Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Be Proud Of Your Best Effort

By Richard Brody

Photo: squidoo.com

We have all come into contact with many people who concern themselves more with "just getting by with a minimal effort," than with doing the best that they can. Those people are depriving both themselves and others who may depend on them with the opportunity or possibility of a stellar performance. For example, in school, certain students aim to just pass and are satisfied, where others try their best, and still others are only satisfied when they can master the subject matter.

Depending upon how these attitudes impact one's overall persona is often the difference in the future between being able to take pride in one's work, or just letting the chips fall where they may. After more than three decades of developing leaders and working in the self help and development areas, I truly believe that the happiest people are those that can really be satisfied that they have honestly given their best efforts.

1. Those that simply want to get by are generally marginal in most of their efforts and results. Even the greatest athlete must practice extensively if he wants to be a consistent winner! The habits one develops as a student offer remain for life, and so these people often develop an attitude of self- defeatism, not really concerned with their personal best, but expending most of their energy to finding ways of "passing the buck" and getting others to do the work. When these people, for example, ascend to positions of leadership, they are invariably the ones that over- expect what others, including paid staff will do, and over- emphasize delegation of duties, while almost never qualifying and/ or training and developing the individuals before delegating the duties. In the vast majority of cases, those unqualified "delegatees" are doomed to failure, because they are being assigned duties or tasks that they are not prepared for.

2. There is also sometimes the "danger" that an individual becomes too self- critical, and expects more from himself that may be generally possible. The ideal situation is when a trained and qualified person diligently spends his time committed to doing the best he can possibly do, and realizes that he did all he could do, regardless of whether he accomplished all of his "lofty" goals. People must realize that while goals should be "lofty" so as to have something to strive for, an individual should be satisfied if he knows that he indeed did the best that he could.

3. The person committed to doing his best takes seriously all the necessary training, learning and skill development that will permit him to do the best he can. This person is self- confident without being arrogant, people oriented, sincere, has the utmost integrity at all times, and commits himself to all tasks he endeavors to take on. Optimally, he expects and will accept only his personal best, and while hoping that others will follow his example, realizes that one can truly only be responsible for his own actions.

The most important thing is that if someone knows he has done his best, he feel good about that and be proud of it. Reality is that most others will never appreciate fully all your efforts or skills, but the most important person, and really the only one one should try to please, is himself.

Richard Brody has over 30 years consultative sales, marketing, training, managerial, and operations experience. He has trained sales and marketing people in numerous industries, given hundreds of seminars, appeared as a company spokesperson on over 200 radio and television programs, and regularly blogs on real estate, politics, economics, management, leadership, negotiations, conferences and conventions, etc. Richard has negotiated, arranged and/ or organized hundreds of conferences and conventions. Richard is a Senior Consultant with RGB Consultation Services, an Ecobroker, a Licensed Buyers Agent (LBA) and Licensed Salesperson in NYS, in real estate. Richard Brody has owned businesses, been a Chief Operating Officer, a Chief Executive Officer, and a Director of Development, as well as a consultant. Richard has a Consulting Website ( http://tinyurl.com/rgbcons ); a blog ( http://tinyurl.com/rgbstake ); and can be followed on Twitter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Brody

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