Sunday, February 12, 2012

Get Your Goals Back on Track



Do your New Years resolutions fall by the wayside before January's even out? Do you find that you're always setting goals, yet you never manage to see them through? Don't give up, get back on track and let this year be the year when things finally happen.
The problem lies not in our ability to achieve our goals, but in how we set them. With carefully set goals and a clear plan to get there, virtually anything is possible.
Make sure that you've set yourself a really great goa
By setting a general, non-specific goal, we often find that we have no real direction or focus. Whenever you set a goal always make sure that it's SMART:
* SPECIFIC- Make it really clear and know EXACTLY what you want to achieve.
* MEASURABLE- How will you know that you've achieved your goal?
* ACHIEVABLE- Challenge yourself, but ensure that it's achievable.
* REALISTIC- Do you believe that you can achieve it? Are you prepared to commit to it?
* TIME-BOUND- Your goal must have a clear start and finish date in order to be inspired to take action.
Always ensure that your goal is truly your own; not something that you feel you SHOULD or OUGHT to do. Make sure that it really excites you, and is in line with your beliefs and values.
Write down all the major stages that you need to complete in order to achieve your goal; these will form your milestones. Put them in order and work on just one milestone at a time. By breaking down your goal into bite-size chunks, you only ever need to focus on the current smaller goal. This not only keeps you focused, but your confidence will also grow with each milestone achieved.
Without action a goal is just words; with action it becomes a reality.
Take action towards your goal every single day. Schedule your actions into your diary for the week ahead or set them out each evening for coming day. The key to success is to keep taking action no matter how small, in order to maintain motivation and stay focused. Remember, every step that you take is one step closer to your goal.
Without self-belief you'll always find it hard to achieve your goals. Yet with enough positive visualisation, coaching, and consistent action, almost anything is possible. Take tiny, consistent actions, and your self-belief will naturally grow.
Believe in yourself and you'll be astounded by your inner strength, potential and ability. Realise that you're quite simply amazing!

About this Author

Gerry is a Personal and professional coach. She Helps individuals improve confidence, achieve their true potential and helps them to put the fun, passion and excitement back into their lives.
Her aim is to motivate, inspire and help others realise that within each of us is someone who is unique, amazing and capable of achieving incredible things with their lives.
She currently runs One-to-one coaching programmes, workshops and diet and well being courses.
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