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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stress And Anxiety The Killer Among Us

By: Daniel Richard

Lets face it since September 11th, our lives have changed forever. Weve seen war in Iraq and Afghanistan, with no end in sight. Weve seen Wall Street collapse, and peoples life savings go down the drain. The economy hit the tank and people are in fear of losing their jobs, their homes, and everything precious to them. So its no wonder people are stressed, and have anxiety.

Stress and anxiety is a very real problem if its not treated properly. Lots of people dont even realize they have stress until it starts to effect their lives or their health. Stress and anxiety can cause all kinds of health problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, ect. But it can also cause lots of problems in your relationships, your family and so on. Money problems is the worst kind of stress there is, it can literally drive you crazy, but there is help out there you just have to let yourself get the help that is right for you.

I myself, have experienced stress and anxiety. About ten years ago I had really bad neck pain that would not go away. I went to the doctors several times, I even had a MRI done and it kept showing nothing wrong. I also at the same time could not be in a small room or enclosed area, because I would start to sweat, and feel like I was going to faint. My doctor then suggested It may be stress, so he showed me some techniques that I could do at home, and after about two weeks of trying his techniques, my neck pain went away and it never bothered me again, or the anxiety of being in enclosed areas, it was great. So in this article I will show you a little of what he taught me.

The first thing my doctor showed me was to look at things as positive as you can, in other words if something bad happens think of something about it thats positive. I know that might sound corny, but it works. If you have a bad day at work, leave it at work! Tell yourself that tomorrow will be better day, and so on, do this for every negative thing, make it positive even if its just a good fantasy thought.

The second thing he showed me was, music therapy that I could use at home. Its music with whats called Binaural Beats to help your mind relax. I downloaded it to my Mp3 player, and it really makes you relax, it has soft music with sounds of birds chirping and waterfalls, very calming. He told me for the best results find a quiet place with no distractions, use headphones and listen to it for about 30 minutes. It took a few times but it really help me out.

In conclusion, if you think that stress is starting to take over your life try some of the techniques in the article and if it does not help and you need more information please see link bellow.

How To Use A Journal To Reduce Your Stress

By: Daniel Lesser

Writing in your journal on a regular basis can actually help you prevent stress. You will learn to think out your problems in an organized way. You will learn how to express yourself and release emotions and anxieties. You learn how to manage your life more productively so you do not have such overwhelming feelings which lead to stress.

Stress can lead to certain health conditions. These health conditions make your stress worse and it is a cycle that is hard to break. When you become accustomed to journaling, you will see that your life is improving.

There are few situations that are actually stressful in themselves. It is our reactions to situations and events in our lives that create stress. Stress is compounded by work overload and not enough sleep. Your journals can help you reduce this and prevent a large majority of stress.

You should use your journals to:

1. Identify the source of your stress
2. Create ways to cope with the stress
3. Find ways to organize your life and activities and events in your life
4. Think of ways to nurture yourself (such as a massage or a bubble bath)
5. Evaluate your responses and opinions of stress in your life to see if you are being productive or counterproductive

Keeping a journal helps your situations become manageable. Keeping a journal offers you a distraction to many daily activities. It also gives you an outlet for your emotions. Journals can keep you on task by forcing you to approach your situation instead of pushing it aside "for later".

Article Source:
About the Author:
Daniel J Lesser is the creator of A whole world awaits if you can control your stress. Find out how to expand your horizons at

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How To Develop Satisfaction In Your Work

By: Maurice Castle

Even if you've landed your dream job, it's possible to fall into a pattern where you find your work far from enjoyable.

When you're dissatisfied with your work, it can be a huge chore to get up in the morning and you may even feel hopeless.

However, the good news is that you can change certain aspects of how you approach your work in order to find satisfaction in the job you've already got.

Follow these tips to increase your satisfaction at work:

1. Keep open dialogues. It's truly important to keep open dialogues with your colleagues and superiors. Voice your concerns calmly, without sounding blunt and unappreciative. If no one knows that you're dissatisfied, nothing will ever be done to fix the problem!

2. Reward yourself. You can increase your own personal satisfaction by deciding on certain rewards that you can give yourself once you've completed a task successfully. For example, if you've worked hard all week, allow yourself a fun Friday night. Don't wait for anyone else to reward you!

3. Handling stress. Start looking at how you handle stress. Unfortunately, there's a certain amount of stress associated with every career. Are you actively searching for ways to vent your stress or are you keeping it bottled up inside? Make sure you have proper releases for work stress as well as home stress.

4. Avoid getting stuck in a rut. It's difficult when you feel like you aren't making steps in the right direction. You might feel like everyday is the same and that you aren't getting to explore your full potential. Think about what your goals are at your current job and ask yourself what actions you're taking in order to get there. Reformulate your action plan if necessary, and then take steps to move you forward again toward your goals.

5. Think positive thoughts. Your life is what you make of it. When you adopt a positive mindset, things will more often go your way. When you think negatively, of course your job will continue to be unsatisfying! Remain optimistic and you'll find the drive needed to keep working toward positive goals.

6. Make a change. If you find that you're truly in the wrong line of work, it's time to plan out a change for the better. As a last resort, if you truly feel that there's nothing you can do to improve your current situation, then make an attainable plan for change. You may want the same position at another company, or an entire career change all together, whatever it is, find out what you need to do, and then do it!

Right Mindset And Action

In the end, as long as you strive for a positive mindset and take action toward your goals, good things will happen for you. When people are stuck, they tend to freeze and feel helpless. If this happens, it can turn into a vicious cycle that you might believe is unbreakable. But it isn't!

Take charge of your thoughts to break the negativity and take small steps each day toward a better life. Making a change overnight is overwhelming, but when you take small steps, change happens easily. Before you know it, you'll be at least a little more satisfied and fulfilled at work.

Stress In Relationships

By: KattChat

Though many couples experience problems during the course of their relationships, it is often how they deal with those problems that will either keep them together or, break them apart. A true test of love and respect is how people treat each other when problems arise and as difficult as it might be to remain respectful toward a person that has become such a comfortable fixture in a persons life, this constant upkeep can allow for the happiest of couples, even in the worst of times.
Many people feel that relationships today undergo a great deal of stress for many reasons; the changing roles of men and women; our fast paces society; both partners having careers while trying to raise a family and many more reasons that can be seen in modern day relationships. One of the most difficult aspects of these problems is that in order to resolve them the couple needs time together. Too often people find that even while living under the same roof they dont have the time to pour into lengthy discussions and when they do it seems a waste of the precious little time they have together because they perceive it as negative. Unfortunately, not attending the underlying problems that a couple may have will not resolve them; instead they are often brought up during other arguments; cause other problems that seem unfixable because the source isnt being addressed; or simply cause the couple to live in a state of unhappiness because they both know that something is wrong.
Though it does require participation, getting to the heart of a problem does not require dwelling on it for hours at a time. In fact, a wonderful way to prepare for an important discussion is to write down your personal thoughts about it, points that you would like to cover, on your own time; this will allow for a great deal more time focused on the issues rather than wasting time trying to think of key points.
A few basic recommendations before you sit down:
Write down your most important points so that you do not become flustered and forget.
Pick a time that is convenient for both you and your partner which allows you all the time you may need.
Choose a setting in which you and your partner will feel at ease.
Dont try to discuss anything if either you or your partner is not feeling up to it; this may just prove a waste of time if you are not both open to resolving your problems.
Learning how to better communicate with each other is a difficulty most couples experience at some point in their relationship. Often, if both people involved are committed to each others happiness, no problem is too difficult to resolve.
One basic problem that seems to occur in many relationships is the routine act of taking each other for granted. This can apply to hundreds of daily tasks and activities that become habit after enough time has gone by. Taking the time to thank your partner for the effort that they put into the relationship is extremely important. Quite often, a little attention and praise can go a long way toward creating a happy environment. Constantly feeling underappreciated can cause a great deal of unnecessary stress; in many cases one partner will have no idea that the other is having these feelings. While it is the responsibility of both partners to appreciate each other, it is also important to express any feelings which might not be apparent.
A regular argument amongst couples is that one partner should have known that the other partner was unhappy; while it is good to remain attentive to how your partner is feeling; if a problem is going unnoticed it becomes the responsibility of that person to voice it so that together, the couple can figure out how to solve it. Many people choose to keep feelings or thoughts to themselves because they either have no wish to bother their partner, or would like to see their partner recognize that the problem exists without their help. Though it is understandable this kind of action often causes more problems and leads to a pattern of behavior that divides the couple, rather than allowing them to get closer.
Many more problems exist that can cause unhappy situations for one or both people in a relationship and because of the unique dynamics so many people share it can be difficult to apply general solutions to a specific problem; however, here some key points, and recap, that seem to work for almost every couple in a wide variety of situations:
Discuss your feelings openly and be respectful of your partners as well.
Feeling comfortable does not excuse a person from taking another for granted; remember to treat your partner with respect and to show appreciation for their part in the relationship.
Voice your opinion; do not expect your partner to anticipate every thought you have; communication is an essential for any good relationship.
Be attentive to your partners needs and feelings.
Dont let problems divide you as a couple; find solutions together as a team.
Remember that you chose one another; even in the most horrible situations you should be able to work things out as long as you both care about each others happiness.
As long as there remains between you the will to provide a happy, safe and caring life for one another, stress can be kept to a minimum; allowing for your relationship to remain a successful one despite any difficulties that you face.

Cope With Stress Before It Is Too Late

By: Linda Allen

Each of us encounters stress in one form or another on a daily basis; we encounter stress multiple times during our every day lives. Even more important, however, than the actual things that cause us to experience stress is our bodies ability to cope with stress. Anxiety conditions appear as a result of cumulative stress over time. For most anxiety related conditions, the best that medicine can do is keep some of your stress symptoms at bay, and even that claim is questionable. The more that the health care professionals learn about the medications used to treat your problems, the more they learn that these drugs often have unwanted side effects that are worse than the stress itself. The root cause of stress is rarely if ever addressed in a medical model, only the symptoms are treated. Doctors rush through dozens of patients a day, prescribing drugs and monitoring their effects. They simple do not have the time, and sometimes do not have the know-how, to delve into the complicated and connected conditions stress evokes.

Human beings were simply not meant to carry around constant disturbances in our stress response, we were built to respond to stress quickly and then to have those stress hormones dissipate immediately. When our bodies are exposed to wave after wave of stress, they begin to break down. Anxiety disorders have physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual effects. Physical effects include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, trembling or shaking, sweating, choking, nausea or abdominal distress, hot flashes or chills, dizziness or unsteadiness. Emotional effects include feelings such as worry, anger, panic, and terror. Mental effects including thinking you are going to die, or that you are going crazy or are out of control. Spiritual effects include alienation and feeling detached and out of touch with yourself and others.

This probably as good a place as any to introduce the concept that cortisol is not a purely toxic substance, although in most cases too much of it certainly wreaks bodily havoc. In many ways, cortisol can be thought of as functioning like cholesterol or insulin. A small amount of each of these substances is needed for proper functioning. Cholesterol is needed for the steroid metabolism. Insulin is necessary for blood-sugar control. And cortisol is needed for the restoration of energy following stress. However, if levels of any of these vital compounds exceed a certain small amount for any significant amount of time, you can run into health problems. The whole point here is balance, keeping cortisol levels from falling too low or rising too high. How you cope with stress is a choice. The easiest choice of all is to do nothing and let chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels slowly break down your bodily defenses and increase your risk for disease. The more difficult choices are to do something about your stress level, the way you handle it, or how to cope with stress.

Stress Management Tips For Busy Moms

By: sef123

The stress of a mother can be like that of no other. Everyone needs you and there are no days off. Theres no time clock where you can punch out and call it a day.

Stress is defined as the forces affecting you. And if you are a mother, the chances are there are lots of forces coming at you from many directions. You have a household to run, meals to prepare, kids to nurture and, in many cases, a job or career to attend to.
There are physical and mental reactions to stress. Physically, when you feel something stressing you, your nervous system takes over, flooding your body with stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. The hormones get your body ready to take action. Everything goes to work your heart beats faster, blood pressure goes up, breathing quickens and muscles tense up. These reactions are your bodys way to get you ready for whatever is coming your way. Its that old fight or flee mode setting in.
Stress also affects you mentally. The accumulation of stress can create anxiety, depression and burnout. You may have trouble sleeping or focusing on tasks. It may also cause behavioral issues that range from emotional outbursts to drug abuse to eating disorders. Unfortunately, these symptoms create problems that will cause even more stress. It is a vicious cycle that can be managed.

First, busy mothers need to take care of themselves. If you have any hope of avoiding the damaging side effects of stress you need to eat properly and get your sleep and exercise. Regular exercise will reduce stress hormones and serves as a natural antidepressant and sleep aid. Try to walk off your bad day. It relieves stress, helps you get fit and contributes to a good nights sleep.

You should also schedule your time so that breaks are a natural part of the day. Take a real lunch hour to catch up with friends and co-workers. Try not to talk about work, and focus on other things or aspects of life. You might even include a quick, brisk walk before heading back to your desk. And when the weekend rolls around, do not use both days to catch up on chores. Commit one day to catching up and one day or at least one afternoon to relaxing. And do not underestimate the value of taking a three-day weekend. That third day may be the best time to really make a dent on your to-do list.

Experts will also tell you to create and stick to a routine in your life. For example, do the cleaning on Saturday, laundry on Monday and Thursday, food shopping on Friday, etc. Stick to your schedule, as best as you can. This may not prevent surprises from coming your way, but at least your laundry will not be the surprise.

Also, when you know you have a busy week coming, plan for it. If you know dinner will be a major task because of an evening soccer practice and back-to-school night put something in the crockpot that morning or tell the kids they are having peanut butter and jelly for dinner. Everyone will survive one less than gourmet dinner.

If you can find the time, professional stress management training may also help you deal with your stress. It can teach you different ways to think about your life. For example, you may learn to optimize your schedule. If you are a morning person, you should start the day earlier than the rest of the family. You may learn to set priorities. Ask yourself what really needs to get done today the laundry or the bills? Youll learn to be more efficient in what you do like combining errands. The training might also include breathing exercises, meditation and learning to say no to the next request for your time or attention.

Both over the counter and prescription medicine can help with the symptoms of stress. The specific medication depends on the severity of the situation. While over-the-counter pain relievers can kill a tension headache, you may need drug therapy with prescription medications if the stress has evolved into depression. When in doubt, schedule a visit with your family doctor for an evaluation.

Finally, the best solution to dealing with stress may also be the easiest solution. Moms need a support system someone who will listen as you unload the days disasters and might even be willing to step in and lighten your load upon occasion. Motherhood is a wonderful calling in life, but it is not one that should be taken alone. If your spouse can fill that role, thats wonderful. But more than likely, it is going to be another mom who is facing the same trials and stresses youre facing. Make it a mutual relationship. Be there for each other and youll both survive the stress of motherhood.

Article Source:
About the Author:
Barbara Delp is a freelance writer who writes about self improvement and stress management.

Monday, January 25, 2010

How to Cure Anxiety Using Only Natural Anxiety Treatments

By Fawaz Morgan-Rowe
Many sufferers of generalized anxiety disorder turn to natural anxiety treatment because of the unwelcome side effects of prescription medications. Effexor (venlafaxine), for instance, usually is not a good choice for people who have high blood pressure. Taking Effexor with one of the older, and cheaper MAOI antidepressants can cause a fatal interaction, and many people find that Effexor gives them socially awkward symptoms of indigestion-and takes away the feeling of urgency to deal with it.
Desyrel (trazodone) can aggravate high blood pressure and cause dizziness. Cymbalta (duloxetine) should not be used by people who have glaucoma. Lexapro (escitalopram) can cause sweating, nausea, fatigue, and drowsiness in both sexes, and make ejaculation impossible for men.
The side effects-and the expense-of anti-anxiety medications lead many people to turn to natural anxiety treatments. Some of these natural methods cost nothing at all. Here is an overview of five treatments that help.
1. Breathing Exercises.
Ongoing anxiety causes changes in the autonomic nervous system, the part of the central nervous system that controls the body functions that we do not consciously think about, such as breathing, digestion, and perspiration. One way to "reprogram" the autonomic nervous system is practice deep breaths followed by long exhalations. Breathing all the air out of your lungs in a long exhalation gets rid of carbon dioxide and creates a partial vacuum that sucks fresh air in. The additional oxygenation activates the "executive function" centers of the brain and helps you take control over your situation.
2. Water therapy.
Another way to stop the "nerves" that accompany generalized anxiety is to splash cold water on your face. This triggers a dive reflex that redirects blood away from tense muscles and to the brain.
3. Eliminating sugar from your diet.
One factor in generalized anxiety disorder is an ongoing condition of inflammation in the brain. If brain tissue is constantly flooded with glucose released by the digestion of too many high-carbohydrate, sugary foods, it never has a chance to deal with inflammation. Simply avoiding sugary foods and late-night snacks will have a beneficial effect on anxiety that is noticeable in two or three days.
4. Eliminating caffeine from your diet.
Just about anyone will suffer symptoms of anxiety after consuming 5 or more cups of regular coffee in one day. Tea and colas, especially Mountain Dew, have a similar effect. Eliminating caffeine lessens activity in the "startle centers" of the brain that power ongoing, generalized, free-floating anxiety.
5. Herbs also help.
When anxiety is accompanied by depression, St. John's wort is a great natural anxiety treatment-provided you have not taken any prescription medications for either anxiety or depression for at least four weeks. Because St. John's wort really works, it is best to allow any medication to wash out of your system before beginning the herb. The Ayurvedic herb Centella asiatica, also known as gotu kola, and the Tahitian herb kava also help relieve over-reactions to sound and light and reestablish normal sleeping patterns.
Fawaz Morgan-Rowe is a writer of a health site that discusses general anxiety treatment tips and other ways of how to stop panic attacks.
For more great advice and more natural anxiety tips, be sure to visit us on the web at our natural anxiety treatments page.

Anxiety Symptoms - Physical and Mental

By Emily Lybe
Anxiety is very complicated for both the victim and even others around the victim. If you haven't felt the results of anxiety it's quite hard to understand. Even the victim may feel confused about what is going on or what may be causing their anxiety. Sometimes it's hard to realize you aren't just shy, sensitive, etc. but that you suffer from an anxiety disorder. A lot of people have anxiety. It's the most common disorder, but also the least understood.
Physical Symptoms
Have you ever looked at someone and kind of guessed that they suffered from some kind of anxiety disorder? Or, if you didn't know what anxiety was, have you ever guessed someone was depressed, unhappy, shy, or suffering from low self esteem? People with anxiety can look stressed, unhappy, or mentally exhausted. Anxiety can actually make you very ill physically. It can lower your immune system's ability to fight off infections, and sometimes it can even get to the point where the sufferer has a heart attack or stroke. This is because it causes irregular heartbeats. Anxiety can also make a person either binge eat for stress relief or cause them to a lock of appetite. This means that anxiety could make a person be over or under their normal weight. They may also develop obsessive behaviors, they may find it impossible to get up in the morning, etc. It call depends on which anxiety they suffer from.
Mental Symptoms
For people who suffer from anxiety, the mental symptoms are extremely stressful. They may find it impossible to think about anything except what they're anxious about. This can cause a person to become highly depressed or even have a mental breakdown and not be able to perform normal day-to-day tasks. Anxiety can cause a person to completely change mentally. A person who was once very social may become a homebody and may not even want much socialization with friends/family. The anxiety can be so overwhelming and confusing for the sufferer that they may not even want to explain it to others. It may even feel impossible to put how they feel into words. It can also cause mood-swings.
If you need help with your anxiety, check out my blog! It can show you how to cure your anxiety, help you sleep at night, and more! You won't regret it!
To visit my blog Click Here!
* Emily Lybe

What Are the Causes of Social Anxiety?

By Mark Daymond
People who suffer with social anxiety may find themselves being frustrated by the limitations that it causes them. The causes of social anxiety are rooted in a combination of genetics and behaviour that is learned in response to particular cognitive responses. Understanding how this comes about helps us to overcome this condition.
Sufferers will know the symptoms well; typically these include sweating, racing heart and feelings of panic. If you were faced with a dangerous situation then such a response would not be particularly surprising. But experiencing such symptoms in response to social situations is more unexpected. However, if you consider that most people think of public speaking as something that provokes such fear responses then this puts it into some sort of context.
These kinds of symptoms are normally associated with a "flight or fight" response as a result of being faced with some sort of danger. In fact people who suffer with social anxiety have unconsciously interpreted particular social situations as presenting some kind of mortal danger. Such people normally have a genetic predisposition to interpreting situations that could involve embarrassment, humiliation or shame as being dangerous to your survival and as result develop these fight/flight responses. These are primitive responses that would been vital for our survival when living in tribal communities when real physical danger was part of daily life. In these circumstances the boost of adrenalin would have been enough to help fight against a threatening foe or run away as fast as possible. Today, however, they tend to be something of a hindrance when dealing normal social situations.
It is not unusual the social anxiety sufferer to develop a pattern of thought such as the following. They become aware of a particular symptom (blushing perhaps) in a particular situation. Maybe someone remarks on this particular symptom making the sufferer more aware. The next time a similar situation again an anxiety response is triggered, made worse by the sufferer trying desperately not to exhibit the particular physical symptom of which they first became aware. In fact it is pretty much impossible to prevent these physical symptoms by simply trying not to exhibit them, this only exacerbates them.
Whilst the causes of social anxiety may have their roots in genetics, it does not mean that sufferers cannot do anything about it. In fact with a process of re-training their mind the sufferer can overcome these difficulties and stop being held back and achieve their true potential.
If you are someone who is fed up with being held back by your shyness and social anxiety then you need to take action to deal with it. Find out more about the causes of social anxiety. The author is an online researcher into shyness and social anxiety. His blog is focused on how to beat social anxiety.

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms - The Early Warning Signs

By Mary Candler
We all have anxious moments that plague our lives and definitely know what anxiety feels like. Even an exam or an interview makes our heart beat faster. Jittery feelings and butterfly stomachs, we've experienced it all. However, if you find worries and fears overtaking your life and preventing you from being at peace, you may be experiencing the first anxiety disorder symptoms. Today, especially with current lifestyles, anxiety disorders or panic attacks are on the increase.
If panic attacks occur due to no particular reason or event and happens frequently then you ought to seek help. An anxiety disorder is a mental illness where a patient suffers from repeated panic attacks. A person becomes an unfortunate victim constant anxiety and starts to worry about having further attacks. People suffering from this condition may experience a range of psychological and physical symptoms. A release of adrenaline, the stress hormone, occurs when a person experience a panic attack. Anxiety disorder symptoms vary from person to person and depend on a number of factors.
Some of the symptoms include rapid heartbeats, tightness, or pain in the chest, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, fatigue, shivering or shaking, the fear of going 'mad', and the inability to control actions. This disorder is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. As the severity of attacks increases, a person becomes more withdrawn from society and in fulfilling his or her obligations. This is why individuals need to look out for early warning signs that could be anxiety disorder symptoms.
Attacks may last only a few minutes but the disorder has far reaching effects. The memory of each attack remains firmly in the mind of the victim thereby slowly destroying their confidence.
One of the best ways to diagnose anxiety disorder symptoms is to be aware of the fact that there are two traits that victims exhibit. The first one is that they keep fretting and worrying about the future attacks and when the next attack may occur. This then leads to victims avoiding any situation that they feel are the cause of their attacks. Things can get worse when they start to avoid all places so that they are do not feel embarrassed. This could lead to a victim becoming a recluse and he or she may stop work, shopping, exercise, and similar tasks.
These symptoms must be noted and treatment should be sought immediately. Sweating, trembling, blushing, and the tensing the muscles are some of the common symptoms. Most sufferers will find it difficult to interact in situations where there is a great degree of public attention on them.
Some of the noticeable physical signs of anxiety disorder symptoms include difficulty in getting out of bed, avoiding crowded places, and the constant shaking of hands when nervous. Victims tend to be fidgety, and neglect themselves. One other distinctive anxiety disorder symptom is the compulsion to repeat the same action repeatedly. These symptoms should not be overlooked and treatment in consultation with a therapist should be sought immediately.
Anxiety disorder symptoms vary from person to person and according to severity of the condition. Whatever the case, it's beneficial to know they are so the sufferer can help to diagnose themselves and be aware of the circumstances causing their anxious discomfort.
For more about anxiety disorders and their treatment visit HealPanicAndStress.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Emotions and Thoughts Can Affect Your Goals

Emotions and thoughts are not just about the mind. For the past twenty years or so, scientists have developed a vast body of work that proves that our emotions and thoughts influence our physical bodies and health. It is common knowledge that stress, negative emotions, and bad thought patterns lead to many physical ailments. Since companies lose many billions of dollars due to employees who are ill, the physical effects of mental states are a key concern for managers and employers. Quite simply, if negative emotions or thoughts lead to ill health it can affect the way that you feel and the way that you deal with the goals that you have set for yourself.

Studies have repeatedly shown that negative thoughts and negative emotional states (such as anger or resentment) lead to very real physical effects that may well result in serious long-term illnesses. Some conditions, such as ulcers and some cardiac problems are in fact directly linked to poor emotional states. Too much stress, worry, and anxiety can put a strain on the entire system. In fact, research has shown that stress, anxiety, nervousness, anger, and brooding can result in a number of very real physical problems, including insomnia, loss of appetite and subsequent loss of weight, shakiness, dry mouth syndrome, heart palpations, heart pains, chest pains, headaches, sore muscles, cramps, stomach upset, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, and a host of other ills. Obviously, what goes through your mind is crucial to how you manage the goals in your life

It is not just your emotions and moods, but also your thoughts that can affect your goals. Whether your thoughts are positive or negative in fact influences how your lead your life. Positive thoughts have been linked very strongly to achieving goals. People with a positive attitude strive more often to achieve their goals.

Positive thoughts, especially thoughts such as "I can do this", are more likely to relax you and give you the personal incentive that you need to be successful and reach your gaols. Affirmations have long been considered a very effective way of generating a positive attitude. The idea is to repeat, in a very positive tone of voice and with a high degree of conviction and positive emotion, statements such as "I am working towards my goals every day". The idea is to use positive statements that are in the present.

Affirmations work even better when visualization is used. If you picture yourself attaining your affirmation, as well as just saying them, you even further convince your mind of the truth of the statement, and so you produce positive thought and action in your life and in the process of setting your goals.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author:
By Abbas Abedi-Make positive thoughts a reality for you with tips from my blog

High Blood Pressure and Its Devestating Impact on the Heart

High blood pressure and heart disease are very inter-related. This article explores that relationship. It is important to understand the synergy between the two. Further, it is important to understand that we are discussing a serious health condition here, that it truly may be a matter of life or death.

High blood pressure is sometimes referred to as hypertension. In fact, the two terms are often used interchangeably and will be in this article. Sometimes it is easy for a doctor to pinpoint the exact cause of a patients hypertension but very often, the cause or causes are not obvious. For that reason, most of the time,high blood pressure is referred to as essential or primary blood pressure or hypertension, meaning that the cause is not easy to detect. There are however many risk factors that can contribute to a persons potential for developing this disease.

Another category is secondary hypertension which is evidenced in approximately 10 percent of individuals suffering from high blood pressure. This is when the problem is easy to pinpoint and is linked to a particular medical problem such as hormonal disorders, kidney disease or a variety of other diseases. It can even be the result of taking particular drugs. Once the problem is diagnosed and steps are taken to correct it, the patients hypertension generally normalizes.

High blood pressure is often described as being silent and there is referring to the fact that there are very often no overt symptoms of an underlying problem. Unfortunately hypertension is a very serious health concern that can double or even sometimes triple a persons chance of developingheart disease , kidney disease or a stroke. There is only one way to be aware of what your blood pressure is and that is to have regular checks performed by your doctor. Some patients will be encouraged to come in to the doctors office more often than others to have this monitoring activity.

There are a few risk factors that can increase your chance of falling victim to hypertension. These risk factors include age, ethnicity, family history, obesity, diabetes, stress, excessive drinking and smoking. Blood pressure tends to be lower when you are young and to rise, as you get older. For example approximately half of all men and women over the age of 65 suffer from hypertension. Some ethnic groups seem to be more likely to develop hypertension than others. Those most at risk include Aboriginal Peoples (or Inuit), South Asians, Black Canadians and First Nations.High blood pressure tends to run in families. For example, if one of your parents has the problem then you have a one in five chance of developing it. If both your parents do, then the risk rises to one in three.

Excess pounds seem to have a big impact on the development of hypertension. This is not so true for those who are only 10 to 15 pounds overweight but it is true for those who are considered obese. Weight that piles up around the abdominal area seems to be even worse in terms of the development of high blood pressure. Those suffering from diabetes are more likely to develop high blood pressure than members of the general population who do not suffer from this disease.

Bouts of repetitive stress may play a role in the acquisition of hypertension although stress is not as large a risk factor as are some of the others. Certainly, constant stress is believed to encourage unhealthy lifestyle habits. Drinking heavily puts more strain on the heart thereby increasing blood pressure. Finally smoking places a lot of strain on the heart muscle and affects blood flow and thus tends to be a factor in the onset ofhigh blood pressure.

It is hoped that the reader has a better understanding of the relationship between high blood pressure and heart disease and the high risk factors that are involved. As stated earlier, It truly could be a matter of life and death for you.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author:
The writings of Verlyn Ross are primarily in the area of Health Care. He owns and operates For a great place to get Answers, go here!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

5 Tips For A Safe and Stress Free Vacation

Picture yourself sipping an ice-cold soda and lounging on a hammock. Visualize squishing your toes in powder white sand and enjoying the aquamarine view, uninterrupted by the gentle waves.

Imagine a life without worries, deadlines, or pressure - just uninterrupted bliss and pure pleasure. Ah, this is life! Truly a dream vacation!

Taking a breather from the daily routine is a healthy practice. However, it might not turn up well if the vacationers are not able to plan the travel very meticulously. So to make that trip unforgettable, pleasant, and memorable, here are some suggestions:

Make a plan. Schedule your trips ahead of time. This allows you to have the time to check and adjust for possible conflicts in schedules. Make a list of possible places to go to, as well as activities to engage in. Be flexible in your time frame and make allowances for delays in travel or extensions in stay.

Seek advice from people who have been to your dream destination. They might have a number of tips to share to make your trip hassle-free and cost-effective. Also, make use of other sources of information. The internet has lots of details on travel destinations.

Be prepared. If you plan to travel abroad, fix all your travel documents to avoid the hassles of having to negotiate with customs or immigration officials, or to avoid delayed trips. Make sure your travel documents are valid for the length of your vacation. Moreover, it will be wise to make certified duplicate copies of important files such as your birth and insurance certificates and even credit card records. Do not hesitate to avail of the services of accredited travel agencies if you are not aware of the policies that govern vacationers like you.

Prepare your pocket. Travels, especially abroad, require much expenditure. If this is your first time to visit the place, prepare to stretch the budget and reserve some for miscellaneous expenses. Avail of foreign exchange services at the bank, not at airports and terminals. Check for the expiry dates of your credit cards for you to enjoy continuous shopping and avoid embarrassment. Stretch your cash by seeking out affordable packages for your dream vacation and by availing of discounts or special season rates. Again, friends who have been there can help you in finding hotels, restaurants, tourist spots, and souvenirs that are reasonably priced.

Pack lightly but wisely. For your own convenience, pack lightly but be sure to bring the necessities: clothing, money, documents, personal hygiene products etc. A week before leaving, check the weather bulletins in your destination to help you in deciding items to pack. Also, do not bring objects that may cause airport delays, such as weapons.

Avoid lugging large bottles of shampoos and lotions. Travel packs are available to help you travel lightly. Make no mistake of bringing that jacket when traveling to a tropical island get-away. Instead of a jacket, pack a sarong or a wrap-around to keep you warm on chilly nights. It also works great as a mat on the beach.

Take security precautions. Secure a map of the area and numbers of important local institutions such as the hospital, police station and convenience stores. Don't wander in a foreign place alone. Orient yourself with its landmarks, food, language, customs, and its inhabitants. Be familiar with the cultural peculiarities of locals to avoid offending them.

Always keep a good eye on your belongings and do not show off your cell phone, camera, wallet or cash. Be cautious when dealing with strangers. Always lock your luggage.

Maintain a good physical condition. Consult a physician to assess your capability to travel and engage in strenuous activities. Bring your medicines and vitamins, if necessary. Be careful of what you eat and drink while on vacation. Stay on the safe side and drink only bottled or mineral water.

Just follow all these and you are all set for a grand vacation!
Source: Free Articles
About the Author:
By Abbas Abedi-To make all aspect of life easier you might take a look at my blog

The Symbiotic Relationship of Career and Mind Control

Have you ever asked yourself why there are many mediocre career professionals out there and only a handful of highly successful ones?

How about you, are you really happy with your job?
Are you doing what you have always wanted to do?
Or are you just one of those living in mediocrity?

Take heed; you can gain control of your mind and ultimately use that to build yourself enjoyable career. Several things will need improvement to help you find success. The good thing is, you can change all that by using your mind to turn things around. How you do that is all up to you.

To get control of your mind, allot some time for quiet meditation. This will help clear your mind of all kinds of worries. Focus on one major thing you would want to achieve in your chosen career that you havent been successful at yet. Create a mantra that you can repeat over and over during your meditation. This will help you focus. Just as an example, you might say, God create me. I achieve anything I set my mind to.

Once you put your mind into the quiet sphere, visualize what you want. Determine what you really want. Did you really dream of becoming a writer, even though you ended up as an office clerk? Did you really want to become a musician, but your parents told you to get a business degree?

It is scientifically proven that mental visualization actively speeds up recovery from diseases and controls pain. It also helps you realize goals in a shorter span of time than you would achieve without the visualization.

Be ready to fulfill your goal by following up your visualization with action. Even the Bible states that, Faith without work is dead. The best way to start accomplishing what you want is by working towards it. Move out of your comfort zone. Take risks and stand by what you have chosen to do. You are the master of your destiny; remember that.

When you have reached a level where you are at peace with yourself and know what you want, you will notice positive changes in these professional aspects:

1. Decision-making process
You will notice that your mind is free of negative thoughts, so it quickly prioritizes tasks and sees those things you will need to do to achieve success.

2. Communication skills
You will notice that you are learning to listen to what other people have to say and not just figuring out where you can jump into the conversation when someone else is talking.

3. Memory retention
Consistant meditation sharpens the mind and makes you remember information that is essential to your job easily.

4. Stress management
Since you are at peace with almost everything, stress will usually be a foreign concept to you; you will be able to manage it even if you cannot totally eradicate it.

5. Leadership skills
Remember that there is no such thing as a born leader. A true leader learns how to guide with patience, perseverance, and hard work.

Mind control is not just about hypnotism or the prediction of events. Mind control is that, but it is much more. If you can control your mind and exhibit discipline in your chosen field, you can reach the fullest of your potential.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author:
Leon Edward in his daily blog, articles, free newsletter, best of web Self Help news helps people improve in Goal Setting, Time Management, Success, Leadership, Stress Management, Self-Impromvement. Download his IQ Mind Brain Memory Self-Help library at his website

Reduce Stress With 5 Tips To Help You Win The Race Against Time

"Oh my, how time flies!?

"My, my?..Look at the time.?

All these expressions suggest one thing. Time waits for no one. Time is important and you must utilize it to the fullest. What would be the best way to win the race against time?

Start with your habits. Make a list and examine your daily activities. Find out which among these eat most of your time and lead to lowest productivity. Look at these:

1. Too much TV time is the number one time stealer. TV time eats up time that should have been spent for sleeping and recharging.

Being hooked with movies or TV shows that keep you awake until late nights and early mornings can leave a heavy toll on your health. Sleeping with the TV on deprives you of a restful, continuous, and peaceful sleep. More often that not, these programs can wake you up in the middle of sleep, that you may find it difficult to doze again.

2. Nightly parties are also time stealers. Socializing can be fun and rewarding, especially if you aim to establish a wider network of friends. There is nothing wrong with going out with friends.

But doing this every night can really be a waste of time. Hang over results from too much liquor the night before. As a result, you cannot work productively the morning after. You become irritable due to lack of sleep. An irritable businessperson must keep watch of his temper, for clients might take their businesses elsewhere.

3. Accepting responsibilities more than you can handle will definitely affect your schedules. Learn to say "no? courteously. Limit your activities to those that produce more results. Pacing your assignments will help in keeping stress to the minimum.

Be on the look out for "time stealers,? those crafty people who will try to pass on their responsibilities to you. Leave time for yourself. Don?t give them all away.

Other time stealers are officemates who spend too much time chatting over the phone, those who use too much of their time discussing personal lives, and those who lament and loudly complain about their plight. All these can rob you of the concentration needed to be able to accomplish the assigned tasks.

4. Giving way for the convenience of others is a sure way to waste time. Imagine this scenario: You have been waiting in line. A good friend just arrived and sees the long line. He approaches and asks you to give way, for he will be late in another appointment. Will you give way?

Sacrificing your time for those in need of help is virtuous. However, sacrificing your time for those who want to put one over you is a no-no.

5. Lack of discipline will lead to mismanagement of time. Say, you are having a drink with friends and you have set your time limit. Upon reaching the time limit, you realize that you are having a great time that you allow yourself a little extension of another half-hour. After one extension, you again allow yourself another half-hour extension.

This kind of scenario becomes habitual and can eat much of your time. Be definite with your time so that you can utilize it gainfully.

These are just a few of the common time stealers. Be conscious of these habits that can definitely wreck havoc to your schedules. Keep in mind that time is important and you must muster every effort to utilize it to the fullest.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author:
Abbas Abedi--Keep track of a growing collection of articles to help you manage your stress faster and easier than you thought was possible. Visit:

If You Are Feeling Depressed Plants Can Make You Happy

This article which you are about to read has been written because I am aware of the epidemic of depression that we are suffering from in the western world, and this is my contribution to try and help.

My father spent his entire life with plants, it was his full time job, and when he retired he spent all of his days in his greenhouse and garden, and he was the happiest, most contented person that I have ever known.

If we fill our time taking care of plants we can get rid of stress, it is a scientifically proved thing. Taking care of our green friends (the ones with leaves not Martians!) we will discover new hidden sides of our personality and will get to know better how to love and care for others, firstly because a plant that we wont care for will die for sure.

Accepting a plant we are assuming a new responsibility, we are adopting a breathing being. This way, we learn just what it means to pay attention to those around you.

We have to concentrate over needs that are exterior to our ego. We become aware of the needs of another being: we know how much water the plant needs, how much light it gets, the intervals it needs to receive water again, and slowly we will transfer these cares and abilities in our social relations. We become more and more aware of others. Visual contact with a beautiful plant makes us realize our own beauty.

Studies show more and more that taking care of plants can be the most efficient method to improve our physical and emotional general condition. They have a serene effect, they can reduce stress and relax muscles and therefore improve the mood people taking care of them are in.

Before you read any further I just want to jump in here and say that I really do hope you are finding this helpful. I have written this because I do think that we can all improve our mental well being by getting more involved with plant life. So, having said that, lets continue.

Different studies have demonstrated that the existence of plants reduce mental exhaustion. When we are overwhelmed with work, we just have to look up for a couple of minutes to a plant and we will instantly feel more relaxed. In conclusion, plants fascinate and attract people, they break boredom and monotony generated by forced attention. The oxygen generated by plants creates a feeling of mental agility.

Some big plants placed in the right spot will help us insolate ourselves from annoying surrounding noises. The technique is the same as the one of hanging paintings in an empty room to minimize the echo effects. The thick leaves will absorb a part of the noises, including the sound of the phone, Xerox, printer or coffee maker, making these sounds a little bit friendlier.

May I conclude by saying that there is a lot more information out there on this subject just waiting for you to unearth it, if you will excuse the expression! So, happy digging.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author:
john savage has a Blog which shows how you can quickly conquer stress, depression and anxiety. Please go to:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

How To Cope With Intrapersonal Stress

Author: Peter Gitundu

The stress caused by conflict among family members, colleagues or peers is called intrapersonal stress and such conflicts are pretty common in our society and intrapersonal life situation interventions are necessary to combat this. The conflict and stress is caused by bothersome partners who are willing to cause serious trouble, and it has been seen that the person who causes trouble and holds the grudge will suffer more stress. When intrapersonal stress if it goes one way, it might be easily removed and this kind of stress is known as perceived stress. An intrapersonal life intervention is when the people in conflict decide to originate.

This means that they will have to state what their problem is. The people can also choose to have another intrapersonal intervention. This is where everyone comes together to look for the problems causers which are very many. While they are looking to validate each other, they will have a better perspective and express some of their frustrations and these will be a good opportunity to let everything out in the clear. It is common knowledge that it is through expression we get to know grievances. There are so may causes of intrapersonal conflicts and more specifically is the following.

One certain cause of conflict I came across on the internet is when one partner who is the woman had chosen to conduct an abortion without the knowledge of the husband and as a result, there was so much stress on the side of the man with every right. Intrapersonal life situation interventions are necessary for such situation. The other stage for the intervention is negotiation. And if both partners are feeling they should go ahead with negotiations they might forget the past and work on future forgiveness. The next step of the conflict resolution is to communicate where the past will not be remembered only that new rules and suggestions will

Clearly intrapersonal life situation interventions are not usually very easy because when it comes to a serious issues, many are left wondering. Those who are not wiling to give others a chance, might have to take a longer time to get the recovery they need. There is no doubt that interventions will go a long way in healing not only stress, but the hearts of those who have been affected by the cause. It is advisable to go for interventions as early as possibe. If you need any help, you can always see a specialist who will guide you through in the most professional and comfortable way.

There are several benefits that come from resolving this conflicts and the first one is that you get a chance to deal with stress. Once you are at peace, your creative mind is more vibrant and you will get to do your duties or work in a better manner. There are so many other interventions that will go a long way in enhancing your relationships. Remember, this is the most important relationship in your life because it includes people you have to interact with everyday.

Peter Gitundu is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Stress for Years. For More Information on Dealing With Stress, Visit His Site at DEALING WITH STRESS You Can Also Post Pour Views About Dealing With Stress On My Blog Here DEALING WITH STRESS

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About the Author
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content

Brutal Effects Of Stress On Beauty & Skin Care

Author: Jerzy George

Is there a link between your brain and your skin? Can stress really impact the condition of your skin? Many people have long thought that stress can directly affect there any merit to this thought?

The fact of the matter is that various skin conditions such as acne, eczema, hives, rosacea, psoriasis, alopecia, vitiligo, are, in fact, caused by stress. In fact, this connection between the brain and the skin is so powerful that experts have begun to label the phenomenon as “psychodermatology.”

What can you do if your skin is reacting to your high stress levels? Well, you can start by being aware of those things that cause the most stress within your life. While you might not be able to eliminate all of those stress triggers, you can learn how to cope with them.

Try some form of soothing exercise such as low-impact aerobics or yoga in order to alleviate stress. Or, discover a new outlet for your stress – no matter what you do to eliminate stress, your skin will show the signs of lower stress levels almost immediately.

Now that it has been proved that stress causes various skin conditions, you can start to change the way that you live your life. With change also comes a new skin care routine, which will require new skin care products. You see, taking care of your stress is crucial, but your skin will need a bit of extra help.

If you are suffering from any of the skin conditions mentioned above, keep in mind that using the right skin care products will help clear up those blemishes and red spots. Taking the time to learn how to get rid of your stress (while using top-notch skin care products) will help to fight the signs of aging.

Skin tends to age quickly due to a number of factors. These factors include diet, exercise, stress, water intake, and great skin care products. The more that you learn about these factors, the better off your skin will look as a result.

Lots of people try endlessly to stop the aging process. The simple truth is that understanding how your skin works is the best course of action when it comes to aging. Even though skin appears to be quite simple, it is actually a rather complex matter that takes a lot of time to comprehend.

Just as your body requires many different things, your skin also has specific needs. Take the time to learn as much as you can about skin care, and you will be able to stop aging in its tracks. Stress does impact skin – there’s just no way to ignore this mental and physical connection.

However, now that you know all about stress and skin, you can work towards getting rid of the stress in your life. Remember to use natural skin care products in addition to caring for your skin properly. As soon as you begin to pay attention to your skin, your skin will stop aging and start glowing.
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About the Author
Jerzy George ( with over twenty years of experience in the beauty and antiaging industry is offering information and products oriented on the market's needs and which have the set of concurrent advantages, favourably separating them from the products of competitors. If you wish to learn more please visit

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Five Tips To Turn Volatility Into Opportunity

The recent turbulence in the world and in the stock market will create unique challenges for advisors during this upcoming RRSP season. The downturn in the economy has reduced the market value of our clients' portfolios and negative returns have created anxiety among many investors.

However, within this doom and gloom exists an opportunity to separate ourselves from our competitors. Bear markets create unique opportunities to generate additional business and to build loyalty among our existing clients. Why? Because many advisors act like investors — they hang out on sidelines when the market is down and jump in when the market is hot.

1. The following steps will help you generate additional revenue and create loyalty among your clients during bear markets or periods of volatility: Communicate with your clients. Stay in frequent contact with your clients via phone, e-mail or snail mail, especially during periods of volatility. Your clients need to be reassured of their investment decisions.

2. Filter the information you digest. The media is filled with negative bias during market downturns. Look for articles and audio materials that focus on positive components of the markets and long-term investing. There are many excellent historical charts which highlight the most profitable time to invest is following a significant market correction.

3. Stress the value-added services you provide. A qualified advisor can create a portfolio that is tailored to meet a client's risk profile. Stress past successes and use third-party endorsements. Also find out if there are any other aspects of your client’s financial portfolio which needs repair. This is a perfect opportunity to let them know that you can quarterback their financial team and make sure that nobody drops the ball during turbulent times.

4. Take advantage of the reduced competition. With the amount of cash parked in money market funds, it appears equity investing has gone out of style. Stress to clients who have long-term perspectives that they have a unique opportunity — many equity funds have significantly reduced in value and your clients can buy these assets at a deep discount. The Dow Jones Industrials hovered around 1700 points following 1987 crash. The long term investor who weathered this storm were rewarded with very handsome profits.

Never follow the pack. Successful advisors have the foresight to see opportunity in turbulent times. They have the discipline to face their clients and preach the same principles during market downturns that they do during periods of economic expansion.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author:
Lorne S. Marr, President of Lorne S. Marr Insurance Services Ltd. has been a practicing financial planner since 1993 having graduated from the University of Windsor with an MBA. In the year 2000 he completed the internationally recognized Certified Financial Planner designation. He is a recognized expert on Life Insurance in Toronto

Marriage With An Extended Family

Having a marriage with children from a previous marriage can be an added stress to the marriage.

Having a marriage with an extended family can also include nieces and nephews, or any child that is not biologically both of yours.

Sociology of the family examines the changing roles of family members. Each member is restricted by the sex roles of the traditional family, these roles such as the father as the worker and the mother as the homemaker are declining.

The mother is becoming the supplementary provider and she retains the responsibilities of child rearing.

Therefore the females role in the labour force is compatible with the demands of the traditional family. This is something that can you can easily overcome with patience and time.

Everything about this situation can and will be sensitive, so watch how you introduce your children into this new type of lifestyle.

The safest way to go about this is by talking to the children individually. Sit them down and ask their opinions. Kids feel important when you ask for their opinion.

It lets them know that you are thinking of their emotions. This gives them a security that most kids miss out when going through a divorce with their parents.

You should never withhold information from you children concerning a new marriage within reason, of course. Let them know that you and your new spouse are also adjusting.

This will help your children to be understanding and empathetic. Try doing fun family activities and exercises together.

Start new family traditions together for the holidays. Do something that sets your family apart from your previous marriage. Make it fun and comfortable.

Share the responsibilities and never jeopardize your step Childs well being because your afraid that child will not like you. A lot of stepparents try and become a friend instead of a parent.

This can cause more harm than good. When you become your Childs friend and it comes down to punishing them they will be more hurt if their friend is punishing them rather than a parent.

Be straightforward right up front from the very beginning. If you follow the simple rules of being a good stepparent the rewards with be worth all of the time and energy you put into it.

They will grow to love you as another parent. This will cause less stress in your marriage and will inevitably make you both happier and healthy as an extended family.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author:
Beth Young is the Senior Editor of Visit our site today and download our free ebook, "101 Marriage Secrets" to discover how to instantly improve your marriage.

Pregnant and Feeling Cranky? - What To Do When The World Irritates You

Feeling cranky and irritable? Don't blame yourself, blame your hormones! With all these changes happening to your body, you are almost certain to become irritable, fatigued and fed up with being pregnant at one point or another. But don't worry, there are tricks and things you can do to help reduce your irritability during pregnancy that will help you feel better (and I'm sure help others around you feel much better!).

Try Talking It Out

Sometimes all it takes is a good talk to help calm you down and make you more relaxed. Becoming a new parent is enough to make anyone stressed and irritable. As well, if you're too busy with company, and outings, it may be stressing you out more than you realize. It's important to make sure to set aside plenty of time for you and your partner to be alone. Find someone that is willing to just listen to you vent. The best friends are those that just let you talk as much as you need.

As well, if you find yourself particularly annoyed and irritable one day, try to set aside some time completely to yourself to do something you find relaxing. You'll find that you feel better, and you'll have avoided saying something to your family that you might regret later! Sometimes I have to say to my husband, "It might be best if you give me some "Me" time, and he knows to leave me alone for awhile!

Try Keeping Active

Be sure to keep active every day. You can perform light stretching or other low-impact exercises. Exercise is a great way to de-stress and it is also very healthy for you and your baby. If you can get outdoors it's really the best. Sunlight has a great way of clearing our heads and improving our mood. If you can't get outdoors, try opening the curtains and the windows and getting some fresh air that way.

What To Do If You Are Continually Irritable?

You may be experiencing aches and pains from your pregnancy, emotional stress, or even fear. Be sure to consult with your doctor if you remain irritable for more than three days, it may be something physical rather than emotional. Always consult with your doctor before taking any antidepressants or other medications during your pregnancy. A medication that was safe to use before you became pregnant may very well not be safe to use during pregnancy!
Source: Free Articles
For more great pregnancy related articles and resources check out

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Don't Worry,Be Happy", Another Great Method To Manage You Stress

Almost everyone have heard the hit single 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby Mcferiin's simple message surely made a lot of people by telling them not to worry.Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer and stroke. One of the better things ever said is - 'The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change', and in our life we have the power to make the necessary changes if we want to. Even if we find ourselves in an unbearable situation we can always find solace in the knowledge that it too would change. Social networks or relationships are essential to happiness. People are different, accept people for who or what they are, avoid clashes, constant arguments, and let go of all kinds of resentments. If arguments seem unavoidable still try and make an effort to understand the situation and you might just get along with well with Happiness is actually found in everyone, increasing it is a way to make a life more wonderful and also more healthy.To be happy is relatively easy, just decide to be a happy person. Abraham Lincoln observed that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy. There are several ways by which you can do this.Being grateful is a great attitude. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for bringing you home safely, thank the cook for a wonderful dinner and thank the guy who cleans your windows. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mails, thank the policeman for making your place safe and thank God for being alive.News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just can't start their day without their daily dose of news. Try and think about it, 99% of the news we hear or read is bad news. Starting the day with bad news does not seem to be a sensible thing to do.A religious connection is also recommended. Being part of a religious group with its singing, sacraments, chanting, prayers and meditations foster inner peace. Manage your time. Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be viewed as a list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating lists of things to do and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal time management skill. These basic skills can be fine tuned further to include the finer points of each skill that can give you that extra reserve to make the results you desire. Laugh and laugh heartily everyday. Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it. As they also say -'Laughter is the best medicine'.Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations, this is bad for your health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of being competent in finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us, they give us a sense of value. Work on things that you feel worthy of your time.Learning is a joyful exercise. Try and learn something new everyday. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons. And could also give us more opportunities in the future. Run, jog, walk and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive.Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places.These are the few simple things you can do everyday to be happy. And always remember the quote from Abraham Lincoln, he says that, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
Source: Free Articles

Subscribe to my "How To Relieve Stress" tips and secrets mailing list and receive a free copy of "Reduce Stress Now" ebook. 54 pages on how to reduce stress in your life.