Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are You A Shopaholic?

by leahita


From the people who brought you Mathematics Disorder and Disorder of Written Expression and even Caffeine Disorder, now bring you Compulsive Shopping Disorder. In other words, a shopaholic. According to the experts, if you have a strong urge to go shopping, for anything from clothes to cars, at any time of the year, that means you might have a mental illness.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 4th Edition (DSM IV) put out by the American Psychiatric Association, there are 374 so called mental disorders. Psychiatrists literally vote on what constitutes a mental illness or disorder by raising their hands at a conference. There is no medical evidence presented, no brain scans, blood tests or any other medical criteria needed to establish a disorder in the DSM; it is 100% subjective.

So now there is Compulsive Shopping Disorder. A study was done on 23 women and one man. All of whom were allegedly suffering from this disorder. This is of course 24 people trying to represent the entire country. It stated that most of the compulsive shoppers had improved in their urge to shop with an anti-depressant, Citalopram. Of course, the urge to shop might also be reduced by taking a number of other drugs, like heroin, cocaine, or maybe even sleeping pills. But it doesn’t mean it will help the situation. Drugs very often only serve to cover up a situation without really handling anything.

Putting a label on a certain type of behavior has really never helped anybody. According to Dr. Fred Baughman, Neurologist and Child Neurologist, “Any physician saying any psychiatric condition is an actual disease, is guilty of fraud.”

“This applies to Compulsive Shopping Disorder and to all ‘diseases’ they may add to future editions of their DSM for the simple reason that diseases are objective physical abnormalities discovered in patients by observant, scientific physicians, not subjective symptom complexes, voted into existence, and, by prior agreement called ‘diseases or chemical imbalances’ of the brain. And telling someone that there is a chemical imbalance in the brain can actually make things worse, as a person will then believe that there is something wrong with him that can’t be helped.

Dr. Baughman also stated that, “Any abnormalities that have been found in the brain are due to the invariably brain-damaging drugs all of their patents get put on and kept on. None are due, as they fraudulently claim, to their ‘disease’ or ‘diseases’ for the simple reason that their was never an actual disease or objective abnormality to begin with.”

The book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, by author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard, shows that there are two parts of the mind. One is the analytical mind, which we use to solve the problems and puzzles of everyday life. And then there is a darker, more sinister part of the mind, called the reactive mind. This is composed of all the times of upsets and moments of pain and unconsciousness, known as engrams (a moment of ‘unconsciousness’ containing physical pain or painful emotion and all perceptions, and is not available to the analytical mind as experience) that a person has experienced. These are recorded in the reactive mind and can come into action to affect the person at a later time. In the book the author states, “The reactive mind is the entire source of aberration. It can be proved and has been repeatedly proven that there is no other, for when the engram bank (the reactive mind) is discharged, all undesirable symptoms vanish and a man begins to operate on his optimum pattern.”

Instead of trying a new drug to cover up a situation or being told that there is a situation when there isn't, or simply putting a label on some kind of behavior, it's best to find the true source of the problem and handle it.

For more information on Dianetics, go to

Louis Steiner is a freelance author in the field of mental health.


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