By Mary Candler
We all have anxious moments that plague our lives and definitely know what anxiety feels like. Even an exam or an interview makes our heart beat faster. Jittery feelings and butterfly stomachs, we've experienced it all. However, if you find worries and fears overtaking your life and preventing you from being at peace, you may be experiencing the first anxiety disorder symptoms. Today, especially with current lifestyles, anxiety disorders or panic attacks are on the increase.
If panic attacks occur due to no particular reason or event and happens frequently then you ought to seek help. An anxiety disorder is a mental illness where a patient suffers from repeated panic attacks. A person becomes an unfortunate victim constant anxiety and starts to worry about having further attacks. People suffering from this condition may experience a range of psychological and physical symptoms. A release of adrenaline, the stress hormone, occurs when a person experience a panic attack. Anxiety disorder symptoms vary from person to person and depend on a number of factors.
Some of the symptoms include rapid heartbeats, tightness, or pain in the chest, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, fatigue, shivering or shaking, the fear of going 'mad', and the inability to control actions. This disorder is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. As the severity of attacks increases, a person becomes more withdrawn from society and in fulfilling his or her obligations. This is why individuals need to look out for early warning signs that could be anxiety disorder symptoms.
Attacks may last only a few minutes but the disorder has far reaching effects. The memory of each attack remains firmly in the mind of the victim thereby slowly destroying their confidence.
One of the best ways to diagnose anxiety disorder symptoms is to be aware of the fact that there are two traits that victims exhibit. The first one is that they keep fretting and worrying about the future attacks and when the next attack may occur. This then leads to victims avoiding any situation that they feel are the cause of their attacks. Things can get worse when they start to avoid all places so that they are do not feel embarrassed. This could lead to a victim becoming a recluse and he or she may stop work, shopping, exercise, and similar tasks.
These symptoms must be noted and treatment should be sought immediately. Sweating, trembling, blushing, and the tensing the muscles are some of the common symptoms. Most sufferers will find it difficult to interact in situations where there is a great degree of public attention on them.
Some of the noticeable physical signs of anxiety disorder symptoms include difficulty in getting out of bed, avoiding crowded places, and the constant shaking of hands when nervous. Victims tend to be fidgety, and neglect themselves. One other distinctive anxiety disorder symptom is the compulsion to repeat the same action repeatedly. These symptoms should not be overlooked and treatment in consultation with a therapist should be sought immediately.
We all have anxious moments that plague our lives and definitely know what anxiety feels like. Even an exam or an interview makes our heart beat faster. Jittery feelings and butterfly stomachs, we've experienced it all. However, if you find worries and fears overtaking your life and preventing you from being at peace, you may be experiencing the first anxiety disorder symptoms. Today, especially with current lifestyles, anxiety disorders or panic attacks are on the increase.
If panic attacks occur due to no particular reason or event and happens frequently then you ought to seek help. An anxiety disorder is a mental illness where a patient suffers from repeated panic attacks. A person becomes an unfortunate victim constant anxiety and starts to worry about having further attacks. People suffering from this condition may experience a range of psychological and physical symptoms. A release of adrenaline, the stress hormone, occurs when a person experience a panic attack. Anxiety disorder symptoms vary from person to person and depend on a number of factors.
Some of the symptoms include rapid heartbeats, tightness, or pain in the chest, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, fatigue, shivering or shaking, the fear of going 'mad', and the inability to control actions. This disorder is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. As the severity of attacks increases, a person becomes more withdrawn from society and in fulfilling his or her obligations. This is why individuals need to look out for early warning signs that could be anxiety disorder symptoms.
Attacks may last only a few minutes but the disorder has far reaching effects. The memory of each attack remains firmly in the mind of the victim thereby slowly destroying their confidence.
One of the best ways to diagnose anxiety disorder symptoms is to be aware of the fact that there are two traits that victims exhibit. The first one is that they keep fretting and worrying about the future attacks and when the next attack may occur. This then leads to victims avoiding any situation that they feel are the cause of their attacks. Things can get worse when they start to avoid all places so that they are do not feel embarrassed. This could lead to a victim becoming a recluse and he or she may stop work, shopping, exercise, and similar tasks.
These symptoms must be noted and treatment should be sought immediately. Sweating, trembling, blushing, and the tensing the muscles are some of the common symptoms. Most sufferers will find it difficult to interact in situations where there is a great degree of public attention on them.
Some of the noticeable physical signs of anxiety disorder symptoms include difficulty in getting out of bed, avoiding crowded places, and the constant shaking of hands when nervous. Victims tend to be fidgety, and neglect themselves. One other distinctive anxiety disorder symptom is the compulsion to repeat the same action repeatedly. These symptoms should not be overlooked and treatment in consultation with a therapist should be sought immediately.
Anxiety disorder symptoms vary from person to person and according to severity of the condition. Whatever the case, it's beneficial to know they are so the sufferer can help to diagnose themselves and be aware of the circumstances causing their anxious discomfort.
For more about anxiety disorders and their treatment visit HealPanicAndStress.
For more about anxiety disorders and their treatment visit HealPanicAndStress.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Candler
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