Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tips to accepting who you are!

Author: Muriel Ilunga 


Don't like what you see in the mirror? Not satisfied with your structure, hair and teeth? It is not a strange and abnormal feeling but the problem is how to deal with such negative feelings about yourself that break you down.

Try following these simple steps:

  1. Tell yourself you are unique in every way; love yourself for you are more especially from within yourself. Unless you love and care for yourself, no one will do it for you.

  2. Look at what you are good at. Not good enough? Nope, remember you are unique and you must be definitely good at something no matter how small. If you do it whole heartedly, then it comes out big.

  3. Do not mirror yourself to others. Yes, everything they touch works out well. You think so? We are not always satisfied with what we do we want more. But learn to appreciate your own effort and stop comparing yourself to people you think are perfect, they are humans they also make mistakes!

  4. Finish your tasks in time. Have a "to do list" today evening for tomorrow or early in the morning and allow flexibility as long as you prioritize the most important tasks.

  5. When did you have time for yourself? Sitting down, relaxing, appreciating you are and not expecting to be 100% at everything. Count every 1% you do, every effort counts and slowly strive for more.

  6. Develop the "I can do it syndrome"! Say "I will…." And not "I can or should", use the active verbs.

  7. Don't only and always expect to be treated well. Make other people around you happy not by always cracking jokes but also by behaving in a way that does not irritate them.If it does not matter to others it is not you but their personal problems

  •       Above you are capable of changing yourself for the better, smile lighten up in whatever situation you are facing. Remember it is not always about you when things go wrong.

  • Care for your health by having a proper diet with vegetables and fruits, exercising, drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, having enough rest up to 8hrs, and avoid watching TV for more than 3hrs.

Do the following every day:

  • Use positive active words to describe yourself

  • Do good even if it does not matter to others

  • Always smile to yourself and others (avoid being overly serious)

  • Be clean: your room, house, clothes, shoes, hair, teeth, nails, eyebrows if you can….

  • Eat for your skin and overall health

  • Visit a counselor not only in a difficult situation.
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About the Author

Muriel Ilunga is persuing her Diploma in Liberal Studies and has a certificate in Community Health.she is eager to help people through her articles.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How Do You See Stress?



Do you see stress as a bad thing? Most of us do. Guess what? It doesn't have to always be bad. You can use stress to get things done, motivate yourself and feel good about reaching your goals.
I'm sure you are saying to yourself, "Hold on here, I am trying to get rid of stress, not take any more on!" While that is true of the bad stress, also known as distress, what you may need more of is the good stress, eustress. Eustress is stress that is deemed healthful or giving the feeling of fulfillment. It helps us meet our goals, take action and eliminate the bad stress. Physical exercise is a form of good stress-it is the action of working out that places some degree of stress on the body that ultimately develops and improves our lungs, heart and muscles. It releases endorphins that help elevate our moods and protect from depression.
OK, so aside from physical exercise being eustress, watching a scary movie, riding a roller coaster, and feeling excitement at the top of a ski slope are some other examples of eustress. Athletes feel eustress prior to taking the field and speakers feel it before to giving their talk. It often helps fuel us to keep moving forward, doing just a little bit more and more until we have met our objectives.
On the flip side, most of usknow and understand the negative impacts in our lives from too much bad stress such as, but not limited to:
  • High blood pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Heart Disease
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Short Temper
  • Coping Challenges
Recognizing where you now, as a result of destructive stress, gives you the opportunity to change what is going on in your life whether it be poor health or poor relationships.
Here are a few suggestions to try as you change how you look at the stress to reduce and eliminate the bad stress:
  1. Stop looking at everything as negative. It is natural to always say "I knew that was going to happen" or "Nothing works out the way it should." Instead, think along the lines of "Everything happens for a reason, and that wasn't meant to be right now" or "Next time it'll work out better." Look at what is going on in your life with a positive spin so that you can let go of negative feelings.
  2. Determine who is putting the bad stress on you. Often it is you who puts the stress on you! Sometimes, it is an outside force. What matters is that you see where it is coming from and then take steps to change how you are reacting so that you respond in a way that is not stressful.
  3. Turn your attention to the outcome. Make a plan and put deadlines on it so that you finish what you want to accomplish in a reasonable timeframe. This puts the emphasis on the outcome and the deadline is the eustress. Use the feelings of accomplishment as something that will motivate you.
  4. Remove the obstacles. Do you have time stress, too much to do stress, or guilt stress? Identify the obstacles and letting go or re-working them releases you to be stress-free.
Once you look at your stress differently, it's time to put some eustress tactics into action.
  1. Challenge yourself daily. If you work out, try a new exercise or add weight to your routine. If you like to exercise outdoors, try a different route. If you are afraid to speak up to someone, challenge yourself to speak up for yourself.
  2. Stop being afraid of trying something for the first time. Afraid to ski? Find the smallest hill and stand at the top, go down it and feel the excitement-that's good stress! Afraid to speak in front of people? Know that the feeling you will get when you're done will be amazing and make it all worthwhile. Again, the eustress will lift and carry you forward!
  3. Don't mistake your stress. Often something that feels scary really is good stress. It's easier to just say "I'm so stressed" no matter what the circumstances because it is a habit and it feels comfortable. That stress may be what you need to accelerate your life!
  4. Obstacles can move you forward. Are you avoiding doing something or constantly doing something that causes you anxiety? It could be that you once you tackle and accomplish them, you can lay that pressure aside or discover that you just took one giant leap ahead.
Remember, stress does not have to be bad-as you can see, it can be good. The trick is to adopt the attitude to have more eustress and less distress. That is where the freedom lies, where the accomplishment lies and where the joy lies.
Now that you see stress differently, how will your life be better? How will you be better?

Kim is a Certified Professional Coach and Fitness Instructor. She helps busy women take the mystery out of diet and exercise and teaches them fun and effective ways to lose weight, eat better, and look and feel attractive in their bodies. Kim's clients have the energy to play with their kids, manage their household and business, control their lives, stop feeling guilty about themselves, and find their true happiness. If you haven't read Kim's story, please visit her website so you can 'meet' her and get to know her better. Then, drop Kim a line at as she is eager to get to know you, too.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How To Really Love Yourself


Ever since the various self-actualization movements came into existence during the 1970s, the term "love yourself" has been thrown around so much that it seems to have lost most of its meaning. It's easy to tell those who are sad, frustrated or disappointed with the way that their lives have turned out that all of their problems would disappear if they would only love themselves more. However, effective ways to achieve this goal are rarely discussed among those who advise others to give their self-esteem a boost by boosting their self-love. In fact, they frequently make it sound as if falling in love with yourself is as easy as falling for a fascinating new lover. However, that simply is not the way that human nature works. Following are some ways that the average person can increase his or her self-esteem and live a better life as a result.

Increasing Self-Esteem Through Actions
How people spend their time can have a significant impact on how they feel about themselves. Doing things that benefit others is an excellent way to elevate self-esteem. This does not mean that it's necessary to spend most of one's time performing charitable work in order to have a strong sense of self-worth. However, a certain amount of selfless charity work can improve anyone's perspective.

A Good Self Image Doesn't Depend on Putting Others Down
Those who harbor negative feelings about who they are as human beings frequently attempt to compensate by putting others down. This always backfires, however, and leaves the person who puts others down feeling worse than before. This type of behavior often becomes such a habit that some people aren't even aware of it when they put other people down.

The Perils of Bluffing, Boasting and Bragging
Many people unknowingly attempt to increase feelings of self-worth by boasting, bluffing, bragging and otherwise puffing themselves up. Like putting others down, this behavior has the opposite of the desired results and is always easy for others to see through. Those who use this tactic to boost their feelings of self-worth frequently find that the behavior becomes so ingrained in their personal interaction patterns that they don't even realize that others are not reacting to them in a positive manner.

People who have developed healthy levels of self-esteem spend very little time actually thinking about themselves. On the other hand, those with negative self images are constantly thinking about how others see them and sometimes become so socially immobilized that they have a substantial amount of difficulty functioning in social environments. Ironically, people who spend substantial time wondering how others view them are frequently blind to the normal signs that indicate whether they are being seen in a negative or positive light. Those who experience true self-love are comfortable around others, but more significantly, other people are at ease around them. The most effective way of knowing what people truly think of themselves is to observe how other people feel when they are in their presence.

Are you a woman and you want to learn how to gain confidence and love yourself more? You don't have to be alone on this journey. Our online courses will teach you how to grow your self confidence as you learn from women who are experts at different aspects of living a successful life joyously. Join our community where you can learn about women loving yourself.
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Monday, February 25, 2013

Tips for Improving Your Memory While Studying


The other day, I was talking to a young gal at Starbucks, she was studying for one of her tests, and she was also writing a paper or an essay for one of her course, the paper was on genetic manipulation and modification of humans. Her job was to write a paper against it, and why humankind should not move forward with these technologies. While she was studying and attempting to figure out how to write this persuasive paper for class, I could tell she was stressed because she was taking many prerequisite classes for general education to fulfill all the credits she needed to go to the next step.
If you are a college student, or even if you are still in high school, there are many ways to improve your memory so that you can do well on tests, and not forget what you read, as surely you will need it later in preparing for assignments, group projects, or in this case an writing an essay. First, if you wish to improve your memory, you should consider getting the proper amount of sleep, slightly modifying your diet, learning how to rapidly scan material, and to associate your current knowledge with the new bits and pieces you read regardless of which category they are from.

There are many foods that you can eat which will improve your memory, and it only takes a few moments to go online to see what they are. You should add these to your diet, make them a habit, and continue that throughout your schooling. If you are in a high stress job where memory is essential, you might consider doing the same.

Now then, perhaps you've heard there are ways to help you remember people's names. The best way to remember someone's name is to repeat their name after they give it to you, then to figure out some way of memorizing and by association.
For instance, my name is Lance.

You might think Lance is a sword like weapon used by Knights, and that there was a once famous Sir Lancelot in a famous tale. Then you should spell the name L-A-N-C-E and state it again, even if you do this in your own mind. At the end of our conversation you would remember my name and say; "It was good talking to you Lance," or "Have a nice day Lance."

Then, an hour later you should recall our conversation and my name, and something about me such as my profession, personality, and the topic we discussed. If you do that the likelihood of you forgetting my name becomes improbable.

You can do the same thing while studying. Use the same strategy. It works for studying information too, especially much of the rote memorization you need to do in school to ace tests and maintain a fast memory recall.

Lastly, you should recall the information again after you read it, and use that information when talking to someone, and also writing it down. You should review that information at the end of the day, and again after three days, and then at the end of the week. If you do that, you won't forget what you study, and you won't have to cram for the test at the end of the semester causing you to lose sleep which will hurt your memory when you actually take the test. Please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Improving Study Memory. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;
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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Find your Strength

Author: Aaron M. Potts


As Dr. John Hagelin says in the amazing movie ‘The Secret', "You can have, do, or be ANYTHING". Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith backs him up in the same movie when he says, "You could start with nothing, and out of nothing, and out of no way - a way will be made".
These are powerful statements and they are 100% true and accurate. The question then becomes, "How do you invoke this amazing ability"?

There are many books, products, and services available in the world that can teach you the actual methods for using the Law of Attraction in order to get what you want out of life, and many of them come highly recommended. However, they all start with one very simple yet powerful question that you have to be able to answer in order to properly utilize them. That question, simply put, is "What do you want"?

You could have a blank check in your hand that you could fill in for any amount of money in the world in order to assist you to find happiness, but if you don't know - specifically - what it is that you want out of life, no amount of training and no amount of money will help you to get it. You have to first ask yourself what it is that you want, and also dig deep down inside in order to find out WHY you want it.

The "why" part of our desires is the most critical factor in this equation, and it is also the factor that is most commonly overlooked. Not understanding exactly what we want and why we want it is one of the biggest reasons why so many people are not happy or as satisfied with their lives as they would like to be.
Finding your Strength is just another way of realizing that you need to find your true motivations in life. If you are truly motivated about your life, then you will find the strength and the means to do whatever it is that you are trying to do. On the other hand, if you are not clear on why you want any given thing, then your motivation will be minimal, as will the results of your efforts to attain the objects of your desire.

If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, then you know that the basic principle is that when you focus your thoughts and your feelings on what you desire, then that thing will come into your life. This applies to material goods such as cars and houses, but it also applies to less tangible desires such as enjoyable long-term relationships, inner-peace, weight loss, financial status, etc.

In order to bring those things into your life, you simply need to focus on why you want them, and believe that you will get them. The Law of Attraction - which is a scientifically proven principle - will bring those things to you. However, there is another side to this equation that you can use to create powerful "why" reasons for having those things to begin with.

It is easy enough to think about how great it would be to have a really nice car, a huge house, a significant other that is all that you have ever dreamed of, or to simply have enough money to truly enjoy your life. An equally powerful tool at your disposal, however, is to think about what it is like to NOT have those things. I'm not talking about focusing on the negative fact that you don't have them - that is clearly against the "rules". However, in order to empower yourself to realize why you want those things to begin with, consider what it is like to NOT have them.

Is your car old and beat up, keeps breaking down, and you are ashamed to be seen out in public driving it? Are you embarrassed to have guests in your home because it is old, too small, or in a bad part of town? Do you frequently think about how you can't find the perfect girl or the perfect guy? Are you tired of creditors and bill collectors calling your home, or do you find yourself just "getting by" in life because you barely have enough money?

Obviously the answers to those types of questions will invoke a negative reaction on your part, and it is unlikely that you relish the idea of spending even another day thinking those types of thoughts, let alone another decade, or another 60 or 70 years.

So, although the majority of your time should be spent focusing on the positive aspects of actually having the things that you want, you should start out that process by considering how you would feel if you were going to have to continue to be unhappy by NOT having them.

How would you feel if you were stuck with your old piece of junk car indefinitely, and you could never have a nice sports car, or a fancy BMW, or a Mercedes? What would you think about being doomed to live in a small home or apartment for the rest of your life, visiting other people's mansions and knowing that you could never live in such splendor? How would it make you feel to know that every relationship in your life was always going to be "sub-standard", and you would never find the person who looked or acted like your "dream mate"? Consider what it would be like to fight off bill collectors for the rest of your life, and to never be able to travel, buy nice things, and live a life of happiness and abundance.

By now you should be starting to see the point of this exercise. In order to find the Strength needed to motivate yourself to invoke the Law of Attraction and bring into your life all that you desire, you simply need to consider what it would be like to live the rest of your days WITHOUT those things. Then, once you are fueled by an intense understanding of why it is that you want whatever it is that you want out of life, you will be prepared to start the positive process of utilizing the Law of Attraction to bring those things straight to you, every time, without fail.

Find your Strength today. When you truly understand what you want and why you want it, then simply focus on that, believe that you will have it, and it will come to you. Guaranteed.
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About the Author
Aaron Potts is an ex-personal trainer turned lifestyle coach who uses his training experience combined with an understanding of the Universal Law of Attraction to teach people to create positive and permanent changes in their lives. His students are people of all ages and all walks of life, and you can learn more about his teachings at, or you can contact him directly at


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Strategies To Find Job Search Success in the New Economy


I read in the news that Apple announced it has sold over five million of its new iPhone 5, just three days after its launch and to sweeten Apple's products demand, more than 100 million of Apple's latest operating systems devices have been updated.

Apple's success is an important indication that the Internet has taken over the new economy. The latest trend of using social media to find job has moved to a dynamic speed. Savvy job seekers knows that they cannot solely rely on traditional means in looking for jobs.

Traditional job search includes strategies such as looking in the newspaper classified advertisements, searching through 'help wanted' notices on bulletin boards, going to recruitment or job agencies, and write in for jobs opportunities directly to the companies. All these traditional ways of job search involve an individual reacting to a job that has already been publicly offered.

Although, traditional methods are still necessary, creative, well-informed and socially Internet savvy job seekers will take a step further to stay ahead of their competition by creating an online presence to reach out to more prospective employers. That is because they know that more and more recruiters use the web as a place to search for talent and conduct employment background searches. This trend will set to increase over the years.

Here are 3 ways you can use social media to enhance your job search success:
1) Build your online presence on social network sites.
Make employers find you easily online and thus open doors to more job opportunities. Without an online presence, you will not appear to be as relevant as those who has and you will be passed over for more savvy applicants that have online visibility. Creating online presence include
  • LinkedIn- A networking tool for professional connections. Also used to recommend job candidates, industry experts and business partners. Employers use LinkedIn as a search tool to find talent, and job seekers use it to leverage their network in support of their search.
  • Twitter - Social networking and instant messaging that allows users to post 140- character updates. Employer can use twitter to post for job opportunities.
  • Facebook - A social network that connects people, to keep up with friends and share ideas. Depending on their privacy level, some job seekers have successfully secured a job through their Facebook network.
2) Create a blog to demonstrate your expertise
Another good way to further boost your image and demonstrate your experience, expertise and passion in a particular field is to create an updated blog. Keep it professional, creative and update it with value add contents for readers. The articles that you post may include tips and advice on issues in your area of expertise, also be mindful that everything you write and post online is up for judgement.

3) YouTube and Pinterest Marketing
Internet savvy job seekers are making use of video marketing to promote themselves. This is a creative approach to job hunting that has become increasingly common in the social media arena. You could create a video resume, such as a short and traditional video that include a general rundown of your work experience, educational background and skills.
While Pinterest is not a networking platform, as it does not allow direct communication, it is becoming increasingly popular with businesses. It is a powerful tool to demonstrate your knowledge, organisational skills, and creativity to prospective employers. You can create boards which relate to specific skills-sets you have and use it as a portal to link to work you want to showcase - like an online portfolio.

4) Online Resume
In the new economy, it has changed the way employers review resumes, the Internet has also made it possible for job seekers to post their resumes online, on their own hosted web sites. This change is particular helpful to those persons whose resume presentation will be greatly enhanced by being able to take advantage of the graphics and interactive capabilities that an online resume on a personal web site can provide.

In a nutshell, in these times, a paper resume is not enough. It is essential to be creative and a well-designed electronic, or online version of your resume combined and linked to a strong social media profile, is usually ideal for a successful job search.

~ Regina is a career coach with over a decade of experience which include human resources, career counseling, interviewing skills, resume writing and job searching, with a focus on offline job search, online entrepreneurship, social media and professional networking.
Download Free interviewing guide from Regina at
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Get Motivated Daily: Top 5 Ways to Get Motivated Daily


All right folks. This concept is simple, easy to grab hold of, and a must for any would be online entrepreneur trying to make money online.
Make it part of your daily routine to GET MOTIVATED DAILY. Sorry, I had to yell. It's that important.

A lot of us get into Internet Marketing, because we think we've found the perfect niche to match our interest. We watched a few videos and read a few articles that got us pumped up, just to fizzle out no more than a week later. It happens when that initial adrenaline wears off. It's natural. It happens to all of us. You shouldn't get discouraged. It's all part of the process and it's what is going to set you apart from the rest of the pack. It's whats going to put you in a league with the big boys sooner than you know it.

So along these lines... I guess I've presented the problem, now let me solve it for you. Follows is my top 5 ways to stay motivated:
Top 5 ways to get motivated:
#5 Music

Everyone has those songs that pump them up. You probably have them on your iPod for any time you work out or go for a run. The songs are usually up beat, tell an awesome story, and get your blood flowing no matter what horribly mundane task you're working on. Everyone is different when it comes to music in this category. For me, I am easy to please. I stick to music that has a lot of bass. Typically upbeat lyrics, drum beats, electronic kinda techno-ish. My favorite Pandora station for staying motivated is 'David Guetta'. I rarely have to skip a song, as most help me drone into tasks while keeping a good beat in my head phones.
Spotify might be a good way to see what your friends use to stay motivated. Spotify allows you to share playlists. I look around at my friend's playlist all the time and gather songs that I probably should of heard a long time ago.

#4 Work out
Most people have issues getting motivated to work out. I don't expect you to be any different. But, I do want you to come at it from a different angle. Use working out as a way to get motivated to be productive.

We all know the feeling working out can give us. For me, its a sense of accomplishment, a sense of damn I just did that. It changes my attitude and outlook for the rest of the day. My work out is really simple.

I run for about a mile and a half, stop at my turn around point, do push ups, jumping jacks, flutter kicks, sit ups, lunges, all in rotation until I'm too tired to do any more. Then I run back. While running back I try and go faster than the pace I used to get there.
I make running my main work out for a few reasons. First, it helps me clear my mind, focus on what I'm doing... trying not to stop running. When my mind is cleared like that, It opens my mind to new thinking or refreshed thinking on the topic that matters most to me at that moment. If I get writers or designer block... I go running.

The rush of testosterone and adrenaline to the body is also a great benefit. Helps me feel like a million bucks and makes me very motivated for whatever task I have set in front of me afterwards.

#3 Have a rich mindset
The rich don't run around feeling sorry for themselves. They got rich by doing a lot of things right. And I'm willing to bet the one thing they didn't do was waste time and pass up on opportunities to get serious work done. You cannot fear success. Take your determination and drive and push yourself towards your goal. See small victories and capitalize on them. Own those moments and use them to push you forward.

#2 Stop Procrastination
GET UP AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. Procrastination helps no one, especially yourself. Delay breaks, delay your bull crap excuse to not do the work you have set out in front of yourself. Being an online entrepreneur, an online business manager, whatever you want to call it, comes with a ZERO tolerance for procrastination. Procrastination sucks, and everyone who does, is in the same boat. Don't be a nobody. Be a somebody, and that starts by telling Procrastination to go home. This is a place for work.

#1 Keep yourself goal oriented
Whats your goal?
Great! How do you get there? You make smaller goals to reach your big goal. If you haven't done this already... START!
Go grab a pen and a piece of paper right now. Write this stuff down.
I'm Waiting...
Great! Now, everyday make it your personal goal to check stuff off this list. AND DO IT.
Reaching and obtaining small goals is one of the most gratifying things you can do as your own boss. I personally bought myself a whiteboard that I put right next to my monitors. Any time I lose focus, I look at the list of things I need to do to reach my overall goal. And I do one of them. This is an ever evolving list. It grows everyday. I keep the old small goals I've already reach up on the board with a check mark, just so I can how awesome I am. I did that stuff, and I have a lot more to do. But, when I break it down into small goals, It seems crazy awesome that by doing this small thing, I'm going to eventually check that big box in the corner. My ultimate goal.
Follow my blog @
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Sunday, February 17, 2013

How Stressful Thinking Impacts You


Most of us experience tension daily, often it's hour by hour or worse minute to minute. How we cope with stress and worry determines whether we move forward or allow it to hold us back. Habitual negative thinking is often frenzied, inaccurate, and undependable, yet you can go through your entire life with negative thoughts that cause unproductive behavior and a more difficult life. Most people dealing with stress especially chronic stress assume that there's no getting around it, and its just the way life has to be. But this is certainly not the case!
Silencing the habitually negative mind is easier than you imagine and it all starts with a single positive thought.

How Your Negative Mind Effects Your Positive Aspirations
A negative mind not only regulates the way you approach life, it also has a tremendous impact on your physical body, and with your mind body connection working against homeostasis rather then in flow having a negative impact on your health. When you switch off negative thoughts and turn on positive thinking, you have the power to move toward a healthier more productive and creative you. With time and effort, you can transform your thought process, and it's quite simple actually, because it all begins with just a few simple words.

The Power of A Few Words...
When you see a list of affirmations, you see absolutely nothing more than a list of words with optimistic expressions that do not appear to apply to you or embody your current way of thinking. If you take a closer look at each affirmation, you may find that many embrace the way you wished you could feel and think.

When you see words that speak to you and how you'd like to feel, hold onto them. You can use them to get rid of a unwelcome idea you wish to eliminate. Fundamentally, with practice, you will be replacing your negative thinking pattern with a positive thinking. This is exactly what positive affirmations are all about!
But let me caution you here. In order for your affirmations to be effective they have to meet the following criteria:

Affirmations have to be in your own voice. They need to be phrased and spoken the way you speak.
Your affirmations should be phrased and said in the same way that you would say them to a friend. After all, your mind is your friend. In fact, it's one of your best friends.
Words are a powerful way to evoke emotions both positive and negative. Use affirmation that speaks to you on a deep level and keep them in the forefront of your mind by repeating these words often. By doing this you create room for your new thoughts to germinate and grow until these thoughts become a reality. Again the trick is to use words that are meaningful to you and say them in the same way you normally speak.

If at some point, as we all do, you may become overwhelmed with negative thinking, if that happens simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths until your emotions become a little bit more under control. Then use your affirmations to interrupt your thinking pattern.
One final thought... the past is a closed door you can choose to keep going back into that unfilled and stressful room or you can choose another door. So let's set a few ground rules:

Ground Rules Eliminate Negative thinking
1. You must start by being honest with yourself and make a sincere commitment to make changes
2. You must develop a deep passion to get rid of stressful thinking
3. You must be willing to embrace new strategies and give yourself permission to be creative
4. Give yourself a break when your old patterns re-appear as they undoubtedly will. Don't beat yourself up just begin again.
Does this sound as well great to be true? There are many people who, like you, believe this technique is well... just too easy so it can't possibly work.. The only way to know for certain is to try it. What do you have to lose? No one has to know your using affirmation it's personal and private. After all it's all in your mind. It's easy convenient and you can take them wherever you go.
Linda Hampton RN, MSN Certified Life Coach, is an author, speaker, and coach who helps busy and stressed entrepreneurs gain more time and energy, eliminate clutter and minimize stress and overwhelm. She is the author of Curing Toxic Stress. To receive her FREE Special Report Thriving In The Midst of Chaos visit:
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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Do You Believe In You?


Self-belief is probably the most important determining factor in your success or failure in just about everything in life. If you do not believe in you then how can you expect to achieve any sort of positive outcome?

And equally, if you do not believe in you, other people will have a difficult time believing in you too. They may well try to believe in you, but in the end you will not allow them to sustain their desire to believe. Be it by conscious or subconscious processes, your own belief system will over-rule and color all surrounding circumstances. Your belief, attitude and mind-set totally dictate the reality of your own world.

If you do not believe in you then life can prove to be incredibly tough. On the flip side of the coin, the ability to believe in yourself makes life a whole lot easier, happier, enjoyable and successful.
The luckier people have through whatever experiences in life built a robust sense of self-belief and self worth. Less lucky people do not have that same self-belief. The majority of the latter do know that they should believe in themselves but somehow cannot persuade their deeper, inner self to take that leap of faith.

It is extremely frustrating to know that you should feel or think in a particular way yet not be able to attain that reality, particularly when the subject in hand is as all-encompassing and important as self-belief. You may well ask yourself why your inner self cannot seem to make this adjustment.
Most people simply think that they are how they are and that there is little they can do about it. They have to cope with their lot in life. It sucks but they struggle on with it. Others read every book and try every tip in their attempt to persuade themselves to start to believe. It takes time, perseverance and effort. Some people get there whilst others do not have the grit and determination to keep going.
Few people realize that the task of becoming a believer in oneself can be a whole lot easier and even instantaneous. Thoughts and beliefs can be changed in the blink of an eye, given the correct circumstances. People can achieve incredible feats, like lifting impossible weights, when faced with extreme circumstances and events.

Self-belief comes more easily when you take a leap then by taking baby steps. The phrase "leap of faith" was not coined without reason. But somehow one needs the right trigger or circumstance to release the ability to take that leap.

Hypnosis can provide a mental environment that allows you to take many leaps in your inner belief system without having to wait for pressing external circumstances to literally push you over the edge. Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation that allows you access to your subconscious mind.
Hypnosis is easy to use. You could simply listen to relevant suggestions on a hypnosis mp3 recording. The easy access to your subconscious that hypnosis provides means that the suggestions will slip into your inner belief system quickly and easily.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in confidence hypnosis mp3 downloads.
P.S. Discover how you can change your beliefs with hypnosis. Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from my website now.
Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from and check out her library of hypnosis downloads and help to be more confident.
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Do Less, Achieve More



Relaxation has a bad reputation – many people are afraid that if they relax they will become lazy, slow or sleepy and they won’t get anything done. They connect good performance with hard work.  
But imagine buying a new car. Do you want to buy from a nervous salesman who desperately tries to persuade you to buy his product, or the one who is relaxed and confident in what he is selling? The relaxed salesman doesn’t work so hard, but his results are better and everyone feels good around him as well – a win-win situation.

It’s easy to understand why we perform better when relaxed if you look at the human energy system. Anyone who has experienced acupuncture will be aware that life energy (known as qi in Chinese) flows through our body via a system of channels called meridians. When we are tense our body contracts, constricting the meridians and reducing the flow of energy through the body. When we relax our body becomes softer and more expanded, the meridians open up and more energy is able to flow through.

A simple explanation of energy is that it is the difference between being dead and alive - it is what makes the body move, breathe, feel, smile and think. When we receive less energy (because of tension) we have less of that force that causes us to be lively, active and productive. When we get more energy we literally have more life - more ability to think, create and act.
When we become tense we have to work harder to make up for the lack of energy. This in turn causes greater tension, further reduces the energy flow and a negative spiral is created. As we feel worse (and more tired from lack of energy), we tend to become emotionally negative as well. We complain about stress, worry about ourselves and other people and find it hard to let go of irritations. This negativity only adds to the tension and eventual energy starvation.

If on the other hand we relax and open up we have more energy, so we feel livelier and less tired. With increasing energy we can achieve more which makes us feel positive and even more relaxed. A virtuous spiral develops, whereby relaxed people can feel better and better and more and more positive and eventually they also achieve more and more.
If you find yourself collapsing, exhausted, at the weekend, or you are constantly looking forward to holidays so you can do nothing for a while, it may not be the case that you are overworking. You simply don’t know how to relax properly. A relaxed person can handle working all day and still be full of energy for family and social life in the evening. The relaxed person achieves more with less effort. They may look like they do less than the busy person who is constantly proving themselves, but just compare the results.
Why do we often get our best ideas in the shower? - because we are relaxed and open. Imagine having that feeling all day – where nothing bothers you because you feel you have the capacity to solve any problem and more than enough energy to do whatever comes your way.
Relaxation doesn’t mean watching television or reading a book. It is not having a beer or playing sport. Relaxation is not the same as sleep. It is a peaceful activity – the simple art of ‘doing nothing’ – but ironically, doing nothing is one of the most difficult things of all to do well.

Sarah McCrum is Director of the Academy of Potential Education, with a special interest in developing education to prepare people for a future that is likely to be very different from today.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How Stressful Thinking Impacts You


Most of us experience tension daily, often it's hour by hour or worse minute to minute. How we cope with stress and worry determines whether we move forward or allow it to hold us back. Habitual negative thinking is often frenzied, inaccurate, and undependable, yet you can go through your entire life with negative thoughts that cause unproductive behavior and a more difficult life. Most people dealing with stress especially chronic stress assume that there's no getting around it, and its just the way life has to be. But this is certainly not the case!
Silencing the habitually negative mind is easier than you imagine and it all starts with a single positive thought.

How Your Negative Mind Effects Your Positive Aspirations

A negative mind not only regulates the way you approach life, it also has a tremendous impact on your physical body, and with your mind body connection working against homeostasis rather then in flow having a negative impact on your health. When you switch off negative thoughts and turn on positive thinking, you have the power to move toward a healthier more productive and creative you. With time and effort, you can transform your thought process, and it's quite simple actually, because it all begins with just a few simple words.
The Power of A Few Words...
When you see a list of affirmations, you see absolutely nothing more than a list of words with optimistic expressions that do not appear to apply to you or embody your current way of thinking. If you take a closer look at each affirmation, you may find that many embrace the way you wished you could feel and think.

When you see words that speak to you and how you'd like to feel, hold onto them. You can use them to get rid of a unwelcome idea you wish to eliminate. Fundamentally, with practice, you will be replacing your negative thinking pattern with a positive thinking. This is exactly what positive affirmations are all about!
But let me caution you here. In order for your affirmations to be effective they have to meet the following criteria:

Affirmations have to be in your own voice. They need to be phrased and spoken the way you speak.

Your affirmations should be phrased and said in the same way that you would say them to a friend. After all, your mind is your friend. In fact, it's one of your best friends.
Words are a powerful way to evoke emotions both positive and negative. Use affirmation that speaks to you on a deep level and keep them in the forefront of your mind by repeating these words often. By doing this you create room for your new thoughts to germinate and grow until these thoughts become a reality. Again the trick is to use words that are meaningful to you and say them in the same way you normally speak.

If at some point, as we all do, you may become overwhelmed with negative thinking, if that happens simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths until your emotions become a little bit more under control. Then use your affirmations to interrupt your thinking pattern.
One final thought... the past is a closed door you can choose to keep going back into that unfilled and stressful room or you can choose another door. So let's set a few ground rules:

Ground Rules Eliminate Negative thinking

1. You must start by being honest with yourself and make a sincere commitment to make changes
2. You must develop a deep passion to get rid of stressful thinking
3. You must be willing to embrace new strategies and give yourself permission to be creative
4. Give yourself a break when your old patterns re-appear as they undoubtedly will. Don't beat yourself up just begin again.

Does this sound as well great to be true? There are many people who, like you, believe this technique is well... just too easy so it can't possibly work.. The only way to know for certain is to try it. What do you have to lose? No one has to know your using affirmation it's personal and private. After all it's all in your mind. It's easy convenient and you can take them wherever you go.
Linda Hampton RN, MSN Certified Life Coach, is an author, speaker, and coach who helps busy and stressed entrepreneurs gain more time and energy, eliminate clutter and minimize stress and overwhelm. She is the author of Curing Toxic Stress. To receive her FREE Special Report Thriving In The Midst of Chaos visit:
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Monday, February 11, 2013

How to Be Wise and Achieve Your Goals


The unconscious mind that produces our dreams is an excellent doctor and teacher. After mastering the dream language you will have a direct communication with the wise unconscious mind and learn how to achieve a goal thanks to the unconscious guidance.
Instead of acting based on your suppositions (besides the knowledge you may have) you will act based on wisdom, without making any mistake. You only have to get used with the dream logic and learn the meaning of the most important dream symbols to start understanding the real meaning of dreams, which was discovered by Carl Jung.

The initial process of adaptation is tiring because the dream language is not a simple language. In the beginning it looks like Chinese. However, you will get used with this language (like so many other people did) and then, you will have the chance to follow a perfect plan to achieve a goal that may seem to be impossible to be achieved today.

I simplified the dream language and now this first step is not as difficult as it used to be when it was based only on Carl Jung's discoveries. However, this first step is tiring because in the beginning you have to study the dream language and translate many dreams into practice; not only your own dreams, but many other people's dreams. Only then will you really master the dream language.
In the beginning you have to study the dream language the same way you have to study any other language made only by words (like English or French), but once you have this knowledge you will use it for life. If you speak a second language you know how hard it is to be able to really speak a foreign language. On the other hand, you know that two different languages are not so different and this is not a problem. You only have to learn each language's rules.

I speak Greek and Portuguese since I was a child because my parents are Greek but I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The fact that I knew two languages always was an advantage in my life. This fact also helped me learn the English language, and it basically helped me learn the meaning of the complicated dream language. The Greek language is quite complicated and it is an ancient language, which has changed with time.
The dream language may look like Greek or Chinese for you in the beginning, but its meaning is specific and always the same. You only have to learn its rules. I simplified everything for you.
All dreams contain precious messages that you must learn. The dream messages will help you attain any goal you may set.

Let's suppose that your goal is to find happiness in life, a very common goal. This is a difficult goal, even though it doesn't seem to be so difficult when you are young.
You will verify how ignorant you are, and discover many truths you ignore. The unconscious mind will show you in your dreams everything you have to pay attention to in order to find happiness in life. You will make a list, and then follow all the necessary steps to achieve your main goal.
You will learn how to find sound mental health, peace, and happiness. You will be able to achieve all goals and even save the world with your brilliant work.

You will follow the perfect plan of the divine unconscious mind for the purification of your spirit and the transformation of your personality. Then, you will follow the perfect plan of the unconscious mind for the specific matter of your interest. First of all you have to pass through a process of psychotherapy and become a mentally healthy and self-confident person.
After you psychotherapy, you will be able to care about other matters, which are very important for you, but not as important as your mental health. The unconscious mind always cures your psyche because this is the most important matter of your life.

You have to be a balanced person. You must be able to always control your behavior and always act with wisdom, even in the difficult situations when you are tempted to explode and show anger. You will learn how to always be calm, and never make the mistakes made by those who temporarily lose the control of their behavior because their anti-conscience takes the place of their ego.

The anti-conscience is our primitive conscience, which is very dangerous because it has satanic characteristics. It generates mental illnesses within our human conscience. The unconscious mind shows you in your dreams how to completely eliminate your anti-conscience through consciousness.
This way, you will never have the behavior of a wild animal, and you will never be contaminated by the poison of hatred. You will always show compassion and understanding to all human beings, independently of their actions. Your behavior will always be wise, without depending on other people's behavior.

You will verify the value of the unconscious psychotherapy when you will be a superior person. Then, you will have the chance to care about how to create something, how to make good friends, how to be the first one to do what is impossible to be done in a certain area, and so on. The unconscious mind helps you achieve each goal by helping you organize your actions.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).
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Sunday, February 10, 2013

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People


"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People undertaking" was written by management specialist and former adviser to Bill Clinton, Stephen Covey.

This book presents seven principles which, if established as a habit and integrated into our lifestyle and our thinking, will help us achieve what we do and improve our effectiveness.
According to Covey, 7 habits correspond to the principles of "true north" that are universal and timeless. It also prides itself on not having invented these habits. Instead, he says simply having known the identfier and implemented a methodology on how they fit together.

What are these 7 habits that will help us achieve all that we undertake?

Private victory:

The first 3 habits to match a job to do on yourself to go from dependency to self.
Indeed, before thinking to improve its relations with others, he must already improved his relationship with oneself.

Habit 1: Be proactive

This habit is the ability to control his environment rather than letting it control us.

Habit 2: Be aware from the start where you want to go

This usually involves having a vision of what we wish to achieve and realize our lifetime and to deduce the directions given to it.

Habit 3: Give priority to priority
This is to establish and implement activities to achieve the targets set in previous habit. We must devote time to what is important and not what seems urgent.

The public victory:

The following three patterns correspond to a job to do at our relations in order to pass the state from independence to interdependence.
They can be successfully applied only once the first 3 habits assimilated.
Their implementation is nevertheless a condition that none sina to achieve all that we undertake.

Habit 4: Think Win / Win
He is always trying to find solutions that satisfy both parties involved to build strong relationships over the long term. It is the habit that it is better to focus patiently built a successful and sustainable small victories rather than immediate but ephemeral.

Habit 5 - Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Empathic listening is essential to truly understand a person, situation and open to his ideas.

Habit 6 - Take advantage of the synergy
This habit is to work creatively and is based on the principle that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" working together to achieve a goal will therefore help to achieve more than individuals could do separately.


Habit 7 - sharpen your faculties

It is the habit that encompasses all the others because it will allow their renewal and allow them to demonstrate and increase. It will thus be able to maintain our "capacity".

Sangesh - To read More Articles, Log on to

Steps Towards Becoming Successful in Life


Becoming successful is a dream of everyone. From the street beggars to the hard working fellows, success is always on their mind. But you realize that most people who dream of success don't actually succeed. In most cases, it is not that they have not done enough, but rather they have followed the wrong path. Success can be as easy as looking at something or as hard as hitting a wall. In order to take an easy way out, here is what you should do.

Decide Where you are Going and When

Knowing your destination is the first step towards succeeding in life. It is important for you visualize your future, and bring it to the present. This not only inspires you to work towards your objective, but it also helps you to focus within your lines. If you don't know where you are going, it becomes hard for you to focus, one of the most important pillars of success. Furthermore, when you don't know your destination, you can take any offer, which can delay your quest to become successful.
In addition, you need to set timelines on when you intend to reach your destination. Setting timeframes helps you to focus on doing what is necessary at a particular time. Timeframes also help you to fast track the proceedings, failures challenges, and thus help you to adjust accordingly.

Highlight Reasons Why

In order to motivate your journey, it is important to know why you need to achieve your goals. The reasons behind your objectives will fuel you to pursue the journey even further. Therefore, you need to brainstorm different reasons as to why you would achieve your objectives; do not worry about the list, just list them. In fact, the longer the list, the better. Highlighting reasons helps your emotions to remain alert always as you embark on the actualization journey. Furthermore, it helps to overcome the stumbling blocks along the way, which sometimes can demoralize you.

Brainstorm and Take the Most Relevant Action

After highlighting the reasons why you need to achieve your goals, it is time to take action. It is through your actions that your vision is going to be actualized. No matter how big or small your vision is, your commitment towards achieving it is determined by the actions you take. Therefore, brainstorm through various actions available, and follow the one that makes sense to you. Do not follow the action that you do not understand, but rather something that you can believe.

If in any case you are not able to design your goals, list reasons to achieve it or the action you should take, you can always seek professional help. Success is worthy investing in credible professionals to help you. Do not guess on your future, or the path you should take. Where you have any shadow of doubt, always seek the expert's advice. This can be the difference between your success and failure in life.
Succeeding in life is simple, just three steps away. Identify your goals, list reasons why you would like to achieve those goals and finally design strategies to help you achieve those goals. Do not feel pressured, make it simple - where you are not able to do the above, just contact the professional.
By the way, do you want the simple secret for approaching any woman, anywhere and know exactly what to say to get her number?

If so, download my free report here: conversation blueprint report
Or do you want to learn how I use text to attract and seduce beautiful women - and how you can too? If so, read this report here: 7 Deadly Texting Secrets
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Saturday, February 9, 2013

How To Create A Look That Works For You


Fash­ion is a funny thing and at times may seem fickle and unfriendly.
The media and celebrity cul­ture we live in can eas­ily influ­ence you into trends that aren't flat­ter­ing for your lifestyle or body type.

Or per­haps you refuse this pres­sure, get annoyed or over­whelmed, caus­ing you to aban­don or ignore trends that may enhance your appear­ance, com­fort or per­sonal style?
Com­po­si­tion and Color are keys to last­ing wardrobe hap­pi­ness and find­ing a look that works for YOU.
I will write about Color next time...
But, today I will focus on Com­po­si­tion. Or, in other words; how things are put together.
What­ever your expe­ri­ence, I encour­age you to read on and chal­lenge you to make one of these styling tips your own.

1. Bal­ance the top and bot­tom fit of your clothing.
Wear­ing loose fit­ting bot­toms; maxi skirt, lounge pants, etc... is a great way to be com­fort­able and styl­ish. But be sure to pair with a fit­ted top, as wear­ing a baggy top with loose bot­toms can eas­ily go from comfy to frumpy!

Or per­haps you're feel­ing like you want to cover up a bit more and wear a tunic or over­sized blouse. This can actu­ally be a very chic look if you are sure to skip the baggy bot­toms and instead com­bine with leg­gings, yoga pants, fit­ted jeans or skinny skirt.

2. Pick the cor­rect skirt length to flat­ter your body type.
As I see it there are three no-fail choices depend­ing on your shape.

a. at mid-thigh
b. at the knee bend
c. at the floor

I see A LOT of skirts and dresses that stop right above the knee.
Hear this: The "just above the knee" look that is flat­ter­ing on few! It throws off the pro­por­tion of your leg mak­ing you knees look thicker.
The other length I see a lot of is mid-calf. It, too, con­fuses the body's pro­por­tions regard­less of your height.
My advice?
Go all the way to the floor (the shorter you are the slim­mer the skirt should be). OR... go up to your knee bend, gen­tly cov­er­ing your knee cap. This is a pretty length on most of us.
The guide is slightly dif­fer­ent for shorts, jeans or capris. But, be sure to pay atten­tion to how the dif­fer­ent lengths affect your look overall.

And, remem­ber - unless you have a per­fect bod - the just above the knee length rarely works well.
Also, when pick­ing a jean or trouser length, con­sider if they are going to be dressy or casual. Mean­ing... worn with high heels or flats?
Gen­er­ally, hav­ing a con­tin­ual ver­ti­cal line from top to bot­tom is impor­tant to a styl­ish appear­ance. Pants that stop at the ankle or back of the heel are not ideal.
Jeans and all full length (non-skinny) bot­toms should just barely graze the ground as you stand in bare feet. Once flat shoes are on, the shoe sole will give enough dis­tance from the floor to pre­vent wear and tear.
3. The wrong shoe height can ruin an outfit.
As I men­tion above, if your pant (or skirt) just grazes the ground when you are in bare feet, the cor­rect heel height is FLAT.
If you are going to wear high heels with a skirt, dress, flared or boot­leg trouser, you will look best when the length of the cloth­ing piece goes all the way to the floor.
I often see skirts and pants that have a shorter length suit­able with flats, worn with high heels. The only time this works is with skinny jeans.
And a word about the con­tin­u­ing pop­u­lar­ity of maxi-skirts. Their fit is meant to be graz­ing the floor in bare feet and worn with flats.

I hope you can draw from these three style principles.
The main thing is to not think you are doing it "wrong." All of this is guid­ance for the path you are on.
I am for­ever try­ing things that don't suit me, and remem­ber­ing what does work!
We're in this together...
Start with inte­grat­ing only ONE of these sug­ges­tions. Prefer­ably, what­ever is eas­i­est in work­ing with the clothes you already have.

You will discover your own style before you know it!
I've put together a special video style series for you "7 Super Easy Ways To Style and Wear Your T-shirts" along with some other goodies. Sign up at http://Lky.Dk/StyleUrTees
I am Founder and Chief Joy Merchant of home of the BEST women's fitted t-shirts ever... made of 100% organic cotton in the USA.
I host the video style series and I author The Joy Blog Weekly; a super resource for inspiration, style tips and humor.

You can find me on my Facebook Page LuckyDuckLiving. And, I invite you to follow me on Twitter @ThaisLuckyDuck
There's no reason to go it alone... I'm in your corner!
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Friday, February 8, 2013

Brainwashing Exposed


Brainwashing technique

There are ways of brainwashing you that are covert, repetitious and very effective. You probably are receiving brainwashing without your knowledge right now. These techniques are the reason you are overweight, smoke, have pain, cannot sleep, along with most of your short-comings.
You have been receiving messages your entire life that have caused you to doubt your own thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. This happens all the time and it has become a basic process of human communication. These patterns of communication most often are used to the benefit of another party. However, recognizing these techniques in action you can stop them before they harm you further.
Most of these techniques are so effective that the recipient willingly reevaluates what they perceive. However, these techniques can also be very forceful symbolically demanding the recipient changes their perception.

Questioning Brainwashing

One of these covert brainwashing techniques occurs within the format of questioning. Repeated questioning organized in a precarious pattern will cause the subject to analyze things about which they were not even thinking. As this process proceeds the subject unknowingly follows through until there is a state of confusion regarding the original thought or experience. A new memory, thought or altered way of thinking could be the end result.
Here is what happens when a skilled individual questions you. Each time a questioned is posed you may respond with subtle variations of a story or memory. This skilled practitioner, advertiser, authority figure can cause you to eventually doubt your own thinking. The longer this process, the more it is repeated, the less you recognize the pattern, the more effective the outcome. Before you know it you do not know what you think or have experienced and the more you agree with the message, advertisement or authority figures representation of the information. You have just been brainwashed!

Pay Attention and Recognize the Brainwashing

If you pay attention to the news, to advertisers, to authority figures, you will start to notice this form of brainwashing. Some individuals are so skilled at these techniques that they use it as a standard form of communication.
If you are an innocent, you will become a victim. It is vitally important to be on guard for these techniques. You need to know that you are under constant assault. If you do not it won't be long before you no longer have original thought. You will no longer have discerning thought processes. You will no longer be in charge of your life. You will think, you will do, you will purchase, you will follow and you will be one of the many whom have been brainwashed. And you will not even realize it!

You need to question everything. If you are overweight, if you can't stop smoking, if you are riddled in pain, if you lay awake at night with insomnia, your brain racing, preventing you from sleeping, if you have any condition in which someone else can benefit, that condition was created, and only you can reverse it.

Dr. Schneider is a Holistic Physician, specializing in alternative therapies. He investigates the deep hidden causes of health problems. Imagine having the ability to change who you are. Follow his advice and one day you will reflect back on this point in time and be amazed at what you have learned. You will be grateful that you have control of your life again.
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Thursday, February 7, 2013

5 Funny Fears and Phobias



If you stop any person in the street and ask them what they are afraid of, you are going to be hard pressed to find anyone that says nothing. The most common answers that you hear will be things like heights, spiders, closed spaces, and flying, as well as several others that you will probably find them all too familiar. What you are unlikely to hear is people speaking in hushed tones about their incredible aversion to celery or wearing fuzzy slippers, but that doesn't mean that those types of phobias do not exist. The truth is that they are far more common than you might imagine, so let's take a look at a few of the most strange and funny fears.

Leprophobia - modern medicine has helped fight against a large number of diseases over the years, but that doesn't seem to stop some people from fearing they might make a comeback. Leprophobia is the fear of leprosy and it's so strong in some people that they are even afraid to attend a hockey game because they heard all about the face-offs.

Ithyphallophobia - this may seem a little hard to believe, but there are some people that are deadly afraid of erections. Even if the erection shows up on a stand-up guy that they have known for years, the very sight of that swollen appendage is enough to have them scampering off in search of a stiff drink.

Nomophobia - it's more than a little frustrating to leave your house without your cell phone, but it isn't usually enough to make you loose control. The same can't be said for nomophobia sufferers who fall into a state of panic if they end up anywhere out of mobile phone range.

Helminthophobia - we all end up in the ground at some point where bugs and worms will eat away at our rotting corpse. This is definitely an unpleasant thought, but not really one that crosses people's minds very often. This is not the case for those who suffer from helminthophobia, as being infested by worms is something that goes through their mind every minute of the day. I guess that rules out fishing as a hobby for those poor folks.

Gymnophobia - most fears and phobias are things that we can avoid with a little bit of effort. Gymnophobia, or the fear of being naked, is one that is especially irrational, unless of course you work as a stripper or a tour guide at a nudist's colony. The only person that need ever see you naked is yourself and even then you can easily snap on a blindfold to protect your modesty.
The list goes on and on, but it's probably best to stop now as there may very well be some folks out there who are deadly afraid of lists. For those of you who have made it to this point without breaking out in hives, I thank you, and you may even want to consider researching some phobias that are even stranger than the ones listed above.
by Morgan K. Taylor
The author has a keen interest in productivity, personal development and life fulfillment. In 2011, he created REALITYPLEX in an effort to provide an online space where people can obtain useful information, connect with others and find solutions to their personal daily concerns and worries. What's in your head? Learn and share @
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Redefining Failure


It's time for us to redefine what we think of as failure. Failure has gotten a bad rap for far too long, and I, for one, must stand in its defense.
I am an expert on the tyranny of this word. My own definition of failure in my life is strident and all-encompassing. My inner critic is a dictator who wants to crush me into the ground beyond recovery. I grovel at her feet, begging for scraps of approval and forgiveness. In these moments, I am a person whose soul has been stolen by the relentless propaganda running through her own brain. When I see others with amorphous, cruel interpretations of their experiences, I recognize what's going on. As an educator and a coach, I see this over-interpretation of the word failure on a daily basis, and I see the pain that it causes. That's why I'm here to help redefine the word.

We've all read quotes on success, and failure, and trying, and trying again. Some people read those quotes, believe them, get inspired, and move on. Very likely, those people are not reading these observations. We who are reading this are the truly faithful fans of the word - those devout, zealous victims of failure who attach intense emotion to the word. We attach vivid images, too, and a multitude of experiences as evidence of the imminent possibility of failure. We are married to the shoulds and the coulds and the woulds, the unachievable goals, and the standards that shoot far beyond perfectionism. We march with all our might in defense of our own suffering.

But what if failure weren't such a horrible thought? What if we were to welcome it, instead, to the point where we'd want to adorn the walls of our houses with decorative wooden signs sporting this inspirational word f-word? Entertain, briefly, the possibility of embracing failure and delighting in the many interesting details it provides. Failure, instead of being the absence of success, could be nuanced, instead. If failure had a texture, it could be flannel, and we could run our fingers over it and feel the comfort in knowing that there's warmth and softness there.

Failure. Hmm... It's attractive. It's compelling. It means we've accumulated experiences that are contrary to our desired effects, and those unexpected turns taught us, instead. Instead of reinforcing our steadfast beliefs about what should be, we get a beautiful myriad of interesting details that deepen our lives and offer us new directions.

Failure. It's creative. It's a springboard for expanded awareness. Instead of filing away another success, we get to have this rich experience that teaches us and requires us to go beyond what we initially expected. Endless possibilities exist with failure! What if failure were just an invitation for further consideration of options, and an entry point for even better stuff down the road? What if it made us less afraid to try because, suddenly, we realized that without this tyrannical fear of results, a rainbow of rich possibilities could then open up before us?
The definition of failure, then, might be "new possibilities." It could also mean revelry and delight. And the definition must certainly include the term renewal.

Debra Payne, PhD is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and a proud member of the International Coaching Federation. She is also the President/CEO/Big Cheese of her company, Better Than Success. She specializes in helping Academic Women in transition. Her mission is to assist others in taking the lid off anything that is preventing them from pursuing bold, authentic dreams. Kiss your self-limiting beliefs goodbye at
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