Friday, April 15, 2011

Why You Should Ask Why

 By Guy Blews


When you were a child, you garnered information by asking WHY?

Unfortunately, most of the answers were either misleading or misguided - designed to shut you up quickly.

In adulthood, it seems that we no longer ask WHY - and that is WHY we are either misled, or miseducated. Or both.

I encourage you to ask WHY:

WHY is marriage so important?

WHY are we trying to appease our parents?

WHY is our religion better than someone else's?

WHY do we accept the lies and excuses again and again - to ourselves, and from others?

WHY don't we make up your own opinions from what we really see?

WHY do you get so upset when I challenge your miseducation?

Simple enough questions that usually elicit ridiculous and convoluted answers...

If you ask WHY, then you have to find an answer that makes sense, otherwise you will ask WHY again.

If you don't ask WHY, then you simply accept what you were told and you are a fool.

If the answer to the WHY is weak, then your gut instinct will tell you that it is a lie...

And you should always listen to your gut instinct.

WHY is a word that should be uppermost in your mind -

- WHY is marriage important?

Answer: Because we are bred to be weak and needy and controlling and jealous...

If there was any love, trust and belief in marriage then there would be no need for marriage in the first place.

- WHY are we trying to appease our parents?

Answer: Because you are afraid to stand up for yourself and be an individual even when their example is flawed...

F.E.A.R - False Evidence Appearing Real.

- WHY is our religion better than anyone else's?

Answer: Because you were told it was and you refuse to be objective - the truth is that all religion is a lie, based on power and greed.

According to Christianity, Gandhi is in Hell even though he was a peaceful, giving man. According to Judaism, you should not marry outside the tribe otherwise your children are mongrels. According to Islam, anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel.

- WHY do we accept the lies and excuses again and again - to ourselves, and from others?

Answer: Because it is easier to be weak and dishonest than to be disciplined and truthful.

- WHY don't we make up your own opinions from what we really see?

Answer: Because standing up for your own opinion is far more difficult than accepting the miseducation.

It is easy to understand the truth, not so easy to enact it...

- WHY do you get so upset when I challenge your miseducation?

Answer: Because then you actually have to think about the bad decisions you have made and the ridiculous things you believe in.

The Truth Hurts - But It's Still True

Ask WHY.

Find answer that makes sense, not just an excuse that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Guy Blews

Guy Blews is a Relationship Expert and Certified Life Coach who offers One-On-One Coaching. He is the author of 'Marriage & How To Avoid It', 'Realistic Relationships' and 'Less Thing$ More Love' which are all available at his website. Guy has appeared on numerous television and radio shows in the USA and the UK as either a visionary or a pariah - now it's your turn to make an opinion at

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