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Saturday, July 31, 2010

7 Steps to Inner Peace

 By Lynn Banis

Do you yearn for inner peace? Is your life out of control? Are your emotions all riled up? You are not alone. Many, many people are feeling the same way - they are all seeking some inner peace yet they do not know how to find it. Lots of people just search and search but come up with nothing except frustration which separates them even further from the inner peace they are seeking. Is that true of you too? Maybe people are looking in the wrong place. This article will help you focus where you will find the inner peace you are looking for.
First, inner peace can not be found outside of you. It can not be purchased in a store, it can not be provided by love or sex, it does not flow from accumulated wealth, it can only be found within you. It can be found but it will take some work. Here are some steps you can take to cultivate your inner peace.
  1. Identify your values. Select the top ten and prioritize them. Figure out how much time you spend on each one. Are some of them lop-sided? Try to adjust your schedule so you are spending more time on your most important values.
  2. List your goals for the next six months. Check them against your values to be sure they are aligned. If they are not aligned then you should not be doing them. Create new goals that align with your values.
  3. Make a list of the most important traits that you see in other people. Select the ones you would like to have yourself. Work to make these part of your everyday behaviors.
  4. By now you should be living your values, goals and personality traits. You should also be feeling better about yourself. You are ready for the next step.
  5. Work on your self awareness by writing in a guided journal. You can get The Discovery Journal at It is designed to increase your self-awareness through responding to sentence starters that have you look at yourself, your assumptions and your beliefs.
  6. Be authentic. Work to be true to yourself. Make decisions that you think are right and stick to them. Live in integrity.
  7. Summon your higher self. You have identified it through all of the exercises you just went through. Your higher self is all of the good things you represent. Let yourself be guided by the Universe to do what is right and good. You should now be feeling centered and serene.
Peace be with you!

Should I Forgive?

By Andrew Eli

"Should I forgive him"? This is a question I have heard over and over again. Some people will say, "You don't understand what he did to me". While others will asked questions like, "He raped me when I was a child and shattered my life. Should I still forgive him"? "He killed my parents before my very presence. Should I forgive him"? "She disappointed me and married someone else. Should I forgive her"? "I caught her in bed with my best friend in our matrimonial home. Should I forgive her"? And so on. I have also asked similar question in time past. My answer to this question,"Should I forgive him"?, is "YES"! Bear with me a little. I will explain to you the reason why I said yes.
But first of all, what does it mean,to forgive? I am glad you asked that question. To forgive means to overlook a fault or debt. It also means, to be no longer angry with someone over an offense committed against you.
Several time we claim to have forgiven people, but in the actual fact, we have not. I've discovered that at times we don't know how hurt we are and how unforgiven we are until something happens again. I was discussing with a lady sometime ago. I told her that God said that I should ask her to forgive her husband, no matter what he has done to her. She told me that she has forgiven him long ago. She said that she has nothing against him. But recently, she visited him and there was something he did to provoke her. She said that was when she discovered how much she hates him and how much pain she still feels about what he did to her. She said that she now realize that she has not yet truly forgiven him.
Forgiveness is one of the hardest thing to do on earth. But I've also discovered that it is one of the greatest remedy for our malady. I know that a lot of us have been hurt, betrayed, deceived, cheated, abused, disappointed by some people at one time or the other. Some of such offense happened even when we were children. And over the years we have harbored anger, bitterness, hatred and unforgiven in our heart without knowing it. Somehow our lives might have been affected without our knowledge. It has been scientifically proven that some organs of our bodies are emotionally induced. This is to say that there are some organs in our bodies that are influenced by our emotions. A woman who is unforgiven and bitter in her heart can have difficulty in getting pregnant. When you are Unforgiven, it can affect you psychologically and emotionally. It can cause you to withdraw from people. And even make you to develop phobia. Being unforgiven can also be the primary cause of some diseases and illnesses. Spiritually, a persons spiritual growth can be affected by being unforgiven.
God told me some time ago that there are some people who are looking for miracles, healing and deliverance without success because they are unforgiven. He said that they can't have what they are looking for until they are willing to forgive wholeheartedly. Unless we release the people we have taken captive and locked up in the prison of our heart, there are some miracles,healing,breakthroughs that we can never receive.
The first step in bringing about healing to a wounded and hurting heart is forgiveness.
There are some of us who are badly hurting as a result of what somebody did to us several years ago. But the recommended remedy for such malady is forgiveness. Job only got blessed in Job 42:10, after he had forgiven and prayed for his friends. Also in Matthew 6:14, the Bible says that "For if ye forgive men their trespasses,your heavenly father will also forgive you". You can see that forgiveness is a divine command.
See my friend, the fact that you are ask to forgive those who have hurt you is primarily for your own good. If you truly love yourself, you will forgive those who have offended you so that you can enjoy freedom. But as long as you keep people in the prison of your heart, you also make yourself a prisoner. An unforgiven heart is a very good breeding ground for hatred, bitterness, revenge, anger etc. An unforgiven person will always hurt. And a hurting person will also want to hurt other people. I beg you to forgive people for your own sake.
After all, "To err is human,but to forgive is divine".

Friday, July 30, 2010

Boosting Confidence the Easy Way

By Kate Irwi
To boost your self confidence you need to work on some of your personal weaknesses first. It is essential you know who you are, what you like or dislike, your tastes and preferences. This may sound straight forward, but if you look at things closely, do you do, say or participate in things to please others rather than yourself?
One way of boosting confidence is by doing things with no doubts that you'll do them well. This doesn't mean you have to be perfect, but that you put your all into everything and do it to the best of your ability. You will feel your self-respect increase and others will also have great respect for you which will go a long way to boosting confidence.
In working towards boosting confidence, you may have to separate yourself from the crowd, stop following convention and pursue your own path, in spite of what others think. If you do this, you may find for a short while you feel like you don't belong, but you will soon have a body of people who respect, follow and look up to you. Being a role model for others is a sure way to boost confidence.
Here are some tips you can adapt which will help with boosting confidence:
· Do some sort of exercise every day. Even 10 minutes every morning makes a difference.
· Learn how to say a few words in several different languages
· Teach someone something they don't know
· Prepare a list of a few funny stories and rehearse narrating them to improve your conversational skills.
· Dress up in a new suit, shoes, or lingerie and walk with confidence.
· Be courteous, always treat everyone with respect.
· Learn to look straight into other people's eyes as you converse, even in group meetings or discussions.
Boosting confidence can have a massive impact on your life and is well worth working on daily.
Kate has written and tested a powerful workbook which will improve your confidence instantly and permanently - download it here and start making changes now! She also writes a blog inspiring others to become happier through improving self confidence and self esteem which you can find at

10 Symptoms of Workplace Stress

By: Dale Collie
It is no secret that stress and related disorders

are the most frequent cause of employee disability

(National Institute for Occupational Safety and

Health). As far back as 1992, a United Nations

report called job stress a "world wide epidemic.
Control of workplace stress is a leadership

responsibility. Good leaders who recognize the

symptoms of stress can control situations to

create more desirable workplaces and to improve

both productivity and the bottom line.
Corporate leaders who have served in the military

recognize employee stress when they observe

symptoms such as:
1 Anxiety
2 Indecisiveness
3 Irritability
4 Complaining
5 Forgetfulness
6 Loss of self confidence
7 Argumentativeness
8 Insomnia
9 Rapid emotional shifts
10 Physical exhaustion
Symptoms such as these cost companies billions of

dollars each year in health care costs,

absenteeism, accidents, quality control, personnel

turnover, and various interpersonal relationship

Some managers mistakenly try to control stressful

problems by increasing demands and supervising

details. Increased urgency and focus on details

typically generates even more stress. The problems

shift from slight distractions, such as back pain,

headaches, and inattention, to more drastic

reactions such as absenteeism and medical

problems, both good indicators that stress levels

need attention.
Just as in the Army, most business leaders must be

taught to manage stress and to observe for

negative stress reactions. All managers need to

understand the importance of positive stress in

maximizing accuracy and productivity. And they

need to know how to control the negative stress

for the benefit of those involved and the bottom

If you don't have qualified staff in your company,

outside consultants and trainers can help you

evaluate current stress levels and train everyone

involved. Remember, stress control is a

leadership responsibility.
Get my article about controlling the top ten

workplace stressors by sending blank email
Copyright 2005
You may edit this article for length or content

to fit your space and audience requirements and

publish electronically or in print free of charge.

Include my full byline and add a hyperlink

for web postings. When you publish, please send

a courtesy link or email to
Dale Collie (

speaker, author, and former US Army Ranger,

CEO,and professor at West Point. Selected by

"Fast Company" as one of America's Fast 50

innovative leaders. Author of "Frontline

Leadership: From War Room to Boardroom," and

"Winning Under Fire: Turn Stress into Success the

US Army Way." (McGraw-Hill)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How I See Me

By Rob Adelphia
I've had the privilege of working in some very negative environments. Privilege? Is there a better way to put into practice the reading and growing you've been doing? They (negative environments) are worthwhile bumps that contribute to your success. Think Abe Lincoln.
Not so long ago when I had a real JOB as a freight specialist. Okay, okay, a truck driver. I also had to unload trailers with a forklift on the dock. This is where the majority of negativity surfaced. But, I was able to develop (grow) in a way that I may not have been able to without the experience I had. In a way even I doubted could be accomplished.
The place I worked was a dark and thankless place (you know what I mean). Stress, foul and negative language, and poor attitudes were in abundance. I was the self-appointed company encourager. Although I did have some bad days, the good ones far outnumbered them because I purposed it that way.
Trying to encourage and brighten lives can put a sizable target on you. Some people want to be miserable. So, any perceived flaw in you will be magnified and projected by this small thinking crowd. You know what I say? BRING IT ON! If a handful of small opinions have such a huge impact on me, I better dream bigger and louder.
Aren't my aspirations and goals so much bigger and harder to derail than a few snide comments? Aren't yours?
I'd like to share a story, but, give you part of the ending first.
A manager looked in surprise and said, "You?"
Now the story.
While I was still driving a truck I was called for jury duty.
At first, I had the same thought that I hear so often. Why me?
But, as the time approached I became a bit excited. I had never been picked before. Remember, the same things in life happen to most of us, how we respond is the difference. Besides, it could prove interesting. I had a chance to learn something new and...GROW. By the way, the consensus doesn't always make sensus (new word).
Well, the day of jury duty, I was selected to be a jurist for an attempted murder case. I won't supply details other than the makeup of some of the jury: a doctor, a real estate broker, a banker, a youth pastor, nurse, a car repair shop owner. I'm not sure of all the others, but, you get the idea. I was probably one of the least educated folks on the panel (at least on paper). But, don't tell me that, because I won't believe it. As a matter of point, most of the other jurists wouldn't either.
When occupations were mentioned nobody looked down on me when I mentioned being a truck driver. This is for a good reason.
I didn't look down on me. I entered and exited the room with confident assurance. That is because I am confident (as you should be, too).
It will come as no surprise to some of you that when it was time to elect a foreperson, I was chosen. I wasn't chosen for being the wisest, smartest, or the best-looking. I surely wasn't any of these.
I was chosen because of how I see me. I see myself as a foreperson. I see me as an embodiment of success (albeit still in progress). Not only is that how I see me, there isn't anyone who could convince me otherwise. It has taken years to develop the assurance and trust I have in myself. Small setbacks and negative remarks don't derail me.
How do you see you?
Getting back to the manager who asked, "You?" You see, one manager asked if I was the foreperson with a knowing expectation. He saw me as I see myself.
The other, not so. A subtle difference between the two. Both had been a jurist on a bench trial before, but only one had been picked to be the foreperson. Can you guess which one?
It's possible that this other manager didn't see himself as a foreperson. This story isn't a look how special I am. But, more to the point, look how special you are friends. You are special. Everyone of you have many stories of success. But, are you focusing on them? Some may be subtle. Some, not so subtle. Some of you may be thinking, he doesn't know me. He doesn't know what a failure I am.
You're right friend, I don't know you. I know me and how I used to think. So, I do know none of you are failures. Some of you may be holding on by a string. Keep hanging on! Each of us have many failings. Yet, we are not failures.
Bad habits are failings that can be changed.
Ruts can be gotten out of.
Paths can be changed. Successes can and will overcome failings.
Here are six steps that can be taken to ensure the proper outlook:
1) Never! Never! And I mean never, speak in a derisive manner about yourself (especially in front of others). What I'm saying is, do not use words such as stupid, moron, fat, skinny, etc. as a description for yourself. These are labels, not who you are. No one would call Einstein an idiot. Do you think that he never grabbed a hot pan, got an F on a math paper, attempted to mail a letter without a stamp? But, none of this stopped his work or what he was trying to accomplish. Because, although he may have had done some silly things, that wasn't who he was. It may never have even dawned on him to value himself any less because of these things. Nor should you my friend. In our own way we are all Einsteins. Each of us has a fantastic capacity of success waiting to be Einstein. Never speak in a derisive manner about yourself! Ever!
2) Accept compliments with a smile. If someone tells you how nice you look today, say, "Thank you," and smile. Never reply negatively by saying, "Must not have your glasses on today." It's okay for someone to admire or appreciate you in some way. After all, you're worth it! You appreciate and admire others, so it is only fair that you allow yourself the same grace. Accept compliments with a smile.
3) Grow. Make a decision today AND tomorrow and so on and so on that will bring you closer to the fulfilling things in life you want. Actions speak louder than words. Shut the boob tube off. You are worth the effort and so are your goals. Grow today. Grow tomorrow. Grow, my friend.
4) Dwell on your positives. If I dwelt on every failing I've had (and have), not only would I not be writing this, I would not be fun to be around. I'd punish myself. I'd stay in bed all day. In short, I'd be depressed. What do you think will take you to the next level? Thinking in a positive way about yourself will help and speed up the process. Learn from mistakes, don't ignore or deny them, but, remember to cut yourself some slack. Remember and bring to mind successes you have had. Short and long-term successes. You've succeeded much more than even you realize. You are the only you, you have. Dwell on your positives!
5) Receive constructive and beneficial criticism, but don't give any credence to negative or just plain mean people. Life can be tough at times but can be made more difficult by these sort of so-called friends and acquaintances. Some people are terribly unhappy in their lives and expect the same from and for you. Receive help, but ignore negativity. This is your life. Don't allow others to rain on your life's parade. Don't give any credence to negativity. Receive criticism that will benefit you.
6) Try momentum stacking. Maybe that extra weight is not coming off the way you would like. Instead of becoming depressed about it and getting down on yourself, shoot for smaller victories to build confidence. Push away that late night snack. Get a hair cut or have your teeth whitened (or better yet, both!). Don't get me wrong. I'm not telling you to ignore the problem. But, it may not happen overnight, maybe it will. In the mean time we must stay in the game and keep fighting. When the compliments start coming in, it just may push you over the hump. These mini turning points can make all the difference. Momentum stack.
See yourself as you are, a winner.
You are well on your way my friend.
Keep fighting. Grow.
Get out there and live it, and live it Loud.
Remember, you are the only you, you have.
Rob is a motivational teacher. His goal is that you would live your life out loud! He is always looking for another adventure. He's been skydiving, bungee jumping, triking, white water rafting, hiked Mt. Elbert and has dressed as a nun for Halloween.

Teenagers and Stress: What Parents Can Do to Help

By: Sue Blaney
More and more parents are expressing their concerns about how to support their teenagers who are complaining about the stress in their lives.
What parents may not realize, is that what they do every day by providing healthy food, support, and a comforting home, provides the very stress-antidotes their teens need. Deborah Weinstock-Savoy, Ph.D.,a psychologist who specializes in working with families says “The basic nurturing that parents offer in providing a loving and comfortable home is the first line of defense.”
Weinstock-Savoy points out that home should be a place where kids can re-charge their batteries, feel safe and supported. When teenagers have the support they need, when they eat right and get enough sleep, they usually have much of what it takes to manage the stress they will confront.
Parents can help teens in some specific ways, too. Primarily this has to do with teaching, or coaching their teenagers toward problem solving. Parents need to “engage the teen’s owns sense of what s/he needs,” says Weinstock-Savoy. She says parents and their teenagers can explore this together, with the teen being asked to offer insight and suggestions, as usually kids have ideas about this. This is the direction parents need to take because it helps the teen develop necessary coping and problem-solving skills.
Assisting kids in becoming more self-aware is an extension of this thought. It may not be immediately obvious to kids, so parents should help guide them to a growing awareness of themselves, which will help them learn to identify situations, and solutions. Through this they begin to develop strategies that will be tools they will use for the rest of their lives.
While this family specialist makes these recommendations, she is quick to admit that sometimes parents are faced with “kids who won’t allow them to share their wisdom with them.” This makes it important for parents to help ensure their teenager has other adults in whom s/he can confide and go to for advice. “Parents need to identify for themselves who else is out there, who else will help provide advice, help their teens safe, and offer support.” She calls this “extending the mantle of support,” and points out that this is as important for parents as it is for kids. Parents should know the adults in their teens life to some extent; knowing that they share your families values and will be providing sound advice is another way of providing support for your child, only this time it’s from behind the scenes.
What are the biggest sources of stress for teenagers? “Peer relationships and managing school,” according to Weinstock-Savoy. She points out that kids need to have a sense of belonging with their peers. This provides an important buffer and helps them deal with the stress they confront. Missing this, the resulting sense of loneliness serves to increases their stress. School, and all that entails, is often a source of stress for teenagers. And thirdly, the important developmental steps they are taking during adolescence in developing their identity also create stress. Although this is a more abstract concept, it is an important part of the life of teenagers.
Parents who are tuned in to their teenagers, sensitive in providing support, encouragement, love and a nurturing home environment are doing all the right things to help their kids learn to deal with the stress they confront in typical situations every day.
© 2004 Sue Blaney
Sue Blaney is the author of Please Stop the Rollercoaster! How Parents of Teenagers Can Smooth Out the Ride and Practical Tips for Parents of Young Teens; What You Can Do to Enhance Your Child’s Middle School Years. As a communications professional and the parent of two teenagers, she speaks frequently to parents and schools about parenting issues, improving communications and creating parent discussion groups. Visit our website at

How To Teach Your Children To Beat Stress

By: Art Turner

We are sending our children into a future filled with stress and conflict. Parents and teachers have the responsibility to model behaviors and teach skills that will enable our children to be productive, accepting, healthy, and above all, resilient.

1. Self-understanding and acceptance

Self-esteem is a realistic estimate of your own capabilities and worth. People with high self-esteem are productive, responsive, imaginative, and attentive to the needs of others. Encourage your children to develop their natural aptitudes and interests. Set them up for success. Empower them to be more responsible.

2. Adults' understanding and acceptance

Give your children regular, focused, undivided attention. This, more than anything else, communicates your unconditional love.

3. Constructive thinking

We are what we think. Fill your language with statements that help your children see change in a positive way, to view adversity as manageable, to persist until they are successful, and to become more oriented to the needs of others. Prepare your children for the reality that others may not think or believe like they do. Teach your children to identify positive and negative feelings in themselves and others. Replacing destructive thinking with constructive thinking increases self-esteem and improves coping skills.

4. Good decision-making strategies

Making a good decision requires the ability to generate alternative solutions to a problem, predict consequences, view the problem from the perspective of others, and consider how to implement alternatives to reach a solution. Children as young as four or five can usually generate alternatives and predict consequences, but advanced decision making skills come later. Model good decision making for your children. Show children how characters in stories make decisions. Let your children make their own decisions whenever possible.

5. Stress-coping strategies

It's not too early to teach children physical relaxation exercises like breathing techniques, some forms of meditation, imagery, and muscle relaxation exercises. Help your children learn to recognize their own stress triggers and responses, and identify which relaxation methods work best for them. And help your kids laugh--read funny stories, watch age-appropriate comedies, and laugh at their jokes.

6. Good nutrition and exercise

Good nutrition optimizes the way your mind and body works. A well-functioning mind and healthy body increase our self-esteem and resiliency. Make aerobic exercise and recreation a family affair. If your children see you exercise, they are more likely to take it up themselves and develop a lifelong positive habit.

7. A sense of purpose and commitment to personal and social goals

Commitment to goals gives meaning and value to life, and a reason for existence. Children should have more than one goal, and their goals should be realistic. Teach them to be flexible in how they achieve their goals, and help them learn persistence when progress is slow.

8. Social skills and social supports

Healthy relationships build self-esteem and protect from the negative effects of stress. Help your children to build self-awareness skills and to see situations from another's point of view. Teach them to positively manage conflict and disagreement.

Resilient children grow up to be adults who have a sense of control, a positive view of change, and an ability to find meaning and value in life. Now doesn't that describe the kind of people you want to have running the world when you retire?Art Turner is a writer, musician, and creator of Relaxation Emporium, where you can learn more about stress, stress management, and relaxation techniques. Visit

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How to Relieve Stress

By: Trevor Dumbleton

One question that is not asked enough by people under stress is how to relieve stress. Unfortunately, people who are under stress tend to simply take it as a matter of course and simply accept its existence as though it was some sort of natural occurrence, or even a boon! Thus, people who are feeling the effects of stress do not actually take the time to notice that they are under stress and need relief. And when people are under stress, the first part of tackling the problem of how to relieve stress is actually realizing that there is stress that needs to be relieved.

Are you having trouble concentrating? Are you struggling with a project that doesn't seem to be going anywhere? Are you dealing with people who simply will not listen to sense? Are you frustrated with the way things are going? Congratulations, you have stress. Okay, this is not really something to be congratulated on, but it is important to understand this fact. After all, the beginning of the "How to relieve stress" problem begins with recognizing the warning signs. Then, once the warning signs are seen, healing can begin.

The first thing to do when you want to know how to relieve stress is to learn how to walk away. That's right, get up, go someplace else, and just cool off. It is often vital to hit that reset button and take a few deep breaths away from the action. The work will still be there when you get back, but being there beyond your breaking point will not get it done. An overabundance of things to do will not be helped by a clouded mind, so give your mind a break. Then, once your head is clear again, you can head back and bang out the projects with the greatest of ease. Or at least more ease than when you were sitting in front of a pile of work and wondering how you would get through it all.

Okay, so you need a break, you have walked away, but you are still so stressed that you are ready to pop. Unfortunately, the previous lesson on how to relieve stress has not worked and you need something more powerful. Well, you need to pull out a better method. This means that you need to simply concentrate on nothing.

When stress is way too much for a simple period of walking away, you need to practice an exercise in meditation. This means sitting down, closing your eyes, and thinking about absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to think about nothing, so you should think about your breathing. Take a deep breath in and feel the air moving through your nostrils, down your windpipe, and into your lungs. Then push that breath out and feel it moving all the way up from your diaphragm, up into your lungs through your windpipe and out of your nostrils. Feel every motion of the air and notice how it feels as it exits. Imagine your tension flowing out with the air, evaporating into the endless space of the atmosphere, diluting into a complete dilution of oxygen. Think about nothing but breathing and notice every moment of the experience. Then, after about 3 or 4 breaths -- or as many as it takes -- open your eyes. You should feel as refreshed as though you just took a quick, refreshing nap. If you don't repeat the exercise until your mind is clear and you are able to concentrate on your work again.

These activities are very effective for a short period of time, but you will also need a method for relieving stress in the long run. After all, it is taxing to notice that you are under stress and it takes a great deal of will to make that leap and push away all those feelings. Thus, you need a way to relieve stress in the long term.

In the long term, the best method to choose, when you want to know how to relieve stress, is to do what you always say you are going to do: eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep at night. Yes, we all say that we will do it, but none of us every actually follow through. But, if you eat right, you will feel better during the day, if you exercise, you will feel better during the day and sleep better at night, and if you sleep enough, you will actually clear away all that fogginess that can lead to stress. So do your body and your mind a favor by taking care of those little things that you keep telling yourself you will do tomorrow. After all, today was yesterday's tomorrow.

When you want to know how to relieve stress, you should begin with a few simple methods as you slowly build up your will power to tackle the larger work of exercising, eating right, and getting the sleep you need. By doing all of these things, your mind will be cleared up, you will feel better during the day, you will sleep better at night, and you will not have to worry about stress nearly as much. After all, once you are relieving stress routinely, you won't have to worry about how to relieve stress.

About the Author for everything to do with stress. Get a free ebook to help with your stress levels:

How To Deal With Environmental Stress

By: Trevor Dumbleton

An increasing problem in today's world is environmental stress. This is a type of stress caused by increasing pollution in air we breathe, the water we drink, and even in the sounds we hear. Though environmental stress seems to be simply a physical problem, it can actually alter the ways that our minds work. However, too much environmental stress can also cause physical problems that will ruin our health and lower life expectancy.

One of the most common, and most noticeable, types of environmental stress is air pollution. As factories churn out smoke and carcinogens, we are forced to breathe air that is filled with poisons. Whether we notice them or not, we cannot avoid them. Our lungs are constantly subjected to small particles that stick in the lung tissue and gasses that can find their way into our bloodstream. Obviously, this is not a good situation, because we cannot exactly afford to stop breathing.

As well, we are subjected to a whole variety of chemicals when we drink water. With all the chemicals that are used in farming, or sprayed on our lawns, or poured into our water supplies, the water we drink is filled with all sorts of poisons that are doing our bodies no good. Once again, we cannot afford to stop drinking water, but we do need to be aware that the water we are drinking contains a lot of things that we would not want in our bodies.

However, there is not much we can do to avoid this situation. Obviously, filtered water is superior to simple tap water, but even water filters cannot remove everything from our water. In fact, we do not want filters to remove all of the substances, as water contains many electrolytes that are essential to ensuring the proper functioning of our bodies. Even bottled water is not safe, as the water has to come from somewhere and that somewhere is usually either a stream or from the ground. Unfortunately, streams are filled with particulate matter and chemicals can soak into the ground. However, some water is simply taken from municipal water supplies and those are not safe either. Thus, this is a problem that needs to be faced in day-to-day life.

Unfortunately, these poisons do not only put stresses on our bodies, they put stresses on our minds as well. These physical forms of environmental stress put poisons into our brains as well, and can cause them to functions less effectively. Just as alcohol or drugs can affect the ways that our minds work, these subtle poisons are also seeping into our brains and causing mental changes. In fact, receiving too many of these poisons can slow down mental processes without our noticing the change. It will simply happen so slowly that we cannot notice the difference.

In addition, one of the most common causes of environmental stress is noise pollution. Anybody who lives in a large city is bombarded with a deluge of noise that can damage the ears, numb the senses, and cause a boatload of stress for our minds. With cars, busses, trains, factories, and people all screaming to be heard above the din filling the streets of the modern city. These pressures on our brains and our eardrums are enough to shut the mind down and send it into a cocoon of insensibility.

As well, simply being in a public place can cause us to have to deal with noise pollution. This is, of course, caused by the infamous "cell yell". Anywhere we go in public, we must deal with people yelling into their mobile phones. This is not only annoying, but it is a form of environmental pollution. Listening to someone yell at a phone causes our minds stress and, through that, causes our bodies stress. They are annoying, and annoyance is a form of stress. Thus, we find ourselves stressed by something that is simply a fact of modern life.

Environmental stress occurs to us every day and we should be aware that it is happening. Obviously, we cannot be aware of it all the time because to do so would probably cause us more stress just by simple worry. However, it is a fact of life while living in the modern world and we should have the presence of mind to know that environmental stress takes a toll on a body… and a mind.

About the Author is a categorized resource directory for everything to do with stress. Get a free ebook to help with your stress levels:

Simple Ways To Combat Stress

By: John Hilbert

We live in a fast paced society which seems to be becoming more hectic by the day. Every day we run into people who lose control and flip out. We, ourselves, do it on occasion. There's no way to change the world around us so we have to try to control our inner world. We have to take care of our own mind, body and soul.

Here's a few very simple things that can make a big difference:

-take a walk every day-
-limit caffeine and alcohol intake-
-instead of watching television, read a book-
-at dinner time, turn off the TV, radio, and phone-
-when it's sunny out, get outside as much as possible-
-avoid negative people as much as possible without being rude-
-try different things once in a while(stay out of ruts)-

It's not difficult to do these things but most of us won't unless reminded of them. So, put these tips on a little note somewhere visible and add a couple of your own ideas and keep adding to the list. It's been said and proven that you get more results when you put your goals in writing.

Try this for a month and see what happens.

About the Author

John Hilbert has an informational website at:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Recognizing Signs of Stress

By: Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
Stress is a part of everyday life for athletes. The good news is that not all stress is bad stress. In the right amount, stress helps you focus better and achieve what you want.

Stress is a part of everyday life for athletes. The good news is that not all stress is bad stress. In the right amount, stress helps you focus better and achieve what you want. Stress can help athletes be more alert, more motivated, and gain a competitive edge. But bad stress or chronic, non-stop stress is debilitating to an athlete’s health and performance.

Stress occurs when a person perceives that he or she cannot cope with the demands of the environment. Stress occurs as a response to an event that is viewed as threatening, either physical or mental threat. Under stress, persons respond with the “fight or flight response,” which prepares them both mentally and physically to fight or flee the situation. If stress goes on too long, it can be harmful to an athlete’s health and performance.

The sooner you can recognize that you feel stress or anxiety, the faster you can react and shut it down. How do you know when you are under stress? Three changes can occur: (1) Physical, (2) Mental, and (3) Behavioral. Physical changes when under stress may include tense muscles, pounding heart rate, cold or clammy hands, headache, sweating, and a feeling of butterflies in the stomach. Mentally you are stressed when you begin to worry excessively, make poor decisions, have a limited attention span, make mental errors, and are forgetful. Other signs of stress include talking faster than normal, biting one’s nails, pacing, restlessness, hyperactivity, distractibility, and trembling. Under chronic stress the person will seem tired, restless, and feel out of control.

Chronic stress does harm to your health and performance, but moderate stress is helpful to performance. Stress helps you prepare better for the big game, be more alert, and get excited about playing. The important lesson is that you learn when helpful stress turns into harmful stress and be able to cope effectively. Next month, I’ll discuss some stress management techniques.

About the Author

Dr. Patrick J. Cohn is a leading mental game coach who consults with professional and amatuer athletes. He is the author of Going Low, Peak Performance Golf, The Mental Game of Golf and The Mental Art of Putting. For more information call (888) 742-7225. Or sign up for free mental game tips newsletter at:

Coping With Stress

By: Pastor Ellen
When our son, Michael, was around three, he would report to me about his time at the babysitter's. "I 'stretched' her out, Mommy," he would say. My mind visualized someone being pulled apart like saltwater taffy, with Michael doing the pulling at one end, and then the other!

Stress is rather like that, with our patience being stretched to a breaking point! We tend to handle stress by diverting our energy to worrying, to getting angry, and/or to engaging in some totally unrelated activity (called avoidance!). Very seldom do we turn directly to the Lord, seek His guidance, and consider His options.

So, here is our opportunity today and everyday. The moment we feel the onset of stress, any slight pressure, even the smallest twinge, we should refer to God's Word and allow Jesus to take over: Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous; do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." We should memorize this. Say it in our heads. Speak it out loud to keep Satan away. And watch for results! They will be there. They will be tangible signs of our stress dissipating and reducing by the power of the Lord.

When God is with us, even when we go down the pathway of stress and anxiety, things will change. Just wait and see! Instead of being weak and afraid, instead of being discouraged and confused, God will set our hearts solidly upon His Word. God will take that stress and disburse it to nothing! He will command it to leave our hearts and minds, and we will be free of our stress and anxiety until the next time! We must try it and see what happens. We will be amazed by the difference God makes, and we will love God even more!

About the Author: Pastor Ellen grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and attended local schools there: Turnbull Elementary, College Park Middle School, San Mateo High School, and Stanford University. She has two masters' degrees from Teachers College Columbia University and San Francisco Theological Seminary. For more Godled Daily Devontionals like is one, sign up for free at:


Monday, July 26, 2010

Computer Stress

By: Trevor Dumbleton
Of all the forms of stress in today's world, computer stress is the one that is on the rise the fastest. Computers are wonderful machines, but they can also stress out workers by their sometimes confusing demands, their constant presence and their simple inability to work properly. Thus, computer stress must be understood and it must find an outlet or computer users will find themselves even more stressed out than they already are.

The first thing to remember about computers is that they are machines. They do not have feelings, they do not respond to emotional appeals, they only do what they are told to do; nothing more and nothing less. Thus, you need to remember that just about anything that your computer does is probably something you told it to do. Sure, you may not have wanted to tell it to do something, but you told the computer to do it and that's all it knows. You can save yourself a lot of computer stress by keeping this in mind.

The next thing you need to know in order to avoid computer stress is that computers are machines and, therefore, they will break down. That means that you need to keep backup copies of everything important. If you absolutely need a file, keep a copy on a floppy disk or on a CD. Hard drives are well known to just give out after a while (the average lifetime is about 4-5 years) and therefore you need to keep backups of everything you want to keep. If it's important enough that you want a copy, it's important enough to keep a backup copy. The sooner you remember to keep your computer's failing in mind, the more stress free you will be.

Third, you need to protect your computer. On the most basic level, that means a surge protector. A power surge can quickly fry the delicate insides of a computer and suddenly realizing that you need a new computer is just about the worst computer stress of all.

As well, you need to protect your computer from outside interference. If your computer is hooked up to the Internet, protect it with a network firewall and anti-virus software. There are plenty of malicious hackers out there and they tend to enjoy watching people panic about their computers suddenly dying. These hackers write viruses and worms that can infect your machine and delete important files or send out malicious emails all on their own. You do not want to have your computer taken over like this. Save yourself from this sort of computer stress by keeping your system and your files secure from outside attackers.

Another way to protect your computer is to shut it down properly. Many people simply hit the power button without shutting down the machine first. This is a serious danger, as it can damage the delicate circuits of the computer. Run your computer through its shutdown system and wait until it either turns itself off, or it tells you that it is time to turn it off. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but it can damage your computer in the long run.

Computer stress can also simply arise from sitting in front of the silly thing so long that you realize you do not know what you are looking at any more. You know you need to get work done on the silly machine, but you haven't gotten anything done and the deadline is looming and you need more time, but there isn't any and… just slow down. If you are not getting anything done, they save yourself some computer stress by walking away. If you are at work, lock your screen and wander the hallways for a bit. If you are at home, get up and go make yourself a sandwich or something. Just walk away and you will save yourself a lot of stress over something that is really not a big deal.

One of the problems with living in the computer age is, simply, the computer. However, it is only a machine and you can learn to control it without it controlling you. Your computer is a tool no different than a hammer or a crowbar. So save yourself from computer stress and you won't feel compelled to use a hammer or a crowbar on the computer that is supposed to make your life easier.

About The Author

Trevor Dumbleton is the owner of, a categorized resource directory for everything to do with stress.

Stopping Stress

By: Steve Gillman
How To Defend Yourself

Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed? Do you sometimes feel like you just have too much to think about? Does it make you tired, irritable, or even depressed? What can you do about it?

People rarely go to the doctor to say "I think I have stress," and yet the National Institutes of Health say that 80% of illnesses are caused by stress, directly or indirectly. Hormones, such as adrenalin, are released into your blood when you're stressed. This causes a rise in blood pressure, a faster heart and breathing rate, and faster conversion of glycogen into glucose. These are good things if you need to escape a charging grizzly bear, but when these effects are prolonged, the immune system is depressed, and your body suffers other negative changes.

Common effects of prolonged stress include fatigue, pain in the muscles and joints, headache, mental confusion, depression, anxiety, and irritability. Stress reactions cause your body to use too much energy, which can result in physical and mental weakness.

Managing Stress With Meditation

Years ago at Stanford University, an analysis of 146 meditation studies was done. The conclusion was that meditation not only was beneficial at the time of practice, but that it significantly reduced anxiety as a character trait. The studies focused on transcendental meditation, but it's probable most methods have similar results. (Reported in the Journal of Clinical Psychology 45: 957­974, 1989.)

The bottom line is that stress is a killer, and that meditation really can help you defend yourself. Traditional meditation may have the most beneficial effects, but maybe you're short on time, or uncertain about learning to meditate. In that case, there are two simple techniques you can learn in a few minutes, and start using today.

The first is a breathing meditation. Close your eyes, let the tension drain from your muscles, let go of your thoughts (to the extent possible), and breath deeply through your nose, paying attention to your breath. As thoughts or sensations arise, just acknowledge them and return your attention to your breath as it goes in and out. Do this for five or ten minutes.

To use the second technique, stop whatever you're doing when you feel stressed, and take three deep breaths. Watch yourself until you identify what is bothering you. Are you worried about something? Is there a letter you need to write? Maybe your neck is sore. Note everything you find.

Now deal with these stressors. Write the letter that's on your mind, take an aspirin, put things on tomorrow's list. If the best you can do is recognise there's nothing you can do right now - then do that. With practice, you'll get better at finding what's just below the surface of consciousness, irritating you. After you address these things, close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and you'll feel more relaxed and able to think clearly. Try it now.

About The Author

Steve Gillman has meditated and studied meditation for over twenty years. You can visit his website, and subscribe to The Meditation Newsletter at:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reducing Job Search Stress

By: Scott Brown

Stress Busters: Making The Most of Your Job Search

Life brings us plenty of stress everyday. Don't let the loss of a job increase your stress levels. Whether you're out of work, or on a hunt for a better career, there are ways to reduce the amount of unnecessary stress in the process. When you're ready to look for that new job, make the most of your time and energy by coming up with a plan to keep you focused on your goals.

Be Patient

Job searching is a process and it takes time like everything else. It's easy to get frustrated when we don't get results right away, but stay focused. Remind yourself that it may take longer than you think and more importantly, you're worth it. Make realistic goals for yourself every week and reward yourself for achieving them. No matter how much time you're putting into it, you need to take a break. So when you achieve your weekly goal, take some time off to regroup then start again fresh.

You are not your career

There is more to you than your 9-5. If you let your job define you, you will end up feeling lost and empty when you don't have one. You are a valuable person and you don't need a career to validate you. It can be very difficult to separate yourself from your career, but it will prove positive if you can. Think of yourself as an already complete person who will be even happier with a satisfying career.

Of course there is nothing wrong with maintaining a great career that enhances your life. Nevertheless, it can't be the only thing that makes you you. If you get into a rut and you're feeling really down in the dumps, take some time off. Job Searching is a full-time job and like every other job, you will need a vacation now and then. Use your time to assess your situation. Figure out how to work smarter-not harder.

Take yourself seriously

Make smart decisions about ads and occupations that sound like a good match for you. It's never good to put all your eggs in one basket, but make sure you're using your time wisely. Think of your job search as research project. Set up goals, a plan of action, and a deadline in which you should be done with your project.

Have a place to report to everyday. It can get depressing sitting in your house day after day, especially if you're not getting your desired results right away. Find a quiet place like a library where you can use all of your materials and concentrate on your goals.
About the Author

Scott Brown is the author of the Job Search Handbook ( As editor of the weekly newsletter on job searching, Scott has written many articles on the subject. He wrote the Job Search Handbook to provide job seekers with a complete yet easy to use guide to finding a job effectively.

Career Goals and Stress

By: Debbie Brown, MSM, MSW

"Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time."
Max Ehrmann

When it comes to career success, direction and focus are crucial. But beyond direction, how effective is it to have goals?

Requirements for Effective Goal-Setting

Much has been researched and written about the effectiveness of goal setting.
The findings say that :

 Difficult goals lead to higher performance than easy goals.
 Difficult goals lead to higher performance than "do your best" goals.
 Setting specific goals results in more precise performance than setting "do your best" goals.

Just having the goal is not enough. You must develop a strategy to make it happen. What are the activities you need to perform everyday? Plan those activities, but also stay alert and open to new ways to achieve your goals as they present themselves.

There are three critical requirements that dictate how well goal setting will work:

 Commitment to your goals.
 Periodically reviewing where you stand regarding goal achievement (getting feedback).
 Belief that you can achieve your goals (self-confidence and self-efficacy).

You need to genuinely desire the goals you set. If you don't like your job and don't want to be there, then it is difficult to be committed. It's also crucial that you believe that you can achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Stress and Goal Setting

Goals create striving which results in more stress. So how do you deal with this stress?
Since I am notoriously poor at pacing myself, I created a structure to help me with this process. My plan includes eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, but also not scheduling clients on Fridays. I never work past 8 p.m. I plan vacations and weekends away, and schedule social events with friends at least once per week. Part of my stress management program also involves not over-booking myself with social activities so that I have time to retreat for rest and recuperation.

As I approached graduation from college many years ago, I wrote a poem about goal setting which I titled, "My Brook and I."

I remember the brook
streaming though the woods;
spending hours around it,
building forts, wiping the mud off me with skunk cabbage.

I remember the brook on sunny days;
Water babbling over stones and rocks, pieces of wood;
making the water ripple the way it did.

I wondered what happened to the brook
traveling away from my yard.
I had a goal for my brook
to flow to the ocean...but then what?

I see goals for myself
thwarted, rearranged, fulfilled.
But the goal for my brook;
What happened to it?

Deepak Chopra, in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, says that if we want to have a successful career, we should first center ourselves and then release our intentions (our career goals) to the universe. We should not be attached to the way these goals develop, or to the exact outcome, but leave the details to the universe. We can get the same results through effort and trying, he says, but the result is stress, which can lead to heart attacks and other physical illnesses.

Sometimes we focus more on our unhappiness with our present situation, than on what we want to achieve. Chopra says that we should accept where we are now, be fully present in the moment and concentrate on our deepest intentions (goals).

Goals should be difficult, but achievable with persistent effort. Goals that are too extreme, such as doubling your income in one year, can only discourage you.
Goals work because you persist and focus your efforts in a specific direction.
Without that direction, we can find ourselves floating through our lives, more at the mercy of outside forces that are not devoted to our welfare or success. But we can manage our goals in a way that does not create undo stress by not being attached to the exact way they are achieved.

Having set goals the brook and I
build toward them.
The brook unable to know...
about a pipe in the ground, a seeping marsh, a dam.
Myself not knowing the course I will follow.
Knowing what I want,
yet finding it hard to grasp.

I remember years of competition, of struggle, of acceptance.
Then discovering what is real, important;
myself, my friends, expression;
a soft kitten purring on my lap;

Being more than a doctor, a lawyer.
Knowing comfort, relaxation.
Being myself.

Approaching the completion of one goal,
I set new ones.
But fulfilling them means going away, sorrow.
Like the brook moves on, streams to the river...
the ocean.
Saying goodbye to familiar things,
Facing a reoccurrence of similar past memories,


In my business I set performance goals for myself every year. I also set goals for relationships, finances, home, physical and mental health, as well as spiritual development. I can attest to the fact that the more specific the goal, and the more frequently I review that goal and focus on it, the more likely I am to meet that goal. It helps to write down your goals, read through them periodically, visualize them and keep a picture journal that represents the achievement of those goals. But it also helps to listen to the feedback from the universe, and make adjustments to those goals when necessary. We should have a career plan, but be flexible with how it unfolds.

I know a word...self-fulfillment.
Being vulnerable, can I take chances?
Being strong, grinding ahead through disappointments.
Being weak, letting go of crippled goals.
Like a brook who misses the river,
finding another happiness.

Being motivated, seeking what I am after,
But not too aggressive.
Being easy, tension-free.

Making it through the insecurity
Like cool water in a brook;
not knowing what will come.
Traveling through the seasons of time.
Molding myself to the environment like the brook
makes its path through nature.
Sliding over any obstacles
the brook continues over rocks, pieces of wood.
Freezing in the rough, cold spots;
melting in the warm.
Praying for a map free of dams to follow
in a steady, unchartered progression.
My brook and I.


Debbie Brown is a career consultant and executive coach who works primarily with professionla, attorneys and entrepreneurs.
D & B Consulting
3475 Lenox Road, NE
Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30326
404-240-8063 FAX: 678- 530-0661

Friday, July 23, 2010

Overcoming Anxiety Without Medication

By Jenny Turpin
Is Overcoming Anxiety without Medication possible?
It is!
I have done a great deal of research on remedies for anxiety and panic attacks. I have found that there are really only a couple options to help cope with anxiety which are medication and over the counter remedies. However, there is really only one remedy that actually cures anxiety. It does not require any medication at all and actually cures your anxiety, did does not simply cover it up.
So, what is it then? It is techniques that actually show you how to retrain your mind to not have these anxieties and fears. Let me tell you how and why this works...
When you are in a situation in which anxiety occurs, your brain function actually moves from the frontal lobe of your brain to the middle. It is actually moving from logical thinking to more emotional thinking. Therefore, when the anxiety starts, your emotions take over, you get more anxious and it just snow balls from there.
If you use these techniques to retrain your mind, then before or even during an anxiety attack your brain function is able to stay in the frontal lobe of the brain and think logically instead of emotionally.
As you can see these techniques of retraining the mind to think logically during a high anxiety situation is actually curing the anxiety rather than coping with it. These techniques are how overcoming anxiety without medication is possible and will allow you to go back to leading a life without anxiety.
Jenny is and Author on Anxiety and Panic Attacks.
For more information on Overcoming Anxiety Without Medication & reviews on Anxiety and Panic Attacks go to

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Imagination Keeps You Stress Free

By: Rene Lacape

You imagine yourself admiring the beauty of the sun setting in a beautiful pristine beach, feeling the soft breeze against your skin and hearing the calming sound of waves. You are having a great time and enjoying every moment of this wonderful experience. Pregnant women had long been taught to paint in their minds, ideal thoughts during labor as a relaxation method.

Separately, you see yourself able to move about freely after being bed ridden for months due to a serious accident. The injury that takes normal person years to heal is instantaneously undone on your body. The doctors have no reason to retain you in hospital and discharge you at once.

All these positive thoughts are referred to as guided imagery and are applied to huge areas of our daily lives. Guided imagery seeks to relax one's thoughts and rejuvenate one's physical through the picturing of ideal experiences or sights. Proper breathing techniques coupled with a calm mind allow both body and spirit to be in tranquility. This method of visualization could be practiced by all. The fact that it costs nothing means it is one of the best ways to lower your stress levels.

Imagining a peaceful scene is among one of the most practiced relaxation exercise. A beach, forest or other natural surrounding is more often than not the preferred scene as it is usually a place people visit to be alone and be calm. We could convince our senses to savor that wonderful moment in our mind just as it were real. This allows us to achieve a greater peace of mind with ease. These scenes can be replayed often whenever we are tired to soothe my minds.

The feather plays a major role in another Guided Imagery exercise. A person is to imagine himself as a feather, drifting to wherever the wind blows. As a feather is lightweight, it is supposed to relieve us of all problems and allow us to be as carefree as possible. We could be free as far as our imagination carries us.

Alternatively, one could become drop water in the vast ocean and move with the current. As water is fluid, we shall not have any obstacles in our way.

But what if you try imagery and it doesn't seem to work? The trick may be practice. The more you imagine your quiet place, the easier it should be to get there. You may have to try it for a week before you can determine if it is actually impossible for you. Also, it is vitally important that you maintain deep breathing throughout the exercise. It is no surprise that pregnant women often practice relaxation exercises every week.

The place for our imagery exercise should be considered with utmost care. While these exercised may not be restricted to any particular location, it would be wise to settle on a place that you are most comfortable with. Being indoors may be more suitable as we would not be overly affected by the sometimes harsh weather conditions outdoors. Imagery just like any ability has to be acquired through constant practice and there is no better way of doing this than immersing oneself through imagination before and after sleep daily.

It is a common perception that people who embrace Guided Imagery are awkward and there are no apparent benefits of such practices. Far from the misconception, Guided Imagery despite requiring continuous practice through trial and error brings immense benefit. It is only through better understanding of this discipline we could truly be convinced of its power to heal our drained spirits and fatigue physiques. There is absolutely nothing to lose to equip ourselves with essential knowledge to combat the never ending obstacles of the modern world.

About the Author:

Rene Lacapehas been in the stress management field for quite some time. He has done many remarkable deeds to help cure the stressed patients together with medications. He is very understanding and people like him with it.

A Fun Relief For Stress

By: Rob Flores

Playing video games can truly have a help for those who have traumatic lives. The interaction of the pastime can take your care off troubles that may be helping you to cultivate an ulcer in your everyday life. With today's fast paced lifestyles, each person want the whole thing done right at the present. Giving yourself a pause from the strains that are made on a daily basis can have excellent settlements.

It's like you enter another world, when you play Wii,Playstation 3, or Xbox 360, which can be thirst-quenching and makes you forget all about the things that have perturbed you throughout the day. Stress that bothers you in real life seems to flee, when you are focusing on something else. It helps you to stop thinking about all about that demanding manager or making it at your house early enough to get dinner ready for the children. You have less time to dwell on the stressful situations when your care is alert on something else.

Relaxing the mind and body lets you put behind you about worry and stress, and distracting video games can make you forget about things that might be worrying or things you are looking for answers to. Concentrating on winning a video game lets you think of something else entirely and can help you get things off your mind which have you bothered.

Video games can let you have some management over your contribution in the game and as a result, give you a feeling of being in charge again. Every now and then, work has a way of making you feel like you have no control and that is part of what contributes to stress. If you win, a sense of completion can build your self-reliance and self esteem through role playing games and becoming the conqueror.

This is also beneficial for children. There are some children who do not seem to fit in with others very well. They may just be quiet or they are not popular. When they play wii,playstation 3, or xbox 360, they are in charge and the sense of dominance may help to heighten their self-assurance levels. This in turn may help with conditions they be drawn against in reality. It may help them to find acquaintances who have the same interests.

Video games can improve concentration because focusing on the game helps them win, which they can adapt to school work and other things they will encounter in on a daily basis life. Results that are achieved through wii,playstation 3, or xbox 360 video games can carry through to other parts of their lives.

The sense of carrying out that comes from winning the game is another benefit, whether you are a child or an adult. The more demanding each point of a game becomes, the more coolness that is generated. It is one of the beneficial improvements that can come from playing video games because feeling good about yourself helps you have the confidence to handle everyday evils.

The video games of today are not only mentally challenging, but they challenge the user to become more skilled. Often the progress made in games is measured by the ability level achieved. When this skill is not forthcoming, what do you do? You attempt until you get it right. This can show children and adults alike that the skill that is not instantly present can be accomplished with patience and perseverance.

Leaving behind troubles and stress are part of entering another world that video games provide. The recreation and leisure you experience for a while comes from entering another place, which gives you a much needed break from the everyday stress and tiredness. Video games can provide a welcome break and leave you feeling ready to conquer a new day.

If you would like to know How to purchase Wii,PS3, and Xbox 360 Video Games and consoles visit our site

About the Author:

Don't forget to check for different Video Games that relieve stress at before buying. Want to know more? Visit Video Game Console For Sale for more information

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Can you manage stress?

Are you one of those people that found themselves suffering from constant stress and do not know how to break through? I certainly know how you are feeling as I have been there previously suffering from all kind of problems related to stress. However what I found is that there are some tips that exist in order to deal with these effects. In this article I will be providing some small tips in order to share with you my experience when it comes to managing stress.

First of all I will suggest that you make some changes in your lifestyle if you are undergoing some stressful situation in your life. For instance having a balanced diet with plenty of exercises can certainly help to limit the negative effects of stress upon our body. Also it is advised that you stop smoking and decrease or even stop your consumption of alcohol.

There are also some unconventional treatments that may be useful in coping with stress. For example treatment such as aromatherapy can be actually helpful in dealing with problem related to stress. In truth essential oils can have some comforting effect. You can as well try some massage techniques so as to assist you. This French article on therapeutic massage ( ) and stress symptoms has genuinely grabbed my interest and should be worth taking a look.

If you constantly suffer from stress you might also learn how to manage your life better. For instance make sure that you get all your things done in time to make sure that you do not get unnecessary stress upon your shoulders. You might also try to surround yourself with some friends and relatives that are understandable and with whom you can share your problems. This should put you in a better position to resist stress.

Stress has become quite a popular problem during the recent times as people fail to cope with the increasing speed of our society. This is causing both physical and mental problems for a lot of people. Fortunately there are some simple ways that exist in order to help you deal with stress. I hope that the small tips given in this article has been helpful for you to learn more on stress management.
About The Author:

Written by Jeanette Pinorbe for the French site where you can have more information on oriental massage (massages relaxants ) and stress relief.

Communicate your stress

If you are having a problem with stress, you may wander what you can do about it. You are not sure how to make it go away and how to feel relaxed again. If you are having these problems and need to find a way to help the situation, you should take the time to communicate with others so that you can find your way again.

You need to communicate with people that you trust about your stress. If you are having a problem at work, you need to talk it over with your boss or supervisor. You should never go to other employees and tell them the problem. It is very possible that they would spread your concerns to others and this can cause a problem in some instances.

If you are having trouble at work, you may want to ask for some time off.

When stress is building up and you can no longer take it, you may need a few days to regroup and get yourself back on track. You cannot stay in a situation that is making your life miserable. If the few days off do not help, you may want to make a career change instead.

If the problem with stress is coming from a relationship in your life, you need to talk it over with the person. If there is a family member that is making life hard for you, you should confront the problem and talk it over with them. There is no better way to get rid of stress then to communicate it out with someone else.

Stress in the love life can be hard. You may find yourself in a rut and not sure how to get out of it. When this happens, you need to find a way to make it clear to the other person what your stress is coming from. Talk to them and try to figure out a way together how to deal with it. If it is the other person making life hard, you may want to consider distancing yourself from them temporary or permanently so that you can rid your life of unwanted and unneeded stress.

When you are getting your feelings of emotion out in the open, you will have a better chance of relieving your body and mind of all the problems that you are having. Do not be afraid to communicate and talk about stress in your life. You may find that you are going to feel a lot better and your stress may start to disappear.
About The Author:

Deon Melchior is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit -