Monday, October 24, 2011

Stop Feeling Bad - For Good!



Why do you want to stop feeling bad for good? My guess is that you've forgotten that all your feelings are trying to send you messages that are uniquely important for you. Especially those that make you feel bad.
Take a moment now and ask yourself whether this sounds more true than the idea that feeling bad is your enemy? That feeling bad is a problem or illness that you need to get rid of?
You see, few of us grew up being taught the true purpose and meaning of our feelings. In fact, many of us were even punished for feeling bad. That's why it's totally reasonable that as a child, we came to the conclusion that it's bad to feel bad. And that we need to do whatever we can to stop feeling bad for good.
Now that you remember the true purpose of all your feelings, wouldn't it be more useful to learn how to decipher what your bad feelings are trying to tell you instead of trying to shut them up like naughty children? Because when you start to listen to what your "bad" feelings are saying, not only will you stop feeling bad, you will also learn more about yourself than using any other method.
But Why Does Feeling Bad Feel So Bad?
Do you remember how you felt as a child when you tried to give someone a message and he/she ignored you? Terrible wasn't it? And what does a child do he/she is ignored? He/She works even harder to get your attention. Either by getting louder. Or doing something dramatic that is sure to attract everyone's attention.
That's what your bad feelings have been doing. That's why sometimes, you feel so bad that you think it may be better to die than to have to feel so bad any more. Because the more you suppress and try to shut all your bad feelings up, the louder they have to get to give you their message!
So What Can You Do Instead To Stop Feeling Bad For Good?
You can make friends with your feelings. Especially the "bad" ones. Making friends with your feelings is the sure way to decipher what your feelings are trying to tell you.
How? By the same way you make friends with other people.
  • You ask them questions.
  • You get to know their names.
  • You spend some time with them.
  • You do your best to understand their character.
  • You let them know that you appreciate them.
  • You treat them the way you prefer to be treated.
Here Are The Most Common Messages That "Bad Feelings" Try To Tell Us...
  • There's something important for you to notice here.
  • This thought is not right for you. Choose again.
  • There's something else you prefer here. What is it?
Ultimately, To Accurately Know What Messages Your "Bad Feelings" Are Sending, Ask...
  • What do I need to know here?
  • What is right about this that I'm not getting?
And To Stop Feeling Bad For Good, You Need To Practice!
Since you've been making your bad feelings wrong for a long time now, it's likely you won't receive the messages they want to give you immediately. Because just like any friendship, it takes some time to build trust and familiarity.
So take it one day at a time. Celebrate any signs of progress. For example, you may notice you feel less bad after asking your feelings what they're trying to say. Or you receive an answer when you ask the questions. Keep pushing forward.
Are You Sure This Works To Stop Feeling Bad For Good?
When you make friends with your feelings, you eventually feel comfortable having them around. Because...
  • You know what your bad feelings mean.
  • You know how to deal with them.
  • You know how to pacify them.
  • Most of all, you keep building a solid relationship with yourself. The kind of relationship that you know will never ever let you down. Which then becomes a firm example of all the other relationships you have in your life.
You'll know you've succeeded at stopping yourself from feeling bad for good when you even feel grateful for the information and messages being given to you. I guarantee it's worth the effort.
Want To Watch How We Make Friends With Our Feelings? Click here now: to watch free videos on how we stop feeling bad for good by making friends with our feelings.
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Some Basic Strategies For Depression



Feeling sad and down once in a while is normal. However, if it continues and it becomes worse, then you are probably experiencing depression already. It is more than being empty and feeling blue. You cannot function like you use to. You no longer enjoy life. Things such as your hobbies, leisure time and recreation don't mean as much. In order to understand the concept of depression, read on to know how to overcome this problem.
Most people use the term "depressed" to describe their reaction with disappointments and struggles in life. Some people might just feel empty, lifeless, angry and restless. Depression is more than sadness. To know if you are depressed, here are some symptoms and signs that will not just go away in a blink of an eye.
1) You find it hard to accomplish your daily tasks and routine.
2) You over sleep or you cannot sleep.
3) No matter how hard you try in controlling your negative thoughts, they seem to stick around.
4) You tend to eat too much or you do not have an appetite. Your weight drastically changed.
5) You are into reckless behavior such as indulging yourself with too with alcohol.
6) You are thinking that your life does not have meaning and is not worth living.
7) You cannot concentrate, focus, remember things and make decisions on your own.
8) You are experiencing physical pains and aches without any reason at all, such as stomach pain, headache and back pain.
Treatments for depression can be identified if you know the root cause of your depression. You need to pin point the underlying causes. For instance, you might be depressed because you are not growing in your chosen career. This is situational depression that can be treated with psychotherapy.
For many, there is a biological factor involved with depression. For those patients, drug intervention may be needed, especially if the depression is having negative effects on your life. Having a complete physical is recommended as well, as some medical conditions can also trigger depression. Consult with your physician prior to beginning any program for depression.
Below are some self-help treatments for depression that you can start today. You can combine these solutions and hopefully gain some relief from depressive symptoms.
Treatments for depression tip #1: You need to change your lifestyle into a healthier one. It will not be an easy task and will not happen overnight, but here are some basic ways on how to make changes in your lifestyle
Seek support from the people around you. There are depressed people who tend to isolate themselves from the people who are dear to them. This can be detrimental, as gaining support from others during this difficult time can speed up recovery.
You need to have a healthy diet to naturally boost your mood. You need to get enough nourishment to help your brain and body function. Discuss with your doctor or nutritionist if you are getting the right vitamins and minerals needed for everyday functioning.
Treatments for depression tip #2: Try to remove from your mind negative thoughts. Always think positive. Attract positive energies in your life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy from a licensed psychotherapist may help in this regard.
Treatments for depression tip #3: A hug from your loved one cannot be replaced. However, pets can give you different happiness and joy once you have them. Pets give you unconditional love and are great companions. According to studies, taking care of a pet may lessen your chances of being depressed.
In conclusion, depression should not be taken lightly. Get a complete physical from your doctor which should also include complete blood work. Perhaps there is a deficiency somewhere, or there is an underlying medical condition. Additionally, seek the help and guidance from a licensed psychotherapist. With these strategies, your chances of recovery will increase dramatically.
Depression can wreak havoc on ones life. It can create not only personal struggles, but interpersonal ones as well. At we work with clients who are struggling with depression and anxiety as well.
For further information, please visit:
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Friday, October 14, 2011

Motivating Yourself: 5 Easy Steps



We all struggle to find the energy we need to make our dreams a reality. Yet there are many easy and fun things you can do to motivate yourself into action. In this article I share five ways that I motivate myself and others.
Take the five or ten minutes of your snooze time to do two things. First, think about all of the things you are grateful for in your life. If you wake up feeling a little grumpy and cannot think of anything to be grateful for start with your bed.
Second, envision your day. Start with the tasks you are not excited about, ticking them off of your list quickly, and then envision all of the things you want to accomplish. When that alarm goes off, jump out of bed because you are all fired up to get on with your day.
(The key to both of these assignments is to feel good about your life. As the warm glow begins to rise in your heart, focus on it and how good you feel. )
It is a basic law of physics that a body at rest stays at rest but a body in motion stays in motion. Most people do not like exercise, so don't exercise, play! Allow yourself to feel like a kid again and just play with movement. Dance or invest in a rebounder and jump. Kick your legs out and feel the air rush around your head and play. You will find yourself bouncing, twisting, and doing high leg kicks you didn't know you could do. Before you know it, you will have cleaned out your lymph nodes, worked up a sweat, and all with a big grin on your face.
Because many of us are auditory learners affirmations can be used as personal validation as well as motivation tools. We need to hear good things about ourselves and expecting others to fill this role is unrealistic. It might seem ridiculous the first couple of times you do it but before you know it these positive declarations will become personalize positive feedback.
Mentally affirmations are healthy because they allow us to validate ourselves. As you are telling yourself such things as: "My challenges are opportunities to grow," you are giving yourself positive reinforcement. After all if you are not in your own corner then who will be?
A smile, a favorite scent, and 'feel confident' clothes are at least three things we can wear that make us feel motivated. The most important of these items is a smile. Yeah a smile, try it right now even if it is forced, make your lips curl in an upward position and hold it, keep holding it. Did you just chuckle at yourself? Good that is the whole point. People cannot stay sad with a smile on their face. Even if that smile felt forced it just motivated you to chuckle at yourself. So pull up that frown, spritz yourself, and wear your favorite outfit and say out loud "Look out world here I come to rock you off your axles!"
Believe it or not sharing is a great motivator. We have all felt that empowered feeling that floods us when we have done something that helped someone. When we are helpful we feel good about ourselves and that feeling motivates us to help more.
The world's inhabitants all have one great equalizer - time. It is what we do with our time that makes us different. Yet that realization is not always the motivator we need to feel motivated. Therefore we must find ways to inspire ourselves through our visions, our actions, our words, our inspirations to motivate us into action.
Delaina Miller is an Independent Information Professional that enjoys helping others through her writing and research. You can read more of her motivational ideas and tips at
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Causes, Signs and Solutions for Depression



Being depressed can be described as feeling of being unhappy, sad, blue or straight down miserable. Everyone feel this kind of emotion in every aggravating situation, trauma or experience that hit us.
Whenever this situation happens, being sad about it makes us human and perfectly normal. But when depression already interferes with our activities of daily living, it is already classified as a mood disorder under clinical depression.
Causes of Depression
Until this recent time, medical experts stated that the true source of depression is still unspecified or unknown. Depression can be triggered due to a very stressful or traumatic experience, a side effect of medication or can be inherited from your blood line.
The most probable cause of severe depression may came from a stressful event such as death of a significant other, loss of job, financial instability, social isolation, emotional breakdown, break ups, or massive failures.
Other factors that can trigger this mood disorder are familial and genetic markup, medical conditions relating with cancer, chronic pain, problems in sleeping, and side effects of medications.
But most likely, the combination of a stressful event and heredity is the most probable cause of acquiring this disorder.
Signs and Symptoms of Depression
A person who is suffering from major or clinical depression may feel or have:
  • Highly irritated
  • Loss of appetite
  • Poor or decreased concentration
  • Restlessness and agitation
  • Feeling of worthlessness or guilt
  • Suicidal ideations
  • Ineffective sleeping pattern (insomnia or hypersomnia)
  • Negative view of self or low self esteem
Solutions and Treatments
There are a lot of medical and unconventional treatments for depression. Medical treatments involve the use of anti-depressant drugs and psychotherapy.
There are also other programs that can help depressed people regain their energy and rebuild their life such as energy tapping, hypnotherapy or hypnosis, laughter yoga and many other mind body techniques.
EFT or energy tapping is a combination of Chinese acupuncture and tapping. This technique can help you restore and rebuild your self-esteem back. It works by tapping your negative energies or your stresses away from the body and inviting positive energy to fill into your soul.
Hypnotherapy or self hypnosis is one of most feasible and cost-effective means to continually battle and break free from the vicious cycle depression brings.
It is designed to target your subconscious mind enabling you to accept your depressive state and eventually help you root out the source of your depression whether it is a painful life-changing event or a physical trauma. It then enables your mind to alter certain behaviors and changes the way you should feel and act whenever these factors are triggered again.
The author shares invaluable information about the sources, signs, symptoms and possible solutions on depression. Bring an end to your depressive state and find light and hope by using hypnosis for depression. To know more about instant self hypnosis, sign up for your FREE mini-course by visiting us online.
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Why Am I Always So Anxious?



I used to wonder at this. Why am I always anxious? Indeed, I used to think, many years ago, that everyone felt as I did. But of course they don't and if you think that way, please dispel the thought from your mind. The reason for this feeling goes back many, many thousands of years, back to the time when we were running around in skins and living in caves.
Grab a nice cup of tea or coffee, sit back in your favourite chair and let your imagination travel back to a young man of probably around 18 years of age, who decides to go out with a number of his companions to hunt.
This is in the Paleolithic period, so we're probably looking at about 25,000 years ago. Now, this chap wouldn't be a Neanderthal; those poor old fellows had died out a long time before then. No, he'd be very similar to us, and in his own way, just as intelligent.
Suddenly, he sees the tracks of a small deer. He kneels and examines the hoof-marks. There's a bit of a breeze, but the edges of the tracks are razor sharp, so they're obviously fresh. He forgets everything else, including the whereabouts of his friends. He follows the tracks, but suddenly hears the howl of a wolf.
Now, how would you feel? Remember, he doesn't carry anything as sophisticated even as a bow and arrow. All he has is his spear and skinning knife. It's a sunny day and he looks up to find the sun past its zenith. It really doesn't matter where he goes, the wolves will track him and take him down. Climb a tree? Could do but there are some pretty nasty things in trees, too! A cave? Same reasoning. Goodness knows what he'd find in a cave.
Another howl, this time closer. Why didn't he think of his companions? Why did he just wander off like that? He lives in an area which is warm and the dusk is relatively short. Now he hears the wolf even closer and this time, its playmates have joined it.
He's terrified. Sweat pours off him when all of a sudden, he hears the sounds that make his heart sing! His companions have come to find him. He hears them calling his name and he follows the sound until once more he's united with them. Although of course he'd never label it as such, he's just suffered a bout of anxiety.
These days, we aren't too likely to find a pack of real wolves chasing us in Times Square! Plenty of human wolves, but they aren't going to kill us, unless we've been very silly indeed.
The real unpleasantness about General Anxiety Disorder and the reason so many wonder why am I always so anxious, is because so much of it comes on through your imagination. For no sensible reason, you may take it into your head that you're in danger of losing your job.
If this does happen to you, stop. Sit down, and ask yourself just how rational is this thought? When you face anxiety head on like that, and allow the rational side of your brain to take over, you find that these thoughts will soon vanish.
You'll find that a visit to Mike Bond's site,, will give you the opportunity of learning so much about psychological disorders, as well as hypnosis. Just click on here, Bundles, and you'll find all manner of subjects about which to read and learn.
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Friday, October 7, 2011

Life Is Too Short



I don't want to scare anyone but let's be honesty here people, life is too short. Tragedies happen, and can happen to anyone. One minute everything can be dandy and the next... Well you know what I mean.
I ask this very challenging question 'If your life was taken away from you tomorrow, would you honestly be happy with what you have done in your life'?
I don't won't you to have the mentality of 'Oh I will get around to it', or 'that can wait till tomorrow', because who knows, your tomorrow may never come. So start taking action towards your desired goals. Become a 'Doer' instead of a 'Gunna'! Stop making excuses up for your lack of action towards your desired goals, your better than that, and you deserve more than that.
I just want you all to know that life is short, so enjoy every minute...Nay every second you have on this wonderful world. Remember this world is what you make it to be. So I encourage you to make it the best one you possibly can.
Start waking up with an attitude of gratitude; be thankful for everything you have, and be thankful for what you will get (see how I didn't say want) in your life, have some faith that you will get it. Tell the people close to you that you love them every day, build your relationships to the next level.
Yes things can be overwhelming sometimes and it can feel like you are getting the short straw, but when this happen just take a step back and put your life into perspective.
This verse really helps gets my message across:
Leviticus 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.
This principal is a testament that the rest of the meaningless stuff going on in your world doesn't matter. This verse is God's greatest commandment on how we should live our lives every day of every second. Some of you might not be spiritual, and might not believe in it. But putting spirituality aside for a second, this verse makes great sense.
I know it can be difficult sometimes, however if you just act on a consistent basis to live your life like this you will be amazed on how much better each day can be.
It seriously doesn't matter about who did what, who has what, if you got this or that, blah blah blah blah blah..... None of it matters, what truly matters is you being happy with who you truly are. Going back to that verse again it says this; 'but thou shalt love they neighbour (meaning everyone) as thyself. Now tell me this, how can you love and respect others if you don't love and respect yourself? YOU CAN'T, or you can pretend to, but who wants to live a life of pretend?
So build your self-esteem up and be happy with you, you are unique, you are extraordinary, and you can do anything you want in this life if you believe it.
Love your life and the people you share it with, and treating others as you would want to be treated.
If you are living with regret, frustration, stress, or harden relationships then I encourage you to let it go. Forgive those that have caused you your pain and forgive yourself, don't hold on to any of that or your pride, let it go because 'Life Is Too Short'.
Mitchell Villani Works With One Of Australia's Leading Innovation Commercialization Companies, Raising Millions Of Dollars Every Year To Propel Companies Into Global Expansion, & Is Also An Entrepreneur In Network Marketing. " This Link Is Where Mitchell Villani's Views & Mindset Changed To SUCCEED In His Career & His Business.
Visit Mitch Villain's Blog At for more tips and tools on personal development and entrepreneurial skills
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Monday, October 3, 2011

How to Boost Self-Esteem When Times Get Tough



When you're going through a difficult time in life, it can be hard to think about boosting your self-esteem. It seems hard enough to attempt to boost self-esteem when times are good.
During times of struggle it can be especially hard to feel good about ourselves. Events like illness, loss of employment, or relationship break-ups can hit you hard and take a toll your self-esteem. You may be thinking that these issues are entirely your fault and that if you were somehow "better" then it wouldn't have happened at all. Normally, you would realize that this type of rationale isn't realistic, but during times of stress, it's easy to think this way.
These strategies can give your self-esteem a boost when times get tough:
1.) Focus on what is good. It's easy to dwell on all the bad that is happening to you, but during tough times, it's especially important to remind yourself of all the good that surrounds you as well.
  • Make a list of what is special in your life. Whether it's a great spouse, fabulous kids, or even just having a place to live.
  • Making yourself aware of these good things not only makes you feel better, but helps you to see that they couldn't have happened without you and your positive contributions.
  • Going through difficult times is all part of the normal maturation process. Everyone faces a hard time at one point or another in their lives. Like my grandma used to always say "this too shall pass".
2.) Carve out some "you" time. You are the most important person in your life. If you are not taking care of yourself, there is no way you can effectively take care of others around you. During periods of exacerbated stress, it's more important than ever to make time for yourself.
  • Pick a friend whom you trust or a family member and spend some time doing something you really enjoy. This will help you to relax and regroup and blow off some steam.
  • Choose an activity you can do alone that gives you pleasure. Take a bath, read a book, go for a walk alone. This can be a great stress relief and make you feel better.
3.) Your situation will improve - believe it! Your mind will follow your instructions. If you believe that things will get worse then they will. If you honestly believe that things will get better, then your mind will put you in situations to make that come true.
  • Having the belief that things will get better will help you to feel more confident about yourself and keep you feeling more positive. This attitude will provide you with the forward progress you need to get past this trying time.
At some point or another, we are all going to go through a difficult time, whether prepared for it or not. Understanding that changing your negative thoughts into something more positive and productive will not only help improve your self-esteem during times of stress, it will strengthen your chances for a better outcome.
Get your free pdf download on 25 ways to boost your self esteem. And read more articles on improving self-esteem by visiting a popular website with advice, tips, and resources on personal growth founded by Julianna Gauthier.
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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Don't Try and Control the Uncontrollable!



How much time do you spend worrying or getting stressed about things that you have little or no control over? By doing this you can end up feeling very uncertain, overwhelmed, stressed and powerless. However it is very easy to think like this and get in a state. It can also stop you focusing on the areas that you can influence and control. So what can you do about it? Here are some tips to help you:
Understand what is within and outside of your control. By identifying what is within and outside your control you can start to move forward more positively e.g. you can control how often your business contacts your existing customers but you cannot control what the media say about consumer confidence.
Accept that you cannot control the uncontrollable. By accepting the things that you have little or no control over you will be surprised at how quickly you start to feel more in control. You can choose how you think about these things and if you spend less time worrying about them you have more time to focus on the areas you can control.
Change your reaction to things that you have little or no control over. Now you understand the things that you cannot control you can change your reaction to them e.g. you cannot control another person's behaviour, but you can choose to change how you react to them.
Focus on the areas that are within your control. Once you have identified the areas that are within and outside your control, focus on those areas that you have control over.
Set goals for the areas within your control. Decide on what you want to achieve in the areas that are within your control, whether this be in your personal or business life. By understanding what you want to achieve you are more likely to get there and not get distracted.
Plan the action you are going to take. Make a plan of how you are going to achieve your goals. A plan will give a focus to your activity, as well as helping you to understand the different things you need to do.
Take action on the things you can control. By taking action on the things you can control you will start to feel much more in control and you will start making progress. You will also find you have more time for these areas as you will not be worrying about all those areas you cannot do anything about.
Share with others. Often it is difficult to see for yourself that you are getting worried about something that is outside your control. Therefore when you feel anxious, overwhelmed or stressed it may help to talk to someone else about it. Try talking to someone who is impartial and not involved in your day-to- day personal or business life as they will give a fresh perspective and help you see the wood from the trees.
Remember that you have a choice. Don't forget that you have a choice about how you think and feel about things, as well as how you react to them.
If you are trying to control the uncontrollable hopefully this article will have given you some ideas as to how to move forward.
Liz Makin, Makin It Happen - Coaching, Mentoring & Stress Management
Liz Makin provides personalised business coaching, business mentoring and stress management services to business owners, directors, managers and professionals. If you would like further information or to use any of our services please refer to the Makin It Happen - Coaching, Mentoring & Stress Management website at
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