Sunday, December 11, 2011

Social Anxiety to Social Confidence



Developmental Social Anxiety is common in the social development factors in children. This is actually the phase where many children outgrow. But it's a different case when it comes to Chronic Social Anxiety which continues until adolescence or if not treated instantly it could be even worse and you may suffer to this condition even until adulthood.
Typical adult types of Social Anxiety are:
Shyness - Tends to stay away from being close to other people.
Performance Anxiety - Being always anxious whenever he/she is in the stage being watched by many people.
Timidness - Lack of Self Confidence.
Too much continuous worry and tension.
Depersonalization - Things seems to be unclear and hazy.
Restlessness - being always tired and uneasy.
Irritability - Gets irritated easily.
Muscle stress
Excessive sweating
Tends to lose focus over something.
Nausea or vomiting
The need to visit to the bathroom frequently.
Trouble falling or staying asleep.
Being easily startled.
Social Anxiety as a disorder could be manifested in patients suffering from physiological components like sweating and blushing; Cognitive/Perceptual Component such as signs and symptoms of disapproval; Behavioral Component like avoiding situations.
Social Anxiety Therapy varies from one individual to another. To have an effective treatment method, you need to concentrate not just with how to deal with anxiety around individuals in certain circumstances but to focus on understanding how you can do what you want in your life by being self-confident, comfortable, and competent too.
Psychotherapy and prescription medication are both effective ways to manage social anxiety disorder. In particular, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy so far has been very effective to keep signs and symptoms at bay. The Behavioral Technique of "exposure" is an efficient treatment to both short-term and long-term, for agoraphobics and many other phobia patients.
Listed here are some useful tips to conquer your social anxiety disorder;
1. Challenge negative thoughts- Social anxiety sufferers have negative thoughts and thinking that bring about their anxiety. In case you have social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, you will probably find yourself at a loss for thoughts like, "I know I'll end up looking like a fool.", "My voice will start shaking and I'll humiliate myself", and "People will think I'm stupid."
Challenging these negative thoughts, either by way of therapy or on your own, is one efficient way to lessen the signs of social anxiety disorder.
2. Learn how to control your breath - Understanding how to slow your breathing down will help you bring your physical signs of anxiety back under control. Practicing the following breathing exercise will allow you to stay calm when you're the center of attention.
3. Face your fears - While avoiding nerve-racking circumstances may enable you to feel better in the short term, it helps prevent you from becoming more comfortable in social situations and learning how to cope. Actually, the more you avoid a dreaded social situation, the more terrifying it might be.
Generally, the behavioral treatments coupled with appropriate psychotherapy have great successful remedies and should be tried before medicine is prescribed in a persistent basis.
Chris Dillard is a former panic and anxiety sufferer. He overcame this kind of condition by means of Natural Cures For Anxiety. He is now devoted in helping other sufferers overcome this condition and regain their lives back!
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