Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to Create Positive Habits



There are many positive habits that one can develop to achieve success in all endeavors in life. Most of our habits have been developed since childhood and we tend to follow it due to repetitive actions. We brush our teeth everyday in the morning because we are taught to do so since childhood. We repeat the same action and it becomes a habit. It is easier to create a positive habit than to break a negative habit.

In the process of creating or developing a positive habit, it is also easy to eliminate a negative habit. With the need to develop a positive habit, you have chosen to eliminate a negative thinking pattern. To develop positive habits, it is necessary to remind yourself of the positive habits you need to develop. Write down the positive habits you want to develop such as exercising daily, eating healthy food, saving more money and spending less, avoiding negative thinking patterns and so forth.

Tips to Develop Positive Habits

Once you have developed one positive habit, it becomes easier to develop the next. For example, if you wish to eat healthy food, write down a list of healthy food and see how you can replace other food items with those in your wish list. By creating positive food habits, you can then slowly move on to other habits such as exercising daily.

You could start with small exercises such as using the stairs instead of the elevators, walking distances instead of using the car or other transportations. Gradually you can join the gym or other fitness spas to attain a fit and healthy body.

Make a monthly budget of your income and expenditure. Learn to spend less than your monthly income so that you can ensure financial stability and security.

Give up anxiety and moody thoughts. Try to remain cheerful and content with what you have and strive for more in life. Make a resolution to stop worrying and eliminate anxiety and depressive thoughts. This way you can eliminate the negative habit of worrying unnecessarily and letting go of past hurts and resentments in life.

In order to develop positive habits, it is important to do more and think less. Sometimes, we create positive habits unknowingly as it is part of our daily lifestyle. According to studies, positive habits can be created and developed in considerably lesser amount of time.

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