Sunday, January 23, 2011

How to Be More Self Assured

 By Kikachukwu Chukwukuji


Self doubt is one of man's greatest enemies in life and has being able to manifest itself in different ways and forms. That it has aided in obstructing, stopping or even killing the dreams of many is not disputable. So what I intend discussing here is how it can be coped, managed and eventually curbed in the minds of many.
The human mind is like a fertile soil and easily can implant so many thoughts until nurtured by constant reminder of such thought through different means such as re-visiting such a thought over and over again. So also is the mind ingrained with doubt, fear and mistrust naturally that it takes a re-orientation of the mind and building it so many positivity for the ailment "doubt" to be curbed.
Thus, the question of what doubt is in terms of its denotative meaning. According to the Oxford Advance Learner's dictionary doubt is "a feeling of being uncertain about something or not believing something." From this definition we can say that to in doubt is the same as not believing. Therefore, self-doubt means not believing in oneself. And this is the same thing as having low self-esteem of oneself and this is one trait one should do away with for it leads to the death of creativity and the can-do spirit of man. It's in doubt that we fail to see that tomorrow can be better and brighter. In doubt, the teenager struggling degenerates into illegalities for he fears his will power to succeed. Self-doubt brings out the dark side of that child sitting for an examination leading the child into the use of malpractice to pass.
This negative mindset has made many people resist the state of being in love for they doubt the ability to remain happy in that condition. Therefore, it's no small thing to say that self-doubt has affected the lives of many and their relationship with others, their friends, family and God to be strained.
Can it be managed or even curbed in one's mind. YES! A sure way of doing it is reducing as much as possible doubt thoughts that questions one's abilities for it all starts from the mind and replacing them with positive thoughts.In short,be an optimist and not a pessimist. Next, whenever you're in doubt of yourself write on a sheet of paper why you think you can't do what you intend to do then write reasons why you think you can do it and whatever the outcome you'll see there is no harm going through with the action after all. For if your fears are more than your confidence then why fear again when the worst will be failure - which you had anticipated.
Also, constantly remind yourself of all your successful deeds of old so as to boost your confidence level no matter how irrelevant the venture may have been. Remember, it's only in your mind. If you believe you're no good then you'll be no good. So believe in THYSELF!

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