Sunday, January 1, 2012

How To Figure Out The Passion Within You



Ever wonder how to figure out your innermost passion, your purpose, your why? Are you asking yourself "Ay, caramba, what is he talking about?"
What is it that fuels you to be your best, to get up early, to stay up late, to keep on practicing day after day? Is it your family? Is it a desire for a better lifestyle? Could it be a simple and pure love of playing a particular sport? Do you feel an all-consuming craving from deep inside that you must prove to yourself or someone else you have what it takes to be successful?
What is success to you? What is it you want? Where do you want to be? Who do you want to be?
Is it something materialistic? Is it being the head of a successful business? Does it mean you are truly able to help people, either through inspiration or through financial funding?
If you don't know what your passion is and you're not sure about how to figure out what it is, my hope is that this overview will help you discover what is lying within you that will energize you from this point forward.
Step one, reflect on what it is you really want, who you want to be. Write it down in detail. If this seems challenging, think about what you don't like in your life right now. Maybe the answer lies within the realm of negative motivation. If you are sick and tired of what you've been getting in life, daydream for a while about what you do want.
Think of things that excite you, that make you feel like your endorphins are morphing out and turning into an uncontrollable burning desire. If you can get to this feeling, more than likely you now have a much better understanding of your passion.
Step two is to contemplate on the context of who you want to be. This begins with reflecting on and understanding who you are and what you don't like about it.
What do you want to change the most? This will help you find out what's right, who you really want to be. Envision your ultimate personal character, write down all of the details.
Figure out your specific goals for the next three months, six months and one year. Yep, you guessed it, teacher says "Write them down and prioritize them."
What's the big chip, the one main obstacle you can't seem to let go of that is keeping you mired in the comfort rut of life? Think about the past serious commitments you have made that you never followed through on. What's the commonality, the brick wall you keep running into? Is it a fear? Could it be a lifetime bad habit?
Speak with your mentor about developing a plan of action. If you don't have one, think about people you admire. You may not necessarily have to know them personally. Use your creativity and take the initiative for how to introduce yourself to a leader you admire. This could be an author of a self-improvement book that has had a solid impact on you. Send them a friend request on Facebook. Reach out to them.
Cruise through your cranium, see if you can figure the bigger reasons you might have to take action to achieve your goals.
Being completely honest with yourself, reflect on what level, what type of integrity you want to have with everyone. Who is the single most important person to be in absolute integrity with? Hello? It's YOU! Integrity begins within each of us. If we're out of integrity with ourself, then we're most likely out of integrity with others.
Now you must make sure you focus on every action being geared toward results! This means your focused actions will get you closer to your goals each and every day. This is the basic premise of what is known as the compounding effect. Consistent energy and action gets you closer to your chosen destination.
Work at reaching the point where you can achieving excellence with your day-to-day process. Mindset, organization, self-management, knowledge, and results oriented behavior are all contributing components of your overall soon to be leadership skill-set.
The bottom line is that your results are the only indicator of how you are doing, how you are progressing.
In closing this piece I would like to thank one of my main mentors, Justin Woolf for assigning me the homework I have just shared with you. He recommended a book and online course, Strengths Finder by Tom Rath to help us figure out our personal strengths and gain insight for how to empower ourselves.
Peter Hobler is an Internet Marketing Business Success Coach. His passion is inspiring others to believe in themselves to take daily action to change their lives to begin to realize the potential within themselves so they can start to live their dreams and help others do the same. Start to change your life by taking ACTION, today.
Learn more about Peter.
For info about PRO Elite (formerlyCarbonCopyPro) go to: Inspired By PRO
To contact Peter directly, send an email to: or call his office at 314-266-7750.
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