Stress is thought to be a major factor behind many lost hours of productivity in many societies. If left unchecked stress can lead to a number of ailments and illnesses. These can range from being overly susceptible to the common flu and colds to more serious things like high blood pressure and heart disease. But what exactly is stress ? And are there different types of stress ? This article will answer these questions and help you to identify the type of stress you may be experiencing.
The feeling of anxiety or pressure that we experience from time to time or all the time for some people tends to be termed stress however this is too broad a definition. This can often lead to confusion as some stress is good for the person and some is not. When it is all called the same term then it is difficult to understand how stressful situations can be constructive at times. Stress is actually broken down into four distinct types. These are known as eustress, distress, hyperstress and hypostress.
Eustress is defined as a healthy type of stress. To this extent it is an experience or event that motivates us. It is seen as healthy not for the physiological changes that it causes in the body (which will be the same as all forms of stress) but for the energy it gives a person to strive for better things. A perfect example of this is often a stage actor being asked if they stop getting nervous about going on stage. Most actors will claim that they are always nervous and if they stopped being nervous they would give up acting. The nervousness or stress (Eustress) is actually heightening their senses and giving them an energy that they use to give a good performance. Without it they wouldn't be able to perform. Eustress is fine, and is generally defined by the finite nature of the stressful event and the person experiencing the stress having a way to address the stress.
Distress can be termed the bad stress and can lead to many illnesses and diseases. It is caused by a change in one’s routine, like loosing a job, a sudden bill that needs to be paid, or a big move to a new town. Whilst it is acceptable in acute instances where the stress eventually recedes it becomes a problem when it is chronic and there is no end in sight for it. Chronic stress is most debilitating because it change change the homeostasis of the body which leads to parts of the body malfunctioning and breaking down. Chronic stress is also defined as something that the person can't deal with. This means ending the source of the stress or having an outlet to relieve the stress created.
Hyperstress ocurs when a person is pushed beyond their limit. This can happen in a stressful job where one is working long hours or even something as simple as having a baby with colic. This type of stress can cause mood swings, crying jags, and burnout.
Hypostress is a type of stress that rarely gets a mention This stress happens when someone is bored or unchallenged, like a worker on an assembly line. The symptoms of hypostress are restlessness, loss in creativity, and possibly depression.
Chronic stress is the worst type of stress you can face. This is because it is unremitting and will eventually cause the body to break down. The key to reducing chronic stress is to deal with the source of the stress or to have an outlet that allows you to relax or calm down. These two strategies are easy to implement provided the person acknowledges that they are under stress. This is often the hardest part of the problem.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/how-to-identify-different-types-of-stress-295712.html About the Author:
If you would like to learn 5 ways to reduce stress then visit http://www.stressmanagementreview.com . Adrian writes on issues related to stress including work related stress and herbal remedies for stress and anxiety.
Everyone in life must be going through stress. It takes a toll in our body. Stress are of different types depends upon person to person and types of tensions, situations like internal stress, acute stress, hypostress. There is also good stress means stress which wont harm you like excitement during occasions, festivals, weddings etc.