Friday, January 20, 2012

How To Handle Your Stress



It's impossible to live a totally stress-free life. When we experience stress and feel anxious, the stress hormones our body release in response to the situation can cause our heart rate and blood pressure to increase. Many of us have become accustomed to our pressurized lifestyle and are able to cope well in crises, but if we find ourselves over-functioning with too many demands on our times, or we have deadlines piling up at work and frequent arguments at home, over time we may begin to feel consistently stressed and anxious or physically run down. This will affect our mental and physical wellbeing.
Stress is something that is quite difficult to measure on a scale as we all respond differently to potential stressful situations. Common signs of stress building up include:
1. Disturbed sleep and feeling tired all the time
2. Depression, anxiety, panic attacks
3. Frequent minor infections from a weakened immune system
4. Migraine and tension headaches
5. Flare-ups of skin problems such as eczema and acne
6. Indigestion or symptoms of irritable bowel systems
If you recognize any of above symptoms, chances are ongoing stress in your life is affecting your health. It is important to re-learn how to relax so practice some simple relaxation techniques, yoga or meditation to handle your stress level.
Use simple Deep Breathing Meditation to relax and re-energize your body and mind. Follow these steps:
1. Sit in a comfortable position, or lie flat on a bed or floor with your knees bent. Place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest. Close your eyes and relax.
2. Quieten your body and mind. Relax, and imagine you are on the beach or at some of your favourite location: Feel the sights, sounds and smells.
3. Slow your breathing. Breath in for a count of 5, pause for 1-2 seconds, then breath out for a count of 5.
4. Consciously release all your tension with each out-breath. Feel your abdominal muscles push out the last of each breath, and your diaphragm expand as you inhale.
5. Repeat as many times as you want, even 5-10 minutes will help you to feel calmer and centred.
How to be stress free? Try these solutions:
1. Make lists: Write down everything that you need to do in the week ahead, and then prioritize. It will help you plan your time carefully so the really important things get done first.
2. Communicate: Simply by talking and sharing your stress to your family and friends will help you a lot. So don't worry of admitting your pressure, there's nothing wrong with that.
3. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise reduces stress levels and depression.
4. Accept offers of help: Lower your ego and accept others help willingly. This will do many benefits to your health rather than not accepting the help offer and struggling alone doing the un-finish task.
5. Learn to say NO: If you find extra work is a burden to you, learn to say NO in a good way. If you really need to help out, delay the job for the next day.
6. Find some 'Relax' time for yourself: This 'relax' time is an opportunity for you to get away from your friends and family. Have sometime for yourself to go to the gym, beach or maybe shop for your new wardrobe.
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