Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Build Your Tech Skills: Mastering the Mindset of Success


Photo: fidelity.com
You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take
How many opportunities are you missing out on because you're letting fear hold you back? What kind of life would you be living if you lived intentionally, and didn't let fear grab you and pin you down?

At a past Wellness seminar the instructor said something very telling... that the majority of our problems are not based within the realm of true reality, but within our own psyche and perception.
This is such a common phenomenon that there is a whole realm of psychology devoted to it: Cognitive Therapy, which addresses common patterns of distorted thinking -- patterns that can sabotage careers, relationships, and yes -- even Internet Marketing efforts!

Patterns such as "All or Nothing" thinking (if I don't get this promotion, I'll be stuck in this deadend job forever); Mental Filtering (singling out a bad experience at the exclusion of the neutral or positive ones that also happened, i.e., "How was your day at work?" is met with a tirade about the few negative things that happened during the day, with no mention of the good things that did); and Over generalization, where we draw conclusions from one lone incident and project that this will be the outcome on all future efforts.

Do some of these ring a bell with you? When trolling the Warrior Forum, you'll see many posts from people who seemingly need to change their mindset as much or more than they need to learn marketing tactics and/or web and technical skills. Between Bright Shiny Object Syndrome and self-defeating negative self-talk, many folks set themselves up for failure before they're even out the gate!

If you find yourself needing a confidence boost, there are many options out there for you. From joining a supportive membership site like Niche Affiliate Marketing System (NAMS), to developing your Mindset Mastery muscles, or learning the ropes of Affiliate Marketing Secrets and mindset with Connie Ragen Green, there are many resources that can help shore up your skills and boost your confidence without hype (or making you feel like you're the only one on the plant who doesn't get it!)
So don't let fear -- fear of failure, fear of looking look a doofus, fear of what other people think, fear of ANYTHING hold you back from your dreams. Much like Marley's Ghost in a Christmas Carol, you'll often find your ball and chain is of your own making -- but just like Dorothy, you have the power of Mindset to click your heels and take you beyond chasing rainbows and let your Internet Marketing career soar!

Remember that the right mindset is crucial in finding success online. You can learn more about the techniques needed to build your online business -- and improve your mindset and motivation -- at EbizMom.info, a site where moms connect in a safe, nurturing environment to learn about internet marketing and how to succeed online.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_E_Davis

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7480967

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