Thursday, January 31, 2013

The False Assumptions That Sabotage Your Success


There are dozens of resolutions your could set this New Year, and just as many reasons behind choosing them. The desire for a better life could push you to ask for that promotion, go back to college, stop being an emotional doormat, and be more confident.
Guilt could spur you to stick to that diet and exercise plan or stay on a budget. When you promise yourself that you'll limit your spending, you'll feel a sense of relief because you've unburdened yourself of the guilt of overspending. You might also feel excited about paying off bills and being financially free.

Choosing a resolution is very inspiring. This inspiration leads you to set an intention: I intend to stick to a budget.
But here's the thing. The act of setting an intention hasn't changed the habit of impulsive spending. Yet.

Albert Einstein said: Nothing happens until something moves. In other words, you change your spending habit only in the moment you feel the urge to act on it.
Until that point, you're just thinking about changing the habit. Your brain's rewiring process has only begun.

It's common to think about something for a long time before actually doing it. But because the thought is so familiar, you'll think that the new action is going to be easy and familiar, too. When it turns out to be harder than you thought it'd be, you'll be discouraged from sticking with the new behavior long enough to wire it as a habit into your brain. 

Another roadblock to sticking with resolutions is not recognizing that success is an attitude. On January 1st, you've psyched yourself up to improve your life. You took the time to create an attitude, a mindset of successfully attaining your desires.

This resolve will be strong for a time. In mid-January, you'll feel that rush of success the first time you walk away from a purchase. Keeping this up will be easy, you think.
But moods are constantly shifting. The next time you're faced with the challenge of not spending, your frame of mind and mood could be very different.

Maybe you've had a rough day and you really need the boost. You're not as psyched up for change any more. If you don't plan ahead for this eventuality of human nature, you'll judge yourself as a wimp, too weak-willed to see it through.

But you can plan now for those days you're feeling low, and vulnerable to repeating the old pattern of spending money to get a buzz. First, make a detailed list of other things you can do to distract yourself from shopping. There are a thousand ways to cop a buzz. Use your imagination and have fun with it.

Second, if you have a human moment and buy something, you can give yourself a break without letting yourself off the hook. Don't judge yourself as a failure. Instead, notice that you've exceeded your capacity to change (Chip Heath's book, Switch, is a great exploration of this phenomenon).
Recognize you need an attitude adjustment. Again, make a plan now of how you'll refresh that feeling of success. Be gentle with yourself. And tomorrow, begin again. Each sunrise is a new day, a fresh opportunity to be who you want to be.
Today's Coaching Question: What could you do to avoid repeating the past behaviors that blocked you from sticking with your resolutions?

Judy Widener is a Certified Life Coach and author of Power For A Lifetime: Tools You Customize to Build Your Personal Power Every Day Of Your Life. You can sign up for Discovering Your Values, a 5-day e-course at no cost at

Her passion is assisting her clients to discover what is most important to them, then to create more balance and satisfaction in their lives. She offers a comprehensive program that teaches clients simple ways to build their personal power and overcome obstacles to achieving their dreams. Judy has coached more than 600 people over the past 13 years. Her website is

How to Create Positive Habits



There are many positive habits that one can develop to achieve success in all endeavors in life. Most of our habits have been developed since childhood and we tend to follow it due to repetitive actions. We brush our teeth everyday in the morning because we are taught to do so since childhood. We repeat the same action and it becomes a habit. It is easier to create a positive habit than to break a negative habit.

In the process of creating or developing a positive habit, it is also easy to eliminate a negative habit. With the need to develop a positive habit, you have chosen to eliminate a negative thinking pattern. To develop positive habits, it is necessary to remind yourself of the positive habits you need to develop. Write down the positive habits you want to develop such as exercising daily, eating healthy food, saving more money and spending less, avoiding negative thinking patterns and so forth.

Tips to Develop Positive Habits

Once you have developed one positive habit, it becomes easier to develop the next. For example, if you wish to eat healthy food, write down a list of healthy food and see how you can replace other food items with those in your wish list. By creating positive food habits, you can then slowly move on to other habits such as exercising daily.

You could start with small exercises such as using the stairs instead of the elevators, walking distances instead of using the car or other transportations. Gradually you can join the gym or other fitness spas to attain a fit and healthy body.

Make a monthly budget of your income and expenditure. Learn to spend less than your monthly income so that you can ensure financial stability and security.

Give up anxiety and moody thoughts. Try to remain cheerful and content with what you have and strive for more in life. Make a resolution to stop worrying and eliminate anxiety and depressive thoughts. This way you can eliminate the negative habit of worrying unnecessarily and letting go of past hurts and resentments in life.

In order to develop positive habits, it is important to do more and think less. Sometimes, we create positive habits unknowingly as it is part of our daily lifestyle. According to studies, positive habits can be created and developed in considerably lesser amount of time.

Related Articles - positive thinking, money magnet, think and grow rich, how to be a millionaire, positive thinking, law of attraction, think and grow rich, subconscious mind,

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How Can I Care for Myself When I'm Caring for Others?


Caring for others, whether it be a child or children, elderly parents, an ailing friend or all of the above can be exhausting. Physical energy is required to get through the day but it is often the emotional stress that takes its toll. So often the caregiver gets lost in the shuffle and forgets what flight attendants have told us for years:
"Put your oxygen mask on first before assisting your child."
Having experienced the physical and emotional exhaustion of caring for elderly parents, I appreciate the struggle that comes with wanting to do everything possible for them and knowing that you are not taking care of your own health and wellbeing.
The question to ask yourself each day is: "What can I do for myself that will help keep me balanced, rejuvenated and healthy?"
When care giving seems to take up your time and energy 24/7, you must be realistic with what you can do for yourself. It may be the small things that give you the most support. The following are just a few suggestions that may ease the feeling of overwhelm.
1. BREATHE. Square breathing can help relieve the anxiety that is often felt throughout the day: 1) Breathe in to a count of 4. 2) Hold for a count of 4. 3) Breathe out for a count of 4. 4) Hold for a count of 4. Repeat.
2. Stay hydrated. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. Water will keep you electrical, focused and may prevent stress eating. Adding a pinch of Himalayan salt to your water will increase your body's ability to stay hydrated. Get more information at
3. The Australian Bush Flower Essence, Alpine Mint Bush helps with the mental and emotional exhaustion and the weight of responsibility felt by care givers. It doesn't take away the job. It helps revitalize and renew your energy.
4. The Bach Flower Essence, Rescue Remedy can be added to your water bottle and give you emotional support throughout the day.
5. Create a support system. You need a respite. This could be a friend or family member, a babysitter, a Home Health Aid, a support group, Elder Services, Visiting Nurses, etc.
6. A simple energetic exercise can help you feel more focused and less overwhelmed:
On a piece of paper, draw a large Infinity Symbol (a figure 8 on its side) with your right hand. When the tracing is smooth, repeat the tracing with the pen in your left hand. When that is smooth, repeat the tracing holding the pen in both hands.
7. When the emotions of the situation feel out of control, take a moment to regroup with Frontal/Occipital Holding:
Place one hand on the back of your head and the other hand on your forehead. Breathe slowly and use this time to visualize yourself calm, healthy and balanced. When you feel pulsing under the hand on your forehead or you take a deep, cleansing breath, you are done.
8. Animals are natural stress relievers. Just petting a cat or dog reduces blood pressure, minimizes anxiety and brings us back into the moment. If a pet isn't available, find pet videos on You Tube or Facebook. Animals, especially cute ones, can usually get us to smile and forget for a moment that we are overwhelmed.
There are many ways of putting your oxygen mask on first. Spend some time brainstorming the techniques that work for you. Be realistic, be willing to ask for help and give yourself permission to take care of you!
Ginger Bisplinghoff, RN, BS, Kinesiologist, Flower Essence Practitioner, Face Reader and author has over 30 years experience in the health care profession. She is devoted to helping people change their lives, discover their true essence and create the best possible future. Her clients and students often remark about her passion, enthusiasm and ability to take a complicated subject and break it down into easily understandable components. Ginger's website is and she can be reached at
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Build Your Tech Skills: Mastering the Mindset of Success


You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take
How many opportunities are you missing out on because you're letting fear hold you back? What kind of life would you be living if you lived intentionally, and didn't let fear grab you and pin you down?

At a past Wellness seminar the instructor said something very telling... that the majority of our problems are not based within the realm of true reality, but within our own psyche and perception.
This is such a common phenomenon that there is a whole realm of psychology devoted to it: Cognitive Therapy, which addresses common patterns of distorted thinking -- patterns that can sabotage careers, relationships, and yes -- even Internet Marketing efforts!

Patterns such as "All or Nothing" thinking (if I don't get this promotion, I'll be stuck in this deadend job forever); Mental Filtering (singling out a bad experience at the exclusion of the neutral or positive ones that also happened, i.e., "How was your day at work?" is met with a tirade about the few negative things that happened during the day, with no mention of the good things that did); and Over generalization, where we draw conclusions from one lone incident and project that this will be the outcome on all future efforts.

Do some of these ring a bell with you? When trolling the Warrior Forum, you'll see many posts from people who seemingly need to change their mindset as much or more than they need to learn marketing tactics and/or web and technical skills. Between Bright Shiny Object Syndrome and self-defeating negative self-talk, many folks set themselves up for failure before they're even out the gate!

If you find yourself needing a confidence boost, there are many options out there for you. From joining a supportive membership site like Niche Affiliate Marketing System (NAMS), to developing your Mindset Mastery muscles, or learning the ropes of Affiliate Marketing Secrets and mindset with Connie Ragen Green, there are many resources that can help shore up your skills and boost your confidence without hype (or making you feel like you're the only one on the plant who doesn't get it!)
So don't let fear -- fear of failure, fear of looking look a doofus, fear of what other people think, fear of ANYTHING hold you back from your dreams. Much like Marley's Ghost in a Christmas Carol, you'll often find your ball and chain is of your own making -- but just like Dorothy, you have the power of Mindset to click your heels and take you beyond chasing rainbows and let your Internet Marketing career soar!

Remember that the right mindset is crucial in finding success online. You can learn more about the techniques needed to build your online business -- and improve your mindset and motivation -- at, a site where moms connect in a safe, nurturing environment to learn about internet marketing and how to succeed online.
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The Millionaire Mindset: How Self Made Millionaires Think


Do you dream of becoming rich someday, but are not sure how to go about it?

There is a myth that rich people are born with an innate talent to strive for excellence and think creatively, but it is all nonsense! Being a millionaire is not about having more than one million in your bank account. It is about the mindset which creates wealth for you. Similarly, it is the mindset (the wrong one) that prevents you from being a wealthy person. Think about it.. why is it when some people win a huge amount of money in a lottery, they go back to square one and become broke yet again within a couple of years? It is because they never learned the mindset of a millionaire. So, how much money you have right now does not determine you future financial status. Your future depends on your thinking; it's all about changing your psychological approach towards money, success and happiness.

When you think of the word 'millionaire' what image flashes in your mind? For many, it is a flashy type of a guy who lives an ultra-luxurious lifestyle, travels in a private jet, and so on. Surprisingly, typical millionaires are not the image that Hollywood and the media in general has created. Many modern-age millionaires work full-time, live in middle-class homes and shop in discount stores like common people. They are not driven by the material possessions that money can buy. What drives them is the power to make choices; it is about the 'freedom' to make any decision! For instance, being able to quit a job they dislike or sending their kid to a school of their choice.
The number of millionaires has almost doubled in the last decade! There are more and more people getting rich. Millionaires are turning into billionaires! Perhaps, a lot of people are living the good life, so why can't you? Anyone can become a millionaire, but it asks for The Millionaire Mindset: How self-made millionaires think, can help you get there too! Millionaires have more in common with each other than just their bank accounts, it is their mindset. Although, becoming a self-made millionaire is NOT easy, adapting their way of thinking can put you on the right track. Here's how-

1. Whatever You Think About, You Bring About

The beauty of being human is that you can reason and you can choose your thoughts. Thoughts become your actions and actions lead you to your reality. So if you're poor, that's YOUR choice. Maybe you think it's not possible to be a millionaire because you don't have the skillsets, capital, education etc. But most self-made millionaires didn't have any of these, either. Self-made millionaires want to have lots of money and earn it while doing what they enjoy doing the most! They think of multiple ways by which they can attract money.

2. The Universe Doesn't Give You Money

Don't make the mistake of expecting the universe to bestow riches upon you, if that would have been the case you would have been born rich! If you are not rich, it only means that wealth is something that you need to CREATE with creativity and hard work. The first step is of course, the mindset which breeds wealth. Self-made millionaires know that they MUST work harder than everyone else. They don't wait for luck. They make a strong plan on how they will make things happen and execute it. They take a huge 'calculated' risk (could be anything) and hence, reap rewards.

3. Chase Anything But The Money

The idea of being a self-made millionaire sounds great, but most millionaires believe that chasing money will take you nowhere. They all have chased 'something' in their lives and the money came along as a reward. What is it that you would do if you were already a millionaire right now? What are your talents? And are you skilled/educated enough to do your work excellently? Understand that money will always come as a fruit of your hard work. You must be productive and give results. For instance, walking in the hot sun is a LOT of hard work but won't make you a millionaire.

4. Stop Spending, Start Investing

If your goal is to make a million dollars and buy an expensive car, you won't be a millionaire for very long. Millionaires know the importance of investing instead of spending. They earn to save (and that's their habit) and not just to spend. They earn to keep and not blow their hard-earned money away by buying expensive items. They know the fact that money, if saved today, may serve a bigger purpose tomorrow. Moreover, self-made millionaires reinvest the money they make. And they further use it to create new opportunities to be more successful.

5. Strive for Success on a Daily Basis

Earning abundantly means you have loads of knowledge about your work, plus, a strong passion to learn new things and improve your skills. These traits are not something you practice once in a blue moon, they are meant to be a part of your daily routine. Self-made millionaires are passionate about learning and reaching new heights. Just like a child gets excited to learn something new in his/her favorite subject, YOU need to have that passion to excel no matter what gets in your way - emotional traumas, financial setbacks, or whatever.

6. Live Well Beneath Your Means

This is something that you must have read a hundred times, but this is THE golden rule. But why is it so? When you work hard enough to buy that Ferrari, you DESERVE it right? Well, that's for you to decide, but millionaires don't function that way. The reason behind this golden rule is - Gradually, a person starts spending more money than he/she earns. Thus, the real self-made millionaires don't spend more than they earn. As simple as that. As a matter of fact, as parents, they don't pay for everything. They give their kids a monthly allowance and that's it. Hence, they cultivate the 'smart spending' and 'saving' habit in themselves, as well as in their children.
As you can see from the list above, just wanting to be a millionaire is not enough. Self-made millionaires have a different mindset and most live a special lifestyle way before making all that money. By doing some of the things listed above, you too can put yourself on the right path to achieve more!
Obsessed! That's how Drew Davis describes his fascination with the mind and how it relates to success. His website, is dedicated to this obsession. Learn more by going to Think About Bring About
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Monday, January 28, 2013

How Memory Is Stored and Retrieved in the Brain


People who learn and understand how memory is stored and retrieved by their brains may become more interested in keeping their brains more active until they grow old. The memory function of the brain comes from all of the pieces of information that are sent by the various senses. These are processed, organized and stored in various places within the brain. In order for the brain to get the information back later, these bits of information are put together in order to come up with what is needed at the moment. However, in some cases, recalling the details may just be impossible as neural connections may be weak or damaged.
The brain is able to keep the memory through repetition. When the same set of information or experienced over and over, the brain easily processes and stores it in the brain circuits. When the neural pathways are strengthened, the information becomes long lasting memories. The ability of the brain to retrieve the information is affected by the lifestyles of people. Those who get sufficient sleep for example may have better memory recall. Scientists and experts agree that it is during the sleeping time where all of the pieces of information that are gathered at daytime are consolidated, organized and stored. However, modern lifestyles prevent people from getting the right amount of sleep and this may affect their memory recall abilities.
There are important points that people need to know if they would like to enhance their memory. They have to pay attention to the information that they need to recall. Keeping focused on the task at hand will help the brain to store the information correctly and retrieve it later without any problem. Those who have some emotional problems may have a more difficult time remembering the details. It is advisable for people to help themselves keep a more positive outlook in life in order for their memory to be able to quickly reconstruct the information that they need.
People who know more about how their brains work and how their memory functions will have more motivation to help themselves to stay physically and mentally healthy through appropriate lifestyles. People tend to lose their memory capacity as they grow older but through proper diet, regular exercises and enough rest, they may be able to prevent it. Doing mental exercises will also help in maintaining a sharp memory according to some studies made. Growing old is inevitable but losing memory altogether may be prevented.
There are lots of ways on how to improve memory. There is a lot of information that you still need to know with memory improvement programs. If you are looking for more information about a memory improvement you can find it at
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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tips for Being More Efficient


In this crazy world, efficiency is a key piece to a happy and successful life. Being efficient allows you to accomplish more at a faster pace than you previously could so that you have time to enjoy other things. When work piles up and your time is running low, being efficient is the only thing that will save you from missing a deadline or missing an important family event.
There are a few simple actions you can take to become more efficient in your everyday work and activities. By applying these simple rules to your life, you will be on the road to success and efficiency in no time.
  1. Get your priorities straight- It's easy to get distracted with everyday activities. You meant to do something for work, but ended up on Facebook for an hour and a half instead. You meant to study for a test, but watched three hours of TV on accident. These things happen, and the best way to prevent them from recurring is to get your priorities in order and then stick to them. Figure out what is personally important to you and what is professionally important to you, then combine them into a prioritized list. Combining these two lists will help make your priority list actually attainable, because it will include all or most aspects of your life.

  2. Stop wasting time- We said it earlier, but stop wasting time. If you want to get things done, there is no excuse for wasting hours of your time on pointless activities. Being efficient means using your time wisely. Use your time wisely and work toward your goals quickly and accurately. The better you get at what you do, the more efficient you will be... IF you don't waste time. This is a very important part of being efficient. If you waste a lot of time on pointless things, you will not become more efficient. You have to admit that your priorities are more important than the time you waste on other things, and then you must have the willpower to omit the wasted time from your day.

  3. Have willpower- Don't give up and don't give in. You may have a lot of work to do, but think you deserve a break for a couple of hours to watch TV. It is true that everyone needs a break every now and then, but you can't make wasting time a daily part of your life. Have the willpower to resist the temptation to waste time. Keep your eyes on the prize of efficiency and continue working toward that goal.
Setting goals and achieving them can be a long and difficult process. Many people admit that they are more likely to stick to their goals if they set and work toward their goals with someone else. Having someone there to encourage you is an element of success that people often overlook.
If you are aiming to achieve efficiency in your life - or have goals you want to set and achieve - consider the Albright Challenge. The Albright Challenge is a 90-day program that encourages and motivates you daily to work toward your goals. With constant encouragement, inspiration and tips, it is absolutely possible to reach your goals and to manage your time efficiently. For more information about the Albright Challenge and to start your free trial today, visit
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Thursday, January 24, 2013

From Loser to Winner

By Naheed Haq


I dragged myself towards my last destination. Even my feet seemed reluctant to carry my weight. My heart thudded faster and faster. It was the only sign that made me realize that my soul was still within the human frame of my body. Thick and heavy clouds of melancholy hovered above my life. I was dying in bits and pieces that was really painful. I wanted to die once and for all. I stumbled on the sloppy path that led to the sea, my last destination where the furious splashy waves were waiting to engulf me and my sorrows forever. I was a loser! Yes a loser, who deserves to meet the same fate as I have chosen for myself. The word loser has a special affiliation with me through out my life. The echo of this word has never let it grip get loose on me.

Some vivid memories of the past flashed before my eyes. I could see my teacher standing at the end of the corridor, his fierce eyes fixed on me. Peeping through those steel rimmed glasses he yelled with full force" loser! David Andrew you are a loser!" Tears of agony, humiliation and helplessness trickled down my cheeks. His merciless words followed me like my shadow.

Life treated me very brutally. Whenever I tried to hold the beautiful butterflies of delight in my hands, they would fly away leaving behind the dull moths of pain and miseries. Pain has always been my close associate. In fact I learnt to live with pain. As I was a loser so I lost my parents when I was only 6 years old. Brought up in an orphanage I was deeply exposed to the sufferings of life and how it seems to be an orphan. It was a period of deprivation and desire.

To give a vent to my pent up emotions I started writing about my experiences of life and it really worked as I got both recognition and happiness, but the phase seemed too short as if only a dream that ended abruptly.

Nancy Philip came into my life like a fresh wave of cool breeze. She spread colours of rainbow in my life and illuminated it with the fragrance of her aroma. But soon my life was exposed to the wild storms of agony and misery.

One of my books was chosen for the National award and everyone including Nancy was sure that it would win the award, but as mentioned earlier, destiny has branded me with the word loser, so once again I became the most desirable victim of unfavourable fate and the award was given to another author. The intensity of this incident resulted in my separation from Nancy as she refused to spend her life with a loser. LOSER! This word pricked my heart bitterly. I was totally broken. Life has always deceived and defeated and today I decided to pay it in equal terms so I was ready to break the brutal shackles of life once and for all.

At last I was close to my death bed. I could feel the wet sand beneath my feet. The heavy waves of water were dancing in front of me. It seemed as they were celebrating the ceremony of receiving their victim and then engulfing him for ever with all his miseries and sufferings. I took a deep breath, mustered up all my courage and stepped forward to embrace the splashing roaring waves forever. "David! David!" For a moment I thought the Angel of death was calling out my name. "Look! He is the famous writer David"

The lively expressions in that voice brought me out of my trance and I realized that I was still alive standing on the sandy shore, the chill cold water of the sea touching my feet. I saw some young boys moving towards me along with a middle aged man. One of the boys held my hand saying" Sir are you David Andrew? You are my favourite author; I have read all your books." He said all this in one breath. The shine in his eyes told me how much excited he was to meet me. The aged man, who was their teacher, told me that these young boys belonged to an orphanage and my books are a source of inspiration for them. These words touched my soul like the fragrance of a fresh flower. For the first time in life I realized that I was not a loser. In fact I was a ray of light for all the bereaved hearts. What a big mistake I was going to commit. My suicide would have snatched the shine of so many eyes. It would have destroyed the happiness of so many innocent souls.

That incident gave me a new life. I discovered the true meaning of life. Life was to live for others. I was no longer a loser. I was a winner for the first time in my life.

Naheed Haq from KPK, Pakistan.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Discover 9 Ways to Break Your Worry Habit



Being worried is part of everyone's life. But it is very important to conquer fears in your life and move forward. In this article you will find some tips which will help you to get rid of your worry habit.
1. Practice Breathing Exercises
Whenever you are agitated and worried take deep breath and try to relax. Do this exercise few times and this will slow down your heart beat make you calm and steady. Proper breathing exercises will give you some time to think and enable you to make wise decisions.
2. Distract yourself from your worries
If you really want to get rid of worry then take your mind off for a short time and try to concentrate on reading, writing and other hobbies.
3. Identify the reason of your worry
Identifying the reason of your worry is the first step to getting rid of it. The second step is to do what ever is needed to get rid worry and agitation.
4. Talk To Your Friends
It is a smart idea to discuss all the details of your worry with your friends and family. Discuss all your concerns and doubts. This really help you to get rid of half of your worries.
5. Look for Some Inspiring Quotes
Spend some time on the internet and look for some positive quotes. Inspirational articles and quotes by famous people will certainly help you to break your worry habit.
6. Find a Counseller
If worry and anxiety is interfering in your day to day activity then it is a smart idea to look for professional help. A professional can really help you to find the root of your problem.
7. Practice Gratitude
It is very important to practice gratitude in your everyday life. Habit of being thankful for every good thing fills you with positive energy.
8. Pray
Develop a habit of praying. One should start and end his day with a prayer. Prayer does not comprise some specific set of words. Prayer is thanking God for all the Good and being honest with about all your problems and feelings.
9. Take Good Sleep
If you really want to get rid of worry then it is a very essential to take at least eight hours of sleep.
There are many more things which can be done to get rid of worry but above tips and techniques can really help you to get rid of your day-to-day worries.
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If so, Download my brand new free eBook on Maintaining a Positive Attitude toward life.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Benefits of Good Observation Skills


As part of my training, one of my teachers had me spend an entire day doing nothing but observing from early morning to evening. I had to sit in a field all day long without moving my body -- he told me to just move my eyes very slowly from side to side.
What was I observing? What direction is the wind coming from? Does that cloud seem to contain any large amounts of moisture? Is it dark on the underside and light on top? If so, perhaps it's going to rain.
If you see birds flying, are they circling or going in a straight line? Are they water birds flying to where there might be some water? If you're looking for water, perhaps you should head in that direction.
There didn't have to be any particular significance to all the things I observed -- the point was not to let anything escape my awareness, to master the difference between looking and seeing.
When you see any kind of a movement, don't turn your head quickly, just move your eyes slowly to one side. If you turn your head too quickly the little animal or bird sitting on a tree limb is going to fly away. If you are motionless they feel that you are not harmful -- they accept you and come in close.
I discovered that the peripheral part of your viewing space can catch movement more readily than looking straight ahead. You also listen for the sounds of the area. Did you hear a cow? Did it have a bell, was it lowing? Did you hear a horse snort? If you can register in your mind all the sounds common to your area, you can immediately pick up on anything unusual.
You can also apply these observation skills in the city, where it may be even more important to stay alert. As you walk down the street, observe from one corner to the other side of the street. Is it safe? Are there any people or situations which look dangerous to you? Being aware of everything going on around you can save your life.
I went out to the field on my own many times because I felt I had missed things and wasn't satisfied with my own performance. My teacher didn't tell me to go back out -- he started me off but then I continued on my own every so often.
I used to go to the zoo and stare at the tigers. A tiger would look at me and I'd look back at him. I don't know how long I'd stand there, but I was determined not to look away first -- I kept looking until the tiger finally looked away. I guess the barrier between us gave me some kind of confidence but at the same time I felt I was making eye contact with a hostile animal -- he represented that to me. From there I'd go to a lion and do the same thing. I had a lot of fun doing that and no one could tell what I was doing, it just looked like I was standing there watching the animals.
Eventually I gave the tiger commands, not verbally, but in my mind. I would project the thought, "Turn away. Turn away right now. Turn." He was very stubborn but he would eventually turn and I kept doing it until the time it took him to turn away got shorter and shorter. I got training in using the power of my mind just like that. I did this on my own in my late twenties -- neither Dave nor Daniel suggested it.
We can apply observation to almost any walk of life. I used to teach salesmanship to handicapped people at Goodwill Industries. I would give them an orange and ask them to describe it to me and invariably all they would say was that it was orange in color and round.
"What else can you see on it?"
"That's about all."
"Your observation is very limited. You can tell where it had hung to a stem on the limb. You can even see the pores on the skin and certain streaks and discolorations. Learn to observe. What do you know about your product? What size is it? How heavy is it? What does it do? What is it's capacity?"
They thought they had seen all they could and yet as they kept trying they could come up with more. As time went on they were able to do a lot more selling and what helped me teach them was not going to a school for salesmanship. I learned just by observing out there in the country in Oklahoma and I taught them to do it, too.
If you don't think observation is all that hard, try to sit still for 20 minutes. If your nose itches, don't scratch it. If your leg cramps, don't stretch it. These are some of the things you have to contend with in observation. It's a far-reaching training that enables you to take in a whole situation in seconds.
After college I went into the army where I taught hand to hand combat -- how to maim a person, killing blows, how to disarm a person coming at you with a gun or knife. It was a fight for survival, a fight to kill.
All in all, I didn't feel too good about some of the things I had to teach, but when I made the vow to protect our country at all costs, it included that. Maybe with a gun it might have been different -- you're distanced from your victim -- but hand to hand didn't set too well with me so, even though I was good at it, I tried to find other ways to fit in.
Eventually I had the opportunity to apply for Intelligence and I went through a battery of tests until it was narrowed down to five of us. For our last test we were to have an interview with the General. We all sat in the outer office waiting for our turn to go in one by one. I was next to the last to go in.
"Tell me how many pieces of furniture in the outer office."
I told him right away.
"Where was the desk?"
I told him, as well as where the chair was.
"Anything on the desk other than paperwork?"
"Yes, there were some dried up dandelions in the pot on the right hand corner."
"Was there anything on the walls?"
"Yes, two pictures. One was of Washington and it needed straightening up, Sir."
"O.K. Next one."
That was our test -- whether we observed anything out there. I was the only one of that five to be chosen.
That is one of the great teachings I received from my training back in Oklahoma, being taught by a man that I don't believe went beyond seventh grade in school. He said, "It's one thing to live a long time -- it's another thing to learn something in that space of time. You've been given the gift of life -- don't just become an old man, learn something."
Molly Larkin is the co-author, with Muskogee Creek elder Bear Heart, of the international best-seller "The Wind Is My Mother; The Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman." She blogs about Ancient Wisdom for a Life in Balance at where you can subscribe to her blog and receive a free e-book of inspirational quotes, "What Lies Within You." She is also a licensed trainer for Healing in America, the U.S. affiliate of The Healing Trust, the largest energy healing organization in Europe.
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Monday, January 21, 2013

5 Ways to Get Smarter



The brain is an amazing organ; the coordination centre of sensation and intellect. There used to be a misconception about our brains, our intelligence, and our IQ. We used to think that we were bound to live with the intelligence level we had at any given time. New research has shown that we can become more intelligent, smarter, and increase our IQ levels by taking some specific yet simple actions. These are the actions to take to become smarter and more intelligent:
Action #1: Reshaping The Brain
Lets start with our brains. Our brains have elasticity and plasticity. Over the course of your life, your brain has the ability to reshape connections when faced with new experiences. At any age, the brain can grow new neurons and the more mental stimulation you get, the more brain function is improved. By brain training exercises and games you can improve your attention, problem solving skills, memory, and processing speed.
Action #2: Learn a Foreign Language or Two
New research suggests that learning a foreign language gives you a mental boost. It also protects you from age related mental decline and lowers the risk of developing problems of memory loss or mental decline. Those who speak several languages have a reduced risk of developing cognitive problems. Learning a foreign language provides the brain with a mental workout that fine tunes the brain and makes your brain more powerful.
Nowadays you can learn a foreign language in the comfort of your own surroundings and just by devoting about 20 minutes a day over a period, you can learn to speak a foreign language. Learning new languages contribute to make you "smarter". Let's face it, it makes you appear to be more sophisticated as well.
Action #3: Do Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is a visual thinking tool that helps you get information out, generate ideas, and analyze information. Mind mapping jogs your creativity and helps you think in a more lateral way. It helps with cognition and maximises the power of the brain. When you need to think and generate information which is something that we do very often, mind maps help you to make the most of it and really use the power of your brain. At work and at home, you can use mind mapping for your thinking and analysis of information.
Action #4: Diet and Exercise
There are certain types of foods that help to boost your brain power like blueberries, oily fish, whole grain foods, tomatoes, leafy green vegetables, brown rice, and broccoli. Talk to your doctor about your diet and about exercise so that you can get a diet and exercise plan that is scientific and really works for you.
Action #5: Increase Knowledge
Your brain has the ability to do more and you can stimulate the brain through brain training, brain games, and learning foreign languages. In addition to improving cognitive ability, you should also increase your knowledge while stimulating the brain. Read books and explore new areas of study. It helps to keep your brain sharp and makes you more knowledgeable while doing so.
Jesse Ford is a developer, author, and publisher. His interest and expertise is new thought, spirituality, personal development, and utilizing your inner power. Visit to get more information, tools, and resources that can guide and help you to create a brighter, happier, and more fulfilling life.
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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cheap Ways to Gain More Self-Confidence


Some people struggle with relationships, careers, school, and other social networks, simply because they lack the confidence in themselves-simply put, they don't think they are good enough. Although this thought can be quite off-putting, there are still more than a few people who think there is hope and that they can actually do something about it. They want to boost their self-image by wanting to gain a better appreciation of themselves. There are different ways of doing this. A longer-lasting method involves delving into the inner recesses of one's soul and tackling some unresolved issues that abound there, but this will also involve a long and highly complicated method, usually requiring expensive books and frequent visits to an expensive therapist. For those who don't have the luxury of time and money, here is another, cheaper way of tackling it: via the physical method of improving one's appearance.
There are many ways which you can try to get the physical improvements you are looking:
1. Tooth Whitening for a Better-Looking Smile
You will be in awe with the effects a simple teeth whitening procedure can do. All it takes is one hour of treatment with a cosmetic dentist, and voila! You've got a bright white smile to be proud of. Get used to flashing a dazzling smile to everyone you meet and you will soon find that these people start being nicer to you as well. What a boost to your confidence when this happens!
2. Simple Makeover
Properly applied makeup can enhance your assets and downplay your not-so-great attributes. You can learn a few tricks from a well-known makeup artist through a course, or if you prefer not to pay, get a few basic tips from department store free makeovers-all you have to do is invest in a few recommended products, which you are going to use anyway.
Aside from facial features, you can consider consulting with a fashion expert to help you improve the way you dress. Improvement in your overall appearance is yet another way to elevate your self-confidence.
3. Book a Portrait Photography Session
As any psychologist would tell you, how we see ourselves is a reflection of what we feel inside. So, if you don't think you are pretty or handsome, consider having a portrait session done with a professional photographer. Seeing yourself captured in several wonderfully portrayed still shots may reveal to you some beautiful features you never realized before. By pointing these attributes to you, you can now learn ways on how to enhance them. This realization will hopefully make you feel better in yourself.
4. Enroll in a Gym
Exercise is one sure way that can help boost your confidence. Most people end up feeling down and depressed because they lack physical activity, which is known to produce some feel-good endorphins as a side effect. Aside from these endorphins, you also get to improve the way you look over time through a professionally-formulated diet and exercise regimen.
These improvements in physical appearance do not guarantee long-lasting results for the main reason that it only skims the surface of what could be a bigger problem deep inside, think of it as only the beginning-a stepping stone for more improvements. Once you have tackled the superficial through Zoom teeth whitening and/or fitness workouts, you can hopefully have the courage and the confidence to face the deeper issues lurking inside so a more thorough healing and better self-esteem can be achieved.
Looking to boost your self-esteem by having your teeth whitened? Consider zoom teeth whitening under the supervision of experts at
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

How to De-Stress After an Argument


It can be difficult to de-stress after an argument, even if you have won your point.
Your ego-mind constantly returns to the scene of the crime and combs through every agonizing detail and words said by you and the other party.
When you recognize the ego's game is to protect itself, you are automatically beginning to de-stress.
Awareness is the key.
The ego-mind is simply frightened that it will lose control of an identity you have created for yourself. Often these identities stem from our childhood experiences.
Through life, you can have many identities such as man, woman, parent, college graduate, volunteer, your career title (such as teacher, doctor, manager, student and the list goes on.
How does this connect to de-stressing after an argument?
When your ego-mind keeps rehashing an argument that is over, realize it's the ego-mind trying to protect one of your identities. It won't let you rest.
Being a parent of three grown children, I realized I got into conflicts when I kept trying to hold onto the parent identity. When our children were small, it was important to enforce the "mother" role. However, since they are grown, and when tension arises in our conversation, I have to ask myself, "Am I trying to hold on to my identity as a parent trying to be their protector?"
I don't want to release the mother role of protector, but I do have to remind myself, that the type of mother role I am still holding onto no longer serves my relationship with my children. They are grown, and I can't protect them any longer. They have to find their own way.
Then I thought; it's more important to let go, and be the wise sage who they can come to with their questions. But, even that identity can be suffocating and stressful, trying to have the right answers.
In a work situation, arguments can easily happen, when you try to protect your "title" in the job. Even after the conflict, your mind drudges up the pain. Why? You're tightly holding onto your identity. Attention creates tension.
So, no matter if you are a parent, employee, student, friend, therapist, athlete, doctor, or teacher, realize protecting these identities can be stressful. They can keep arguments alive long after they are over. And, your body does not know the difference between an argument in the past, or one you are presently engaged. It just releases toxins to protect the body from stress. Few things are more stressful than an argument.
The answer? Ideally, the ancient spiritual wisdom of the East, such as Buddhism teaches us to let go of all identities.
I have been working on letting go of all identities. At first, it can be frightening. The ego-mind raises up on its monster hind legs and yells to me, "What are you doing!? Who will you be without your identity?"
Hearing that, I knew the ego-mind just wants to stay in control.
I managed to face the fear to allow myself to let go of certain identities, and let me tell you. It's like a boulder rock moved off my chest. I felt free and peaceful. The ego-mind often creeps back trying to play the identity-role I thought I released, so the answer is to stay awake.
In summary, arguments can be a doorbell signaling, you are holding onto an identity which is made up of memories and projections into the future. It's not real, just in your own mind. The other person in your conflict can help you be free. They are simply a projection of your ego-mind clinging to an identity.
If you can't let go of your identity, Let go and let God.
Get Your FREE E-Book: "How to Use the Sounds In Your Home to Relieve Stress"
Janet Alston Jackson is an award winning author.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How to Eliminate Stress by Increasing Productivity


Self improvement is hard work, at least in the beginning, and may not be everybody's cup of tea. All improvements to your physical and emotional self lead to helping you increase your productivity. Take exercise and diet for example. It's really tough to get started but after just a few days you begin to feel better, lose weight or at least inches and associate that feeling of well being and accomplishment to your new lifestyle changes.
We are never finished with the job of improving ourselves. Everything is moving and changing at all times. Your body changes and renews itself on a minute to minute basis and we are not physically the same one day as we are the next.
The same goes for learning and improving ourselves mentally. Did you know that the number one cause of stress for most people is? Unfinished projects! Being able to boost Normal productivity levels to Dynamic Productivity levels will help you eliminate that nasty health busting stress that nags at you when you have unfinished business.
Take a moment to look at yourself and review your thoughts for today. How many of them can be related in some way to an unfinished task or project?
For example:
• "Oh, I was supposed to have this done by 11 and it's already 3."
• "Thanksgiving is in three days. I have twenty people coming for a sit down dinner and I haven't even started cleaning the house or planning the dinner."
• "Oh man, there's volume 7 of "Learn to Speak Conversational German in 7 Weeks" and I haven't even opened the first one!"
• "I need to create a budget."
• "I forgot to pay the bills last week"
I could go on but, you get the picture.
Assuming that unfinished tasks are the number one source of stress it would make sense to spend some time assessing your personal list of the unfinished business.
• Make a list of everything you have left undone.
• Prioritize that list with the biggest, most important in first place and work back from there.
• Write the most important task on a new sheet of paper and don't look at any of the rest of them until the first one is finished.
• Download the free tool, Focus Booster. (Google it and you will find a link for a free download.) Focus Booster is a little timer that sits on your desk top and uses a few tricks to keep you focused. Start the timer and don't work on anything else, get something to eat, go to the bathroom or answer the phone until the timer goes off. Focus only on the task at hand.
• When this task is complete, move on to #2 on your list.
You'll be amazed at how relieved, successful and self confident this can make you feel.
If you can just get it together to complete that first project on your list it's very possible that you will become addicted to the "good feeling" of self worth and personal productivity that completion of a project or task can give you.
Two years ago, I wrote a cookbook of recipes from the popular Mexican restaurant that I owned for 26 years. Finally, after two years of procrastination the book is finally on line and for sale! I used the list and timer technique to break out of the procrastination mind set and now I'm on a roll! You can be two!! Your Increased Productivity starts today!
For other tips, tricks and a complimentary e-course on how to increase you productivity to the dynamic level go to
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Are you looking for some tips to control your Emotions? If the answer is yes the you reading the right article. In this article I have compiled some tips which will certainly help you to lead a better life. If you really want to stop your emotions controlling you then first of all you need to recognize the situations when your emotions start playing. You can master your emotions not by ignoring them but facing them.
1. Analyze Yourself
Try to analyze different situations which trigger emotional outbursts in your everyday life. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish among the emotions because they come out in a mixture.
It`s not a good idea to repress or ignore your emotions. The best time to recognize an emotion is when it starts manifesting itself.
2. Take Responsibility of your Emotional Outbursts
Never blame people and situations for your emotional outbursts. Taking full responsibility of your actions will teach you to tackle your emotions in a better way.
3. Think Positively
Analyze your thinking pattern and try to recognize the key thoughts which trigger negative emotions. Thoughts are the root cause of our emotions. Replacing your negative thoughts with positive counterparts will definitely give you good control over your emotions.
4. Practice Relaxation Techniques
There are several Relaxation techniques which can help you to control your emotions. Breathing slowly and concentrating on your breathing pattern always helps to calm down and gives some time to think. You can also try some meditation techniques. Meditation can help you a lot in the process of self awareness.
5. Cultivate the Habit of Patience
Nothing can help an impatient person to control his emotional outbursts. On the other hand a patient person has enough time recognize his emotions and act accordingly.
6. Analyze The Consequences
Always remember that an emotional outburst can be harmful for you. It can even hurt your friends and family members. Try to analyze all the after effects which you usually face whenever you let your emotions control you. Analyzing all these consequences will certainly help you to take all the required steps.
Emotions are part of Human personality and there is no way they can be suppressed. But there are specific situations in life when it is not advised to act according to your emotions.
There are many more steps which should be taken to control your emotions in a better way but above mentioned tips and techniques will definitely give you some boost in cultivating the habit of self control.
Do You want to Cultivate A Positive Attitude towards Life, No matter How bad the Situations seems to be?
If so, Download my brand new free ebook on Maintaining a Positive Attitude toward life.
Click Here to Download your Free ebook
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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Expectations and Disappointment


Do you have high expectations? Are your expectations higher for yourself than for other people? If you do have high expectations, the chances are that you also experience a lot of disappointment because things don't turn out the way you thought they should, or your high standards aren't met.
The dictionary describes expectations as "a confident belief or strong hope that a particular event will happen; a mental image of something expected, often compared to its reality; a standard of conduct or performance expected by or of somebody." It's not that it's not good to have high standards or to expect the best - it definitely is. I think it's when we insist or believe that things should be a certain way and then that doesn't happen, it sets us up for disappointment.
For example, let's say that you expect people to show up on time. You always show up on time for appointments and you expect everyone else to as well. It's not an unreasonable expectation. Except that not everybody shows up on time. So what happens when someone is late for an appointment with you? If your expectation is that everyone should show up on time, it's most likely that you will be angry or upset. In other words, you'll take it personally - you'll feel the disappointment of an expectation that hasn't been met.
In reality, you know that not everyone is as punctual as you are. Not everyone does show up on time, if they show up at all. So by having the expectation that everyone should show up on time, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
Let's take it to another level. Let's say you have a good friend who is habitually late. You know she's often late, and yet you still expect her to arrive on time. When she doesn't you will be disappointed. You've set yourself up for disappointment.
Does this sound familiar? Think of all the times you experience disappointment when something doesn't happen the way you think it should or when someone doesn't do what you expect them to do in the way that you expect them to do it. Or perhaps you do something that doesn't turn out as well as you think it should have.
For many people, disappointment is a common theme in their life. If that's true for you, I invite you to consider that your disappointment with external situations and with other people might have more to do with you feeling disappointed with yourself. If you have high expectations for others, it's because you have high expectations for yourself. In fact those self-expectations are probably so high that it's practically impossible to ever meet them.
This is just one of the ways in which we keep ourselves stuck. You might see the world as unfair or unfriendly because things don't happen the way you think they should or because people don't behave the way you think they should. You are stuck in the energy of disappointment.
If you are willing to end the cycle of expectation and disappointment, one thing that can be helpful is to make a list of all the things you are disappointed about and then see how they are related to you. Then you could make a list of all the ways you feel disappointed with yourself and your life, with what you have or haven't accomplished.
This exercise can be quite revealing, but even more than that, once you bring this into your awareness you will start to see how the pattern plays out for you and you can choose not to feel disappointment when things don't turn out as you'd wish and not to set such impossibly high expectations for yourself.
Linda Binns is an Energy Coach and Mentor, helping professional women and women business owners achieve work-life balance and freedom by identifying and releasing whatever is holding them back.
For a FREE report on 3 Simple Things That Will Take You From Stuck to Unstoppable, and subscription to FREE ezine and energy tips, go to
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Saturday, January 12, 2013

How to Discover Your Strengths and Skills


Have you always wanted to do what you love and get paid for it, but you're just not sure how to discover your strengths and skills? You're not alone. Many people struggle with this same issue. I remember trying out for chorus as a little boy. There were 3 other students from my class trying out as well. I already knew I couldn't carry a note from me to you & I just wanted to get out of class. Well of course, I was not chosen to be a part of chorus group. I knew singing was not a skill or strength of mine; however, I still needed to figure out my true strengths.
Now you may recall when you were in school and it was time for report cards. What happened if you didn't get the desired grade or straight A's; a lot was said and maybe even done about that less than desirable grade, "right?" Let's jump forward to now, as many of you are in the work force. What happens when it comes time to getting an evaluation? During your evaluation, your boss points out the areas not up to par. They are dissected, turned upside down and inside out. But the areas in which you performed well, get only a little bit of attention.
Conventional wisdom states we should work on improving our weaknesses. The problem with this is that it's a complete waste of time and energy. Highly successful entrepreneurs, as well as top scientists, artists, athletes and entertainers throughout history have achieved greatness by focusing on their areas of strength.
Everyone has a natural aptitude in something. We all have inherent God given talents and gifts. We all have talents and a propensity to do something easier than others. You may excel working with the elderly, teaching children, growing plants or caring for mentally or physically disabled. Your special talent may involve calculations, you may have a knack for photography, athletic ability, love to write poetry, or working with animals. Some people work better when using their hands and are considered mechanically inclined. These are the areas in which you should explore and give your attention because they make you happy and feel good.
"Figure out what you love to do as young as you can, and then organize your life around figuring out how to make a living at it." Pat Williams
Let's take my friend CJ for example. At the age of 13 as an 8th grader, he was invited to photograph the high school senior class trip because everyone knew how awesome of a photographer he was. Over the years, CJ has photographed and videotaped weddings, birthday parties, different types of celebrations and the list goes on and on. CJ is currently in his seventies and fortunate for him, he realized a strength and passion at an early age. He's been a photographer for over 60 years.
So let's explore how you can discover your natural talents. Start by making a list of the activities that seem to come easy for you. Let's call it "things I like to do" list. These are the things you can do that seem effortless. For example, you may find it easy to make friends or build rapport with strangers. So you may consider yourself a people person, connector, a match maker, or relationship guru.
You may discover that you have an infinity for interior design and sculpting. You notice that people you just met are in awe about your designs and ask if you will decorate every room of their home and they are willing to pay top dollar for your sculptures and insight. Think of the activities in life that just seem to come easy to you.
Second, make a list of things you do where time just seems to stand still. Think back when you were little and your mother checked in on you just to find you in the same spot entertaining yourself with the same tools and toys. When you are doing these activities, you may discover that several hours pass without you even noticing it. You may find yourself engulfed in a painting, constructing, writing poetry, building or creating a masterpiece of some sort. Friends, loved ones and family members have given you positive feedback, support and encouragement to continue doing what you're doing. This is the beginning to finding your true passion in life.
Last but not least, write down all the activities that make you happy. I mean these activity makes you smile from ear to ear! These are the tasks you would do free of charge, just because they increase your happiness, excitement and fun. You would do it all day long and never seem to get tired. The passion, the fulfillment received from these tasks are characteristics and signs guiding you toward your purpose. As your desires and wants expand, continue to add to your list of "things I like." This can serve as a form of positive reinforcement, focus, discipline or a place of mental retreat in the event you find yourself in a negative downward spiral and in need of a pick me up.
You can always delegate less meaningful tasks, tasks you don't enjoy doing or just aren't good at to members of your staff or your children. You can hire someone that specializes in the area in which you are weakest. Like if you just can't see yourself spending the time to learn how to put tile in the shower, bathroom or kitchen, hire someone that is an expert at it. This frees up time for you to work in your core genius, the areas you are best at, and allows you to use your time most effectively.
So the next time your child brings home a report card, spend some time, figure out why and ask questions as to what is liked about the classes they do well in. As for the class(s) with the undesirable grade, inquire as to what is liked and not liked, ask if help is needed, evaluate the situation and move on.
We want to receive more of the good grades, behavior and interaction our children, friends and spouses' are expressing, so showing appreciation and gratitude will promote more of the same. As for evaluations at work, remember to highlight and bring attention to the good being done so you will receive more of it. No one is good at everything. Think for a moment, if you are constantly working in areas that aren't a strong suit, this can create a sea of unhappiness because you are constantly being reminded of your shortcomings.
"Invest your time and energy in being great at something. Really great. You will be happier. And the recipients of your work, your customers will reward you for your excellence. What a combination; doing what you love and people pay you for it! Focus on your strengths. Experience the immense satisfaction that comes with being superb at something." Gary Lockwood
Keith is a Personal Development & Online Marketing Coach. He empowers and inspires people to discover their passions, fulfill their dreams, and achieve their life's purpose. To learn more, please visit:
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Achieve Your Biggest Goal


At the start of a new year, many of us make resolutions which we will try to keep throughout the coming year. A commendable effort, but very often one which we fail to maintain once the first few days of the year are past.
Whether or not you are planning to make New Year Resolutions, I urge you to use this opportunity to achieve a goal you may have had in mind for some time but have so far not managed to reach.
What is the goal you most wish to achieve over the coming year? Do you immediately know what it is, or do you have to think about it?
If you know what that goal is, then great! You have already made one of the most important steps towards realising it. Before we can achieve a goal we must have a clear idea about what that goal is.
If not, then don't worry. Begin by brainstorming. List on a sheet of paper all the goals you really want to achieve. Write them as though you have already achieved them.
These should not be absolutely impossible goals. "I can make myself invisible", "I am the ruler of the world", "I have X-Ray vision", all spring to mind. These are not the kind of goals you should be listing. Nor should you put "I am a millionaire" unless you already have substantial wealth and can believe this would not be completely impossible in twelve months. The latter can be a good goal to have, no matter how little money you have now, but it doesn't belong on this list of short term goals. If you want a money goal, "I have increased my net worth by 10% over the last 12 months" might work here.
Make sure they are personal goals. "I have helped bring about peace" is personal, but "there is world peace" is not (and is also rather impracticable to regard as being possible over the next year!). "There is great love in my household" is not personal, but "I have a deep and loving relationship with my wife" is.
Other than those rules (possible, and personal) do not try to judge or think about a goal before you write it down. And once you have written it down, don't stop and think about it, not even to consider whether or not it does fit the rules. Move right on to the next one.
Keep going with listing those goals until you have written down at least 10, all phrased as though you have already achieved them. If they are all the same kind of goal, keep going until you have some diversity there. For example, try to include some goals about your relationships, or your career.
Now you can go through and check that all your listed goals fit the two rules. Any that are not personal or that you feel are quite impossible, cross out. In the case of the impossible ones, you should then think whether there is some intermediate goal on the way to this which is not impossible and which you have not already listed. If so, write that down too.
The next step is to choose the one goal on which you most set your heart. Not the one you think is most achievable - that is a cop out! The one you really want to achieve more than any of the others. Which goal would have the biggest impact on your life if you could achieve it right now? Circle this goal. This goal is what we will call your "Biggest Goal."
Now take another sheet of paper and write the goal at the top of the page. Next to it, write a deadline of one year from today. Now brainstorm again. This time, think of all the things you would need to do to achieve your Biggest Goal. Write as many down as you can as fast as you can. Don't stop at 10. Not even at 15 or 25. Keep on going until you have written down at least 50 steps you could take. This will probably be hard once you get past the first dozen or so steps, but keep going anyway. Don't worry about the order; don't try to think what step comes next. Just write down any steps you can think of that will help get you closer to your goal.
The final stage is this: Look at the list of actions you can take and start doing them. Some may be achievable in one day. Most will not. But that doesn't matter, just begin working on them any way. Every day, do something, no matter how small, which moves you one step forwards towards your goal.
When you have achieved one completely, tick it off. Not all the actions can be treated this way, as many will probably be ongoing tasks - keep working on them. But the key is you must do something every day, no matter how small it may seem, to bring you closer to your goal.
And you know something? Three hundred small steps, taken together, are one gigantic step. So well before the year is out you will have made major progress towards achieving your goal, and may even have achieved it completely!
If you follow the principles I have outlined here, a year from now you will look back and will be absolutely amazed at the difference it has made in your life! Start now, and make sure you can achieve your Biggest Goal over the next twelve months!
PS Don't throw away the original list! You are going to need it soon, as once you have achieved your Biggest Goal you need to start going for your Next Biggest Goal!
I research systems, books, CDs etc which help people set goals, motivate themselves, achieve their goals and simply become successful in every way. You can download four self development e-books, including one on how to be successful, at
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