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Monday, April 30, 2012

Ego - The Second Self



"Any RELATIONSHIP is possible only when two egos are dropped. Otherwise four persons are involved - Two real & Two imaginary."
The ego is a deep desire who wants to dominate. It's amazing to see how a three letter word can be held responsible for most of the follies in the world. Isn't it strange that everyone knows that ego is the one who keeps us away from true happiness yet everyone flaunts it?
What is ego? It is the by-product which is accumulated due to the life we spend with others. If we are left alone there will be no ego but then our lives will be like animals. Hence the phase of having an ego, a centre which we all have is necessary. In fact the birth of ego starts right at home when we start appreciating our child.
But as time passes it is essential to break the clutches of ego and live a life as we want. We should not be the slaves of our own ego which exists to satisfy certain rules made by our society. In fact being a slave of our ego leads to most of our miseries. It is not necessary to be the best in the eyes of others. It is ok to keep our egos aside and agree with our heart.
Our ego is one responsible for our craving of attention. It always searches for someone who appreciates, and gets satisfied at the reaction of others. Hence it can be termed as the enemy of our heart, even though we want to be free but our ego captures us in its vicious circle and does not allow us to do what our inner core wants.
One must not get confused between ego and self-respect. Ego is just an illusion but self-respect is essential. There is a thin line between self-respect and ego which should not be crossed. It is difficult but not impossible. When we start realising that our ego is the one that is responsible for our miseries then it will start disappearing itself. The only way to have our egos in control is to realise that there are many above us and our egos can never be so great that we become its servants.
Ego is like the spider's web which the spider builds himself but ultimately it leads to his own death. Our ego is our own creation and when we come out of the clutches of ego we will realise and mock at the fact that we were the creators of our own misery think with an open mind then there is no looking back.
Hence it is never late to realise that we have to shun our egos and start believing our hearts, as our heart will lead us to the happiness we desire and not our egos.
So, let us all realise that I, me, myself are very small words as compared to we, us and ourselves. This sure is the key to long-lasting relationships and strong relationships are always connected like the needles of the clock even if they meet occasionally.
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Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to Stay Positive When You're Surrounded by Negativity


If someone were to ask you, you would probably say that you were a pretty happy person. You try to keep a positive frame of mind and stay upbeat. It can be difficult, though, to maintain a positive mindset when you find yourself surrounded by negativity.
Here are a few ways you can help keep your positive attitude whenever you look around and find that everyone else is being negative.
It's nothing personal.
People can often get into the bad habit of talking negatively. It can be aimed directly at you or simply be about a myriad of other things that are going on in that person's life. It's hard to face an onslaught of negativity, especially when you are the target of it. But remember, that this is their issue, not yours. If their criticism is unfounded, you can be sure that the complaints are probably just a way for the person to vent. Take a breath, put on a smile and tell yourself, "It's not me, it's them."
Be the bigger person.
It's not fun being around a negative person. But just imagine how miserable it must be to be the negative person. They are full of sour emotions and see themselves as the victim of life. They are probably scared and hurting in some way. Anger is one way that many people hide their troubles away from others. Try to be compassionate and give them the benefit of the doubt.
Bring them a little positivity.
What can you do to help turn their day around? It could be something small, like acknowledging a recent accomplishment. Bring them a snack from the vending machine. Even simply asking them how they are doing can help them to open up a little and get things off their chest. Do what you think would cheer you up on an off day. If you are met with an even bigger wave of negativity, just walk away. You know that you tried, and you can't win them all!
Remember: you get to choose the people in your life!
We are not physically attached to every person we deal with day in and day out. It is okay to cut out anyone who brings absolutely no positive value to your life. Friends, family, coworkers, spouses- if they just don't want to be a part of your positive lifestyle, then it's okay to limit contact with them or do away with the relationship altogether. There is a whole world of people out there who can make you smile, so don't waste your happiness on those who don't want to share it.
What do you do to stay positive every day? Have you had to make some tough decisions about who stays and who goes? Let us know!
Deb Lamb is a Ghostwriter and Copywriter who lives an amazing life in Granbury, Texas with her husband, two dogs and cat. She has a passion and desire to ignite and encourage others to successfully survive the hard times like divorce, abuse, single-parenting, homelessness and job loss. Deb has personally experienced these life-altering situations making her an authority and expert to motivate and inspire others. She has authored hundreds of articles on these topics and writes motivating and inspirational advice and strategies on how to overcome and enjoy a stunning life. Visit her blog for encouragement, direction and advice.
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Monday, April 9, 2012

How to End Worrying and Live a Great Life


One of the habits that can really spoil a person's life and even make it miserable is the habit of worrying. The term conscious living has became quite familiar now and it explains the act of living in your present moment without thinking too much about the future or the past.
Conscious living can certainly make you happier but the habit of worrying is one of the biggest enemies to conscious living. You can easily stop enjoying great moments and think about an upcoming event only to end up ruining your mood.
Because of these reasons you must learn how to stop worrying so that you can enjoy your life.
Read this post to know about some tips that can help you stop your worrying.
5 Powerful Tips to Stop Worrying
1) Attack first: One of the best ways to prevent worrying is to prevent it from happening at the first place. Lets suppose that you are the kind of person who worries a lot in such a case you can take several actions that make you feel that you are in control. Here is an example, if you worry about your health then start to live a healthy life style and to avoid bad habits that open the door to worrying. By doing so you will prevent yourself from worrying before you even start to worry.
2) Take serious actions when you get worried: as soon as you feel worried take serious actions to calm your subconscious mind. For example if you became worried about an upcoming exam then drop what's in your hand and study very hard, only then your worrying will disappear or at least get reduced. Sometimes worrying is no more than a motivating signal your mind is sending you. Learn how to understand the signal, reply back to it so that you stop worrying.
3) Have a life plan: many people worry when they feel that they don't have control over their lives. When you write a plan or when you plan for your life you will feel that you are in control even if you were not. This plan can help you reduce worrying about the future to a great extent. Writing down your goals and future plans is one of the most effective ways to end your worrying.
4) Develop backup plans: many people start to worry when their main plan becomes in danger. Lets suppose that you wrote your goals but found that you wont reach them on time, in such a case a backup plan can certainly save you. When you plan for your future make sure you write a backup plan as well so that you don't worry even if something happened to your main plan
5) Make a worrying book: bring an empty copybook and record each event you worried about then record the outcome of the event. After you discover that nothing actually happens most of the time you will start to worry less often. In short, we always worry about things that never actually happen., the ultimate source for self understanding 10,000,000 Million visits and counting.
Why Do We Worry
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to Tackle Problems and Get Real Results Better


Have you ever been to a point of frustration with a project and you simply throw in the towel only to wake up the next day with the solution? Or perhaps you receive the "aha" moment while scrubbing your hair in the shower.
The art of de-focusing has been around for ages, and including this in your arsenal of problem solving tools makes it a potent solution to any problem.
Consider this for a moment: every problem has already been solved. It is only a matter of perspective and openness to seeing its solution.
Einstein is quoted as saying "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." In other words, he talks about the need to let go and allow a new way of thinking to come in.
We cannot do this when we are forcing the problem's outcome or when we are attached to its solution and timeframe.
Here are two incredibly powerful practices to use in your de-focusing techniques. The first is to allow yourself distractions, and the second is to ask better questions.
Many of us are driven to produce results every day, and this is a great thing. However, there are going to be days where everything we do seems to run us into a wall. We simply cannot force our desired outcomes to occur daily. We may have great runs for days or weeks at a time; however, there will be moments when our best efforts are stalemated.
This is when we need a distraction. We can hit the golf course or gym instead of trying to "figure" it out now. Allowing ourselves some time to reflect, think without focus, or wander is incredibly valuable. This is the time when inspiration can hit us. This is why so many great ideas are found in showers and in sleep. Our minds continue to work on problems even when our focus is elsewhere. And when our old thinking patterns are focused on something else, space is created which allows new thoughts to creep in. These new thoughts are solutions to our old problems.
Referring to the art of asking better questions, one of the most important first questions to ask is, "What is the real problem?" Too many times people jump to address problems before the real problem is identified. They may address the cause and not the effect. When we do not identify the real problem, we will not be able to find its solution.
Once we identify the real problem, there are a few more great questions to ponder. One of them is, "What assumptions am I making that I do not realize I am making that give me what I see?" Another one is, "What do I not see?"
Spending some time pondering these questions can save us a lot of time and money, and they can prevent huge mistakes from occurring. What this all boils down to is thinking time.
Thinking time is a tool to be used weekly and perhaps daily. There is truly focused thinking time where we spend an hour or more with one of the above questions. Or thinking time can be unfocused when we play golf or enjoy a walk and try to not focus on any specific questions.
Both types of thinking time are needed to maintain an edge in today's professional games. Instituting this into our weekly and daily routines will offer game-changing advantages. It is not about the daily or quick return results anymore. It is about seeing what we do not see and staying ahead of the game with long-term results.
Matthew Scott K is a father, husband, entrepreneur, author, speaker, and coach, who is based out of Gunnison, Colorado. He is heavily invested in mentoring and the education of today's youth while focusing on working with people who are seeking life mastery.
Matthew currently coaches people in a boxing class he calls Fight 4 Your Life and through Ollin Academy. Ollin Academy offers multiple lessons on various facets of life designed to help people bring all their heart into experience.
Matthew has a special offer at his blog for people seeking more accountability and clarity in their life. You can find it here along with other great resources
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