By: Dimi Petrova
Stress is a natural response to any stimuli that affects our normal state of mind. While some amount of stress is normal, even beneficial, extreme or prolonged stress can be the root of many physical and emotional conditions including anxiety, depression, elevated blood pressure and eating or sleeping disorders.
Perhaps the best definition of stress comes from this unknown philosopher who once said Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet.
And while that definition might be stretching it a bit for some, for many people it comes close to the truth, according to Alix Needham B.ED Adv Dip E Hyp NLP, who is credited with pioneering the concept of Lifestyle Management over 15 years ago.
Alix, specialist advisor on stress to the NCH, has spent an enormous amount of time studying the causes of stress and the effect that stress has on our lives. Her clients include people from all walks of life who are struggling under the physical and emotional burdens of living a stressful life.
Different situations can trigger stress in different people, and not everyone experiences the same symptoms. What makes stress even more difficult to diagnose is the fact that it shares the symptoms of many other disorders and diseases. Thats why it is important to seek medical advice first if you are experiencing any of the following physical symptoms either alone or in tandem with others:
* Trouble Sleeping
* Chronic Pain in the Back, Shoulder Or Neck
* Frequent Tension Or Migraine Headaches
* Frequent Upset Or Acid Stomach
* Heartburn, Gas, or Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
* Unexplained Cramps
* Frequent Constipation or Diarrhea
* Unexplained Weight Gain Or Loss
* Eating Disorders
* Unexplained Hair Loss
* Excessive Muscle Tension
* Unexplained Fatigue
* High Blood Pressure
* Irregular Heartbeat
* Chronic Asthma
* Frequent Shortness of Breath
* Mild or Severe Chest Pain
* Unexplained Sweaty Palms Or Hands
* Chronic Cold Hands Or Feet
* Excessive Skin Problems
* Tooth or Jaw Pain
Stress can also create a number of emotional responses including:
* Nervousness, Anxiety, Panic
* Depression or Moodiness
* Butterflies in the Stomach
* Irritability, Frustration, Unexplained Anger
* Memory Problems and Lack Of Concentration
* Difficulty Thinking Clearly
* Feeling of Being Out Of Control
* Phobias
* Overreaction to Common Situations
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, and your doctor has ruled out any medical conditions, theres a good chance that youre suffering from stress.
Stress is a common reaction to lifes problems, and an occasional bout of short-lived stress is usually nothing to be concerned about according to Alix. Everyone suffers through stressful situations throughout life. The important issue is that youre able to distinguish between temporary stress that is related to a specific occurrence or event in your life, and chronic stress which does not go away all by itself.
Chronic stress almost always leads to health-related problems as well as creating the opportunity to spiral down into depression. Stress also impacts relationships with family, friends and co-workers. Left unresolved, stress can lead to heart attack or stroke and can even result in suicide in extreme cases. More typically, many medical conditions can be brought on by stress as it has a tendency to repress our immune system leaving us more susceptible to common colds, flu and other infections.
Alix advises anyone who believes that they are suffering from stress to seek help at once. She believes that the average person can learn how to control their stress without resorting to prescription medicine or psychiatric treatment. In fact, she has a list of stress-controlling solutions on her web site that she recommends that all of her clients work thorough before thinking about scheduling an appointment to visit with her for more in-depth stress treatment.
Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com
About the Author:
Hypnotherapy London, Lifestyle Management, counselling and life coaching from Alix Needham. She runs a successful practice in Central London using her unique skills and expertise to help people improve their relationships and lead more fulfilling lives. Her hands on approach has given her a prominent media profile on TV, radio, and in the national press.
Hypnotherapy London, Lifestyle Management, counselling and life coaching from Alix Needham. She runs a successful practice in Central London using her unique skills and expertise to help people improve their relationships and lead more fulfilling lives. Her hands on approach has given her a prominent media profile on TV, radio, and in the national press.
Thanks for the great post Dimi, sometimes we forget about how much effort we put into our internet businesses. I'm ready for a break myself and looking forward to winding down a little for the Christmas holidays. Thanks for the great posts.