Is there a relationship between stress and diabetes? Does stress affect a person with diabetes in a negative way that might contribute to further complications or symptoms?
Researchers have not yet determined if there is an exact connection between stress and the development of complications that arise from diabetes. However, with a little research and some common sense, it is pretty sensible to assume that the less stress that a person has then the healthier that person will be. And this is especially true if you have diabetes.
The good news is that you do not have to wait for scientists to tell you that answer. You can use your own self as a testing ground to determine how stress affects your diabetes. This is probably more important than any other group study that can be had because every individual has different ways of handling stress.
You can start by taking note of stressful situations or any distressing news that you experience. Write down your results and how you relate to these situations. Ask yourself the following questions in order to help determine just how stress is affecting your diabetes:
1. Is there any affect on your blood sugar levels after experiencing a stressful situation? If there is an affect, make note whether your blood sugar levels increased or decreased.
2. Did you notice any difference between shorter, more intense stressful situations, as opposed to longer, more drawn out stressful experiences? Did you experience a negative situation that lasted for days or even weeks? If so, then what difference did it make in your overall energy as well as your blood glucose levels?
3. If you undergo a moment of anger or being upset at somebody, test your blood glucose levels. It's important to also record your blood glucose levels once you have the experience of letting that anger go. Did your levels go back to normal or did they increase? In other words, by resolving a stressful situation with another person, did this cause any improvement in your levels?
4. Does your progress and treatment become sidetracked as a result of the way you try to cope with stress? In other words, do you resort to self gratification in order to make yourself feel better, such as drinking, smoking, or eating too much? And if so, than how did this behavior sidetrack your treatments, if at all?
Sometimes the best offense against diabetes is a good defense. Click here to discover the truth about diabetes.
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