. What most people do not see is what it takes for these people to position themselves for business success and it is often neither luck or fortune. In many cases the successes these people enjoy result from thinking outside the box in terms of acceptable standards, beliefs or behavior. Their ability to develop and act upon innovative ideas is what sets them apart and makes them successful. In many cases this ability can often be attributed to certain personality traits they possess and in fact may be traits that you possess as well!

Here is a look at what it is that allows some people to so easily develop and act upon innovative ideas while others may find doing so more difficult.

Risk Takers

Entrepreneurial success is usually experienced by people who are not afraid to take a chance with a new idea or concept. These folks are more daring than most and tend more of a 'what if' approach by following through on innovative ideas that others may shy away from. These people are not only thinking outside the box but they are also living there as well, and in most cases quite comfortably! They watch the crowd and go in the opposite direction because they know there will be less competition!


Innovation is the key, in most cases, for business success however the majority are uncomfortable taking innovative measures. As a result they tend to criticize those who do take a 'different' path mostly because they are afraid others will succeed where they were afraid to even try! Due to these dynamics people who are not afraid of taking risks or trying something new learn to ignore criticism and are therefore viewed as more defiant. Ironically it is this defiance that is often responsible for many of the improvements those who criticize them may enjoy!

Self Sufficient

People who tend to be different from the majority, such as the novel thinking entrepreneurs we are discussing, have a much smaller base of support as a result. This in turn both calls for and requires them to be more self sufficient as a result. Out of this comes the opportunity for them to further develop their resourcefulness which is not all too difficult considering their knack for thinking outside the box in the first place. Obviously a deep inner drive and belief in themselves needs to be existent! Are we perhaps describing you?

Successful entrepreneurs are viewed by many as people who found themselves in the right place at the right time. As true as this may be a closer look will reveal their uncanny ability to position themselves for business success by comfortably thinking outside the box and then acting upon it. In most cases this ability can be attributed to certain personality traits as discussed above. Folks like this demonstrate that the acceptable 'norm' is not always the right avenue to take for business success. Based upon their successes a common lesson we can all learn is that taking chances or being different is not always a bad thing!

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. To learn more about developing some of the traits most successful entrepreneurs seem to share and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques visit:http://affiliatequickstart.com/
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you! Most successful entrepreneurs possess those personality traits mentioned above. For instance, some well-known entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates or Yury Mintskovsky were not afraid to take a chance with a new idea and so they achieved success in their business. They are good role models!
