Monday, February 25, 2013

Tips for Improving Your Memory While Studying


The other day, I was talking to a young gal at Starbucks, she was studying for one of her tests, and she was also writing a paper or an essay for one of her course, the paper was on genetic manipulation and modification of humans. Her job was to write a paper against it, and why humankind should not move forward with these technologies. While she was studying and attempting to figure out how to write this persuasive paper for class, I could tell she was stressed because she was taking many prerequisite classes for general education to fulfill all the credits she needed to go to the next step.
If you are a college student, or even if you are still in high school, there are many ways to improve your memory so that you can do well on tests, and not forget what you read, as surely you will need it later in preparing for assignments, group projects, or in this case an writing an essay. First, if you wish to improve your memory, you should consider getting the proper amount of sleep, slightly modifying your diet, learning how to rapidly scan material, and to associate your current knowledge with the new bits and pieces you read regardless of which category they are from.

There are many foods that you can eat which will improve your memory, and it only takes a few moments to go online to see what they are. You should add these to your diet, make them a habit, and continue that throughout your schooling. If you are in a high stress job where memory is essential, you might consider doing the same.

Now then, perhaps you've heard there are ways to help you remember people's names. The best way to remember someone's name is to repeat their name after they give it to you, then to figure out some way of memorizing and by association.
For instance, my name is Lance.

You might think Lance is a sword like weapon used by Knights, and that there was a once famous Sir Lancelot in a famous tale. Then you should spell the name L-A-N-C-E and state it again, even if you do this in your own mind. At the end of our conversation you would remember my name and say; "It was good talking to you Lance," or "Have a nice day Lance."

Then, an hour later you should recall our conversation and my name, and something about me such as my profession, personality, and the topic we discussed. If you do that the likelihood of you forgetting my name becomes improbable.

You can do the same thing while studying. Use the same strategy. It works for studying information too, especially much of the rote memorization you need to do in school to ace tests and maintain a fast memory recall.

Lastly, you should recall the information again after you read it, and use that information when talking to someone, and also writing it down. You should review that information at the end of the day, and again after three days, and then at the end of the week. If you do that, you won't forget what you study, and you won't have to cram for the test at the end of the semester causing you to lose sleep which will hurt your memory when you actually take the test. Please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Improving Study Memory. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;
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1 comment:

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