By Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
You need to keep your goals on track by focusing on the facts of the here and now rather than your reactions to the past or your, 'What ifs...regarding the future. By focusing on what you are doing in the present to attain your goals, you can avoid being distracted by the unknown...'What if.'
Remaining objective as you assess your past, present and future is important. Your current circumstances can offer insight into the direction you are creating. It is important that you look at what you are creating now to know what you will experience in the future.
Maintaining an objective outlook will help you to keep your mind on your goals through your incremental successes as well as actions that need to be revised. It is important to monitor your emotions associated with attaining your goals. Pushing through the distractions will help you stay the course to reach your goals.
The phrase, 'Stay the course,' has been attributed to a nautical metaphor of maintaining a constant, unfaltering course, while navigating through the choppy waters. However, every nautical course needs to be adjusted according to prevailing conditions. In charting your course to achieve your goals, you need to focus your attention on getting what you want rather than focusing on the trials and tribulations that might occur, thus, allowing you to stay grounded in what you are doing, and adjusting for prevailing conditions.
When you focus on what you want you will be able to forge ahead instead of getting caught up in self-defeating patterns of behavior, and nothing will throw you off your path. Maintaining an objective outlook, each minute of the process will enable you to keep your sights firmly set on your staying the course toward your goals.
You need to keep your goals on track by focusing on the facts of the here and now rather than your reactions to the past or your, 'What ifs...regarding the future. By focusing on what you are doing in the present to attain your goals, you can avoid being distracted by the unknown...'What if.'
Remaining objective as you assess your past, present and future is important. Your current circumstances can offer insight into the direction you are creating. It is important that you look at what you are creating now to know what you will experience in the future.
Maintaining an objective outlook will help you to keep your mind on your goals through your incremental successes as well as actions that need to be revised. It is important to monitor your emotions associated with attaining your goals. Pushing through the distractions will help you stay the course to reach your goals.
The phrase, 'Stay the course,' has been attributed to a nautical metaphor of maintaining a constant, unfaltering course, while navigating through the choppy waters. However, every nautical course needs to be adjusted according to prevailing conditions. In charting your course to achieve your goals, you need to focus your attention on getting what you want rather than focusing on the trials and tribulations that might occur, thus, allowing you to stay grounded in what you are doing, and adjusting for prevailing conditions.
When you focus on what you want you will be able to forge ahead instead of getting caught up in self-defeating patterns of behavior, and nothing will throw you off your path. Maintaining an objective outlook, each minute of the process will enable you to keep your sights firmly set on your staying the course toward your goals.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing the blocks, fears and limiting beliefs, then, you can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings. http://www.drdorothy.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dorothy_M._Neddermeyer,_PhD
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