Monday, October 17, 2011

Some Basic Strategies For Depression



Feeling sad and down once in a while is normal. However, if it continues and it becomes worse, then you are probably experiencing depression already. It is more than being empty and feeling blue. You cannot function like you use to. You no longer enjoy life. Things such as your hobbies, leisure time and recreation don't mean as much. In order to understand the concept of depression, read on to know how to overcome this problem.
Most people use the term "depressed" to describe their reaction with disappointments and struggles in life. Some people might just feel empty, lifeless, angry and restless. Depression is more than sadness. To know if you are depressed, here are some symptoms and signs that will not just go away in a blink of an eye.
1) You find it hard to accomplish your daily tasks and routine.
2) You over sleep or you cannot sleep.
3) No matter how hard you try in controlling your negative thoughts, they seem to stick around.
4) You tend to eat too much or you do not have an appetite. Your weight drastically changed.
5) You are into reckless behavior such as indulging yourself with too with alcohol.
6) You are thinking that your life does not have meaning and is not worth living.
7) You cannot concentrate, focus, remember things and make decisions on your own.
8) You are experiencing physical pains and aches without any reason at all, such as stomach pain, headache and back pain.
Treatments for depression can be identified if you know the root cause of your depression. You need to pin point the underlying causes. For instance, you might be depressed because you are not growing in your chosen career. This is situational depression that can be treated with psychotherapy.
For many, there is a biological factor involved with depression. For those patients, drug intervention may be needed, especially if the depression is having negative effects on your life. Having a complete physical is recommended as well, as some medical conditions can also trigger depression. Consult with your physician prior to beginning any program for depression.
Below are some self-help treatments for depression that you can start today. You can combine these solutions and hopefully gain some relief from depressive symptoms.
Treatments for depression tip #1: You need to change your lifestyle into a healthier one. It will not be an easy task and will not happen overnight, but here are some basic ways on how to make changes in your lifestyle
Seek support from the people around you. There are depressed people who tend to isolate themselves from the people who are dear to them. This can be detrimental, as gaining support from others during this difficult time can speed up recovery.
You need to have a healthy diet to naturally boost your mood. You need to get enough nourishment to help your brain and body function. Discuss with your doctor or nutritionist if you are getting the right vitamins and minerals needed for everyday functioning.
Treatments for depression tip #2: Try to remove from your mind negative thoughts. Always think positive. Attract positive energies in your life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy from a licensed psychotherapist may help in this regard.
Treatments for depression tip #3: A hug from your loved one cannot be replaced. However, pets can give you different happiness and joy once you have them. Pets give you unconditional love and are great companions. According to studies, taking care of a pet may lessen your chances of being depressed.
In conclusion, depression should not be taken lightly. Get a complete physical from your doctor which should also include complete blood work. Perhaps there is a deficiency somewhere, or there is an underlying medical condition. Additionally, seek the help and guidance from a licensed psychotherapist. With these strategies, your chances of recovery will increase dramatically.
Depression can wreak havoc on ones life. It can create not only personal struggles, but interpersonal ones as well. At we work with clients who are struggling with depression and anxiety as well.
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1 comment:

  1. love this post, especially now that i'm feeling down. thanks for sharing!
