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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How To Build Self Confidence in Yourself



Positive Thinking Tips

Would you like to be able to concentrate on achieving your goals every single day? Would you like to keep high spirits and generate enough energy to keep going towards your dreams? Would you like to feel rejuvenated and ready to conquer the world on a constant basis? Think about how you feel when you just heard a great lecture, read an awesome book or seen a terrific movie? Aren't you ready to climb the Everest or sell ice to the Eskimos? But the next day or a few days later, the enthusiasm has melt away. This is when you need to apply positive thinking to keep going.
Here is a course of action that will rocket your positive frame of mind, help you focus and generate high motivation. I've used this method to be open to and take advantage of positive influences. It has helped me catch on opportunities that I would have missed and would have never even become aware of.
Decide to follow a one-month mental detoxification. Stop watching television: Broadcast news; cynical, violent or pessimistic shows; news mongering etc. Who needs a steady diet of all that?
Turn the radio off except if great songs or music are playing and without any unnecessary bad comments from the radio host. Or better, sing your heart out and listen to the birds or the wind. You'll be surprised.
Read 15 to 30 minutes of inspiring prose at breakfast to set you in high spirits for the day.
Get in some exercise or do more of it. Walk places instead of driving, park farther away and walk for a little bit. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. If you can get to a gym, great, do it.
Avoid the company of negative or pessimistic individuals. If you have to meet them absolutely, cut the time down. The less you're seeing them, the better off you are.
Choose your relationships so you have a pleasant entourage of people who are friendly and positive in life.
Drink lots of alkaline water. It helps release toxins that are in your body.
Take 15 to 30 minutes each day to examine your goals, what you want to happen and what you're appreciative of. Take this time to really examine where you are gaining ground and where you are losing. Reinforce the actions that have positive effects and get rid of those that are not contributing to your efforts.
If you follow the above, I promise that you'll observe an astonishing difference at the end of the month. Track your successes in a journal and appreciate your refreshing positive attitude and blooming self-confidence.
Amelie has dealt with a lot of people from all walks of life. She's learnt that the primary tool to success is knowing how to handle relationships with tact. She's also found out that a positive attitude in life makes the difference between a winner and a loser. If you're interested in reading more about self-confidence and positive thinking you can do so by going to
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Monday, June 20, 2011

Don't Allow Negative Thoughts To Steal Your Dreams



In this article we're going to discuss the burden we all carry of our own negative thoughts. These can be thoughts that are given us by other people in their feedback or thoughts we've been 'smart' enough to come up with ourselves to talk us out of doing something!
Now, before we get started, this is not going to be one of those 'just think positive thoughts and everything will be ok' sessions. I don't care what other people tell you - that just doesn't work. Thinking positive thoughts will NOT guarantee your success. I can tell you now, the absolute key to success in any area of your life is taking action - but that's something for another day.
No, what I'm talking about is recognizing that negative thoughts can almost guarantee your failure.
Just stop and think about it for a moment - when was the last time you met someone who was really successful and, at the same time, they were also pessimistic? I'm not a betting man but if I were, I'd give you good odds you could count them on the fingers of no hands.
In general, successful people are very optimistic. But you might say "Well I'd be a whole lot more likely to be optimistic if I had their success!" Here's the thing - we need to flip that statement around. We need to be saying "Well I'd be a whole lot more likely to be successful if I had their optimism!"
As I've said, negativity can come in two forms - external and internal. There's not a lot we can do about the external except choose not to be influenced by it - or change the people we mix with. What we can do something about, though, is our own internal dialogue.
When we mess up or something doesn't turn out as we planned - don't swear under your breath or call yourself an idiot or even worse. Replace that way of thinking with something more positive. Ask yourself what you can learn from what just happened and how you can do it better next time.
I was on a forum the other day and saw a comment - I'm afraid I cannot remember exactly where and can't recall the name of the gentleman who left it so cannot give him credit here - but he said the most wonderful thing. He said that his New Year's Resolution had been to decide that things would no longer go wrong for him, they would just go astonishingly well in an unexpected way he hadn't quite figured out yet!
What a great way to turn things around - that gentleman was standing at the start of a fresh New Year in the knowledge that absolutely nothing was going to go wrong for him. Now, with that attitude, do you believe he is more likely or less likely to achieve the goals he set for himself this year?
So, today I want you to listen to your own self-talk - particularly when things are going astonishingly well in a way you haven't quite figured out yet - and any time any degree of negativity creeps in there, replace it with something positive.
Get in touch and let me know how that goes and tell me what it does for your energy levels, too - I think you might just amaze yourself!
Ivan spent thirty years pursuing a typical career path, when a series of events led him to suspect there must be more to life.
So he and his wife, Carole, decided to see if there was. The answer was a resounding YES!
Ivan and Carole now show others how they can have the life they want if they just make the decision to go out and get it.
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Monday, June 6, 2011

How to Appreciate the Small Things in Life!


Appreciating the small things in life is vital to our health and happiness but it is so easy to fall in pace with modern life's frantic style and thus miss out on these benefits. The question is, how do we stop this unhealthy momentum long enough to notice the things that bring us peace and happiness?
The answer never lies far from Mother Nature and her pearls of wisdom...
Have you ever noticed the grace and apparent ease with which a bird glides through the sky? Although the bird may seem to effortlessly take to the sky and soar through the air, one thing is absolutely necessary: the bird needs to be aware of the upward movement of air, called thermals. Thermals act as the support that allows birds to glide, but before birds can enjoy this free ride, they need to become aware of these thermals by engaging their senses.
Likewise, for you to glide above your hectic pace, you need to engage your senses. Can you remember the last time you sat quietly, no matter where you were, just to make yourself aware of the many different sounds around you? I encourage you to do so now. Stop and listen. What sounds can you hear? Similarly, by using your other senses, what do you become aware of? What can you smell? What can you see that you have not noticed before? Touch the material of your clothing, how does this feel on your fingertips, palms of your hands or even against your face? A new world awaits you if you are willing to engage all of your senses.
To become a vibrant, healthy and happy person again, focus on the simple things in life. Whenever you feel stressed or agitated, simply stop for a moment and engage your senses. Become aware of the many sounds, colours, aromas or the physical touch of your environment and feel your stresses disappear.
As you look upon a bird's graceful flight across the sky, remember that you too can rise above your stressful situations by learning to engage your senses to appreciate the...
Small Things!
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