By Gerald Hunt
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. We all experience it when we are faced with situations that make us uncomfortable. Anxiety is a good thing in small doses and may protect us in dangerous situations but it becomes a problem if you feel overwhelming anxiety for extended periods of time and for no particular reason.
Chronic Anxiety can interfere with normal daily activities,relationships and lead to panic attacks and social phobias. The good news is that we can learn to manage our stress and there for reduce our anxiety.
There are many effective techniques to help manage stress and anxiety. These techniques are used to reduce the intensity of the disturbing symptoms that anxiety can cause. Anxiety management techniques are usually part of many psychological treatments.
They may include relaxation training, deep breathing techniques, meditation, and hyperventilation control. These techniques require regular and consistent practice to be of benefit, and are most effective if used a long with some form of cognitive behavioural therapy.
Guided Imagery-is just one of many types of relaxation training. It is closely related to hypnosis and meditation. Guided imagery is a visualization technique and is a clinically proven, psychologist-recommended course of treatment for everything from depression, anxiety, weight-loss, pain, and many other conditions.
The patient is taught to visualize images of a relaxing environment and to focus on positive images and emotions,when practiced regularly and done properly the body,will enter a relaxed state. And drastically reduces the symptoms of anxiety.
Deep breathing exercises-can help to bring more oxygen into the body and are thought to release excess tension in the diaphragm. An example of a deep breathing exercise that is very effective and worth considering is done by inhaling through the nose and slowly counting to five while you inhale. - exhale slowly through your mouth and count down from five while you exhale. Repeat this until your breathing is under control being careful not to hyperventilate.
Meditation-is one of the oldest self help technique that involves both relaxation and cognitive techniques such as some form of breathing exercise and visualization technique. Meditation helps to calm the mind, and the body relaxes naturally as a result. All you need to start using meditation is to choose a quiet place in your home, office,or even outdoors where you can relax without being interrupted.
Hyperventilation is basically the act of overbreathing which raises carbon dioxide levels and lowers oxygen and occurs quite often in people with anxiety and panic attacks. An examples of a commonly used hyperventilation control technique is paper bag breathing which can be dangerous if used improperly or for extended periods of time and should only be used once in a while and not as a permanent treatment for Hyperventilation.
To find more detailed examples of these relaxation techniques and more. Ask your health care provider,search the internet and read the many books that are available on the subject.
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. We all experience it when we are faced with situations that make us uncomfortable. Anxiety is a good thing in small doses and may protect us in dangerous situations but it becomes a problem if you feel overwhelming anxiety for extended periods of time and for no particular reason.
Chronic Anxiety can interfere with normal daily activities,relationships and lead to panic attacks and social phobias. The good news is that we can learn to manage our stress and there for reduce our anxiety.
There are many effective techniques to help manage stress and anxiety. These techniques are used to reduce the intensity of the disturbing symptoms that anxiety can cause. Anxiety management techniques are usually part of many psychological treatments.
They may include relaxation training, deep breathing techniques, meditation, and hyperventilation control. These techniques require regular and consistent practice to be of benefit, and are most effective if used a long with some form of cognitive behavioural therapy.
Guided Imagery-is just one of many types of relaxation training. It is closely related to hypnosis and meditation. Guided imagery is a visualization technique and is a clinically proven, psychologist-recommended course of treatment for everything from depression, anxiety, weight-loss, pain, and many other conditions.
The patient is taught to visualize images of a relaxing environment and to focus on positive images and emotions,when practiced regularly and done properly the body,will enter a relaxed state. And drastically reduces the symptoms of anxiety.
Deep breathing exercises-can help to bring more oxygen into the body and are thought to release excess tension in the diaphragm. An example of a deep breathing exercise that is very effective and worth considering is done by inhaling through the nose and slowly counting to five while you inhale. - exhale slowly through your mouth and count down from five while you exhale. Repeat this until your breathing is under control being careful not to hyperventilate.
Meditation-is one of the oldest self help technique that involves both relaxation and cognitive techniques such as some form of breathing exercise and visualization technique. Meditation helps to calm the mind, and the body relaxes naturally as a result. All you need to start using meditation is to choose a quiet place in your home, office,or even outdoors where you can relax without being interrupted.
Hyperventilation is basically the act of overbreathing which raises carbon dioxide levels and lowers oxygen and occurs quite often in people with anxiety and panic attacks. An examples of a commonly used hyperventilation control technique is paper bag breathing which can be dangerous if used improperly or for extended periods of time and should only be used once in a while and not as a permanent treatment for Hyperventilation.
To find more detailed examples of these relaxation techniques and more. Ask your health care provider,search the internet and read the many books that are available on the subject.
My name is Geald Hunt and I am a long time sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks.They have over the last few years gotten to the point where I have developed a condition called Agoraphobia.I decided to start writing about some of the problems and progress that I have had when dealing with my condition.I hope that everyone finds my articles informative and interesting.
The site I use to express my thoughts on the subject of panic and anxiety attacks is a blog that i started a while ago.
If you are interested in more of what I have to say on the subject please check out my blog at:
The site I use to express my thoughts on the subject of panic and anxiety attacks is a blog that i started a while ago.
If you are interested in more of what I have to say on the subject please check out my blog at:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gerald_Hunt
Very nice post. When I feel stressed out, I prefer going to open space and take a deep breath it feels really wonderful and rejuvenating.