Monday, March 21, 2011

Feeling Good About Yourself Is Essential For Success And Happiness

 By Dana Easter El


Principle: How you internally feel about yourself is in direct proportion to what you are experiencing in your environment.
Good day and thank you for taking the time to spend with me today. I have a question for you.
  • How do you feel about yourself, right here, right now?
How do you feel about yourself when you get up in the morning? How do you feel about yourself when you are at work? How do you feel about yourself when you are at home? How do you feel about yourself when you are at a social function?
You might be asking, what is it that he is getting at with all these questions. Well, how you feel about yourself is in direct proportion to what you are experiencing in your life.
Obviously, most people blame other people, or the environment to their failures in life. It has nothing to do with what is going on outside of you. It has everything to do with what is going on in your very own mind. This may be a tough doctrine for you to swallow. However, I want you to know two things.
The two things are that when you look into a mirror, you are looking at two things:
  1. The Source of your problems.
  2. The Source for your solutions.
Do you realize that every problem that you encounter in life that within you there is a solution to that problem that you have. The mistake that most people make is that when problems come, they do the following to create a miserable experience:
  • They magnify the problem into something much bigger than what it actually is.
  • They take things way too personally and encompassing a sense of entitlement thinking that the world owes them something and they will continue to be miserable until they feel they collected.
  • They have no gratitude for the problems and do not understand that problems are opportunities in disguise.
  • There is so much focus on the problem that they cannot see that the solution is right in front of their very eyes.
This is nothing more than a recipe for misery. Why not make a decision to turn things around and find the solution to the problems which all starts by changing the very thoughts in your mind.
Now, the key is how you feel about yourself. If you have a general good feeling about yourself then you can realize that you have the opportunity to solve your own problems and create opportunities out of them. When you are feeling bad about yourself, then you will not see these opportunities because you will be too busy complaining and condemning every person that crosses your path.
How you feel about yourself is the key to producing success and excellence in your life. That is, if that is what you want for yourself. I believe that is what you want or you would not be here reading this educational material.
In closing, feel good about yourself as you travel on your journey of creating success and excellence in your life. Don't let your external environment control what your internal conditions are. Have a great time.
I wish you well on your journey.
Please go to for more empowerment and inspiration as well as free tools to help you create success and excellence in your life.
Peace. Dana Easter El - The Doctor Of Excellence.
Dana is the founder of Easter El Enterprises which is an organization that provides tools and services to help people realize the greatness that is inside themselves. Easter El Enterprises gives tools of success and excellence to help people in every area of their lives.
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1 comment:

  1. this is such a wonderful post. how we feel depends on how we want to feel at a particular time. and we can choose whether we want to be happy or miserable...
