Allergies are abnormal reactions to normally harmless substances. The allergens can be inhaled, swallowed or come into contact with the skin.
Allergens that most frequently cause problems are: pollen, mold, dust, foods, animal dander, insect bites, insect spores, viruses and bacteria.
Normally the human body learns to defend itself though experience. That is by attacking a foreign substance that has invaded and harming the body by producing antibodies. The best know of these antibodies are called histamines. Some times the immune system mistakenly recognizes a foreign to be harmful when it is not. This can lead to the overproduction of histamines specially designed to destroy the specific foreign substance.
If the overproduction of the histamines is large enough the surrounding tissue is also damaged resulting in sneezing, a stuffy head, sniffing, stuffed-up head, read and watery eyes or a skin rash.
A person with Allergies is burdened with an overprotective immune system and is forever on guard against everyday things that don't bother the rest of us. It might be a cute affectionate kitten, a patch of green grass, to a slice of fresh garden tomato.
Some of us can roll in poison ivy and come out without any problems, while others can merely brush up against a few leaves of the stuff and there are scratching for weeks. In most cases,allergies are more annoying that debilitating but to the extreme allergy suffers life can be pure misery or even death.
There are four main types of Allergic Reactions:
Type 1.
Foods, mold, animal dander, pollen, or dust can cause an immediate allergy attack. When your body responds to the invasion, your body releases histamine from the irritated area such as the skin, nasal and bronchial areas.
Type 2.
Allergens combine with healthy cells in the your body and attack the health cells. This is common in upper gastro intestinal tack.
Type 3.
Allergens invade the immune system and can cause injury to cells throughout the body.
T-cells become activated and results in an inflammation of the effected area. An example of this is a rash caused by poison ivy.
We all carry a heavy load of various stress factors that slowly wear out our immune systems, over the years, making us more susceptible to allergy attacks. We are exposed to many more environmental pollutants and industrial toxins that ever before in history.
No mater what type of allergy you are suffering from their is a good chance that you can find relief from it.
Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C
Vitamin E Pantothenic Acid Glucosamine
Antioxidants Allergy Aid Quercitin
Vitamin A is a known antioxidant and can assist the human body in the healing process. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.
Up to one-third of older people can no longer absorb Vitamin B from their food. Vitamin B is needed to form red blood cells and keep nerves healthy.
Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies immune system.
Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.
Vitamin E protects the lung tissue from inhaled pollutants and aids in the functioning of the immune system.
Many find Pantothenic Acid to be very helpful against allergy symptoms. It is another form of nontoxic B vitamins. Pantothenic Acid is critical in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Glucosamine is an anti-inflammatory and may give some relief from allergy symptoms.
Substances called antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells inthe human body.
Allergy Aid supplies 9 beneficial Herb's to help provide temporary relief of respiratory allergies. The natural action of these specific Herb's help to open bronchial tubes and ease breathing.
Quercitin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing allergy symptoms.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.
Source: Free ArticlesAllergens that most frequently cause problems are: pollen, mold, dust, foods, animal dander, insect bites, insect spores, viruses and bacteria.
Normally the human body learns to defend itself though experience. That is by attacking a foreign substance that has invaded and harming the body by producing antibodies. The best know of these antibodies are called histamines. Some times the immune system mistakenly recognizes a foreign to be harmful when it is not. This can lead to the overproduction of histamines specially designed to destroy the specific foreign substance.
If the overproduction of the histamines is large enough the surrounding tissue is also damaged resulting in sneezing, a stuffy head, sniffing, stuffed-up head, read and watery eyes or a skin rash.
A person with Allergies is burdened with an overprotective immune system and is forever on guard against everyday things that don't bother the rest of us. It might be a cute affectionate kitten, a patch of green grass, to a slice of fresh garden tomato.
Some of us can roll in poison ivy and come out without any problems, while others can merely brush up against a few leaves of the stuff and there are scratching for weeks. In most cases,allergies are more annoying that debilitating but to the extreme allergy suffers life can be pure misery or even death.
There are four main types of Allergic Reactions:
Type 1.
Foods, mold, animal dander, pollen, or dust can cause an immediate allergy attack. When your body responds to the invasion, your body releases histamine from the irritated area such as the skin, nasal and bronchial areas.
Type 2.
Allergens combine with healthy cells in the your body and attack the health cells. This is common in upper gastro intestinal tack.
Type 3.
Allergens invade the immune system and can cause injury to cells throughout the body.
T-cells become activated and results in an inflammation of the effected area. An example of this is a rash caused by poison ivy.
We all carry a heavy load of various stress factors that slowly wear out our immune systems, over the years, making us more susceptible to allergy attacks. We are exposed to many more environmental pollutants and industrial toxins that ever before in history.
No mater what type of allergy you are suffering from their is a good chance that you can find relief from it.
Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C
Vitamin E Pantothenic Acid Glucosamine
Antioxidants Allergy Aid Quercitin
Vitamin A is a known antioxidant and can assist the human body in the healing process. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.
Up to one-third of older people can no longer absorb Vitamin B from their food. Vitamin B is needed to form red blood cells and keep nerves healthy.
Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies immune system.
Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.
Vitamin E protects the lung tissue from inhaled pollutants and aids in the functioning of the immune system.
Many find Pantothenic Acid to be very helpful against allergy symptoms. It is another form of nontoxic B vitamins. Pantothenic Acid is critical in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Glucosamine is an anti-inflammatory and may give some relief from allergy symptoms.
Substances called antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells inthe human body.
Allergy Aid supplies 9 beneficial Herb's to help provide temporary relief of respiratory allergies. The natural action of these specific Herb's help to open bronchial tubes and ease breathing.
Quercitin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing allergy symptoms.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.
About the Author:
David F Cowley has created over 50 articles about the relationship between diseases and vitamins. For other Articles on Diseases and Vitamin Needs feel free to visit my Web Site at http://www.dfcinvestment-team.com/
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