By: Dee Brady
Want to revolutionize how you feel? Want to achieve it instantly? Try this - stand up and complete five star jumps, smile and shout "I feel fantastic" five times. You might plan to try this in the comfort of your own home sooner than in the middle of a hectic workplace. Okay you might feel a little daft but you will feel changed. You'll have smiled and moved, you've told your mind and your body "this is new". Your mind and body are inextricably linked. If you alter whatever you are doing with your body (your physiology) - how you breathe, how you stand, how you speak and hold yourself - it affects your mind and will revolutionize how you feel.
Picture this person, they amble slowly, they have drooping shoulders, they look glum, their eyes look down to the floor. What do you see? Somebody that is depressed. No one decides to be depressed but it's not simply a mental state, as we've seen it's also a certain body image (or a certain body physiology). By carrying on like this they are automatically continuing to come to the decision to be depressed.
So can we alter? You bet, you can revolutionize your physiology and your state of mind in an moment. Put yourself in a place of ultimate self confidence. Imagine what a completely self confident person would look like and emulate them. Stand up tall, shoulders back, looking out at everybody, making eye contact, smiling, breathing deeply. Walk like you imagine a self-confident person would, not sloping along but bounding along, head held up, shoulders back, on a mission you are headed somewhere not simply wasting time. Try it. You can't feel fed up or depressed with this posture. Your mind is linked to your body and it's getting the message that you are in a state of awareness and you mean business. You are instructing your body that you want to be self-confident and that you are self-confident. By transforming your body (your physiology) you are instructing your mind that you are self-confident and that you are in control of your feelings.
Make the space to invest in yourself not in monetary ways but invest in your feelings. Start feeling the way you desire to feel. Imagine you are about to secure the job of your dreams, how would you feel, how would you hold yourself? Now "bottle" that feeling and your physiology. You can call on that anytime you feel like. You can move on to a attitude of ultimate self confidence by changing your physiology - open the "bottle" and recreate the physiology and the feelings Remember all human behaviour is product of the state we are in so if we are feeling self-confident and strong we can attempt things we would have never have dreamt likely while we were feeling fed up and stale.
"Put your future in good hands - your own" Author Unknown.
Make feeling self-confident part of your every day routine. Whenever you think about it come to the decision to behave self-confidently so it becomes a custom. Make certain you stand up tall, look others in the eyes, while they are speaking to you pay attention and look at them and while you are talking hold good eye contact with them. Even if at the start you are still having to think about being self-confident, you will still communicate the correct signals to inspire people around you. That is the amazing point about self-confident body language. Change your body posture and your thinking and you can develop into the self-confident person you would like to be.
This article was written by Dee Brady the creator of www.secretsocialskills.com where you can find more information on overcoming lack of self confidence.
Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com
About the Author:
Dee Brady is the creator of the site www.secretsocialskills.com where you can find free videos, an ecourse and more articles about these issues.
Dee Brady is the creator of the site www.secretsocialskills.com where you can find free videos, an ecourse and more articles about these issues.
Read more: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Self-Esteem-Building-/850338#ixzz140wyVVbt
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
Great article. I love the comment about making it part of your daily routine, so true, small things everyday make a huge difference over time. It may take time and effort but it does need to be done and the results are well worth the effort!
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