Sunday, October 2, 2011

Don't Try and Control the Uncontrollable!



How much time do you spend worrying or getting stressed about things that you have little or no control over? By doing this you can end up feeling very uncertain, overwhelmed, stressed and powerless. However it is very easy to think like this and get in a state. It can also stop you focusing on the areas that you can influence and control. So what can you do about it? Here are some tips to help you:
Understand what is within and outside of your control. By identifying what is within and outside your control you can start to move forward more positively e.g. you can control how often your business contacts your existing customers but you cannot control what the media say about consumer confidence.
Accept that you cannot control the uncontrollable. By accepting the things that you have little or no control over you will be surprised at how quickly you start to feel more in control. You can choose how you think about these things and if you spend less time worrying about them you have more time to focus on the areas you can control.
Change your reaction to things that you have little or no control over. Now you understand the things that you cannot control you can change your reaction to them e.g. you cannot control another person's behaviour, but you can choose to change how you react to them.
Focus on the areas that are within your control. Once you have identified the areas that are within and outside your control, focus on those areas that you have control over.
Set goals for the areas within your control. Decide on what you want to achieve in the areas that are within your control, whether this be in your personal or business life. By understanding what you want to achieve you are more likely to get there and not get distracted.
Plan the action you are going to take. Make a plan of how you are going to achieve your goals. A plan will give a focus to your activity, as well as helping you to understand the different things you need to do.
Take action on the things you can control. By taking action on the things you can control you will start to feel much more in control and you will start making progress. You will also find you have more time for these areas as you will not be worrying about all those areas you cannot do anything about.
Share with others. Often it is difficult to see for yourself that you are getting worried about something that is outside your control. Therefore when you feel anxious, overwhelmed or stressed it may help to talk to someone else about it. Try talking to someone who is impartial and not involved in your day-to- day personal or business life as they will give a fresh perspective and help you see the wood from the trees.
Remember that you have a choice. Don't forget that you have a choice about how you think and feel about things, as well as how you react to them.
If you are trying to control the uncontrollable hopefully this article will have given you some ideas as to how to move forward.
Liz Makin, Makin It Happen - Coaching, Mentoring & Stress Management
Liz Makin provides personalised business coaching, business mentoring and stress management services to business owners, directors, managers and professionals. If you would like further information or to use any of our services please refer to the Makin It Happen - Coaching, Mentoring & Stress Management website at
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