Thursday, April 18, 2013

Give Me Motivation: Top 10 Secrets to Stay Motivated


Having dreams and goals is not enough to attain success. You need to stay motivated constantly to reach the finish line. Like life, success in your profession also involves a lot of obstacles and struggling phases. However, you need to keep moving on and not give up. Motivation is the best option to kick-start, continue pursuing and reach your ultimate goal. You need to stay motivated while pursuing your goals to enjoy abundance. Self-motivation is better than any motivation. Instead of looking for motivation elsewhere, get self-motivated.
You can make use of these  

Top 10 Secrets to Stay Motivated:

1. Determine goals
You need to figure out where your goals lie. What are you aiming at that will bring you success? Knowing your goals will help you stay motivated and help you attain them with ease.

2. Maintain a positive attitude
Stay positive. It will help you in staying motivated to your goals. Sticking to a positive attitude will help you overcome many difficult situations and increase your productivity. You can also brighten up the moods of your colleagues with your optimism and enthusiasm.

3. Leave personal problems aside and stay focused on work
Don't bring your problems to your office desk. Maintain a line between your professional and personal life. It will help you stay focused and motivated to handle office issues better. Moreover, worrying about personal problems at work will not help in solving your personal issues. It will only distract the focus of your colleagues. Keep problems at bay and focus wholly on the job at hand.

4. Upgrade your knowledge and skills
To have an edge over others, you need sharpen your skills and upgrade your knowledge. All this will help you gain self-confidence and help you perform better. This is a good motivational factor.

5. Be passionate
Life without passion is useless, and work without passion seems like targeting the bull's eye in the dark. Doing passionate work will give you a unique dimension in your professional life. If you love your work, you will enjoy it; and when you enjoy it, you tend perform better. So, make passion your motivator to be a good performer.

6. Decrease or eliminate energy drains
Surround yourself with positive people. Negative vibes will create more problems in your life. Having people around you, who will motivate you whenever you feel a drop in your confidence, will help you drain out negative energies like people who let you down or underestimate you.

7. Practice self-talk
Did you know the most trustworthy person is none other than "you"? Self-talk is like massaging your conscience as it acts as a great building block for a successful life. For instance, say "I can do it" rather than "I can't do it."

8. Confront challenges and fears
One cannot grow unless he/she confronts challenges and fears. You may come across many hurdles and downfalls, but lifting yourself up after every fall and maintaining the same focus will help you come out as a winner.

9. Meditation
Practicing meditation is like meeting your soul, interacting with your inner being and creating a balance in your life. A balanced life is synonymous to a successful career. Meditate to relax your mind and body. It will also rejuvenate and prepare you for a new day of challenges in your profession.

10. Acknowledge and reward success
Acknowledgements and rewards enhance motivation. You can perform better, when you are appreciated and rewarded for your hard work. Accept the little that you get in the form of acknowledgement or reward and stay motivated.

To conclude, your meticulous efforts in following these and other tips will help you stay motivated in order to reach your goals not only in a business scenario, but in any other scenario in life.
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