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Monday, August 31, 2009

Tips for Busy Moms On Stress Managment

by: scott morris

Moms are some of the busiest people on the planet. From working a 9-5 job to getting the kids off the school or from attending soccer games to chaperoning a slumber party, a mom's feet never seem to stay still. Some moms are responsible for taking care of their aging parents as well.

With this almost frantic pace, increased stress levels can be a natural result. Stress can impact many areas of life such as work, family, and other relationships. Stress can cause one to experience irritability, impatience, and distractibility. For busy moms, stress management is a necessity. Here are eight tips to assist in living a more stress free life.

1. Determine, no matter what, to create time for self. For some busy moms, maybe it's a soothing bubble bath at the end of the day. For others, it could be a quick trip to the local Nail Salon. The activity really doesn't matter as long as busy moms take some time for themselves.

2. Listen to calm, sooting music on the way to work, while at work, and while going to sleep. Music has a way of calming and soothing the mind body.

3. Practice deep abdominal breathing periodically throughout the day. Breath in deeply through the nose pulling the belly button toward the spine, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly release. Busy moms will be pleasantly surprised at how this simple technique can result in a more relaxed body and mind. This can be done in any environment.

4. Take time to exercise. Exercise helps to increase self-esteem, decrease depression, increase concentration and energy, and gives one a greater sense of control over stress. Hitting the local gym is not always necessary. Taking a 15-minute walk around the neighborhood, taking walks on lunch breaks, taking the steps instead of an elevator, and parking farther away when shopping are examples of how busy moms can squeeze in exercise during the day.

5. Eat Healthy. There are foods that promote calmness and foods that increase stress levels. Busy moms can ask themselves if they are eating too much sugar and caffeine, and if they are getting enough protein. They can also evaluate if they are eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and staying away from refined and processed foods. Healthy eating is very important for any busy mom. Taking a look at diets and making the necessary changes can result in increased optimal health.

6. Call a friend. For any busy mom, it is always important in life to have at least one relationship where they can just vent and know that a listening ear and unconditional acceptance will be given.

7. Practice Thinking Calmly. Everyone has a favorite place that is peaceful, soothing, and calm. When stress levels increase, busy moms can take a mental break and visualize that special place. They can take note of the sights, sounds, and smells. It is important to continue to do this until relaxation is felt. Busy moms will notice that the stress they are experiencing will be less and more manageable.

8. Have a sense of humor. We all are familiar with the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine." This is so true. Be willing to laugh at personal mistakes. Watch a funny movie. Share a joke with a friend. In other words, lighten up. It will make such a difference.

Busy moms can follow the above eight tips for a more stress free life!

About the author:
Scott Morris's personal site On One of the best organizations for fans indian club exercise and vintage club indian http://indianfanclub.comfor more information, you can visit

Exercise Can Help Relieve Stress

by: Shaan Randow
Exercise may not be the most exciting word in your vocabulary, but it sure has a lot of benefits. Participating in daily exercise not only makes us healthier in general, it can diminish the effects of stress on our bodies as well.

How many times have you heard someone proclaim, “The doctor says it’s stress.” ? We occasionally laugh it off, concluding that’s just what doctors say when they don’t know the real answer or diagnosis. But the truth of the matter is that too much stress plays a role in many diseases.

To increase your immune system and decrease your stress levels, try some daily exercise. Movement is the key word here. Bend, stretch, reach, walk. And there’s no need necessarily to buy expensive equipment. You can implement more movement into your daily routine and reap the benefits.

If you’re keen on aerobic exercise, grab a partner and have a blast with one of the basic aerobic videos. Or simply go out for a walk and enjoy spending time together. You’ve heard it dozens of times –walking really is the best overall excise for your health. As long as you have a decent pair of walking shoes, you’re in business!

Also, as you’re going throughout your daily activities, make it a point to walk a little further, bend down and pick something up instead of using some sort of pick up stick or knocking the item toward you with your foot. While you’re sitting, do some simple stretches for your neck and shoulders.

If you enjoy watching television, buy a jogging board. These padded boards make running, jumping or walking in place less stressful on your knees and joints. They’re easy to store and portable. In my opinion, jogging boards are the best piece of exercise equipment you can buy. And they’re far cheaper than bulky treadmills and stationary bikes, too!

By making it a point to move more throughout the day, you boost your body’s immunity and stay healthier in general. There’s no reason to allow stressful situations to take a toll on your health.

About the author:
This article courtesy of

Sunday, August 30, 2009

How to Stop Anxiety Attacks - The Coping Techniques

By Jane Hearne
The key to learning how to stop anxiety attacks is to regulate your stress level. It is the primary idea where you will start the process. Aside from accepting the fact that you do have a problem, this step is as important as reducing the levels of your stress. However, there are techniques in order for you to face this kind of dilemma.
1 - Healthy Diet
There are helpful dietary guidelines that you should follow in order to reduce the incidence of your anxiety attacks. There are beneficial diets as well as ones that you should avoid in order not to trigger anxiety on your part. As long as you know what your diet is made up of, you don't need to deviate yourself from thinking that you are indeed a healthy person after all.
2 - Look for Release Channels
Every person has their methods of release. Other people go to the gym and exercise in order to fight off stress. Others go to the movies and others just go to sleep. If you have other channels of release like a hobby, you can use this to your advantage. The best channel for most people is through writing. A cheap notebook will do. You can write their everyday about your frustrations, your disappointments and you can say anything you like in there. This way you are releasing your stress into a different form.
3 - Keep Communication Lines
The best way for you to learn how to stop anxiety attacks is through talking. It must be with someone you trust other than your physician. It can be your husband or wife, your best friend or a colleague that you really trust. The main thing is that they should be able to understand what is happening to you. It doesn't mean that they should know what to do. Their listening skill is what you need. You don't need to expect that they are more knowledgeable than you do.
In conclusion, how to stop anxiety attacks is really dependent on your willingness to learn and to cope. There is no one who can make it happen for you.
But, if you want to further widen your knowledge about your condition, there are other easy-to-follow ways and detailed guideline on what you need to do in order to stop anxiety attacks and never have to face it back. The more knowledge you obtain, the easier it will be for you to find solutions. Do you want to know further? Click Here!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Is Exercise Making You Feel Worse?

by: Chris Green

You're right, the headline is a very strange one! Exercise
is vital to maintain good health and most of the time, the
benefits of exercise far out-weigh the drawbacks. But if you
suffer from a stressful or a depressive illness, exercise
can actually make you feel worse. But how can this be?

I'm sure you've heard the following statement over and over
again: exercise can help you to beat stress, or alleviate
anxiety or boost a depressed mind. This is only true in
part. Because many exercises can actually worsen these
illnesses. And even if you perform exercises that can help,
these exercises will only help temporarily.

The reason many people believe exercise to be helpful in
combating stressful and depressive illnesses is because when
you exercise vigorously for longer than 20 minutes, your
body floods with endorphins. These chemicals give us a buzz,
and this is why it is widely believed that exercise can cure
stress, depression or anxiety.

If you're suffering a stressful or depressive episode,
you'll know that no matter how regularly you exercise, the
bad feelings return. The only way to beat these illnesses is
to treat the root cause: flawed modes of thinking.
Exercise, though great for our bodies, simply doesn't do
anything to address modes of thinking.

When my anxiety was at it's worst back in 2000, I exercised
4 times a week. For 2 days, I'd perform weight-training
exercises. These exercises are the type of exercise that can
actually make you feel worse because you have time to think
about all of the issues and problems you have in your life
at the time. I'd also warm up and warm down on bike machines
or cross-trainers. Again, you can perform these exercises
easily so you can think about your problems.

For my other workouts, I'd perform instructor-led circuit
training sessions. As you're listening out for instructions
and performing sequences of exercises at a high tempo, you
don't have time to dwell on your troubles and worries. The
problem is that once you stop exercising, you return to the
modes of thinking which lead to stress, depression or

As soon as my workout had finished, I'd perform the flawed
modes of thinking, modes that made me anxious and depressed.
Exercising did very little û if anything û to stop me
performing these flawed thought processes.

Do be aware of what's happening when you exercise. Exercises
that don't require much concentration may have you brooding
over your troubles as you perform them. Jogging, walking,
exercise machines, weight-training are all examples of such
exercises. Instead, try ones that are more intensive or
competitive so your whole concentration is required.
Circuit-training worked for me, so did sports like soccer
and badminton.

The idea is to give yourself a period of time where you're
not thinking about your problems and worries. And of course,
you'll do your body a whole heap of good too!

The point here is to understand that exercise can only
provide temporary relief. The only way to find permanent
relief from your suffering is to understand and address
flawed modes of thinking. And, just as physical exercise
benefits our bodies, mental skills leading to better modes
of thinking will bring enormous benefits to our minds.

The following quote sums it up in a nutshell:

"Thought can make you, thought can break you."
- Swami Sukhabodhanada

Until next time.

About the author:
Looking to beat stress, anxiety or depression QUICKLY?
"Conquering Stress" reveals the powerful, effective
secrets so you can beat these illnesses once and for all
DRUG FREE! Click Here==>

Thursday, August 27, 2009

How Stressed Out Are YOU?

by: Dr. David Thomas

Are you feeling stressed out? Too many things to do, too little time? One more thing added to the To-Do list and you feel like you’ll explode?

Whoa there, no exploding allowed! You can handle it—just listen in.

Listen? To what?

To your self-talk. Not yourself talk, but your SELF-TALK. Listen in to the demands you’re making of your time, but more importantly listen in to how you’re saying them and what you’re saying.

Many of us don’t pay particular attention to what we’re saying to ourselves. We’ve never been taught the importance of how damaging it can be to us nor have we been shown that we can use it to feel much better. You can literally un-stress yourself by using your own self-talk.

Listen in for –need-, -have-to-, -must-, type statements that you make to yourself.

“First I need to drop the kids off, then I have-to go to the grocery store, then I need to stop at the bank, then I have-to get home and work on those taxes before having to go back out and pick up the kids.”

You’ve just created a lot of demands on yourself. And yes, in order for your life to continue like you want, you would prefer to do all those things just like that. But you don’t NEED to, HAVE-TO or MUST.

By using demanding statements on yourself, you open up a lot of opportunities to say irrational things to yourself that create stress.

When you use demanding statements, you then create a scenario of “what-if” in your head. And when the “what-if’s” back-up, then watch out stress level!

“What if I don’t get it done, what if I don’t get there in time to get the kids, what if this, what if that.” This is when you really go into stress mode!

Asking such open-ended questions is the origin much of your stress. You often answer with “that would be awful, that would be terrible” which compounds the stressful feelings even more.

Since awful and terrible are labels way beyond bad, (actually labels that are beyond definition) you’ve created a situation in your head that ends up with you saying to yourself “…and I couldn’t stand it if that happened,” or “…I couldn’t stand feeling that way!”

It’s indeed a vicious cycle of thinking that is common to all of us. Fortunately, once you know how, you can think your way out of these situations as quickly as you got in.

So where do you start?

First, flag such have-to, must, need-to statements in your head. Then replace the needs, musts and have-tos with preferences, desires, and wants.

Then when something doesn’t go according to your desires, reduce the awfuls and terribles to simply, bad. Then rest-assure yourself that you can stand it.

What if you don’t make it to the bank? What if you’re late picking up the kids?? Well, it’s not what you wanted, it may indeed even have consequences which may be bad, but in the overall scheme of things it isn’t awful and you CAN stand it.

A great deal of stress is caused from within by this “I-can’t-stand-it-it is.”

Remember: whenever you hear yourself saying “need-to, have-to, got-to, etc” replace it with want-to or would like to. Substitute needs with desires; musts with preferences.

And remind yourself that awful things will not happen if your desires are not met. You may not like the results if things don’t go your way, but you can indeed stand the feelings. It may not be good if things don’t fall into place like you want, but the world will continue to spin and you will be able to handle it.

It takes some practice. Don’t expect it to happen for you like magic. Pay attention to your self-talk, listen for the what-if statements, flag the must and need statements. Dispute them with wants and desires. Do it vigorously. With time it will become second nature, and you’ll notice the lack of stress in your life.

About the author:
Dr. David L. Thomas, LMHC
Dr. Thomas is a mental health counselor and psychotherapist. He has helped literally thousands of people over the past 21 years overcome stress, depression, anxiety, anger, substance abuse, relationship problems, and more. This article is posted at

Stress Management: Find Your Own Relief!

by: Ray Kelly

Would you believe that one of the biggest contributors to your state of health is how stress free your home environment is? Those who live in stressful conditions in home or at work are much more likely to have accidents or become ill when compared to those who consider themselves to be in a non-stressful work or home environment.

Unfortunately, the modern world has created situations in both home and work that are at a higher level of stress than those of past generations. The world today runs at a much faster pace then the world even ten or twenty years ago. And it is speeding up if anything. The demands we make on ourselves are increasing, as are the expectations we have of our relationships and ourselves. Is it any surprise that Heart Attacks are a leading cause of death in the United States? What can be done to fix this?

First consider that you will actually spend more working hours at work than you will at home. Given that consider how stressful your job is and what about it makes it stressful. Once you pinpoint the causes see if you can find a way to reduce the stress level or delegate the responsibility of certain tasks that are particularly troublesome.

Stressful activities are not the only employee problem though. The fact is many feel stress simply because they do not like the job as a whole. If you do not like your job then you owe it to yourself to go about seeking other employment rather than staying at the risk of long-term health problems. Sometimes the simple act of even exploring other opportunities lessens the stress in your life. So even if you only look it is probably more beneficial to you than continuing to endure a job that you do not enjoy.

Second, consider the town or city that you live in. Is this the ideal place for you? Life is too short to live in a where you are unhappy. Yet, we all know many people who complain day in and day out about the place they live and yet they don't do anything about it. Often we make compromises about living preferences to be close to family and these are not bad decisions. The support and foundation that extended family provides is very important for our overall health and well being. However, if that is not a consideration then there is no reason one should not make a move to a happier and healthier environment.

The perfect environment for one person is not necessarily the perfect environment for another though. For some, being beside the ocean is the ultimate in tranquility while for others it is a stressful nightmare because of the hurricane risk. Make a decision that is right for you in terms of where you choose to live.

Third, consider your actual home in terms of the actual physical environment itself and also the emotional environment created by the members living within the home. Ideally both of these should be healing, peaceful and stress free.

It is always easier to fix the physical environment first. Decide to build a sanctuary in your home. A sanctuary is a place you can retreat to that resonates with positive energy. What is needed in that place depends on your own personal taste. Some may want to make it a religious sanctuary or sacred space while for others it may simply be a quiet place in nature. And do not underestimate the effect of plants and landscaping on your own individual health. Healthy plants reflect a healthy life.

Lastly, think about the emotional environment created by those who live in your home. Is it healthy, peaceful and supportive? What underlying conflicts disrupt the harmony in the home? Go about seeing that these are settled for the best interest of all.

Create an environment that you are happy with both in your personal life and in your professional life and you will appreciate the long-term benefits that result.

About the author:
Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry. Sign up for his free 7 Day Weight Loss Course at

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Stress: Guilty As Charged

by: Steve Gillman
How To Defend Yourself

Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed? Do you sometimes feel like you just have too much to think about? Does it make you tired, irritable, or even depressed? What can you do about it?

People rarely go to the doctor to say "I think I have stress," and yet the National Institutes of Health say that 80% of illnesses are caused by stress, directly or indirectly. Hormones, such as adrenalin, are released into your blood when you're stressed. This causes a rise in blood pressure, a faster heart and breathing rate, and faster conversion of glycogen into glucose. These are good things if you need to escape a charging grizzly bear, but when these effects are prolonged, the immune system is depressed, and your body suffers other negative changes.

Common effects of prolonged stress include fatigue, pain in the muscles and joints, headache, mental confusion, depression, anxiety, and irritability. Stress reactions cause your body to use too much energy, which can result in physical and mental weakness.

Managing Stress With Meditation

Years ago at Stanford University, an analysis of 146 meditation studies was done. The conclusion was that meditation not only was beneficial at the time of practice, but that it significantly reduced anxiety as a character trait. The studies focused on transcendental meditation, but it's probable most methods have similar results. (Reported in the Journal of Clinical Psychology 45: 957­974, 1989.)

The bottom line is that stress is a killer, and that meditation really can help you defend yourself. Traditional meditation may have the most beneficial effects, but maybe you're short on time, or uncertain about learning to meditate. In that case, there are two simple techniques you can learn in a few minutes, and start using today.

The first is a breathing meditation. Close your eyes, let the tension drain from your muscles, let go of your thoughts (to the extent possible), and breath deeply through your nose, paying attention to your breath. As thoughts or sensations arise, just acknowledge them and return your attention to your breath as it goes in and out. Do this for five or ten minutes.

To use the second technique, stop whatever you're doing when you feel stressed, and take three deep breaths. Watch yourself until you identify what is bothering you. Are you worried about something? Is there a letter you need to write? Maybe your neck is sore. Note everything you find.

Now deal with these stressors. Write the letter that's on your mind, take an aspirin, put things on tomorrow's list. If the best you can do is recognise there's nothing you can do right now - then do that. With practice, you'll get better at finding what's just below the surface of consciousness, irritating you. After you address these things, close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and you'll feel more relaxed and able to think clearly. Try it now.

About the author:

Steve Gillman has meditated and studied meditation for over twenty years. You can visit his website, and subscribe to The Meditation Newsletter at:

The Main Cause of Insomnia?

by: Wendy Owen

Well in my opinion the main thing that keeps us tossing and turning at night is worrying about not going to sleep.

Sure there might be other reasons for sleeplessness; chronic pain, restless legs syndrome, partner disturbance, too much coffee....

But at the end of the day you're lying there worrying about how you're going to get through the next day if you don't get to sleep *right now!*

Worry and the stress it causes, are by far the main causes of sleeplessness, and the sad part is, the more we worry, the more wide awake we feel. But what can we do about it?

We have to empty our conscious minds of worrying and stressful thoughts (yeah right! Easier said than done!)

Stress and worry can affect your sleep quite dramatically. It can be an isolated stressful incident which keeps you awake for a few nights, or the stress and worry may be chronic. Once they becomes a habit, certain situations will then always cause you to become stressed.

Worry in particular can become a habit and like any habit, is very difficult to break (just ask us smokers, um... ex smokers out there!) But it can be done. You have to train your mind to either let go of a thought, or replace one thought with another.

If you suffer from insomnia, whether you're having trouble going to sleep or staying asleep, stress could be the cause. Your sleeping problems can then cause more stress which in turn makes it even harder to sleep. How can you stop worrying and stop this vicious cycle?

The most important thing is to try and work out what you are telling yourself when you are worrying about something. We talk to ourselves all the time whether we are aware of it or not. What thoughts are going through your mind that are causing your bad feelings?

For example, you may be sitting in a traffic jam thinking, "I'm going to be late for work if this stupid traffic doesn't start moving soon. Then I'll be rushing around all day trying to get everything done! Which means I probably won't have time to buy a proper lunch and I'll have to grab something quick and greasy! Well there goes the diet ........"

Enough! Why torture yourself with this rubbish? Make it a habit to stop these thoughts as soon as they start. How? Just substitute them with better thoughts! Have a list of thoughts that make you feel good and think about them instead! This will reduce stress significantly and with practice, it will get easier and easier.

If you're having trouble doing this, try doing in in two steps. When you catch yourself worrying, say "STOP!" Picture a big red stop sign right in front of you. Concentrate on this until it breaks you train of worrying thoughts.

Then you can start thinking your pleasant thoughts, a movie you enjoyed, a present from your children, whatever makes you happy!

Your mind is extremely powerful - put it to work for you and not against you!

About the author:
Want to know how to have better sleep? Find out how! Sign up for our monthly ezine and score our free book “How to Cure Insomnia and Achieve Healthy Sleep” at: your resource for detailed information on better sleep and curing stress. The author, Wendy Owen, has had a lifetime interest in general and alternative health.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Teenage Stress

by: Trevor Dumbleton

It has often been said that the teenage years are the "best years of your life". However, anyone who says that does not remember what it is like being a teenager. Between school, life, parents, friends, and the fact that all of them want all of your time, there is no way to get away from the petty concerns and strains that can lead to serious stress. However, nobody seems willing to give up any of the time they demand from you, so you find yourself torn in a thousand different directions with nowhere to turn to for help. Fortunately, you do not need to deal with stress all on your own. Rather, you can find plenty of help, just as long as you look for it. Unfortunately, teenagers rarely look for help and many of the assets available to them are simply ignored. Thus, your teen stress keeps getting worse.

The first place to look for relief from teen stress is at school. There is a certain class of people who desperately want to help teens get through their problems and find solutions, but they usually sit in their offices waiting in vain for someone to talk to them. These people are guidance counselors and they are there to help you. However, it is very rare for someone to avail themselves of this prime opportunity for assistance, so actually sitting down with somebody is a treat for them and they will do all they can to help. True, most people think that guidance counselors are really just lost souls who can't seem to get out of school, but that is not the case. Guidance counselors decided on their career because they want to help others. Which means that they want to help you.

As well, you can get help for teen stress through your teachers. True, most of the help you get will probably be for your work in the classroom but, strange as it may seem, teachers are actually human beings. They want to connect with their students so that, when you go to see them, they will be happy to help you. If you go to them in order to get help with your schoolwork, they will happily give you assistance. They can help you through any issues or difficulties that you may be having and you will can learn more from them after class than you will during class. Such one-on-one sessions can help them narrow down issues in a way that they cannot while they are lecturing to a room full of students.

Additionally, once you sit down with your teachers, you may actually discover that you enjoy talking to them. After all, to repeat a point, they are people. And because they spend so much time in the company of teenagers, they understand teen stress. However, they also understand it from a philosophical perspective that can breathe some fresh air into the problems that you are confronting. Though you may not always enjoy the answers they can provide, they will be worth thinking about and, in the fullness of time, you will probably discover that they provided a very good insight into your problems.

Another excellent source for teen stress is with your parents. This is because of a simple fact that you may not want to accept. This is the simple fact that parents tend to have children who are very similar to them. No, it's really not pleasant to think about, since that means that you may turn out to be like your parents. But, let us put that aside for now.

Your parents were once your age (strange as that may seem) and teens often have to go through very similar problems. Thus, your parents have felt teen stress and they know what it is like. Sure, they may not want to admit that it was anything special, but they will, hopefully, remember that it was not easy at the time. So if you really need to get some sort of advice or help, sit down and talk to your parents. Not only will you get some sort of help, but you will also make their day. After all, how many parents get the chance to really connect with their teenage children?

Teen stress is one of the hardest things to get through, but you can rest assured that it has been done. Billions of people in the world have all had to go through the travails of the teenage years and they have through to the other side. So prepare yourself, get help when you need it, and look for help when you can. By relying on people who have "been there, done that" you can see your way clear to the other side. Then, you can safely look back on your teen stress and say stupid things like, "the teenage years are the best years of your life!"

About the author: for everything to do with stress. Get a free ebook to help with your stress levels:

Record Inflation and Added Life Stress

by: Jessica Deets

You've seen the latest reports. The news says "inflation hit a record high, due to rises in gas prices from the hurricanes." It can be very stressful when we start thinking about the "ripple" effect this may cause in the economy and maybe a rise in prices of all the things we buy.

Keep reading, as I'm going to show you how you can benefit from inflation and reduce your stress.

First of all, don't worry. Althought, it's easier to say than to do. However, it's absolutely vital to your success that you not worry. If you worry excessively, it's not going to change anything in the economy, but it will be harder for you to concentrate on your goals and achieve success.

Studies show that the most devastating stress is psychological and emotional stress. There are many sources of emotional stress: family problems, social obligations, life changes, work problems, making decisions, fears, etc. Worries about inflation will add to those stresses.
Emotional stress has been found to be powerful and debilitating because it takes away the sense of control we have over our own lives. And this feeling of control over our environment and ourself is one of our most basic of human needs. If this need isn’t met, emotional or physical illness can be a result. For example, a number of studies directly link stress and heart disease.
But there is something you can do in the next five minutes to change all of this.

Just take everything in stride and learn to laugh "no matter what happens." Read a humorous book, watch a funny show, do something that is entertaining. Don't let social pressures get to you. Even say to yourself, "ok, what's the worse thing that can happen if I have to pay more for everything?"

Well... the answer is that you may have to pay more for a little while... maybe you'll even have to do without a few things. History has shown that when this happens, people find a way to make more money too.

Imagine with the amount of money you make right now, what if your house payment was only $150 per month, your food costs were only $100 per month and insurance was only $50 a month. How many things could you buy at those prices? You could buy a lot and still have money left over. Well... thirty years ago, that's what things did cost but people only made $400-$500 per month on a good wage. Inflation happened then... and prices rose.

Thirty years ago could someone make a car payment of $600 per month? It would have been unheard of, but people do that everyday now. Over time, everything worked out ok, as people's income kept up with the rise of prices and even now we have an amazing standard of living the rest of the world envies.

I can assure you that if you believe "that everything will be ok," then it will be ok. It's just our nature that if we think positively, then positive things happen.

Not only that, here's another consideration. I believe the news that says that the inflation was caused by high gas prices. The news also reports that consumers are still driving this economy with all their spending. Experts believe that the economy will keep moving well and there's talk that gas prices will go down somewhat.

So what happens if you get a pay raise, and then prices go down a little afterward? That's just as likely as anything else to happen (and that's the kind of problem to have).

My advice to you... don't stress, go have some fun. Exercise, eat right, get enough sleep, read a book, have time just for you, read the scriptures and go to Church, talk with friends, listen to relaxing music... these will go a long ways towards a "stress-free" life. Copyright 2005.

About the author:
Jessica Deets has been researching the internet for over 4 years and finds valuable information to help people. Don't let the news about high inflation stress you out. The website at www.selfhelpstress.comhas information on self-eliminating stress.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Break a Sweat to Break Your Stress

by: Louise Hathway

Are you swamped at work? Do you always feel one step behind trying to catch up on all the chores on your "to-do" list each day? Do you toss and turn in bed at night thinking about all the things you should have accomplished that day, but didn't? All of us have experienced a hectic set of circumstances in our lives at one point or another. Maybe you experience stress every day of your life. This stress can lead to sickness, depression, and make you feel overwhelmed. Therefore, how can you combat this nagging daily stress? One answer is exercise.

Stress comes in both physical and mental forms. The severity of stress placed upon your body depends on your job, family, and life obligations. Exercise will benefit nearly everyone from a mother of five to a single on-the-go professional. You can find a form of exercise to suit your needs whether you have just ten minutes of free time a day or can hit the gym regularly. Exercise has the potential to be a highly effective stress reducer. Following are common questions, excuses, and solutions regarding exercise in our daily lives.

How does exercise affect the body? Won't it make me feel tired? On the contrary, exercise has been shown to increase "endorphins". Endorphins are the "feel good" chemicals that are linked to an elevation in mood. This endorphin kick can be akin to eating a chocolate bar. Chocolate has caffeine and hits the pleasure center in our brain. Exercise is similar in that blood pumps faster in our bodies increasing the oxygen supply to our brain. This endorphin rush is why many exercisers become addicted to exercise.

Exercise has long been an antidote to stress. Exercise takes your mind away from the stresses of daily life while you run, lift weights, or engage in any activity that raises your heart rate. An added benefit to exercise is that it will help you sleep better at night. For many people stress wreaks havoc on their lives by causing insomnia. Make sure, however, that you don't exercise too close to bed time. The rise in activity and heart rate that exercise brings should be completed at least three hours before bed time. Each person reacts differently to exercise so test out different exercise times and see which time works best for you.

How am I supposed to find time to exercise when my day is already filled to the brim with chores, kids, work, etc.? Before you brush off exercise time, take a closer examination of your day. Do you have down time? Do you spend time watching television? Many people watch television during the course of the day. This television time could be exercise time instead. Record your favorite TV shows and watch them later after you have exercised. Time exists for exercise; it is just a matter of making time and placing value on your exercise program and overall health.

What type of exercise should I do to relieve stress? I don't want to be a gym rat and purchase an expensive health club membership. Good news. You don't need to sign an expensive gym contract to get your exercise in for the day. You can exercise from the comfort of your own living room or head outside and enjoy the fresh air.

For example, break a sweat with exercise videos/DVDs. There are a bevy of exercise videos/DVDs available for home use that range for calming Yoga to boot camp kick boxing. Some videos/DVDs come with extras such as free weights, aerobic steps, exercise balls, and strengthening bands. It is like you have a personal mini-gym all to yourself. You can create your own exercise video library and rotate the different workouts to keep your exercise program varied and interesting.

Strap on your walking shoes and head outside to enjoy the sights of your neighborhood. Walking is a low impact form of exercise. It is fun to walk with your spouse, children, and friends. Many neighborhoods have jumped on the walking bandwagon by starting walking clubs. They meet twice a week in the morning for an hour long walk. It is a great way to get to know your neighbors and exercising with a partner will help you to keep on track. This accountability is a great defense against skipping your workout.

Many people want to get away from the stress of others. They want to walk and exercise by themselves. If this applies to you then you can listen to a tape or CD on your walk. It is a great way to catch up on books you have been meaning to read by listen to the audio version. Or you can listen to soothing music. Either way you can reduce stress from your daily life by placing your focus on other things besides all the errands you need to get done that day.

Reduce your stress with exercise. It is a natural way to energize your body and calm your mind. Make exercise an integral part of your daily living. You will be glad you did as you enjoy each day, stress free.

About the author:
Louise Hathway provides effective relaxation techniques to reduce stress in your life. Learn the 5 essential keys to stress reduction. To receive your free 5-part mini-course visit

by: Dr. John Rumberger

Introducing Stress Management
There are very many proven skills that we can use to manage stress. These help us to remain calm and effective in high pressure situations, and help us avoid the problems of long term stress.

These skills fall into three main groups:
Action-oriented skills: In which we seek to confront the problem causing the stress, often changing the environment or the situation;
Emotional-oriented skills: In which we do not have the power to change the situation, but we can manage stress by changing our interpretation of the situation and the way we feel about it;
Acceptance-oriented skills: Where something has happened over which we have no power and no emotional control, and where our focus must be on surviving the stress.
In the rest of this section, we look at some important techniques in each of these three groups.

Become aware of your stressors and your emotional and physical reactions.
Notice your distress. Do not ignore it. Do not gloss over your problems.
Determine what events distress you.
What are you telling yourself about meaning of these events?
Determine how your body responds to the stress.
Do you become nervous or physically upset? If so, in what specific ways?

Recognize what you can change.
Can you change your stressors by avoiding or eliminating them completely?
Can you reduce their intensity (manage them over a period of time instead of on a daily or weekly basis)?
Can you shorten your exposure to stress (take a break, leave the physical premises)?
Can you devote the time and energy necessary to making a change (goal setting, time management techniques, and delayed gratification strategies may be helpful here)?

Reduce the intensity of your emotional reactions to stress. The stress reaction is triggered by your perception of danger...physical danger and/or emotional danger.
Are you viewing your stressors in exaggerated terms and/or taking a difficult situation and making it a disaster?
Are you expecting to please everyone?
Are you overreacting and viewing things as absolutely critical and urgent?
Do you feel you must always prevail in every situation?
Work at adopting more moderate views; try to see the stress as something you can cope with rather than something that overpowers you. Try to temper your excess emotions. Put the situation in perspective. Do not labor on the negative aspects and the "what if's."

Learn to moderate your physical reactions to stress.
Slow, deep breathing will bring your heart rate and respiration back to normal.
Relaxation techniques can reduce muscle tension.
Electronic biofeedback – my favorite is listening to music – the genre depends on my mood and can range from classical to “oldies” to classic rock and roll. This can help you gain voluntary control over such things as muscle tension, heart rate, and blood pressure.
Medications, when prescribed by a physician, can help in the short term and, if serious, in the long term in moderating your physical reactions. Medications alone of course are not the full answer; but please don’t forget that your doctor is there to help you.
Learning to moderate these reactions on your own is one of the most viable long-term solutions.

Build your physical reserves.
Exercise or some physical activity that you enjoy gets your mind focused, even for short periods, in another direction.
Eat well-balanced, nutritious meals.
Avoid nicotine, excessive caffeine, and other stimulants.
Mix leisure with work. Take breaks and get away when you can. A 5 minute break from the grind and concentration can often allow you to focus. When I was in college and had to spend hours and hours studying, I found that a regiment of working with a clear goal to when I was going to take a break, was very productive. I would make “deals” with myself in terms of doing activities that I did not particularly like by telling myself I could then be allowed to work on something I enjoyed at the end of the drudgery.
Get enough sleep. Be as consistent with your sleep schedule as possible. Try to maximize your sleep: wake ratios.

About the author:
I have dedicated my life to studying the heart and the blood that pumps throughout the human body. I have spent much of the last thirty years doing research and spending valuable time with patients, trying to better understand the heart.

My experience in the field is extensive, and includes achieving my doctorate in 1976 (Bio-Engineering/ Fluid Dynamics/ Applied Mathematics) from The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, with a dissertation on, A Non-Linear Model of Coronary Artery Blood Flow.

I then continued my education into my true love, medicine, when in 1978 I became a M.D. graduating from the School of Medicine at the University of Miami, Florida.

I became an Internist and then a Cardiologist. Since then, I have pioneered how the medical field views the process of blood flow through the heart. From my appointment as professor at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, to Medical Director at the HealthWISE Wellness Diagnostic Center in Ohio I have treated patients with heart problems. Though each patient is unique, the heart in each of us works the same way.

Stop Stress Now: Ten Proven Techniques

by: Art Turner

There's no such thing as a stress-free life. We face challenges every day, and our bodies are designed to react automatically, equipping us to achieve more than we thought possible. But we were also designed to deal with stressful events quickly and then recuperate during a period of rest before facing the next threat. Many of the things that cause us stress today are not easily handled by fighting or fleeing. As a result, our bodies are trapped in a constant state of alert, and it's killing us.

Stress management tips can be found everywhere, but which ones really do the trick? After compiling and comparing the favorite techniques of experts from around the world, a tally of the votes revealed the list that appears below: ten proven techniques guaranteed to stop stress.

10. Improve your diet.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. By increasing your antioxidant intake, you'll also be fueling your immune system. Choose high-fiber carbohydrates like whole grains or sweet potatoes. The slower acting carbohydrates will help you relax without the sugar "crash." Cut down on caffeine and drink more water.

9. Get enough rest.

Our bodies are designed to repair, recharge, and refresh while we sleep. Without enough sleep, our bodies can't keep up with the daily damage of stress. In fact, researchers have discovered that the amount of sleep we get predicts how long we'll live.

8. Put events in perspective.

When you are being stressed by some event or situation, consider its true importance. Is it really a matter of life or death? How important will it be a month from now? Or even tomorrow?

7. Think positively.

Think in terms of solutions, not problems. Evaluate each day by reviewing progress and accomplishments instead of difficulties and setbacks. It probably wasn't really the worst day of your life.

6. Take a time out.

When you've been doing battle for a few hours, it's OK to call time out. Step away from whatever is getting to you. Give yourself a few minutes to take a deep breath, say a prayer, listen to music, or do nothing at all. The few minutes of work you give up will be more than compensated by the fresh perspective you get from your change of focus.

5. Exercise.

Exercise prepares us for the battle with stress. It helps us look and feel better, increases our energy levels, and improves our general mood. Exercise enhances our self-esteem and confidence, and helps us think more clearly. A health club or home gym is not required. Just do something that's fun and gets you moving.

4. Simplify your life.

Not everything in our life needs to be in our life. We all accumulate excess baggage. Simplify by clearing out the physical clutter. Give things you no longer need to people who could use them. Evaluate your everyday tasks and commitments, and delegate what you can. Keeping your life simple may mean saying no to some things so you can concentrate on what's valuable.

3. Do the stuff you hate first.

Try to tackle your most difficult or stressful tasks early in the day. We are most resilient to stress after a good night's sleep. Hitting these tasks early puts the source of our stress behind us. Don't procrastinate and let tasks accumulate. Learn how to break big projects up into manageable bits and get started.

2. Do something that you love.

Find something you love doing, something just for you, and do more of it. At least once a week spend some uninterrupted time doing something that makes you happy. Hike in the forest. Write a poem. Take up a hobby. Time spent doing something you love will refuel your sense of enjoyment and refresh your peace of mind.

1. And finally, the number one stress management technique: Laugh.

There's no other way to say it: laughter really is the best medicine. Studies have confirmed that laughter actually changes our brain chemistry. It reduces the levels of at least four stress hormones. A good belly laugh produces the same cleansing effect as deep breathing exercises. Laughter strengthens our immune system and alters our perception of pain. Develop your sense of humor. Look for the humorous side of every situation. Think of ways to inject more humor into your day. Laugh!

There are numerous ways to manage stress, but there's no one-size-fits-all solution. You need to discover what works best for you. These top ten techniques are a good place to start your quest for a happier, healthier and longer life.

About the author:
Art Turner is a writer, musician, and creator of Relaxation Emporium, where you can learn more about stress, stress management, and relaxation techniques. Visit

The Fuel Of Stress, Anxiety and Depression

by: Chris Green

In the 21st Century, it is predicted that stress and stress related illnesses such as depression and anxiety will become the biggest killers. Despite significant advances in housing, standards of living, quality of food, and medical science, the pressures all of us have to face in today’s world are as demanding as any pressures experienced by our predecessors.

Why are these illnesses on the rise? And why do some people become so ill through these illnesses, they can find it hard to function?

Well they sure don’t happen overnight! You don’t suddenly wake up one morning and feel stressed or depressed. It’s not like flicking on a light switch! And by the same rule, if you’re suffering, you can’t just wake up one morning, flick off the switch and say “Great, I’m better now.”

Many people who don’t suffer from these illnesses often say to sufferers:

“Come on, snap out of it.”

If only it was so easy! Should anyone say this to you, please forgive them as it’s just a lack of understanding. It’s very hard for people to understand how you’re feeling if they haven’t been there.

The fact that these illnesses don’t suddenly happen means we can draw some parallels with illnesses such as heart diseases, some cancers and strokes.

Because these illnesses don’t just suddenly happen either.

If we look at heart disease, it’s often the result of damaging behaviors practised over many years. Behaviors such as smoking, lack of exercise and a diet high in saturated fat. Strokes are a result of similar behaviors and cancers too, particularly heavy smoking and drinking as you know.

So how do stressful illnesses such as stress, depression and anxiety compare?

Stress is also the product of harmful mental habits and behaviors. These habits and behaviors are developed and practised over years – since childhood in most cases. These are the mental processes that enable us to make sense of our lives and the circumstances we’re faced with. When we reach adulthood, we perform them automatically because we’ve learned these behaviors by repetition.

Think of it like learning to drive a car. Initially, the skills required to control the vehicle needed conscious thought. It seemed really difficult didn’t it? But once we’ve performed them for sufficient periods, we drive on auto-pilot. We’ve mastered the required skills by repetition.

Here’s the key: if we eat healthy food, take regular exercise, cut out harmful behaviors such as smoking and drinking, we improve our health and drastically reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and strokes. We are repeating good habits, habits that will give our physical well being a huge boost.

It’s exactly the same for stress. What’s important to understand is that not everyone becomes stressed or depressed – even when tragic and traumatic circumstances happen to them. Just like people who lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid harmful habits and behaviors, people don’t become stressed or depressed because they have learned effective habits and behaviors that prevent stress from arising.

This is very good news if you suffer from these illnesses. Because just as we can learn habits and behaviors which cause us to become highly-stressed, depressed or anxious, we can learn the habits and behaviors which stop these terrible illnesses in their tracks. And the more often we make use of them, we’ll soon begin to perform them automatically and our mental health will benefit enormously.

No more feeling stressed out. No more feeling unable to cope. No more anxiety and no more depression. EVER.

I’m living proof of this. For 5 years, a series of traumatic events sent me spiralling into an anxiety-induced depression nightmare. I came out of it by learning the natural skills that starve these illnesses. The more I used them, the less anxious I became. They’re now as natural to me as driving a car, and I’ve completely eradicated anxiety and depression from my life.

You can do it too.

About the author:
Chris Green is the author of the new book “Conquering Stress”, a special program which will show you how to conquer stressful illnesses such as depression, anxiety, panic and worry permanently and without taking powerful drugs. You can learn more about this new book and purchase it at

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Conquer Stress and Anxiety Naturally With This Safe and Effective Method

by: Emily Clark

stress, anxiety, natural remedy, rhodiola rosea, herbal remedies, depression, panic attacks, sadness

Rhodiola Rosea is the latest natural remedy to join the arsenal
of natural anxiety and stress reducers.

Rhodiola Rosea, also known as Golden Root, is a native plant of
arctic Siberia. For centuries it has been used by eastern
European and Asian cultures for physical endurance, work
productivity, longevity, resistance to high altitude sickness,
and to treat fatigue, depression, anemia, impotence,
gastrointestinal ailments, infections, and nervous system

The first recorded medicinal applications of rodia riza (renamed
Rhodiola Rosea) was made by the Greek physician, Dioscorides, in
77 C.E. in 'De Materia Medica'. Rhodiola Rosea has been included
in official Russian medicine since 1969.

Despite its long history, the Western world has only recently
become aware of the health benefits of Rhodiola Rosea. It has
come to the attention of many natural health practitioners
because of studies which tested its affects on combating anxiety
and stress.

Rhodiola Rosea is considered an adaptogen. This means it has an
overall stabilizing effect on the body without disrupting other
functions. Its ability to normalize hormones may be effective for
treating depression and anxiety.

Studies of Rhodiola Rosea show that it stimulates
neurotransmitters and enhances their effects on the brain. This
includes the ability for the brain to process serotonin which
helps the body to adapt to stress.

Since adaptogens improve the body's overall ability to handle
stress, it has been studied to identify it's effects on
biological, chemical and physical stress.

A study was performed to test the effects of Rhodiola Rosea when
stress is caused by intense mental work (such as final exams).
Such tests concluded that using Rhodiola Rosea improved the
amount and quality of work, increasing mental clarity and
reducing the effects of fatigue.

The effects of Rhodiola Rosea have also been tested on stress and
anxiety from both physical and emotional sources. A report by the
American Botanical Council states that "Most users find that it
improves their mood, energy level, and mental clarity." They also
report on a study that indicated Rhodiola Rosea could increase
stress tolerance while at the same time protecting the brain and
heart from the physical affects of stress.

This report included details of studies which highlight the
overall health benefits of Rhodiola Rosea.

The generally recommended dose is 200-600mg/day. The active
properties should be a minimum 0.8 percent salidroside and 3
percent rosavin.

It is important for consumers to know that Rhodiola may be sold
using other species that do not share the properties of Rhodiola
Rosea, or at ineffective strengths for treatment. Anyone with
depression or anxiety should also check with a health
professional when treating these symptoms.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

About the author:
Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News
where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on
many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

Managing Stress From Another World

by: Roy Thomsitt

Modern stress is habitual, and is something that the vast majority of Americans and Britons succumb to in their material driven lives. Whether mildly or overwhelmingly, stress will cast its powers across most of us at some stage in our lives, often increasingly as we get sucked into a pattern of working and living that gradually strips us of our individuality.

Stress reduction has therefore become a "necessary" antidote industry. We may console ourselves by saying that our lives are fast paced; that this is what modern living is all about and we must pursue it frenetically; that people in those poor countries which have not adopted the Anglo-American way are just backward and will catch on eventually. But that is not just a consolation; it is both an illusion and a denial, and helps stress reduction in no way at all.

It is an illusion first of all that the average consumer has a fast paced life. A commuter may sit in a train twice a day, to and from their place of work; that train may move at a fast pace, but the commuter does not. They just sit there, their minds going over the same themes as always; last night's tv, tonight's tv, wishing they could have had another hour's sleep or wishing they were already home and tucked up for the night's slumber, or the day's boredom at work behind them or before them. Drowned in tedium and repetition, the vacuum left in their daily lives is gradually filled with stress, as if it had a supporting role in their existence.

A tiring and repetitious daily routine can be a breeding ground for discontent and unhappiness, the real reasons for modern stress. If that routine is full of creativity, and control over one's own actions, then it may not be a source of stress at all, or discontent. If, however, the individual is suppressed, then it can be a very different story. Most people are employees, whose lives are dictated by those above them and with no or little scope to think and do for themselves. They are particularly vulnerable to modern stress.

Caught up in the modern way of life, it is very easy to lose connection with yourself as an individual, for your individuality can be suppressed from all sides. I am sure I am not alone in having experienced that. I had lived the zombie like existence for over 20 years, and despite the fact that I had some very stimulating jobs, I had, almost unknowingly, lost track of life as it should be. Then in 1995, I packed it all in and started my own business, and started the long haul to win back my individuality. But it was 1998 before I started to fully appreciate again what having control over your own life really meant. The 20 plus years were a blur; where had I been all that time?

One of the problems with modern stress is that it becomes a focus, along side the focus on purely material things such as the "need" to have a new car, a new house, the best clothes, the best tv and so on. Modern stress is a consumer product in itself, part of the material razzmatazz, that keeps the consumer in his or her place: a consumer, not a doer or a thinker; someone who plays by the rules and spends and borrows and spends and borrows to relieve themselves of the tedium and chase the shadow of achievement. Not real achievement; just its shadow.

That is not to say, though, that there is no relief from stress in the Anglo-American world. Those who are able to escape back to the real world now and again, and who can exercise sufficient self control regularly enough, will find that stress relatively easy to keep under control.

So how do we get to this other world, where we can manage our stress? There are portals all around you. Anything that will take your mind away from the self focus is a portal into this other world. Spending time with your children, and seeing life through their eyes for a while every day; the joy of discovery and play; but not as a drain upon your resources, and not as a part of your tedium. Spending time appreciating the wonders around you, the joys of nature, the little miracles that are within a short distance of where you stand or sit. Spending time travelling, helping others, seeing the true misery of people who are under the real stress caused by extreme poverty and disease, not the packaged consumer stress that we tend to think of.

This "other world" is a world of perspective. It is a world you used to know, but have somehow lost through lack of time. Yet, there was never any lack of time; that was an illusion too. This "other world" is also a world where you make the choices, consciously, not have them dictated to you by employers or weariness. A few simple choices each day can distract you enough to bring some relief to consumer induced stress. Fill the vacuum with your choices, and stress will not find such an easy way in.

About the author:
This stress reduction article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner and part author of

Combat Stress

by: John Moore

Tips To Ease Tension

We all know what it feels like to get emotionally mangled by the weight of day to day struggles. Our bosses yell at us, our spouses yell at us - it feels like an endless circle where getting ahead at the office can leave us with so little energy for home that home turns into battlefield that leaves us with no energy for work.

Is mere survival all you can ask of a hassle-filled world ? No. Stress, in fact is not only something you can beat, but a force you can turn into an advantage. You don't have to run from it, and you don't need any special stress management. The following tested tips show you how to combat stress - and win.

Work On Your Attitude.

The most important point you can make about stress is that in most cases it's not what's out there that's the problem, its how you react to it. Changing the way you think can change a life of stress and discomfort to a life of challenge and excitement.

Think About Something Else.

Distract yourself - to break the thoughts that are producing your stress, you must think about something else. Anything will do, as long as it breaks the chain of bad thoughts.

Think Positive.

Thinking about a success or a past achievement is excellent when you're feeling uncertain, remind yourself of all the good things you've achieved in the past, and tell yourself that you're going to do the same in the future.

Take A Mental Vacation

Imagine yourself lying in warm sand on a beach in the Bahamas, a cool wind blowing off the ocean, the surf rolling in quietly in the background. It's amazing what this can do to help you relax.

Take Deap Breaths

Belly breathing is what some people call it. It's an old and useful trick for defeating anxiety and nervousness.
The basic idea is act calm, be calm. When your experiencing stress, your pulse races and you start breathing very quickly. Forcing yourself to breathe slowly convinces the body that the stress has gone, whether it has or not.
The correct way to breathe is abdominally - feeling the stomach expand as you inhale, and collapse as you exhale.


A lot of us respond to stress with muscle tension. Ideally, we'd prefer to eliminate the cause of the stress, but stretching the muscles at least reduces the sensation of stress - the muscles relax, and we feel less tense.

Take A Hot Soak

Hot water works by defeating the stress response. When we're tense and anxious, blood flow to our extremities is reduced. Hot water restores circulation, convincing the body it's safe and that it's ok to relax. Cols water must not be used because it has the opposite effect, and will increase tension.
An office alternative might be running hot water over your hands until you feel the tension starting to drain away.


Regular exercise will burn off some of the stress chemicals tension produces, and exercise will tire your musles - a tired muscle is a relaxed muscle.

Listen To Music

Music soothes as perhaps nothing else does. You can use it in two basic ways - to relax or to inspire. New - Age music is very relaxing.

I trust these points will be of benefit to your wellbeing. Thank you for reading my article.
Author John Moore

About the author:
This article was born out of my own problems with stress. I trust you'll find it helpful. You may use this article providing you use my link

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Understanding Your Stress Levels

by: Trevor Dumbleton

In order to understand stress better, it is a good idea to understand that there are different stress levels. These levels vary in the form of stress they take and they can often provide an indication of how to treat the stress. Furthermore, there are tests available that can help people understand their own, particular brand of stress and, with this knowledge, they can also understand themselves better. Then, with this information, a complete stress management method can be constructed. So, when you examine your own stress, keep these stress levels in mind so that you can come to grips with yourself and learn the proper methods for keeping your mind balanced.

These stress levels were found and characterized by Dr. Hans Selye and Dr. Richard Earle of the Canadian Institute of Stress. Thus, the names and types are theirs.

Type 1 - The Speed Freak

This stress level is characterized by an incessant need to be giving 110% at all times. They are often perfectionists, they tend to speak quickly, and they are very impatient. Generally, Speed Freaks have learned that it is necessary to work hard in order to succeed, so they figure that, if they are working hard all the time, they are certain to succeed. This, of course, is not necessarily the case, since running full-bore all the time will only lead to stress over minor issues.

Speed Freaks need to learn how to relax and they need to clarify their goals so that they will work hard on things that really matter, while relaxing while they are working on more mundane tasks. By doing this, they can get up to speed when they need to put in the effort and conserve energy the rest of the time.

Type 2 - The Worry Wart

The Worry Wart stress level is characterized by an inability to stop thoughts, but an equal inability to put thoughts into action. They tend to overanalyze things to the point that they paralyze themselves. Thus, they simply end up spinning their wheels as they get nowhere. True to the name, Worry Warts tend to spend a lot of their time worrying and this only leaves them even more incapable of action.

Worry Warts need to think very specifically about the problems they are facing, write down every possible thing that can go wrong, then think about just how likely these events are. Then, once everything is treated with a philosophical distance, the worry will decrease and the Worry Wart can move on toward their goals.

Type 3 - The Drifter

Drifters are people who keep so many options open that they are incapable of actually developing any skills in depth. Instead of focusing their energies on specific life goals, they end up putting effort into a variety of tasks so that none of them every really get done. Thus, their hours are spent productively, but their hours rarely produce anything concrete. In fact, they create a paradox of complete freedom in which they are trapped by their own inability to use that freedom effectively.

Drifters need to clarity their life goals, focus on things that make them feel worthwhile, and try to build up a life that is open to more than just work. Then, once they have a place to direct their efforts, they can shed all the excess nonsense that they surround themselves with.

Type 4 - The Loner

This stress level is recognizable by the fact that Loners are unable to create meaningful relationships with others. This is due to the fact that they generally work alone, so that do not receive much feedback from others. Thus, rather than building relationships that can help support them, they tend to crawl into a shell and keep other people outside of it. Thus, as they avoid shared experiences with others, they become incapable of finding out what they enjoy and who they enjoy doing it with.

Loners should attempt to clarify their own values, then work to build relationships with people who share those values, which in turn gives Loners a way to move toward their goals. This will give them both a purpose and a support structure that can help them succeed in that purpose.

Type 5 - Basket Cases

This stress level is very dangerous, as Basket Cases are creating their own energy crises. Instead of caring for themselves, they tend to be achy, depressed, and they often decide that activities are simply too much effort. They are often in poor health and their own malaise and depression makes it hard to do anything about it.

Basket Cases need to start eating right in order to start the healing process. Then, after a few weeks, they should start exercising. Then, once they have a little more energy, they need to learn how to conserve energy by taking breaks during work and not overextending themselves.

Type 6 - Cliff Walkers

Cliff Walkers are people who are at risk for destroying their health. They tend to look worn, they often smoke, eat badly, drink too much, and rarely exercise. However, they usually figure that nothing bad will ever really come out of their bad habits, so they cause themselves even more damage. Thus, they tend to have problems maintaining their energy.

The treatment for Cliff Walkers is the same as that for Basket Cases. Eat right, then start an exercise program, then learn to conserve energy so that they are not constantly worn out.

By understanding stress levels, people can not only learn more about themselves, they can also learn how to succeed. Then, once a person's particular type of stress is treated correctly, the very portions of the personality that were once a burden can become a boon. Thus, learning about stress levels can actually help people achieve their goals.

About the author: for everything to do with stress. Get a free ebook to help with your stress levels: